
Class: TZInfo::Timezone Abstract

Relationships & Source Files
Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance Descendants
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Instance Chain:
self, Comparable
Inherits: Object
Defined in: lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb


This class is abstract.

The .get method returns an instance of either DataTimezone or LinkedTimezone. The .get_proxy method and other methods returning collections of time zones return instances of TimezoneProxy.

The Timezone class represents a time zone. It provides a factory method, .get, to retrieve Timezone instances by their identifier.

The #to_local method can be used to convert Time and DateTime instances to the local time for the zone. For example:

tz = TZInfo::Timezone.get('America/New_York')
local_time = tz.to_local(Time.utc(2005,8,29,15,35,0))
local_datetime = tz.to_local(DateTime.new(2005,8,29,15,35,0))

Local Time and DateTime instances returned by Timezone have the correct local offset.

The #local_to_utc method can by used to convert local Time and DateTime instances to UTC. #local_to_utc ignores the UTC offset of the supplied value and treats if it is a local time for the zone. For example:

tz = TZInfo::Timezone.get('America/New_York')
utc_time = tz.local_to_utc(Time.new(2005,8,29,11,35,0))
utc_datetime = tz.local_to_utc(DateTime.new(2005,8,29,11,35,0))

Each time zone is treated as sequence of periods of time (TimezonePeriod) that observe the same offset (TimezoneOffset). Transitions (TimezoneTransition) denote the end of one period and the start of the next. The Timezone class has methods that allow the periods, offsets and transitions of a time zone to be interrogated.

All methods that take Time objects as parameters can be used with arbitrary Time-like objects that respond to both to_i and subsec and optionally #utc_offset.

The Timezone class is thread-safe. It is safe to use class and instance methods of Timezone in concurrently executing threads. Instances of Timezone can be shared across thread boundaries.

The IANA Time Zone Database maintainers recommend that time zone identifiers are not made visible to end-users (see Names of timezones). The Country class can be used to obtain lists of time zones by country, including user-friendly descriptions and approximate locations.

Class Attribute Summary

Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Class Attribute Details

.default_dstBoolean (rw)

Returns the default value of the optional dst parameter of the #local_time, #local_datetime and #local_timestamp, #local_to_utc and #period_for_local methods (nil, true or false).

default_dst defaults to nil unless changed with .default_dst=.


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 110

def default_dst

.default_dst=(value) (rw)

Sets the default value of the optional dst parameter of the #local_datetime, #local_time, #local_timestamp, #local_to_utc and #period_for_local methods. Can be set to nil, true or false.


  • value (Boolean)

    nil, true or false.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 96

def default_dst=(value)
  @@default_dst = value.nil? ? nil : !!value

Class Method Details

._load(data) ⇒ Timezone

Loads a Timezone from the serialized representation returned by #_dump. This is method is called when using Marshal.load or Marshal.restore to restore a serialized Timezone.


  • data (String)

    a serialized representation of a Timezone.


  • (Timezone)

    the result of converting data back into a Timezone.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 1147

def self._load(data)


Returns an Array of all the available time zones.

TimezoneProxy instances are returned to avoid the overhead of loading time zone data until it is first needed.


  • (Array<Timezone>)

    all available time zones.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 151

def all


Returns an Array of the identifiers of all the time zones that are observed by at least one Country. This is not the complete set of time zone identifiers as some are not country specific (e.g. 'Etc/GMT').

TimezoneProxy instances are returned to avoid the overhead of loading time zone data until it is first needed.

zones that are observed by at least one Country.


  • (Array<String>)

    an Array of the identifiers of all the time

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 219

def all_country_zone_identifiers


Returns an Array of all the time zones that are observed by at least one Country. This is not the complete set of time zones as some are not country specific (e.g. 'Etc/GMT').

TimezoneProxy instances are returned to avoid the overhead of loading time zone data until it is first needed.


  • (Array<Timezone>)

    an Array of all the time zones that are observed by at least one Country.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 206

def all_country_zones


time zones that are defined by offsets and transitions.


  • (Array<String>)

    an Array of the identifiers of all available

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 175

def all_data_zone_identifiers


Returns an Array of all the available time zones that are defined by offsets and transitions.

TimezoneProxy instances are returned to avoid the overhead of loading time zone data until it is first needed.


  • (Array<Timezone>)

    an Array of all the available time zones that are defined by offsets and transitions.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 169

def all_data_zones



  • (Array<String>)

    an Array containing the identifiers of all the available time zones.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 157

def all_identifiers


time zones that are defined as links to / aliases for other time zones.


  • (Array<String>)

    an Array of the identifiers of all available

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 193

def all_linked_zone_identifiers


Returns an Array of all the available time zones that are defined as links to / aliases for other time zones.

TimezoneProxy instances are returned to avoid the overhead of loading time zone data until it is first needed.


  • (Array<Timezone>)

    an Array of all the available time zones that are defined as links to / aliases for other time zones.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 187

def all_linked_zones

.data_sourceDataSource (private)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 234

def data_source

.get(identifier) ⇒ Timezone

Returns a time zone by its IANA Time Zone Database identifier (e.g. "Europe/London" or "America/Chicago"). Call .all_identifiers for a list of all the valid identifiers.

The get method will return a subclass of Timezone, either a DataTimezone (for a time zone defined by rules that set out when transitions occur) or a LinkedTimezone (for a time zone that is just a link to or alias for a another time zone).


  • identifier (String)

    an IANA Time Zone Database time zone identifier.


  • (Timezone)

    the Timezone with the given #identifier.


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 127

def get(identifier)

.get_proxies(identifiers) ⇒ Array<TimezoneProxy> (private)


  • identifiers (Enumerable<String>)

    an Enumerable of time zone identifiers.


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 229

def get_proxies(identifiers)
  identifiers.collect {|identifier| get_proxy(identifier)}

.get_proxy(identifier) ⇒ TimezoneProxy

Returns a proxy for the time zone with the given identifier. This allows loading of the time zone data to be deferred until it is first needed.

The identifier will not be validated. If an invalid identifier is specified, no exception will be raised until the proxy is used.


  • identifier (String)

    an IANA Time Zone Database time zone identifier.


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 141

def get_proxy(identifier)

Instance Method Details

#<=>(tz) ⇒ Integer

Compares this Timezone with another based on the #identifier.


  • tz (Object)

    an Object to compare this Timezone with.


  • (Integer)

    -1 if tz is less than self, 0 if tz is equal to self and +1 if tz is greater than self, or nil if tz is not an instance of Timezone.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 1105

def <=>(tz)
  return nil unless tz.is_a?(Timezone)
  identifier <=> tz.identifier

#=~(regexp) ⇒ Integer

Matches regexp against the #identifier of this Timezone.


  • regexp (Regexp)

    a Regexp to match against the #identifier of this Timezone.


  • (Integer)

    the position the match starts, or nil if there is no match.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 1128

def =~(regexp)
  regexp =~ identifier

#_dump(limit) ⇒ String

Returns a serialized representation of this Timezone. This method is called when using Marshal.dump with an instance of Timezone.


  • limit (Integer)

    the maximum depth to dump - ignored.


  • (String)

    a serialized representation of this Timezone.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 1137

def _dump(limit)

#abbr(time = Time.now)

Alias for #abbreviation.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 1051

alias abbr abbreviation

#abbreviation(time = Time.now) ⇒ String Also known as: #abbr


  • time (Object) (defaults to: Time.now)

    a Time, DateTime or Timestamp.


  • (String)

    the abbreviation of this Timezone at the given time.


  • (ArgumentError)

    if time is nil.

  • (ArgumentError)

    if time is a Timestamp with an unspecified UTC offset.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 1048

def abbreviation(time = Time.now)

#base_utc_offset(time = Time.now) ⇒ Integer

Returns the base offset from UTC in seconds at the given time. This does not include any adjustment made for daylight savings time and will typically remain constant throughout the year.

To obtain the observed offset from UTC, including the effect of daylight savings time, use #observed_utc_offset instead.

If you require accurate base_utc_offset values, you should install the tzinfo-data gem and set DataSources::RubyDataSource as the DataSource. When using DataSources::ZoneinfoDataSource, the value of base_utc_offset has to be derived from changes to the observed UTC offset and DST status since it is not included in zoneinfo files.


  • time (Object) (defaults to: Time.now)

    a Time, DateTime or Timestamp.


  • (Integer)

    the base offset from UTC in seconds at the given time.


  • (ArgumentError)

    if time is nil.

  • (ArgumentError)

    if time is a Timestamp with an unspecified UTC offset.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 1081

def base_utc_offset(time = Time.now)


Returns the canonical identifier of this time zone.

This is a shortcut for calling canonical_zone.identifier. Please refer to the #canonical_zone documentation for further information.


  • (String)

    the canonical identifier of this time zone.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 987

def canonical_identifier


Returns the canonical Timezone instance for this Timezone.

The IANA Time Zone database contains two types of definition: Zones and Links. Zones are defined by rules that set out when transitions occur. Links are just references to fully defined Zone, creating an alias for that Zone.

Links are commonly used where a time zone has been renamed in a release of the Time Zone database. For example, the US/Eastern Zone was renamed as America/New_York. A US/Eastern Link was added in its place, linking to (and creating an alias for) America/New_York.

Links are also used for time zones that are currently identical to a full Zone, but that are administered separately. For example, Europe/Vatican is a Link to (and alias for) Europe/Rome.

For a full Zone (implemented by DataTimezone), canonical_zone returns self.

For a Link (implemented by LinkedTimezone), canonical_zone returns a Timezone instance representing the full Zone that the link targets.

::TZInfo can be used with different data sources (see the documentation for DataSource). Some DataSource implementations may not support distinguishing between full Zones and Links and will treat all time zones as full Zones. In this case, canonical_zone will always return self.

There are two built-in DataSource implementations. DataSources::RubyDataSource (which will be used if the tzinfo-data gem is available) supports Link zones. DataSources::ZoneinfoDataSource returns Link zones as if they were full Zones. If the canonical_zone or #canonical_identifier methods are needed, the tzinfo-data gem should be installed.

The DataSource.get method can be used to check which DataSource implementation is being used.


  • (Timezone)

    the canonical Timezone instance for this Timezone.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 412

def canonical_zone



[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 997

def current_period


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 1018

alias current_period_and_time current_time_and_period

#current_time_and_periodArray Also known as: #current_period_and_time

Returns the current local time and TimezonePeriod for the time zone as an Array. The first element is the time as a TimeWithOffset. The second element is the period.


  • (Array)

    an Array containing the current TimeWithOffset for the time zone as the first element and the current TimezonePeriod for the time zone as the second element.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 1008

def current_time_and_period
  period = nil

  local_time = Timestamp.for(Time.now) do |ts|
    period = period_for(ts)
    TimestampWithOffset.set_timezone_offset(ts, period.offset)

  [local_time, period]

#dst?(time = Time.now) ⇒ Boolean


  • time (Object) (defaults to: Time.now)

    a Time, DateTime or Timestamp.


  • (Boolean)

    whether daylight savings time is in effect at the given time.


  • (ArgumentError)

    if time is nil.

  • (ArgumentError)

    if time is a Timestamp with an unspecified UTC offset.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 1059

def dst?(time = Time.now)

#eql?(tz) ⇒ Boolean


  • tz (Object)

    an Object to compare this Timezone with.


  • (Boolean)

    true if tz is an instance of Timezone and has the same #identifier as self, otherwise false.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 1113

def eql?(tz)
  self == tz

#friendly_identifier(skip_first_part = false) ⇒ String

Returns #identifier, modified to make it more readable. Set skip_first_part to omit the first part of the identifier (typically a region name) where there is more than one part.

For example:

TZInfo::Timezone.get('Europe/Paris').friendly_identifier(false)         #=> "Europe - Paris"
TZInfo::Timezone.get('Europe/Paris').friendly_identifier(true)          #=> "Paris"
TZInfo::Timezone.get('America/Indiana/Knox').friendly_identifier(false) #=> "America - Knox, Indiana"
TZInfo::Timezone.get('America/Indiana/Knox').friendly_identifier(true)  #=> "Knox, Indiana"


  • skip_first_part (Boolean) (defaults to: false)

    whether the first part of the identifier (typically a region name) should be omitted.


  • (String)

    the modified identifier.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 277

def friendly_identifier(skip_first_part = false)
  id = identifier
  id = id.encode(Encoding::UTF_8) unless id.encoding.ascii_compatible?
  parts = id.split('/')
  if parts.empty?
    # shouldn't happen
  elsif parts.length == 1
    prefix = skip_first_part ? nil : "#{parts[0]} - "

    parts = parts.drop(1).map do |part|
      part.gsub!(/_/, ' ')

      if part.index(/[a-z]/)
        # Missing a space if a lower case followed by an upper case and the
        # name isn't McXxxx.
        part.gsub!(/([^M][a-z])([A-Z])/, '\1 \2')
        part.gsub!(/([M][a-bd-z])([A-Z])/, '\1 \2')

        # Missing an apostrophe if two consecutive upper case characters.
        part.gsub!(/([A-Z])([A-Z])/, '\1\'\2')


    "#{prefix}#{parts.reverse.join(', ')}"



[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 1118

def hash



  • (String)

    the identifier of the time zone, for example, "Europe/Paris".

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 241

def identifier



  • (String)

    the internal object state as a programmer-readable String.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 259

def inspect
  "#<#{self.class}: #{identifier}>"

#local_datetime(year, month = 1, day = 1, hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0, sub_second = 0, dst = Timezone.default_dst) {|periods| ... } ⇒ DateTimeWithOffset

Creates a DateTime object based on the given (Gregorian calendar) date and time parameters. The parameters are interpreted as a local time in the time zone. The result has the appropriate offset and timezone_offset.

Warning: There are time values that are not valid as local times in a time zone (for example, during the transition from standard time to daylight savings time). There are also time values that are ambiguous, occurring more than once with different offsets to UTC (for example, during the transition from daylight savings time to standard time).

In the first case (an invalid local time), a PeriodNotFound exception will be raised.

In the second case (more than one occurrence), an AmbiguousTime exception will be raised unless the optional dst parameter or block handles the ambiguity.

If the ambiguity is due to a transition from daylight savings time to standard time, the dst parameter can be used to select whether the daylight savings time or local time is used. For example, the following code would raise an AmbiguousTime exception:

tz = TZInfo::Timezone.get('America/New_York')

Specifying dst = true would return a Time with a UTC offset of -4 hours and abbreviation EDT (Eastern Daylight Time). Specifying dst = false would return a Time with a UTC offset of -5 hours and abbreviation EST (Eastern Standard Time).

The dst parameter will not be able to resolve an ambiguity resulting from the clocks being set back without changing from daylight savings time to standard time. In this case, if a block is specified, it will be called to resolve the ambiguity. The block must take a single parameter - an Array of TimezonePeriods that need to be resolved. The block can select and return a single TimezonePeriod or return nil or an empty Array to cause an AmbiguousTime exception to be raised.

The default value of the dst parameter can be specified using .default_dst=.

values, interpreted as a local time in the time zone.


  • year (Integer)

    the year.

  • month (Integer) (defaults to: 1)

    the month (1-12).

  • day (Integer) (defaults to: 1)

    the day of the month (1-31).

  • hour (Integer) (defaults to: 0)

    the hour (0-23).

  • minute (Integer) (defaults to: 0)

    the minute (0-59).

  • second (Integer) (defaults to: 0)

    the second (0-59).

  • sub_second (Numeric) (defaults to: 0)

    the fractional part of the second as either a Rational that is greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1, or the Integer 0.

  • dst (Boolean) (defaults to: Timezone.default_dst)

    whether to resolve ambiguous local times by always selecting the period observing daylight savings time (true), always selecting the period observing standard time (false), or leaving the ambiguity unresolved (nil).


  • (periods)

    if the dst parameter did not resolve an ambiguity, an optional block is yielded to.

Yield Parameters:

Yield Returns:

  • (Object)

    to resolve the ambiguity: a chosen TimezonePeriod or an Array containing a chosen TimezonePeriod; to leave the ambiguity unresolved: an empty Array, an Array containing more than one TimezonePeriod, or nil.



  • (ArgumentError)

    if either of year, month, day, hour, minute, or second is not an Integer.

  • (ArgumentError)

    if sub_second is not a Rational, or the Integer 0.

  • (ArgumentError)

    if #utc_offset is not nil, not an Integer and not the Symbol :utc.

  • (RangeError)

    if month is not between 1 and 12.

  • (RangeError)

    if day is not between 1 and 31.

  • (RangeError)

    if hour is not between 0 and 23.

  • (RangeError)

    if minute is not between 0 and 59.

  • (RangeError)

    if second is not between 0 and 59.

  • (RangeError)

    if sub_second is a Rational but that is less than 0 or greater than or equal to 1.

  • (PeriodNotFound)

    if the date and time parameters do not specify a valid local time in the time zone.

  • (AmbiguousTime)

    if the date and time parameters are ambiguous for the time zone and the dst parameter or block did not resolve the ambiguity.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 831

def local_datetime(year, month = 1, day = 1, hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0, sub_second = 0, dst = Timezone.default_dst, &block)
  local_timestamp(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, sub_second, dst, &block).to_datetime

#local_time(year, month = 1, day = 1, hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0, sub_second = 0, dst = Timezone.default_dst) {|periods| ... } ⇒ TimeWithOffset

Creates a Time object based on the given (Gregorian calendar) date and time parameters. The parameters are interpreted as a local time in the time zone. The result has the appropriate #utc_offset, zone and timezone_offset.

Warning: There are time values that are not valid as local times in a time zone (for example, during the transition from standard time to daylight savings time). There are also time values that are ambiguous, occurring more than once with different offsets to UTC (for example, during the transition from daylight savings time to standard time).

In the first case (an invalid local time), a PeriodNotFound exception will be raised.

In the second case (more than one occurrence), an AmbiguousTime exception will be raised unless the optional dst parameter or block handles the ambiguity.

If the ambiguity is due to a transition from daylight savings time to standard time, the dst parameter can be used to select whether the daylight savings time or local time is used. For example, the following code would raise an AmbiguousTime exception:

tz = TZInfo::Timezone.get('America/New_York')

Specifying dst = true would return a Time with a UTC offset of -4 hours and abbreviation EDT (Eastern Daylight Time). Specifying dst = false would return a Time with a UTC offset of -5 hours and abbreviation EST (Eastern Standard Time).

The dst parameter will not be able to resolve an ambiguity resulting from the clocks being set back without changing from daylight savings time to standard time. In this case, if a block is specified, it will be called to resolve the ambiguity. The block must take a single parameter - an Array of TimezonePeriods that need to be resolved. The block can select and return a single TimezonePeriod or return nil or an empty Array to cause an AmbiguousTime exception to be raised.

The default value of the dst parameter can be specified using .default_dst=.


  • year (Integer)

    the year.

  • month (Integer) (defaults to: 1)

    the month (1-12).

  • day (Integer) (defaults to: 1)

    the day of the month (1-31).

  • hour (Integer) (defaults to: 0)

    the hour (0-23).

  • minute (Integer) (defaults to: 0)

    the minute (0-59).

  • second (Integer) (defaults to: 0)

    the second (0-59).

  • sub_second (Numeric) (defaults to: 0)

    the fractional part of the second as either a Rational that is greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1, or the Integer 0.

  • dst (Boolean) (defaults to: Timezone.default_dst)

    whether to resolve ambiguous local times by always selecting the period observing daylight savings time (true), always selecting the period observing standard time (false), or leaving the ambiguity unresolved (nil).


  • (periods)

    if the dst parameter did not resolve an ambiguity, an optional block is yielded to.

Yield Parameters:

  • periods (Array<TimezonePeriod>)

    an Array containing all the TimezonePeriods that still match local_time after applying the dst parameter.

Yield Returns:

  • (Object)

    to resolve the ambiguity: a chosen TimezonePeriod or an Array containing a chosen TimezonePeriod; to leave the ambiguity unresolved: an empty Array, an Array containing more than one TimezonePeriod, or nil.


  • (TimeWithOffset)

    a new Time object based on the given values, interpreted as a local time in the time zone.


  • (ArgumentError)

    if either of year, month, day, hour, minute, or second is not an Integer.

  • (ArgumentError)

    if sub_second is not a Rational, or the Integer 0.

  • (ArgumentError)

    if #utc_offset is not nil, not an Integer and not the Symbol :utc.

  • (RangeError)

    if month is not between 1 and 12.

  • (RangeError)

    if day is not between 1 and 31.

  • (RangeError)

    if hour is not between 0 and 23.

  • (RangeError)

    if minute is not between 0 and 59.

  • (RangeError)

    if second is not between 0 and 59.

  • (RangeError)

    if sub_second is a Rational but that is less than 0 or greater than or equal to 1.

  • (PeriodNotFound)

    if the date and time parameters do not specify a valid local time in the time zone.

  • (AmbiguousTime)

    if the date and time parameters are ambiguous for the time zone and the dst parameter or block did not resolve the ambiguity.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 743

def local_time(year, month = 1, day = 1, hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0, sub_second = 0, dst = Timezone.default_dst, &block)
  local_timestamp(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, sub_second, dst, &block).to_time

#local_timestamp(year, month = 1, day = 1, hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0, sub_second = 0, dst = Timezone.default_dst) {|periods| ... } ⇒ TimestampWithOffset

Creates a Timestamp object based on the given (Gregorian calendar) date and time parameters. The parameters are interpreted as a local time in the time zone. The result has the appropriate utc_offset and timezone_offset.

Warning: There are time values that are not valid as local times in a time zone (for example, during the transition from standard time to daylight savings time). There are also time values that are ambiguous, occurring more than once with different offsets to UTC (for example, during the transition from daylight savings time to standard time).

In the first case (an invalid local time), a PeriodNotFound exception will be raised.

In the second case (more than one occurrence), an AmbiguousTime exception will be raised unless the optional dst parameter or block handles the ambiguity.

If the ambiguity is due to a transition from daylight savings time to standard time, the dst parameter can be used to select whether the daylight savings time or local time is used. For example, the following code would raise an AmbiguousTime exception:

tz = TZInfo::Timezone.get('America/New_York')

Specifying dst = true would return a Time with a UTC offset of -4 hours and abbreviation EDT (Eastern Daylight Time). Specifying dst = false would return a Time with a UTC offset of -5 hours and abbreviation EST (Eastern Standard Time).

The dst parameter will not be able to resolve an ambiguity resulting from the clocks being set back without changing from daylight savings time to standard time. In this case, if a block is specified, it will be called to resolve the ambiguity. The block must take a single parameter - an Array of TimezonePeriods that need to be resolved. The block can select and return a single TimezonePeriod or return nil or an empty Array to cause an AmbiguousTime exception to be raised.

The default value of the dst parameter can be specified using .default_dst=.


  • year (Integer)

    the year.

  • month (Integer) (defaults to: 1)

    the month (1-12).

  • day (Integer) (defaults to: 1)

    the day of the month (1-31).

  • hour (Integer) (defaults to: 0)

    the hour (0-23).

  • minute (Integer) (defaults to: 0)

    the minute (0-59).

  • second (Integer) (defaults to: 0)

    the second (0-59).

  • sub_second (Numeric) (defaults to: 0)

    the fractional part of the second as either a Rational that is greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1, or the Integer 0.

  • dst (Boolean) (defaults to: Timezone.default_dst)

    whether to resolve ambiguous local times by always selecting the period observing daylight savings time (true), always selecting the period observing standard time (false), or leaving the ambiguity unresolved (nil).


  • (periods)

    if the dst parameter did not resolve an ambiguity, an optional block is yielded to.

Yield Parameters:

Yield Returns:

  • (Object)

    to resolve the ambiguity: a chosen TimezonePeriod or an Array containing a chosen TimezonePeriod; to leave the ambiguity unresolved: an empty Array, an Array containing more than one TimezonePeriod, or nil.



  • (ArgumentError)

    if either of year, month, day, hour, minute, or second is not an Integer.

  • (ArgumentError)

    if sub_second is not a Rational, or the Integer 0.

  • (ArgumentError)

    if #utc_offset is not nil, not an Integer and not the Symbol :utc.

  • (RangeError)

    if month is not between 1 and 12.

  • (RangeError)

    if day is not between 1 and 31.

  • (RangeError)

    if hour is not between 0 and 23.

  • (RangeError)

    if minute is not between 0 and 59.

  • (RangeError)

    if second is not between 0 and 59.

  • (RangeError)

    if sub_second is a Rational but that is less than 0 or greater than or equal to 1.

  • (PeriodNotFound)

    if the date and time parameters do not specify a valid local time in the time zone.

  • (AmbiguousTime)

    if the date and time parameters are ambiguous for the time zone and the dst parameter or block did not resolve the ambiguity.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 919

def local_timestamp(year, month = 1, day = 1, hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0, sub_second = 0, dst = Timezone.default_dst, &block)
  ts = Timestamp.create(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, sub_second)
  timezone_offset = period_for_local(ts, dst, &block).offset
  utc_offset = timezone_offset.observed_utc_offset
  TimestampWithOffset.new(ts.value - utc_offset, sub_second, utc_offset).set_timezone_offset(timezone_offset)

#local_to_utc(local_time, dst = Timezone.default_dst) {|periods| ... } ⇒ Object

Converts a local time for the time zone to UTC.

The result will either be a Time, DateTime or Timestamp according to the type of the #local_time parameter.

The UTC offset of the #local_time parameter is ignored (it is treated as a time in the time zone represented by self).

Warning: There are local times that have no equivalent UTC times (for example, during the transition from standard time to daylight savings time). There are also local times that have more than one UTC equivalent (for example, during the transition from daylight savings time to standard time).

In the first case (no equivalent UTC time), a PeriodNotFound exception will be raised.

In the second case (more than one equivalent UTC time), an AmbiguousTime exception will be raised unless the optional dst parameter or block handles the ambiguity.

If the ambiguity is due to a transition from daylight savings time to standard time, the dst parameter can be used to select whether the daylight savings time or local time is used. For example, the following code would raise an AmbiguousTime exception:

tz = TZInfo::Timezone.get('America/New_York')

Specifying dst = true would select the daylight savings period from April to October 2004. Specifying dst = false would return the standard time period from October 2004 to April 2005.

The dst parameter will not be able to resolve an ambiguity resulting from the clocks being set back without changing from daylight savings time to standard time. In this case, if a block is specified, it will be called to resolve the ambiguity. The block must take a single parameter - an Array of TimezonePeriods that need to be resolved. The block can select and return a single TimezonePeriod or return nil or an empty Array to cause an AmbiguousTime exception to be raised.

The default value of the dst parameter can be specified using .default_dst=.


  • local_time (Object)

    a Time, DateTime or Timestamp.

  • dst (Boolean) (defaults to: Timezone.default_dst)

    whether to resolve ambiguous local times by always selecting the period observing daylight savings time (true), always selecting the period observing standard time (false), or leaving the ambiguity unresolved (nil).


  • (periods)

    if the dst parameter did not resolve an ambiguity, an optional block is yielded to.

Yield Parameters:

Yield Returns:

  • (Object)

    to resolve the ambiguity: a chosen TimezonePeriod or an Array containing a chosen TimezonePeriod; to leave the ambiguity unresolved: an empty Array, an Array containing more than one TimezonePeriod, or nil.



[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 645

def local_to_utc(local_time, dst = Timezone.default_dst)
  raise ArgumentError, 'local_time must be specified' unless local_time

  Timestamp.for(local_time, :ignore) do |ts|
    period = if block_given?
      period_for_local(ts, dst) {|periods| yield periods }
      period_for_local(ts, dst)

    ts.add_and_set_utc_offset(-period.observed_utc_offset, :utc)



  • (String)

    the identifier of the time zone, for example, "Europe/Paris".

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 247

def name
  # Don't use alias, as identifier gets overridden.



[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 992

def now

#observed_utc_offset(time = Time.now) ⇒ Integer Also known as: #utc_offset

Returns the observed offset from UTC in seconds at the given time. This includes adjustments made for daylight savings time.


  • time (Object) (defaults to: Time.now)

    a Time, DateTime or Timestamp.


  • (Integer)

    the observed offset from UTC in seconds at the given time.


  • (ArgumentError)

    if time is nil.

  • (ArgumentError)

    if time is a Timestamp with an unspecified UTC offset.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 1094

def observed_utc_offset(time = Time.now)

#offsets_up_to(to, from = nil) ⇒ Array<TimezoneOffsets>

Returns the unique offsets used by the time zone up to a given time (to) as an Array of TimezoneOffset instances.

A from time may also be supplied using the from parameter. If from is not nil, only offsets used from that time onwards will be returned.

Comparisons with to are exclusive. Comparisons with from are inclusive.


  • to (Object)

    a Time, DateTime or Timestamp specifying the latest (exclusive) offset to return.

  • from (Object) (defaults to: nil)

    an optional Time, DateTime or Timestamp specifying the earliest (inclusive) offset to return.


  • (Array<TimezoneOffsets>)

    the offsets that are used earlier than to and, if specified, at or later than from. Offsets may be returned in any order.


  • (ArgumentError)

    if from is specified and to is not greater than from.

  • (ArgumentError)

    is raised if to is nil.

  • (ArgumentError)

    if either to or from is a Timestamp with an unspecified offset.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 947

def offsets_up_to(to, from = nil)
  raise ArgumentError, 'to must be specified' unless to

  to_timestamp = Timestamp.for(to)
  from_timestamp = from && Timestamp.for(from)
  transitions = transitions_up_to(to_timestamp, from_timestamp)

  if transitions.empty?
    # No transitions in the range, find the period that covers it.

    if from_timestamp
      # Use the from date as it is inclusive.
      period = period_for(from_timestamp)
      # to is exclusive, so this can't be used with period_for. However, any
      # time earlier than to can be used. Subtract 1 hour.
      period = period_for(to_timestamp.add_and_set_utc_offset(-3600, :utc))

    result = Set.new

    first = transitions.first
    result << first.previous_offset unless from_timestamp && first.at == from_timestamp

    transitions.each do |t|
      result << t.offset


#period_for(time) ⇒ TimezonePeriod

Returns the TimezonePeriod that is valid at a given time.

Unlike #period_for_local and #period_for_utc, the UTC offset of the time parameter is taken into consideration.


  • time (Object)

    a Time, DateTime or Timestamp.



  • (ArgumentError)

    if time is nil.

  • (ArgumentError)

    if time is a Timestamp with an unspecified offset.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 319

def period_for(time)

#period_for_local(local_time, dst = Timezone.default_dst) {|periods| ... } ⇒ TimezonePeriod

Returns the TimezonePeriod that is valid at the given local time.

The UTC offset of the #local_time parameter is ignored (it is treated as a time in the time zone represented by self). Use the #period_for method instead if the the UTC offset of the time needs to be taken into consideration.

Warning: There are local times that have no equivalent UTC times (for example, during the transition from standard time to daylight savings time). There are also local times that have more than one UTC equivalent (for example, during the transition from daylight savings time to standard time).

In the first case (no equivalent UTC time), a PeriodNotFound exception will be raised.

In the second case (more than one equivalent UTC time), an AmbiguousTime exception will be raised unless the optional dst parameter or block handles the ambiguity.

If the ambiguity is due to a transition from daylight savings time to standard time, the dst parameter can be used to select whether the daylight savings time or local time is used. For example, the following code would raise an AmbiguousTime exception:

tz = TZInfo::Timezone.get('America/New_York')

Specifying dst = true would select the daylight savings period from April to October 2004. Specifying dst = false would return the standard time period from October 2004 to April 2005.

The dst parameter will not be able to resolve an ambiguity resulting from the clocks being set back without changing from daylight savings time to standard time. In this case, if a block is specified, it will be called to resolve the ambiguity. The block must take a single parameter - an Array of TimezonePeriods that need to be resolved. The block can select and return a single TimezonePeriod or return nil or an empty Array to cause an AmbiguousTime exception to be raised.

The default value of the dst parameter can be specified using .default_dst=.


  • local_time (Object)

    a Time, DateTime or Timestamp.

  • dst (Boolean) (defaults to: Timezone.default_dst)

    whether to resolve ambiguous local times by always selecting the period observing daylight savings time (true), always selecting the period observing standard time (false), or leaving the ambiguity unresolved (nil).


  • (periods)

    if the dst parameter did not resolve an ambiguity, an optional block is yielded to.

Yield Parameters:

Yield Returns:

  • (Object)

    to resolve the ambiguity: a chosen TimezonePeriod or an Array containing a chosen TimezonePeriod; to leave the ambiguity unresolved: an empty Array, an Array containing more than one TimezonePeriod, or nil.



[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 494

def period_for_local(local_time, dst = Timezone.default_dst)
  raise ArgumentError, 'local_time must be specified' unless local_time
  local_time = Timestamp.for(local_time, :ignore)
  results = periods_for_local(local_time)

  if results.empty?
    raise PeriodNotFound, "#{local_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')} is an invalid local time."
  elsif results.size < 2
    # ambiguous result try to resolve

    if !dst.nil?
      matches = results.find_all {|period| period.dst? == dst}
      results = matches if !matches.empty?

    if results.size < 2
      # still ambiguous, try the block

      if block_given?
        results = yield results

      if results.is_a?(TimezonePeriod)
      elsif results && results.size == 1
        raise AmbiguousTime, "#{local_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')} is an ambiguous local time."

#period_for_utc(utc_time) ⇒ TimezonePeriod

Returns the TimezonePeriod that is valid at a given time.

The UTC offset of the utc_time parameter is ignored (it is treated as a UTC time). Use the #period_for method instead if the UTC offset of the time needs to be taken into consideration.


  • utc_time (Object)

    a Time, DateTime or Timestamp.



  • (ArgumentError)

    if utc_time is nil.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 425

def period_for_utc(utc_time)
  raise ArgumentError, 'utc_time must be specified' unless utc_time
  period_for(Timestamp.for(utc_time, :treat_as_utc))

#periods_for_local(local_time) ⇒ Array<TimezonePeriod>

Returns the set of TimezonePeriods that are valid for the given local time as an Array.

The UTC offset of the #local_time parameter is ignored (it is treated as a time in the time zone represented by self).

This will typically return an Array containing a single TimezonePeriod. More than one TimezonePeriod will be returned when the local time is ambiguous (for example, when daylight savings time ends). An empty Array will be returned when the local time is not valid (for example, when daylight savings time begins).

To obtain just a single TimezonePeriod in all cases, use #period_for_local instead and specify how ambiguities should be resolved.


  • local_time (Object)

    a Time, DateTime or Timestamp.



[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 342

def periods_for_local(local_time)

#raise_unknown_timezone (private)

Raises an UnknownTimezone exception.


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 1156

def raise_unknown_timezone
  raise UnknownTimezone, 'TZInfo::Timezone should not be constructed directly (use TZInfo::Timezone.get instead)'

#strftime(format, time = Time.now) ⇒ String

Converts a time to local time for the time zone and returns a String representation of the local time according to the given format.

#strftime first expands any occurrences of %Z in the format string to the time zone abbreviation for the local time (for example, EST or EDT). Depending on the type of time parameter, the result of the expansion is then passed to either Time#strftime, DateTime#strftime or Timestamp#strftime to handle any other format directives.

This method is equivalent to the following:



  • format (String)

    the format string.

  • time (Object) (defaults to: Time.now)

    a Time, DateTime or Timestamp.


  • (String)

    the formatted local time.


  • (ArgumentError)

    if format or time is nil.

  • (ArgumentError)

    if time is a Timestamp with an unspecified UTC offset.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 1039

def strftime(format, time = Time.now)

#to_local(time) ⇒ Object

Converts a time to the local time for the time zone.

The result will be of type TimeWithOffset (if passed a Time), DateTimeWithOffset (if passed a DateTime) or TimestampWithOffset (if passed a Timestamp). TimeWithOffset, DateTimeWithOffset and TimestampWithOffset are subclasses of Time, DateTime and Timestamp that provide additional information about the local result.

Unlike #utc_to_local, to_local takes the UTC offset of the given time into consideration.


  • time (Object)

    a Time, DateTime or Timestamp.



  • (ArgumentError)

    if time is nil.

  • (ArgumentError)

    if time is a Timestamp that does not have a specified UTC offset.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 548

def to_local(time)
  raise ArgumentError, 'time must be specified' unless time

  Timestamp.for(time) do |ts|
    TimestampWithOffset.set_timezone_offset(ts, period_for(ts).offset)



  • (String)

    #identifier, modified to make it more readable.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 253

def to_s

#transitions_up_to(to, from = nil) ⇒ Array<TimezoneTransition>

Returns an Array of TimezoneTransition instances representing the times where the UTC offset of the timezone changes.

Transitions are returned up to a given time (to).

A from time may also be supplied using the from parameter. If from is not nil, only transitions from that time onwards will be returned.

Comparisons with to are exclusive. Comparisons with from are inclusive. If a transition falls precisely on to, it will be excluded. If a transition falls on from, it will be included.


  • to (Object)

    a Time, DateTime or Timestamp specifying the latest (exclusive) transition to return.

  • from (Object) (defaults to: nil)

    an optional Time, DateTime or Timestamp specifying the earliest (inclusive) transition to return.


  • (Array<TimezoneTransition>)

    the transitions that are earlier than to and, if specified, at or later than from. Transitions are ordered by when they occur, from earliest to latest.


  • (ArgumentError)

    if from is specified and to is not greater than from.

  • (ArgumentError)

    is raised if to is nil.

  • (ArgumentError)

    if either to or from is a Timestamp with an unspecified offset.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 370

def transitions_up_to(to, from = nil)

#utc_offset(time = Time.now)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 1097

alias utc_offset observed_utc_offset

#utc_to_local(utc_time) ⇒ Object

Converts a time in UTC to the local time for the time zone.

The result will be of type TimeWithOffset (if passed a Time), DateTimeWithOffset (if passed a DateTime) or TimestampWithOffset (if passed a Timestamp). TimeWithOffset, DateTimeWithOffset and TimestampWithOffset are subclasses of Time, DateTime and Timestamp that provide additional information about the local result.

The UTC offset of the utc_time parameter is ignored (it is treated as a UTC time). Use the #to_local method instead if the the UTC offset of the time needs to be taken into consideration.


  • utc_time (Object)

    a Time, DateTime or Timestamp.



  • (ArgumentError)

    if utc_time is nil.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/timezone.rb', line 572

def utc_to_local(utc_time)
  raise ArgumentError, 'utc_time must be specified' unless utc_time

  Timestamp.for(utc_time, :treat_as_utc) do |ts|