
Class: Sprockets::CachedEnvironment

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, Base
Instance Chain:
Inherits: Sprockets::Base
Defined in: lib/sprockets/cached_environment.rb


CachedEnvironment is a special cached version of Environment.

The exception is that all of its file system methods are cached for the instances lifetime. This makes CachedEnvironment much faster. This behavior is ideal in production environments where the file system is immutable.

CachedEnvironment should not be initialized directly. Instead use Environment#cached.

Constant Summary

SourceMapUtils - Included


DigestUtils - Included


PathUtils - Included


Utils - Included


ProcessorUtils - Included


Server - Included


Bower - Included


Class Method Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

  • #config=(config) writeonly private

    Cache is immutable, any methods that try to change the runtime config should bomb.

Base - Inherited


Get persistent cache store.


Set persistent cache store.

Configuration - Included

#config, #config=,

This class maybe mutated and mixed in with custom helpers.


Public: Returns a Digest implementation class.


Deprecated: Assign a Digest implementation class.


Get and set Logger instance.


The Environment#version is a custom value used for manually expiring all asset caches.


Assign an environment version.

Paths - Included


Returns Environment root.


Internal: Change Environment root.

Exporting - Included


Public: Checks if concurrent exporting is allowed.


Public: Enable or disable the concurrently exporting files.

Compressing - Included


Return CSS compressor or nil if none is set.


Assign a compressor to run on text/css assets.


Public: Enable or disable the creation of Gzip files.


Public: Checks if Gzip is enabled.


Return JS compressor or nil if none is set.


Assign a compressor to run on application/javascript assets.


Public: Checks if Gzip is disabled.

Instance Method Summary

Base - Inherited


Preferred find_asset shorthand.


Return an CachedEnvironment.

#compress_from_root, #expand_from_root,

Internal: Compute digest for path.


Find asset by logical path or expanded path.


Find asset by logical path or expanded path.


Alias for Base#cached.


Pretty inspect.

Npm - Included


Internal: Read package.json’s main and style directives.


Internal: Override resolve_alternates to install package.json behavior.

Bower - Included


Internal: Read bower.json’s main directive.


Internal: Override resolve_alternates to install bower.json behavior.

Loader - Included


Public: Load Asset by Asset URI.


Internal: Load asset hash from cache.

#compress_key_from_hash, #expand_key_from_hash,

Internal: Retrieves an asset based on its digest.


Internal: Loads an asset and saves it to cache.


Internal: Resolve set of dependency URIs.


Internal: Save a given asset to the cache.

Resolve - Included


Public: Find Asset URI for given a logical path by searching the environment’s load paths.


Public: Same as resolve() but raises a FileNotFound exception instead of nil if no assets are found.

Server - Included


call implements the Rack 1.x specification which accepts an env Hash and returns a three item tuple with the status code, headers, and body.


Returns a 400 Forbidden response tuple.


Returns a CSS response that hides all elements on the page and displays the exception.


Escape special characters for use inside a CSS content(“…”) string.


Returns a 403 Forbidden response tuple.

#head_request?, #headers,

Returns a JavaScript response that re-throws a Ruby exception in the browser.


Returns a 404 Not Found response tuple.


Returns a 304 Not Modified response tuple.


Returns a 200 OK response tuple.


Gets ETag fingerprint.


Configuration - Included

Paths - Included


Append a path to the paths list.


Clear all paths and start fresh.


Public: Iterate over every file under all load paths.


Returns an Array of path Strings.


Prepend a path to the paths list.

Mime - Included


Internal: Mapping of MIME extension Strings to MIME type Strings.


Internal: Get detecter function for MIME type.


Public: Mapping of MIME type Strings to properties Hash.


Public: Read file on disk with MIME type specific encoding.


Public: Register a new mime type.

Transformers - Included


Internal: Compose multiple transformer steps into a single processor function.


Internal: Expand accept type list to include possible transformed types.


Public: Register a transformer from and to a mime type.


Internal: Register transformer for existing type adding a suffix.


Internal: Resolve target mime type that the source type should be transformed to.


Public: Two level mapping of a source mime type to a target mime type.

#compose_transformer_list, #compute_transformers!

HTTPUtils - Included


Internal: Find the best qvalue match from an Array of available mime type options.


Internal: Find the best qvalue match from an Array of available options.


Internal: Find the all qvalue match from an Array of available mime type options.


Internal: Find all qvalue matches from an Array of available options.


Public: Test mime type against mime range.


Public: Return values from Hash where the key matches the mime type.


Internal: Parse Accept header quality values.

Processing - Included


Bundle Processors are ran on concatenated assets rather than individual files.


Postprocessors are ran after Preprocessors and Engine processors.


Preprocessors are ran before Postprocessors and Engine processors.


Public: Register bundle metadata reducer function.


Registers a new Bundle Processor klass for mime_type.


Registers a pipeline that will be called by call_processor method.


Registers a new Postprocessor klass for mime_type.


Registers a new Preprocessor klass for mime_type.


Remove Bundle Processor klass for mime_type.


Remove Postprocessor klass for mime_type.


Remove Preprocessor klass for mime_type.

#register_config_processor, #unregister_config_processor

ProcessorUtils - Included


Public: Invoke processor.


Public: Invoke list of processors in right to left order.


Public: Compose processors in right to left order.


Internal: Get processor defined cached key.


Internal: Get combined cache keys for set of processors.


Internal: Validate returned result of calling a processor pipeline and raise a friendly user error message.

Exporting - Included


Exporters are ran on the assets:precompile task.


Public: Registers a new Exporter klass for mime_type.


Public: Remove Exporting processor klass for mime_type.

Compressing - Included


Public: Register a new compressor klass at sym for mime_type.

Dependencies - Included


Public: Add environmental dependency inherited by all assets.


Public: Default set of dependency URIs for assets.


Public: Mapping dependency schemes to resolver functions.


Public: Register new dependency URI resolver.


Internal: Resolve dependency URIs.

Utils - Included


Internal: Accumulate asset source to buffer and append a trailing semicolon if necessary.


Internal: Post-order Depth-First search algorithm.


Internal: Post-order Depth-First search algorithm that gathers all paths along the way.


Internal: Check if object can safely be .dup’d.


Internal: Duplicate and store key/value on new frozen hash.


Internal: Duplicate and store key/value on new frozen hash.


Internal: Inject into target module for the duration of the block.


Internal: Check if string has a trailing semicolon.

PathDependencyUtils - Included


Internal: List directory entries and return a set of dependencies that would invalid the cached return result.


Internal: List directory filenames and associated Stats under a directory.


Internal: List directory filenames and associated Stats under an entire directory tree.

URIUtils - Included


Internal: Build Asset URI.


Internal: Build file-digest dependency URI.


Internal: Serialize hash of params into query string.


Internal: Join file: URI component parts into String.


Internal: Join URI component parts into String.


Internal: Parse Asset URI.


Internal: Parse file-digest dependency URI.


Internal: Parse query string into hash of params.


Internal: Parse file: URI into component parts.


Internal: Parse URI into component parts.


Internal: Check if String is a valid Asset URI.

PathDigestUtils - Included


Internal: Compute digest for path.


Internal: Compute digest for a set of paths.


Internal: Compute digest for file stat.

PathUtils - Included


On Windows, ALT_SEPARATOR is \ Delegate to Pathname since the logic gets complex.


Public: Write to a file atomically.


Public: Like File.directory?.


Public: A version of Dir.entries that filters out ‘.` files and ~ swap files.


Public: Like File.file?.


Internal: Match paths in a directory against available extensions.


Internal: Find target basename checking upwards from path.


Public: Joins path to base path.


Internal: Match path extnames against available extensions.


Internal: Get path’s extensions.


Internal: Returns all parents for path.


Internal: Detect root path and base for file in a set of paths.


Public: Check if path is explicitly relative.


Public: Get relative path from start to dest.


Public: Sets pipeline for path.


Internal: Get relative path for root path and subpath.


Public: Like File.stat.


Public: Stat all the files under a directory.


Public: Recursive stat all the files under a directory in alphabetical order.


Public: Recursive stat all the files under a directory.

DigestUtils - Included


Internal: Checks an asset name for a valid digest.


Internal: Detect digest class hash algorithm for digest bytes.


Internal: Generate a hexdigest for a nested JSON serializable object.


Internal: Default digest class.


Internal: Generate a hexdigest for a nested JSON serializable object.


Public: Generate hash for use in the integrity attribute of an asset tag as per the subresource integrity specification.


Public: Generate hash for use in the integrity attribute of an asset tag as per the subresource integrity specification.


Internal: Pack a binary digest to a base64 encoded string.


Internal: Pack a binary digest to a hex encoded string.


Internal: Pack a binary digest to a urlsafe base64 encoded string.


Internal: Unpack a hex encoded digest string into binary bytes.


SourceMapUtils - Included


Public: Search Array of mappings for closest offset.


Public: Combine two separate source map transformations into a single mapping.


Public: Compare two source map offsets.


Public: Concatenate two source maps.


Public: Decompress source map.


Public: Decode VLQ mappings and match up sources and symbol names.


Public: Compress source map.


Public: Encode mappings Hash into a VLQ encoded String.


Public: Transpose source maps into a standard format.


Public: Converts source map to index map.


Public: Decode a VLQ string.


Public: Decode a VLQ string into mapping numbers.


Public: Encode a list of numbers into a compact VLQ string.


Public: Encode a mapping array into a compact VLQ string.

Constructor Details

.new(environment) ⇒ CachedEnvironment

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/cached_environment.rb', line 15

def initialize(environment)

  @cache   = environment.cache
  @stats   = Concurrent::Map.new
  @entries = Concurrent::Map.new
  @uris    = Concurrent::Map.new
  @processor_cache_keys = Concurrent::Map.new
  @resolved_dependencies = Concurrent::Map.new

Instance Attribute Details

#config=(config) (writeonly, private)

Cache is immutable, any methods that try to change the runtime config should bomb.


  • (RuntimeError)
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/cached_environment.rb', line 60

def config=(config)
  raise RuntimeError, "can't modify immutable cached environment"

Instance Method Details

#cached Also known as: #index

No-op return self as cached environment.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/cached_environment.rb', line 27

def cached


Internal: Cache Environment#entries

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/cached_environment.rb', line 33

def entries(path)
  @entries.fetch_or_store(path) { super(path) }


Alias for #cached.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/cached_environment.rb', line 30

alias_method :index, :cached


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/cached_environment.rb', line 43

def load(uri)
  @uris.fetch_or_store(uri) { super(uri) }


Internal: Cache Environment#processor_cache_key

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/cached_environment.rb', line 48

def processor_cache_key(str)
  @processor_cache_keys.fetch_or_store(str) { super(str) }


Internal: Cache Environment#resolve_dependency

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/cached_environment.rb', line 53

def resolve_dependency(str)
  @resolved_dependencies.fetch_or_store(str) { super(str) }


Internal: Cache Environment#stat

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/cached_environment.rb', line 38

def stat(path)
  @stats.fetch_or_store(path) { super(path) }