
Class: Sprockets::Base

Relationships & Source Files
Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance Descendants
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Instance Chain:
Inherits: Object
Defined in: lib/sprockets/base.rb


Base class for Environment and CachedEnvironment.

Constant Summary

SourceMapUtils - Included


DigestUtils - Included


PathUtils - Included


Utils - Included


ProcessorUtils - Included


Server - Included


Bower - Included


Instance Attribute Summary

Configuration - Included

#config, #config=,

This class maybe mutated and mixed in with custom helpers.


Public: Returns a Digest implementation class.


Deprecated: Assign a Digest implementation class.


Get and set Logger instance.


The Environment#version is a custom value used for manually expiring all asset caches.


Assign an environment version.

Paths - Included


Returns Environment root.


Internal: Change Environment root.

Exporting - Included


Public: Checks if concurrent exporting is allowed.


Public: Enable or disable the concurrently exporting files.

Compressing - Included


Return CSS compressor or nil if none is set.


Assign a compressor to run on text/css assets.


Public: Enable or disable the creation of Gzip files.


Public: Checks if Gzip is enabled.


Return JS compressor or nil if none is set.


Assign a compressor to run on application/javascript assets.


Public: Checks if Gzip is disabled.

Instance Method Summary

Npm - Included


Internal: Read package.json’s main and style directives.


Internal: Override resolve_alternates to install package.json behavior.

Bower - Included


Internal: Read bower.json’s main directive.


Internal: Override resolve_alternates to install bower.json behavior.

Loader - Included


Public: Load Asset by Asset URI.


Internal: Load asset hash from cache.

#compress_key_from_hash, #expand_key_from_hash,

Internal: Retrieves an asset based on its digest.


Internal: Loads an asset and saves it to cache.


Internal: Resolve set of dependency URIs.


Internal: Save a given asset to the cache.

Resolve - Included


Public: Find Asset URI for given a logical path by searching the environment’s load paths.


Public: Same as resolve() but raises a FileNotFound exception instead of nil if no assets are found.

Server - Included


call implements the Rack 1.x specification which accepts an env Hash and returns a three item tuple with the status code, headers, and body.


Returns a 400 Forbidden response tuple.


Returns a CSS response that hides all elements on the page and displays the exception.


Escape special characters for use inside a CSS content(“…”) string.


Returns a 403 Forbidden response tuple.

#head_request?, #headers,

Returns a JavaScript response that re-throws a Ruby exception in the browser.


Returns a 404 Not Found response tuple.


Returns a 304 Not Modified response tuple.


Returns a 200 OK response tuple.


Gets ETag fingerprint.


Configuration - Included

Paths - Included


Append a path to the paths list.


Clear all paths and start fresh.


Public: Iterate over every file under all load paths.


Returns an Array of path Strings.


Prepend a path to the paths list.

Mime - Included


Internal: Mapping of MIME extension Strings to MIME type Strings.


Internal: Get detecter function for MIME type.


Public: Mapping of MIME type Strings to properties Hash.


Public: Read file on disk with MIME type specific encoding.


Public: Register a new mime type.

Transformers - Included


Internal: Compose multiple transformer steps into a single processor function.


Internal: Expand accept type list to include possible transformed types.


Public: Register a transformer from and to a mime type.


Internal: Register transformer for existing type adding a suffix.


Internal: Resolve target mime type that the source type should be transformed to.


Public: Two level mapping of a source mime type to a target mime type.

#compose_transformer_list, #compute_transformers!

HTTPUtils - Included


Internal: Find the best qvalue match from an Array of available mime type options.


Internal: Find the best qvalue match from an Array of available options.


Internal: Find the all qvalue match from an Array of available mime type options.


Internal: Find all qvalue matches from an Array of available options.


Public: Test mime type against mime range.


Public: Return values from Hash where the key matches the mime type.


Internal: Parse Accept header quality values.

Processing - Included


Bundle Processors are ran on concatenated assets rather than individual files.


Postprocessors are ran after Preprocessors and Engine processors.


Preprocessors are ran before Postprocessors and Engine processors.


Public: Register bundle metadata reducer function.


Registers a new Bundle Processor klass for mime_type.


Registers a pipeline that will be called by call_processor method.


Registers a new Postprocessor klass for mime_type.


Registers a new Preprocessor klass for mime_type.


Remove Bundle Processor klass for mime_type.


Remove Postprocessor klass for mime_type.


Remove Preprocessor klass for mime_type.

#register_config_processor, #unregister_config_processor

ProcessorUtils - Included


Public: Invoke processor.


Public: Invoke list of processors in right to left order.


Public: Compose processors in right to left order.


Internal: Get processor defined cached key.


Internal: Get combined cache keys for set of processors.


Internal: Validate returned result of calling a processor pipeline and raise a friendly user error message.

Exporting - Included


Exporters are ran on the assets:precompile task.


Public: Registers a new Exporter klass for mime_type.


Public: Remove Exporting processor klass for mime_type.

Compressing - Included


Public: Register a new compressor klass at sym for mime_type.

Dependencies - Included


Public: Add environmental dependency inherited by all assets.


Public: Default set of dependency URIs for assets.


Public: Mapping dependency schemes to resolver functions.


Public: Register new dependency URI resolver.


Internal: Resolve dependency URIs.

Utils - Included


Internal: Accumulate asset source to buffer and append a trailing semicolon if necessary.


Internal: Post-order Depth-First search algorithm.


Internal: Post-order Depth-First search algorithm that gathers all paths along the way.


Internal: Check if object can safely be .dup’d.


Internal: Duplicate and store key/value on new frozen hash.


Internal: Duplicate and store key/value on new frozen hash.


Internal: Inject into target module for the duration of the block.


Internal: Check if string has a trailing semicolon.

PathDependencyUtils - Included


Internal: List directory entries and return a set of dependencies that would invalid the cached return result.


Internal: List directory filenames and associated Stats under a directory.


Internal: List directory filenames and associated Stats under an entire directory tree.

URIUtils - Included


Internal: Build Asset URI.


Internal: Build file-digest dependency URI.


Internal: Serialize hash of params into query string.


Internal: Join file: URI component parts into String.


Internal: Join URI component parts into String.


Internal: Parse Asset URI.


Internal: Parse file-digest dependency URI.


Internal: Parse query string into hash of params.


Internal: Parse file: URI into component parts.


Internal: Parse URI into component parts.


Internal: Check if String is a valid Asset URI.

PathDigestUtils - Included


Internal: Compute digest for path.


Internal: Compute digest for a set of paths.


Internal: Compute digest for file stat.

PathUtils - Included


On Windows, ALT_SEPARATOR is \ Delegate to Pathname since the logic gets complex.


Public: Write to a file atomically.


Public: Like File.directory?.


Public: A version of Dir.entries that filters out ‘.` files and ~ swap files.


Public: Like File.file?.


Internal: Match paths in a directory against available extensions.


Internal: Find target basename checking upwards from path.


Public: Joins path to base path.


Internal: Match path extnames against available extensions.


Internal: Get path’s extensions.


Internal: Returns all parents for path.


Internal: Detect root path and base for file in a set of paths.


Public: Check if path is explicitly relative.


Public: Get relative path from start to dest.


Public: Sets pipeline for path.


Internal: Get relative path for root path and subpath.


Public: Like File.stat.


Public: Stat all the files under a directory.


Public: Recursive stat all the files under a directory in alphabetical order.


Public: Recursive stat all the files under a directory.

DigestUtils - Included


Internal: Checks an asset name for a valid digest.


Internal: Detect digest class hash algorithm for digest bytes.


Internal: Generate a hexdigest for a nested JSON serializable object.


Internal: Default digest class.


Internal: Generate a hexdigest for a nested JSON serializable object.


Public: Generate hash for use in the integrity attribute of an asset tag as per the subresource integrity specification.


Public: Generate hash for use in the integrity attribute of an asset tag as per the subresource integrity specification.


Internal: Pack a binary digest to a base64 encoded string.


Internal: Pack a binary digest to a hex encoded string.


Internal: Pack a binary digest to a urlsafe base64 encoded string.


Internal: Unpack a hex encoded digest string into binary bytes.


SourceMapUtils - Included


Public: Search Array of mappings for closest offset.


Public: Combine two separate source map transformations into a single mapping.


Public: Compare two source map offsets.


Public: Concatenate two source maps.


Public: Decompress source map.


Public: Decode VLQ mappings and match up sources and symbol names.


Public: Compress source map.


Public: Encode mappings Hash into a VLQ encoded String.


Public: Transpose source maps into a standard format.


Public: Converts source map to index map.


Public: Decode a VLQ string.


Public: Decode a VLQ string into mapping numbers.


Public: Encode a list of numbers into a compact VLQ string.


Public: Encode a mapping array into a compact VLQ string.

Instance Attribute Details

#cache (rw)

Get persistent cache store

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/base.rb', line 41

attr_reader :cache

#cache=(cache) (rw)

Set persistent cache store

The cache store must implement a pair of getters and setters. Either ‘get(key)`/`set(key, value)`, `[key]`/`=value`, `read(key)`/`write(key, value)`.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/base.rb', line 48

def cache=(cache)
  @cache = Cache.new(cache, logger)

Instance Method Details

#[](*args, **options)

Preferred #find_asset shorthand.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/base.rb', line 118

def [](*args, **options)
  find_asset(*args, **options)

#cached Also known as: #index

Return an CachedEnvironment. Must be implemented by the subclass.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/base.rb', line 53

def cached
  raise NotImplementedError


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/base.rb', line 139

def compress_from_root(uri)
  URITar.new(uri, self).compress


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/base.rb', line 143

def expand_from_root(uri)
  URITar.new(uri, self).expand


Internal: Compute digest for path.

path - String filename or directory path.

Returns a String digest or nil.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/base.rb', line 63

def file_digest(path)
  if stat = self.stat(path)
    # Caveat: Digests are cached by the path's current mtime. Its possible
    # for a files contents to have changed and its mtime to have been
    # negligently reset thus appearing as if the file hasn't changed on
    # disk. Also, the mtime is only read to the nearest second. It's
    # also possible the file was updated more than once in a given second.
    key = UnloadedAsset.new(path, self).file_digest_key(stat.mtime.to_i)
    cache.fetch(key) do
      self.stat_digest(path, stat)

#find_all_linked_assets(*args) {|asset| ... }


  • (asset)
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/base.rb', line 85

def find_all_linked_assets(*args)
  return to_enum(__method__, *args) unless block_given?

  parent_asset = asset = find_asset(*args)
  return unless asset

  yield asset
  stack = asset.links.to_a
  linked_paths = {}

  while uri = stack.shift
    yield asset = load(uri)

    last_filename = linked_paths[asset.logical_path]
    if last_filename && last_filename != asset.filename
      raise DoubleLinkError.new(
        parent_filename: parent_asset.filename,
        last_filename:   last_filename,
        logical_path:    asset.logical_path,
        filename:        asset.filename
    linked_paths[asset.logical_path] = asset.filename
    stack = asset.links.to_a + stack


#find_asset(*args, **options)

Find asset by logical path or expanded path.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/base.rb', line 78

def find_asset(*args, **options)
  uri, _ = resolve(*args, **options)
  if uri


Find asset by logical path or expanded path.

If the asset is not found an error will be raised.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/base.rb', line 125

def find_asset!(*args)
  uri, _ = resolve!(*args)
  if uri


Alias for #cached.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/base.rb', line 56

alias_method :index, :cached


Pretty inspect

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/base.rb', line 133

def inspect
  "#<#{self.class}:0x#{object_id.to_s(16)} " +
    "root=#{root.to_s.inspect}, " +