
Module: Sprockets::ProcessorUtils

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Defined in: lib/sprockets/processor_utils.rb


Functional utilities for dealing with Processor functions.

A Processor is a general function that may modify or transform an asset as part of the pipeline. CoffeeScript to JavaScript conversion, Minification or Concatenation are all implemented as separate Processor steps.

Processors maybe any object that responds to call. So procs or a class that defines a self.call method.

For ergonomics, processors may return a number of shorthand values. Unfortunately, this means that processors can not compose via ordinary function composition. The composition helpers here can help.

Constant Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Details

#call_processor(processor, input)

Public: Invoke processor.

processor - Processor callables input - Hash of input data to pass to processor

Returns a Hash with :data and other processor metadata key/values.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/processor_utils.rb', line 80

def call_processor(processor, input)
   = (input[:] || {}).dup
  [:data] = input[:data]

  case result = processor.call({data: "", metadata: {}}.merge(input))
  when NilClass
  when Hash
  when String
    .merge(data: result)
    raise TypeError, "invalid processor return type: #{result.class}"

#call_processors(processors, input)

Public: Invoke list of processors in right to left order.

The right to left order processing mirrors standard function composition. Think about:


processors - Array of processor callables input - Hash of input data to pass to each processor

Returns a Hash with :data and other processor metadata key/values.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/processor_utils.rb', line 61

def call_processors(processors, input)
  data = input[:data] || ""
   = (input[:] || {}).dup

  processors.reverse_each do |processor|
    result = call_processor(processor, input.merge(data: data, metadata: ))
    data = result.delete(:data)

  .merge(data: data)


Public: Compose processors in right to left order.

processors - Array of processors callables

Returns a composed Proc.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/processor_utils.rb', line 46

def compose_processors(*processors)
  CompositeProcessor.create processors


Internal: Get processor defined cached key.

processor - Processor function

Returns JSON serializable key or nil.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/processor_utils.rb', line 101

def processor_cache_key(processor)
  processor.cache_key if processor.respond_to?(:cache_key)


Internal: Get combined cache keys for set of processors.

processors - Array of processor functions

Returns Array of JSON serializable keys.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/processor_utils.rb', line 110

def processors_cache_keys(processors)
  processors.map { |processor| processor_cache_key(processor) }


Internal: Validate returned result of calling a processor pipeline and raise a friendly user error message.

result - Metadata Hash returned from call_processors

Returns result or raises a TypeError.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/sprockets/processor_utils.rb', line 152

def validate_processor_result!(result)
  if !result.instance_of?(Hash)
    raise TypeError, "processor metadata result was expected to be a Hash, but was #{result.class}"

  if !result[:data].instance_of?(String)
    raise TypeError, "processor :data was expected to be a String, but as #{result[:data].class}"

  result.each do |key, value|
    if !key.instance_of?(Symbol)
      raise TypeError, "processor metadata[#{key.inspect}] expected to be a Symbol"
