
Class: TZInfo::TimezoneProxy

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, Timezone
Instance Chain:
self, Timezone, Comparable
Inherits: TZInfo::Timezone
Defined in: lib/tzinfo/timezone_proxy.rb


A proxy class standing in for a Timezone with a given identifier. TimezoneProxy inherits from Timezone and can be treated identically to Timezone instances loaded with Timezone.get.

TimezoneProxy instances are used to avoid the performance overhead of loading time zone data into memory, for example, by Timezone.all.

The first time an attempt is made to access the data for the time zone, the real Timezone will be loaded is loaded. If the proxy's identifier was not valid, then an exception will be raised at this point.

Class Attribute Summary

Timezone - Inherited


Returns the default value of the optional dst parameter of the local_time, local_datetime and local_timestamp, local_to_utc and period_for_local methods (nil, true or false).


Sets the default value of the optional dst parameter of the local_datetime, local_time, local_timestamp, local_to_utc and period_for_local methods.

Class Method Summary

Timezone - Inherited


Loads a Timezone from the serialized representation returned by #_dump.


Returns an Array of all the available time zones.


Returns an Array of the identifiers of all the time zones that are observed by at least one Country.


Returns an Array of all the time zones that are observed by at least one Country.


time zones that are defined by offsets and transitions.


Returns an Array of all the available time zones that are defined by offsets and transitions.


time zones that are defined as links to / aliases for other time zones.


Returns an Array of all the available time zones that are defined as links to / aliases for other time zones.


Returns a time zone by its IANA Time Zone Database identifier (e.g. "Europe/London" or "America/Chicago").


Returns a proxy for the time zone with the given identifier.

.data_source, .get_proxies

Instance Method Summary

Timezone - Inherited


Compares this Timezone with another based on the #identifier.


Matches regexp against the #identifier of this Timezone.


Returns a serialized representation of this Timezone.


Returns the base offset from UTC in seconds at the given time.


Returns the canonical identifier of this time zone.


Returns the canonical Timezone instance for this Timezone.


Returns the current local time and TimezonePeriod for the time zone as an Array.

#dst?, #eql?,

Returns #identifier, modified to make it more readable.

#hash, #identifier, #inspect,

Creates a DateTime object based on the given (Gregorian calendar) date and time parameters.


Creates a Time object based on the given (Gregorian calendar) date and time parameters.


Creates a Timestamp object based on the given (Gregorian calendar) date and time parameters.


Converts a local time for the time zone to UTC.

#name, #now,

Returns the observed offset from UTC in seconds at the given time.


Returns the unique offsets used by the time zone up to a given time (to) as an Array of TimezoneOffset instances.


Returns the TimezonePeriod that is valid at a given time.


Returns the TimezonePeriod that is valid at the given local time.


Returns the TimezonePeriod that is valid at a given time.


Returns the set of TimezonePeriods that are valid for the given local time as an Array.


Converts a time to local time for the time zone and returns a String representation of the local time according to the given format.


Converts a time to the local time for the time zone.


Returns an Array of TimezoneTransition instances representing the times where the UTC offset of the timezone changes.


Converts a time in UTC to the local time for the time zone.


Raises an UnknownTimezone exception.

Constructor Details

.new(identifier) ⇒ TimezoneProxy

Initializes a new TimezoneProxy.

The identifier parameter is not checked when initializing the proxy. It will be validated when the real Timezone instance is loaded.


  • identifier (String)

    an IANA Time Zone Database time zone identifier.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone_proxy.rb', line 23

def initialize(identifier)
  @identifier = identifier
  @real_timezone = nil

Class Method Details

._load(data) ⇒ TimezoneProxy

Loads a TimezoneProxy from the serialized representation returned by #_dump. This is method is called when using Marshal.load or Marshal.restore to restore a serialized Timezone.


  • data (String)

    a serialized representation of a TimezoneProxy.


  • (TimezoneProxy)

    the result of converting data back into a TimezoneProxy.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone_proxy.rb', line 71

def self._load(data)

Instance Method Details

#_dump(limit) ⇒ String

Returns a serialized representation of this TimezoneProxy. This method is called when using Marshal.dump with an instance of TimezoneProxy.


  • limit (Integer)

    the maximum depth to dump - ignored. @return [String] a serialized representation of this TimezoneProxy.


  • (String)

    a serialized representation of this TimezoneProxy.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone_proxy.rb', line 60

def _dump(limit)


Returns the canonical Timezone instance for this Timezone.

The IANA Time Zone database contains two types of definition: Zones and Links. Zones are defined by rules that set out when transitions occur. Links are just references to fully defined Zone, creating an alias for that Zone.

Links are commonly used where a time zone has been renamed in a release of the Time Zone database. For example, the US/Eastern Zone was renamed as America/New_York. A US/Eastern Link was added in its place, linking to (and creating an alias for) America/New_York.

Links are also used for time zones that are currently identical to a full Zone, but that are administered separately. For example, Europe/Vatican is a Link to (and alias for) Europe/Rome.

For a full Zone (implemented by DataTimezone), canonical_zone returns self.

For a Link (implemented by LinkedTimezone), canonical_zone returns a Timezone instance representing the full Zone that the link targets.

::TZInfo can be used with different data sources (see the documentation for DataSource). Some DataSource implementations may not support distinguishing between full Zones and Links and will treat all time zones as full Zones. In this case, canonical_zone will always return self.

There are two built-in DataSource implementations. DataSources::RubyDataSource (which will be used if the tzinfo-data gem is available) supports Link zones. DataSources::ZoneinfoDataSource returns Link zones as if they were full Zones. If the canonical_zone or canonical_identifier methods are needed, the tzinfo-data gem should be installed.

The DataSource.get method can be used to check which DataSource implementation is being used.


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone_proxy.rb', line 50

def canonical_zone



  • (String)

    the identifier of the time zone, for example, "Europe/Paris".

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone_proxy.rb', line 30

def identifier
  @real_timezone ? @real_timezone.identifier : @identifier

#period_for(time) ⇒ TimezonePeriod

Returns the TimezonePeriod that is valid at a given time.

Unlike period_for_local and period_for_utc, the UTC offset of the time parameter is taken into consideration.


  • time (Object)

    a Time, DateTime or Timestamp.



  • (ArgumentError)

    if time is nil.

  • (ArgumentError)

    if time is a Timestamp with an unspecified offset.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone_proxy.rb', line 35

def period_for(time)

#periods_for_local(local_time) ⇒ Array<TimezonePeriod>

Returns the set of TimezonePeriods that are valid for the given local time as an Array.

The UTC offset of the local_time parameter is ignored (it is treated as a time in the time zone represented by self).

This will typically return an Array containing a single TimezonePeriod. More than one TimezonePeriod will be returned when the local time is ambiguous (for example, when daylight savings time ends). An empty Array will be returned when the local time is not valid (for example, when daylight savings time begins).

To obtain just a single TimezonePeriod in all cases, use period_for_local instead and specify how ambiguities should be resolved.


  • local_time (Object)

    a Time, DateTime or Timestamp.



  • (ArgumentError)

    if local_time is nil.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone_proxy.rb', line 40

def periods_for_local(local_time)

#real_timezoneTimezone (private)

Returns the real Timezone instance being proxied.

The real Timezone is loaded using Timezone.get on the first access.


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone_proxy.rb', line 82

def real_timezone
  # Thread-safety: It is possible that the value of @real_timezone may be
  # calculated multiple times in concurrently executing threads. It is not
  # worth the overhead of locking to ensure that @real_timezone is only
  # calculated once.
  unless @real_timezone
    result = Timezone.get(@identifier)
    return result if frozen?
    @real_timezone = result


#transitions_up_to(to, from = nil) ⇒ Array<TimezoneTransition>

Returns an Array of TimezoneTransition instances representing the times where the UTC offset of the timezone changes.

Transitions are returned up to a given time (to).

A from time may also be supplied using the from parameter. If from is not nil, only transitions from that time onwards will be returned.

Comparisons with to are exclusive. Comparisons with from are inclusive. If a transition falls precisely on to, it will be excluded. If a transition falls on from, it will be included.


  • to (Object)

    a Time, DateTime or Timestamp specifying the latest (exclusive) transition to return.

  • from (Object) (defaults to: nil)

    an optional Time, DateTime or Timestamp specifying the earliest (inclusive) transition to return.


  • (Array<TimezoneTransition>)

    the transitions that are earlier than to and, if specified, at or later than from. Transitions are ordered by when they occur, from earliest to latest.


  • (ArgumentError)

    if from is specified and to is not greater than from.

  • (ArgumentError)

    is raised if to is nil.

  • (ArgumentError)

    if either to or from is a Timestamp with an unspecified offset.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone_proxy.rb', line 45

def transitions_up_to(to, from = nil)
  real_timezone.transitions_up_to(to, from)