
Module: Sprockets::Dependencies

Relationships & Source Files
Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance Descendants
Extended In:
Included In:
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Instance Chain:
Defined in: lib/sprockets/dependencies.rb


Dependencies is an internal mixin whose public methods are exposed on the Environment and CachedEnvironment classes.

Constant Summary

PathUtils - Included


DigestUtils - Included


Instance Method Summary

PathDigestUtils - Included


Internal: Compute digest for path.


Internal: Compute digest for a set of paths.


Internal: Compute digest for file stat.

DigestUtils - Included


Internal: Checks an asset name for a valid digest.


Internal: Detect digest class hash algorithm for digest bytes.


Internal: Generate a hexdigest for a nested JSON serializable object.


Internal: Default digest class.


Internal: Generate a hexdigest for a nested JSON serializable object.


Public: Generate hash for use in the integrity attribute of an asset tag as per the subresource integrity specification.


Public: Generate hash for use in the integrity attribute of an asset tag as per the subresource integrity specification.


Internal: Pack a binary digest to a base64 encoded string.


Internal: Pack a binary digest to a hex encoded string.


Internal: Pack a binary digest to a urlsafe base64 encoded string.


Internal: Unpack a hex encoded digest string into binary bytes.


PathUtils - Included


On Windows, ALT_SEPARATOR is \ Delegate to Pathname since the logic gets complex.


Public: Write to a file atomically.


Public: Like File.directory?.


Public: A version of Dir.entries that filters out ‘.` files and ~ swap files.


Public: Like File.file?.


Internal: Match paths in a directory against available extensions.


Internal: Find target basename checking upwards from path.


Public: Joins path to base path.


Internal: Match path extnames against available extensions.


Internal: Get path’s extensions.


Internal: Returns all parents for path.


Internal: Detect root path and base for file in a set of paths.


Public: Check if path is explicitly relative.


Public: Get relative path from start to dest.


Public: Sets pipeline for path.


Internal: Get relative path for root path and subpath.


Public: Like File.stat.


Public: Stat all the files under a directory.


Public: Recursive stat all the files under a directory in alphabetical order.


Public: Recursive stat all the files under a directory.

URIUtils - Included


Internal: Build Asset URI.


Internal: Build file-digest dependency URI.


Internal: Serialize hash of params into query string.


Internal: Join file: URI component parts into String.


Internal: Join URI component parts into String.


Internal: Parse Asset URI.


Internal: Parse file-digest dependency URI.


Internal: Parse query string into hash of params.


Internal: Parse file: URI into component parts.


Internal: Parse URI into component parts.


Internal: Check if String is a valid Asset URI.

Instance Method Details

#add_dependency(uri) Also known as: #depend_on

Public: Add environmental dependency inherited by all assets.

uri - String dependency URI

Returns nothing.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/dependencies.rb', line 48

def add_dependency(uri)
  self.config = hash_reassoc(config, :dependencies) do |set|
    set + Set.new([uri])


Alias for #add_dependency.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/dependencies.rb', line 53

alias_method :depend_on, :add_dependency


Public: Default set of dependency URIs for assets.

Returns Set of String URIs.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/dependencies.rb', line 25

def dependencies


Public: Mapping dependency schemes to resolver functions.

key - String scheme value - Proc.call(Environment, String)

Returns Hash.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/dependencies.rb', line 18

def dependency_resolvers

#register_dependency_resolver(scheme, &block)

Public: Register new dependency URI resolver.

scheme - String scheme block -

environment - Environment
uri - String dependency URI

Returns nothing.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/dependencies.rb', line 37

def register_dependency_resolver(scheme, &block)
  self.config = hash_reassoc(config, :dependency_resolvers) do |hash|
    hash.merge(scheme => block)


Internal: Resolve dependency URIs.

Returns resolved Object.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/dependencies.rb', line 58

def resolve_dependency(str)
  # Optimize for the most common scheme to
  # save 22k allocations on an average Spree app.
  scheme = if str.start_with?('file-digest:'.freeze)
    str[/([^:]+)/, 1]

  if resolver = config[:dependency_resolvers][scheme]
    resolver.call(self, str)