
Module: Sprockets::Loader

Relationships & Source Files
Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance Descendants
Included In:
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Instance Chain:
Defined in: lib/sprockets/loader.rb


The loader phase takes a asset URI location and returns a constructed Asset object.

Constant Summary

ProcessorUtils - Included


PathUtils - Included


DigestUtils - Included


Utils - Included


Instance Method Summary

Mime - Included


Internal: Mapping of MIME extension Strings to MIME type Strings.


Internal: Get detecter function for MIME type.


Public: Mapping of MIME type Strings to properties Hash.


Public: Read file on disk with MIME type specific encoding.


Public: Register a new mime type.

Processing - Included


Bundle Processors are ran on concatenated assets rather than individual files.


Postprocessors are ran after Preprocessors and Engine processors.


Preprocessors are ran before Postprocessors and Engine processors.


Public: Register bundle metadata reducer function.


Registers a new Bundle Processor klass for mime_type.


Registers a pipeline that will be called by call_processor method.


Registers a new Postprocessor klass for mime_type.


Registers a new Preprocessor klass for mime_type.


Remove Bundle Processor klass for mime_type.


Remove Postprocessor klass for mime_type.


Remove Preprocessor klass for mime_type.

#register_config_processor, #unregister_config_processor

Resolve - Included


Public: Find Asset URI for given a logical path by searching the environment’s load paths.


Public: Same as resolve() but raises a FileNotFound exception instead of nil if no assets are found.

PathDependencyUtils - Included


Internal: List directory entries and return a set of dependencies that would invalid the cached return result.


Internal: List directory filenames and associated Stats under a directory.


Internal: List directory filenames and associated Stats under an entire directory tree.

Transformers - Included


Internal: Compose multiple transformer steps into a single processor function.


Internal: Expand accept type list to include possible transformed types.


Public: Register a transformer from and to a mime type.


Internal: Register transformer for existing type adding a suffix.


Internal: Resolve target mime type that the source type should be transformed to.


Public: Two level mapping of a source mime type to a target mime type.

#compose_transformer_list, #compute_transformers!

HTTPUtils - Included


Internal: Find the best qvalue match from an Array of available mime type options.


Internal: Find the best qvalue match from an Array of available options.


Internal: Find the all qvalue match from an Array of available mime type options.


Internal: Find all qvalue matches from an Array of available options.


Public: Test mime type against mime range.


Public: Return values from Hash where the key matches the mime type.


Internal: Parse Accept header quality values.

Utils - Included


Internal: Accumulate asset source to buffer and append a trailing semicolon if necessary.


Internal: Post-order Depth-First search algorithm.


Internal: Post-order Depth-First search algorithm that gathers all paths along the way.


Internal: Check if object can safely be .dup’d.


Internal: Duplicate and store key/value on new frozen hash.


Internal: Duplicate and store key/value on new frozen hash.


Internal: Inject into target module for the duration of the block.


Internal: Check if string has a trailing semicolon.

DigestUtils - Included


Internal: Checks an asset name for a valid digest.


Internal: Detect digest class hash algorithm for digest bytes.


Internal: Generate a hexdigest for a nested JSON serializable object.


Internal: Default digest class.


Internal: Generate a hexdigest for a nested JSON serializable object.


Public: Generate hash for use in the integrity attribute of an asset tag as per the subresource integrity specification.


Public: Generate hash for use in the integrity attribute of an asset tag as per the subresource integrity specification.


Internal: Pack a binary digest to a base64 encoded string.


Internal: Pack a binary digest to a hex encoded string.


Internal: Pack a binary digest to a urlsafe base64 encoded string.


Internal: Unpack a hex encoded digest string into binary bytes.


PathUtils - Included


On Windows, ALT_SEPARATOR is \ Delegate to Pathname since the logic gets complex.


Public: Write to a file atomically.


Public: Like File.directory?.


Public: A version of Dir.entries that filters out ‘.` files and ~ swap files.


Public: Like File.file?.


Internal: Match paths in a directory against available extensions.


Internal: Find target basename checking upwards from path.


Public: Joins path to base path.


Internal: Match path extnames against available extensions.


Internal: Get path’s extensions.


Internal: Returns all parents for path.


Internal: Detect root path and base for file in a set of paths.


Public: Check if path is explicitly relative.


Public: Get relative path from start to dest.


Public: Sets pipeline for path.


Internal: Get relative path for root path and subpath.


Public: Like File.stat.


Public: Stat all the files under a directory.


Public: Recursive stat all the files under a directory in alphabetical order.


Public: Recursive stat all the files under a directory.

ProcessorUtils - Included


Public: Invoke processor.


Public: Invoke list of processors in right to left order.


Public: Compose processors in right to left order.


Internal: Get processor defined cached key.


Internal: Get combined cache keys for set of processors.


Internal: Validate returned result of calling a processor pipeline and raise a friendly user error message.

URIUtils - Included


Internal: Build Asset URI.


Internal: Build file-digest dependency URI.


Internal: Serialize hash of params into query string.


Internal: Join file: URI component parts into String.


Internal: Join URI component parts into String.


Internal: Parse Asset URI.


Internal: Parse file-digest dependency URI.


Internal: Parse query string into hash of params.


Internal: Parse file: URI into component parts.


Internal: Parse URI into component parts.


Internal: Check if String is a valid Asset URI.

Instance Method Details

#asset_from_cache(key) (private)

Internal: Load asset hash from cache

key - A String containing lookup information for an asset

This method converts all “compressed” paths to absolute paths. Returns a hash of values representing an asset

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/loader.rb', line 111

def asset_from_cache(key)
  asset = cache.get(key, true)
  if asset
    asset[:uri]       = expand_from_root(asset[:uri])
    asset[:load_path] = expand_from_root(asset[:load_path])
    asset[:filename]  = expand_from_root(asset[:filename])
    expand_key_from_hash(asset[:], :included)
    expand_key_from_hash(asset[:], :links)
    expand_key_from_hash(asset[:], :stubbed)
    expand_key_from_hash(asset[:], :required)
    expand_key_from_hash(asset[:], :to_load)
    expand_key_from_hash(asset[:], :to_link)
    expand_key_from_hash(asset[:], :dependencies) { |uri| uri.start_with?("file-digest://") }

    asset[:].each_key do |k|
      next unless k.match?(/_dependencies\z/) # rubocop:disable Performance/EndWith
      expand_key_from_hash(asset[:], k)

#compress_key_from_hash(hash, key) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/loader.rb', line 67

def compress_key_from_hash(hash, key)
  return unless hash.key?(key)
  value = hash[key].dup
  return if !value

  if block_given?
    value.map! do |x|
      if yield x
    value.map! { |x| compress_from_root(x) }
  hash[key] = value

#expand_key_from_hash(hash, key) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/loader.rb', line 87

def expand_key_from_hash(hash, key)
  return unless hash.key?(key)
  value = hash[key].dup
  return if !value
  if block_given?
    value.map! do |x|
      if yield x
    value.map! { |x| expand_from_root(x) }
  hash[key] = value

#fetch_asset_from_dependency_cache(unloaded, limit = 3) (private)

Internal: Retrieves an asset based on its digest

unloaded - An UnloadedAsset limit - An Integer which sets the maximum number of versions of “histories”

stored in the cache

This method attempts to retrieve the last limit number of histories of an asset from the cache a “history” which is an array of unresolved “dependencies” that the asset needs to compile. In this case a dependency can refer to either an asset e.g. index.js may rely on jquery.js (so jquery.js is a dependency), or other factors that may affect compilation, such as the VERSION of ::Sprockets (i.e. the environment) and what “processors” are used.

For example a history array may look something like this

[["environment-version", "environment-paths", "processors:type=text/css&file_type=text/css",

Where the first entry is a Set of dependencies for last generated version of that asset. Multiple versions are stored since ::Sprockets keeps the last limit number of assets generated present in the system.

If a “history” of dependencies is present in the cache, each version of “history” will be yielded to the passed block which is responsible for loading the asset. If found, the existing history will be saved with the dependency that found a valid asset moved to the front.

If no history is present, or if none of the histories could be resolved to a valid asset then, the block is yielded to and expected to return a valid asset. When this happens the dependencies for the returned asset are added to the “history”, and older entries are removed if the “history” is above limit.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/loader.rb', line 325

def fetch_asset_from_dependency_cache(unloaded, limit = 3)
  key = unloaded.dependency_history_key

  history = cache.get(key) || []
  history.each_with_index do |deps, index|
    expanded_deps = deps.map do |path|
      path.start_with?("file-digest://") ? expand_from_root(path) : path
    if asset = yield(expanded_deps)
      cache.set(key, history.rotate!(index)) if index > 0
      return asset

  asset = yield
  deps  = asset[:][:dependencies].dup.map! do |uri|
    uri.start_with?("file-digest://") ? compress_from_root(uri) : uri
  cache.set(key, history.unshift(deps).take(limit))


Public: Load Asset by Asset URI.

uri - A String containing complete URI to a file including schema

and full path such as:

Returns Asset.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/loader.rb', line 31

def load(uri)
  unloaded = UnloadedAsset.new(uri, self)
  if unloaded.params.key?(:id)
    unless asset = asset_from_cache(unloaded.asset_key)
      id = unloaded.params.delete(:id)
      uri_without_id = build_asset_uri(unloaded.filename, unloaded.params)
      asset = load_from_unloaded(UnloadedAsset.new(uri_without_id, self))
      if asset[:id] != id
        @logger.warn "Sprockets load error: Tried to find #{uri}, but latest was id #{asset[:id]}"
    asset = fetch_asset_from_dependency_cache(unloaded) do |paths|
      # When asset is previously generated, its "dependencies" are stored in the cache.
      # The presence of `paths` indicates dependencies were stored.
      # We can check to see if the dependencies have not changed by "resolving" them and
      # generating a digest key from the resolved entries. If this digest key has not
      # changed, the asset will be pulled from cache.
      # If this `paths` is present but the cache returns nothing then `fetch_asset_from_dependency_cache`
      # will confusingly be called again with `paths` set to nil where the asset will be
      # loaded from disk.
      if paths
        digest = DigestUtils.digest(resolve_dependencies(paths))
        if uri_from_cache = cache.get(unloaded.digest_key(digest), true)
          asset_from_cache(UnloadedAsset.new(uri_from_cache, self).asset_key)

#load_from_unloaded(unloaded) (private)

Internal: Loads an asset and saves it to cache

unloaded - An UnloadedAsset

This method is only called when the given unloaded asset could not be successfully pulled from cache.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/loader.rb', line 139

def load_from_unloaded(unloaded)
  unless file?(unloaded.filename)
    raise FileNotFound, "could not find file: #{unloaded.filename}"

  path_to_split =
    if index_alias = unloaded.params[:index_alias]
      expand_from_root index_alias

  load_path, logical_path = paths_split(config[:paths], path_to_split)

  unless load_path
    target = path_to_split
    target += " (index alias of #{unloaded.filename})" if unloaded.params[:index_alias]
    raise FileOutsidePaths, "#{target} is no longer under a load path: #{self.paths.join(', ')}"

  extname, file_type = match_path_extname(logical_path, mime_exts)
  logical_path = logical_path.chomp(extname)
  name = logical_path

  if pipeline = unloaded.params[:pipeline]
    logical_path += ".#{pipeline}"

  if type = unloaded.params[:type]
    extensions = config[:mime_types][type][:extensions]
    extension = extensions.include?(extname) ? extname : extensions.first
    logical_path += extension

  if type != file_type && !config[:transformers][file_type][type]
    raise ConversionError, "could not convert #{file_type.inspect} to #{type.inspect}"

  processors = processors_for(type, file_type, pipeline)

  processors_dep_uri = build_processors_uri(type, file_type, pipeline)
  dependencies = config[:dependencies] + [processors_dep_uri]

  # Read into memory and process if theres a processor pipeline
  if processors.any?
    result = call_processors(processors, {
      environment: self,
      cache: self.cache,
      uri: unloaded.uri,
      filename: unloaded.filename,
      load_path: load_path,
      name: name,
      content_type: type,
      metadata: {
        dependencies: dependencies
    source = result.delete(:data)
     = result
    [:charset] = source.encoding.name.downcase unless .key?(:charset)
    [:digest]  = digest(source)
    [:length]  = source.bytesize
    [:environment_version] = version
    dependencies << build_file_digest_uri(unloaded.filename)
     = {
      digest: file_digest(unloaded.filename),
      length: self.stat(unloaded.filename).size,
      dependencies: dependencies,
      environment_version: version,

  asset = {
    uri: unloaded.uri,
    load_path: load_path,
    filename: unloaded.filename,
    name: name,
    logical_path: logical_path,
    content_type: type,
    source: source,
    metadata: ,
    dependencies_digest: DigestUtils.digest(resolve_dependencies([:dependencies]))

  asset[:id]  = hexdigest(asset)
  asset[:uri] = build_asset_uri(unloaded.filename, unloaded.params.merge(id: asset[:id]))

  store_asset(asset, unloaded)

#resolve_dependencies(uris) (private)

Internal: Resolve set of dependency URIs.

uris - An Array of “dependencies” for example:

["environment-version", "environment-paths", "processors:type=text/css&file_type=text/css",

Returns back array of things that the given uri depends on For example the environment version, if you’re using a different version of sprockets then the dependencies should be different, this is used only for generating cache key for example the “environment-version” may be resolved to “environment-1.0-3.2.0” for version “3.2.0” of sprockets.

Any paths that are returned are converted to relative paths

Returns array of resolved dependencies

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/loader.rb', line 289

def resolve_dependencies(uris)
  uris.map { |uri| resolve_dependency(uri) }

#store_asset(asset, unloaded) (private)

Internal: Save a given asset to the cache

asset - A hash containing values of loaded asset unloaded - The UnloadedAsset used to lookup the asset

This method converts all absolute paths to “compressed” paths which are relative if they’re in the root.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/loader.rb', line 239

def store_asset(asset, unloaded)
  # Save the asset in the cache under the new URI
  cached_asset             = asset.dup
  cached_asset[:uri]       = compress_from_root(asset[:uri])
  cached_asset[:filename]  = compress_from_root(asset[:filename])
  cached_asset[:load_path] = compress_from_root(asset[:load_path])

  if cached_asset[:]
    # Deep dup to avoid modifying `asset`
    cached_asset[:] = cached_asset[:].dup
    compress_key_from_hash(cached_asset[:], :included)
    compress_key_from_hash(cached_asset[:], :links)
    compress_key_from_hash(cached_asset[:], :stubbed)
    compress_key_from_hash(cached_asset[:], :required)
    compress_key_from_hash(cached_asset[:], :to_load)
    compress_key_from_hash(cached_asset[:], :to_link)
    compress_key_from_hash(cached_asset[:], :dependencies) { |uri| uri.start_with?("file-digest://") }

    cached_asset[:].each do |key, value|
      next unless key.match?(/_dependencies\z/) # rubocop:disable Performance/EndWith
      compress_key_from_hash(cached_asset[:], key)

  # Unloaded asset and stored_asset now have a different URI
  stored_asset = UnloadedAsset.new(asset[:uri], self)
  cache.set(stored_asset.asset_key, cached_asset, true)

  # Save the new relative path for the digest key of the unloaded asset
  cache.set(unloaded.digest_key(asset[:dependencies_digest]), stored_asset.compressed_path, true)