
Class: TZInfo::DataSources::ZoneinfoDataSource

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
Inherits: TZInfo::DataSource
Defined in: lib/tzinfo/data_sources/zoneinfo_data_source.rb


A DataSource implementation that loads data from a 'zoneinfo' directory containing compiled "TZif" version 3 (or earlier) files in addition to iso3166.tab and zone1970.tab or zone.tab index files.

To have ::TZInfo load the system zoneinfo files, call TZInfo::DataSource.set as follows:


To load zoneinfo files from a particular directory, pass the directory to TZInfo::DataSource.set:

TZInfo::DataSource.set(:zoneinfo, directory)

To load zoneinfo files from a particular directory, but load the iso3166.tab index file from a separate location, pass the directory and path to the iso3166.tab file to TZInfo::DataSource.set:

TZInfo::DataSource.set(:zoneinfo, directory, iso3166_path)

Please note that versions of the 'zic' tool (used to build zoneinfo files) that were released prior to February 2006 created zoneinfo files that used 32-bit integers for transition timestamps. Later versions of zic produce zoneinfo files that use 64-bit integers. If you have 32-bit zoneinfo files on your system, then any queries falling outside of the range 1901-12-13 20:45:52 to 2038-01-19 03:14:07 may be inaccurate.

Most modern platforms include 64-bit zoneinfo files. However, Mac OS X (up to at least 10.8.4) still uses 32-bit zoneinfo files.

To check whether your zoneinfo files contain 32-bit or 64-bit transition data, you can run the following code (substituting the identifier of the zone you want to test for zone_identifier):

dir = TZInfo::DataSource.get.zoneinfo_dir
File.open(File.join(dir, zone_identifier), 'r') {|f| f.read(5) }

If the last line returns "TZif\\x00", then you have a 32-bit zoneinfo file. If it returns "TZif2" or "TZif3" then you have a 64-bit zoneinfo file.

It is also worth noting that as of the 2017c release of the IANA Time Zone Database, 64-bit zoneinfo files only include future transitions up to 2038-01-19 03:14:07. Any queries falling after this time may be inaccurate.

Constant Summary

Class Attribute Summary

Class Method Summary

::TZInfo::DataSource - Inherited


Initializes a new ::TZInfo::DataSource instance.


Sets the currently selected data source for time zone and country data.


Creates a ::TZInfo::DataSource instance for use as the default.

Instance Attribute Summary

Instance Method Summary

::TZInfo::DataSource - Inherited


Returns a frozen Array of all the available ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes.


Returns a frozen Array of all the available time zone identifiers for data time zones (i.e. those that actually contain definitions).


Loads all timezone and country data into memory.


Returns a TimezoneInfo instance for the given identifier.


Returns a frozen Array of all the available time zone identifiers that are links to other time zones.

#timezone_identifiers, #to_s, #load_country_info,

Returns a TimezoneInfo instance for the given time zone identifier.


Looks up a given code in the given hash of code to CountryInfo mappings.


Checks that the given identifier is a valid time zone identifier (can be found in the timezone_identifiers Array).


Combines #data_timezone_identifiers and #linked_timezone_identifiers to create an Array containing all valid time zone identifiers.


If the given identifier is contained within the timezone_identifiers Array, the String instance representing that identifier from timezone_identifiers is returned.


Raises ::TZInfo::InvalidDataSource to indicate that a method has not been overridden by a particular data source implementation.


Tries an operation using string directly.

Constructor Details

.new(zoneinfo_dir = nil, alternate_iso3166_tab_path = nil) ⇒ ZoneinfoDataSource

Initializes a new ZoneinfoDataSource.

If zoneinfo_dir is specified, it will be checked and used as the source of zoneinfo files.

The directory must contain a file named iso3166.tab and a file named either zone1970.tab or zone.tab. These may either be included in the root of the directory or in a 'tab' sub-directory and named country.tab and zone_sun.tab respectively (as is the case on Solaris).

Additionally, the path to iso3166.tab can be overridden using the alternate_iso3166_tab_path parameter.

If zoneinfo_dir is not specified or nil, the paths referenced in .search_path are searched in order to find a valid zoneinfo directory (one that contains zone1970.tab or zone.tab and iso3166.tab files as above).

The paths referenced in .alternate_iso3166_tab_search_path are also searched to find an iso3166.tab file if one of the searched zoneinfo directories doesn't contain an iso3166.tab file.


  • zoneinfo_dir (String) (defaults to: nil)

    an optional path to a directory to use as the source of zoneinfo files.

  • alternate_iso3166_tab_path (String) (defaults to: nil)

    an optional path to the iso3166.tab file.


  • (InvalidZoneinfoDirectory)

    if the iso3166.tab and zone1970.tab or zone.tab files cannot be found using the zoneinfo_dir and alternate_iso3166_tab_path parameters.

  • (ZoneinfoDirectoryNotFound)

    if no valid directory can be found by searching.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/data_sources/zoneinfo_data_source.rb', line 237

def initialize(zoneinfo_dir = nil, alternate_iso3166_tab_path = nil)

  if zoneinfo_dir
    iso3166_tab_path, zone_tab_path = validate_zoneinfo_dir(zoneinfo_dir, alternate_iso3166_tab_path)

    unless iso3166_tab_path && zone_tab_path
      raise InvalidZoneinfoDirectory, "#{zoneinfo_dir} is not a directory or doesn't contain a iso3166.tab file and a zone1970.tab or zone.tab file."

    @zoneinfo_dir = zoneinfo_dir
    @zoneinfo_dir, iso3166_tab_path, zone_tab_path = find_zoneinfo_dir

    unless @zoneinfo_dir && iso3166_tab_path && zone_tab_path
      raise ZoneinfoDirectoryNotFound, "None of the paths included in #{self.class.name}.search_path are valid zoneinfo directories."

  @zoneinfo_dir = File.expand_path(@zoneinfo_dir).freeze
  @timezone_identifiers = load_timezone_identifiers.freeze
  @countries = load_countries(iso3166_tab_path, zone_tab_path).freeze
  @country_codes = @countries.keys.sort!.freeze

  string_deduper = ConcurrentStringDeduper.new
  posix_tz_parser = PosixTimeZoneParser.new(string_deduper)
  @zoneinfo_reader = ZoneinfoReader.new(posix_tz_parser, string_deduper)

Class Attribute Details

.alternate_iso3166_tab_search_pathArray<String> (rw)

An Array of paths that will be checked to find an alternate iso3166.tab file if one was not included in the zoneinfo directory (for example, on FreeBSD and OpenBSD systems).

Paths are checked in the order they appear in the Array.

The default value is ['/usr/share/misc/iso3166.tab', '/usr/share/misc/iso3166'].


  • (Array<String>)

    an Array of paths to check in order to locate an iso3166.tab file.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/data_sources/zoneinfo_data_source.rb', line 156

def alternate_iso3166_tab_search_path

.alternate_iso3166_tab_search_path=(alternate_iso3166_tab_search_path) (rw)

Sets the paths to check to locate an alternate iso3166.tab file if one was not included in the zoneinfo directory.

Can be set to an Array of paths or a String containing paths separated with File::PATH_SEPARATOR.

Paths are checked in the order they appear in the array.

Set to nil to revert to the default paths.


  • alternate_iso3166_tab_search_path (Object)

    either nil or a list of paths to check as either an Array of String or a File::PATH_SEPARATOR separated String.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/data_sources/zoneinfo_data_source.rb', line 173

def alternate_iso3166_tab_search_path=(alternate_iso3166_tab_search_path)
  @@alternate_iso3166_tab_search_path = process_search_path(alternate_iso3166_tab_search_path, DEFAULT_ALTERNATE_ISO3166_TAB_SEARCH_PATH)

.search_pathArray<String> (rw)

An Array of directories that will be checked to find the system zoneinfo directory.

Directories are checked in the order they appear in the Array.

The default value is ['/usr/share/zoneinfo', '/usr/share/lib/zoneinfo', '/etc/zoneinfo'].


  • (Array<String>)

    an Array of directories to check in order to find the system zoneinfo directory.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/data_sources/zoneinfo_data_source.rb', line 123

def search_path

.search_path=(search_path) (rw)

Sets the directories to be checked when locating the system zoneinfo directory.

Can be set to an Array of directories or a String containing directories separated with File::PATH_SEPARATOR.

Directories are checked in the order they appear in the Array or String.

Set to nil to revert to the default paths.


  • search_path (Object)

    either nil or a list of directories to check as either an Array of String or a File::PATH_SEPARATOR separated String.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/data_sources/zoneinfo_data_source.rb', line 141

def search_path=(search_path)
  @@search_path = process_search_path(search_path, DEFAULT_SEARCH_PATH)

Class Method Details

.process_search_path(path, default) ⇒ Array<String> (private)

Processes a path for use as the .search_path or .alternate_iso3166_tab_search_path.


  • path (Object)

    either nil or a list of paths to check as either an Array of String or a File::PATH_SEPARATOR separated String.

  • default (Array<String>)

    the default value.


  • (Array<String>)

    the processed path.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/data_sources/zoneinfo_data_source.rb', line 187

def process_search_path(path, default)
  if path
    if path.kind_of?(String)

Instance Attribute Details

#country_codesArray<String> (readonly)

Returns a frozen Array of all the available ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. The identifiers are sorted according to String#<=>.


  • (Array<String>)

    a frozen Array of all the available ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/data_sources/zoneinfo_data_source.rb', line 204

attr_reader :country_codes

#zoneinfo_dirString (readonly)


  • (String)

    the zoneinfo directory being used.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/data_sources/zoneinfo_data_source.rb', line 201

attr_reader :zoneinfo_dir

Instance Method Details


Returns a frozen Array of all the available time zone identifiers. The identifiers are sorted according to String#<=>.


  • (Array<String>)

    a frozen Array of all the available time zone identifiers.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/data_sources/zoneinfo_data_source.rb', line 271

def data_timezone_identifiers

#dms_to_rational(sign, degrees, minutes, seconds = nil) ⇒ Rational (private)

Converts degrees, minutes and seconds to a Rational.


  • sign (String)

    '-' or '+'.

  • degrees (String)

    the number of degrees.

  • minutes (String)

    the number of minutes.

  • seconds (String) (defaults to: nil)

    the number of seconds (optional).


  • (Rational)

    the result of converting from degrees, minutes and seconds to a Rational.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/data_sources/zoneinfo_data_source.rb', line 579

def dms_to_rational(sign, degrees, minutes, seconds = nil)
  degrees = degrees.to_i
  minutes = minutes.to_i
  sign = sign == '-'.freeze ? -1 : 1

  if seconds
    Rational(sign * (degrees * 3600 + minutes * 60 + seconds.to_i), 3600)
    Rational(sign * (degrees * 60 + minutes), 60)

#enum_timezones(dir, exclude = []) {|path| ... } (private)

Recursively enumerate a directory of time zones.


  • dir (Array<String>)

    the directory to enumerate as an Array of path components.

  • exclude (Array<String>) (defaults to: [])

    file names to exclude when scanning dir.


  • (path)

    the path of each time zone file found is passed to the block.

Yield Parameters:

  • path (Array<String>)

    the path of a time zone file as an Array of path components.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/data_sources/zoneinfo_data_source.rb', line 434

def enum_timezones(dir, exclude = [], &block)
  Dir.foreach(File.join(@zoneinfo_dir, *dir)) do |entry|
    rescue EncodingError

    unless entry =~ /\./ || exclude.include?(entry)
      path = dir + [entry]
      full_path = File.join(@zoneinfo_dir, *path)

      if File.directory?(full_path)
        enum_timezones(path, [], &block)
      elsif File.file?(full_path)
        yield path

#find_zoneinfo_dirArray<String> (private)

Finds a zoneinfo directory using .search_path and .alternate_iso3166_tab_search_path.


  • (Array<String>)

    an Array containing the iso3166.tab and zone.tab paths if a zoneinfo directory was found, otherwise nil.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/data_sources/zoneinfo_data_source.rb', line 389

def find_zoneinfo_dir
  alternate_iso3166_tab_path = self.class.alternate_iso3166_tab_search_path.detect do |path|

  self.class.search_path.each do |path|
    # Try without the alternate_iso3166_tab_path first.
    iso3166_tab_path, zone_tab_path = validate_zoneinfo_dir(path)
    return path, iso3166_tab_path, zone_tab_path if iso3166_tab_path && zone_tab_path

    if alternate_iso3166_tab_path
      iso3166_tab_path, zone_tab_path = validate_zoneinfo_dir(path, alternate_iso3166_tab_path)
      return path, iso3166_tab_path, zone_tab_path if iso3166_tab_path && zone_tab_path

  # Not found.



  • (String)

    the internal object state as a programmer-readable String.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/data_sources/zoneinfo_data_source.rb', line 290

def inspect
  "#<#{self.class}: #{@zoneinfo_dir}>"


Returns an empty Array. There is no information about linked/aliased time zones in the zoneinfo files. When using ZoneinfoDataSource, every time zone will be returned as a ::TZInfo::DataTimezone.


  • (Array<String>)

    an empty Array.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/data_sources/zoneinfo_data_source.rb', line 280

def linked_timezone_identifiers

#load_countries(iso3166_tab_path, zone_tab_path) ⇒ Hash<String, CountryInfo> (private)

Uses the iso3166.tab and zone1970.tab or zone.tab files to return a Hash mapping country codes to CountryInfo instances.


  • iso3166_tab_path (String)

    the path to the iso3166.tab file.

  • zone_tab_path (String)

    the path to the zone.tab file.


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/data_sources/zoneinfo_data_source.rb', line 463

def load_countries(iso3166_tab_path, zone_tab_path)

  # Handle standard 3 to 4 column zone.tab files as well as the 4 to 5
  # column format used by Solaris.
  # On Solaris, an extra column before the comment gives an optional
  # linked/alternate timezone identifier (or '-' if not set).
  # Additionally, there is a section at the end of the file for timezones
  # covering regions. These are given lower-case "country" codes. The timezone
  # identifier column refers to a continent instead of an identifier. These
  # lines will be ignored by TZInfo.
  # Since the last column is optional in both formats, testing for the
  # Solaris format is done in two passes. The first pass identifies if there
  # are any lines using 5 columns.

  # The first column is allowed to be a comma separated list of country
  # codes, as used in zone1970.tab (introduced in tzdata 2014f).
  # The first country code in the comma-separated list is the country that
  # contains the city the zone identifier is based on. The first country
  # code on each line is considered to be primary with the others
  # secondary.
  # The zones for each country are ordered primary first, then secondary.
  # Within the primary and secondary groups, the zones are ordered by their
  # order in the file.

  file_is_5_column = false
  zone_tab = []

  file = File.read(zone_tab_path, external_encoding: Encoding::UTF_8, internal_encoding: Encoding::UTF_8)
  file.each_line do |line|

    if line =~ /\A([A-Z]{2}(?:,[A-Z]{2})*)\t(?:([+\-])(\d{2})(\d{2})([+\-])(\d{3})(\d{2})|([+\-])(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})([+\-])(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2}))\t([^\t]+)(?:\t([^\t]+))?(?:\t([^\t]+))?\z/
      codes = $1

      if $2
        latitude = dms_to_rational($2, $3, $4)
        longitude = dms_to_rational($5, $6, $7)
        latitude = dms_to_rational($8, $9, $10, $11)
        longitude = dms_to_rational($12, $13, $14, $15)

      zone_identifier = $16
      column4 = $17
      column5 = $18

      file_is_5_column = true if column5

      zone_tab << [codes.split(','.freeze), zone_identifier, latitude, longitude, column4, column5]

  string_deduper = StringDeduper.new
  primary_zones = {}
  secondary_zones = {}

  zone_tab.each do |codes, zone_identifier, latitude, longitude, column4, column5|
    description = file_is_5_column ? column5 : column4
    description = string_deduper.dedupe(description) if description

    # Lookup the identifier in the timezone index, so that the same
    # String instance can be used (saving memory).
      zone_identifier = validate_timezone_identifier(zone_identifier)
    rescue InvalidTimezoneIdentifier
      # zone_identifier is not valid, dedupe and allow anyway.
      zone_identifier = string_deduper.dedupe(zone_identifier)

    country_timezone = CountryTimezone.new(zone_identifier, latitude, longitude, description)

    # codes will always have at least one element

    (primary_zones[codes.first.freeze] ||= []) << country_timezone

    codes[1..-1].each do |code|
      (secondary_zones[code.freeze] ||= []) << country_timezone

  countries = {}

  file = File.read(iso3166_tab_path, external_encoding: Encoding::UTF_8, internal_encoding: Encoding::UTF_8)
  file.each_line do |line|

    # Handle both the two column alpha-2 and name format used in the tz
    # database as well as the 4 column alpha-2, alpha-3, numeric-3 and
    # name format used by FreeBSD and OpenBSD.

    if line =~ /\A([A-Z]{2})(?:\t[A-Z]{3}\t[0-9]{3})?\t(.+)\z/
      code = $1
      name = $2
      zones = (primary_zones[code] || []) + (secondary_zones[code] || [])

      countries[code] = CountryInfo.new(code, name, zones)


#load_country_info(code) ⇒ DataSources::CountryInfo (protected)


  • code (String)

    an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.



[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/data_sources/zoneinfo_data_source.rb', line 326

def load_country_info(code)
  lookup_country_info(@countries, code)

#load_timezone_identifiersArray<String> (private)

Scans @zoneinfo_dir and returns an Array of available time zone identifiers. The result is sorted according to String#<=>.


  • (Array<String>)

    an Array containing all the time zone identifiers found.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/data_sources/zoneinfo_data_source.rb', line 414

def load_timezone_identifiers
  index = []

  enum_timezones([], EXCLUDED_FILENAMES) do |identifier|
    index << identifier.join('/').freeze


#load_timezone_info(identifier) ⇒ TimezoneInfo (protected)

Returns a TimezoneInfo instance for the given time zone identifier. The result will either be a ConstantOffsetDataTimezoneInfo or a TransitionsDataTimezoneInfo.


  • identifier (String)

    A time zone identifier.



  • (InvalidTimezoneIdentifier)

    if the time zone is not found, the identifier is invalid, the zoneinfo file cannot be opened or the zoneinfo file is not valid.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/data_sources/zoneinfo_data_source.rb', line 306

def load_timezone_info(identifier)
  valid_identifier = validate_timezone_identifier(identifier)
  path = File.join(@zoneinfo_dir, valid_identifier)

  zoneinfo = begin
  rescue Errno::EACCES, InvalidZoneinfoFile => e
    raise InvalidTimezoneIdentifier, "#{e.message.encode(Encoding::UTF_8)} (loading #{valid_identifier})"
  rescue Errno::EISDIR, Errno::ENAMETOOLONG, Errno::ENOENT, Errno::ENOTDIR
    raise InvalidTimezoneIdentifier, "Invalid identifier: #{valid_identifier}"

  if zoneinfo.kind_of?(TimezoneOffset)
    ConstantOffsetDataTimezoneInfo.new(valid_identifier, zoneinfo)
    TransitionsDataTimezoneInfo.new(valid_identifier, zoneinfo)

#resolve_tab_path(zoneinfo_path, standard_names, tab_name) ⇒ String (private)

Attempts to resolve the path to a tab file given its standard names and tab sub-directory name (as used on Solaris).


  • zoneinfo_path (String)

    the path to a zoneinfo directory.

  • standard_names (Array<String>)

    the standard names for the tab file.

  • tab_name (String)

    the alternate name for the tab file to check in the tab sub-directory.


  • (String)

    the path to the tab file.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/data_sources/zoneinfo_data_source.rb', line 372

def resolve_tab_path(zoneinfo_path, standard_names, tab_name)
  standard_names.each do |standard_name|
    path = File.join(zoneinfo_path, standard_name)
    return path if File.file?(path)

  path = File.join(zoneinfo_path, 'tab', tab_name)
  return path if File.file?(path)




[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/data_sources/zoneinfo_data_source.rb', line 285

def to_s
  "Zoneinfo DataSource: #{@zoneinfo_dir}"

#validate_zoneinfo_dir(path, iso3166_tab_path = nil) ⇒ Array<String> (private)

Validates a zoneinfo directory and returns the paths to the iso3166.tab and zone1970.tab or zone.tab files if valid. If the directory is not valid, returns nil.

The path to the iso3166.tab file may be overridden by passing in a path. This is treated as either absolute or relative to the current working directory.


  • path (String)

    the path to a possible zoneinfo directory.

  • iso3166_tab_path (String) (defaults to: nil)

    an optional path to an external iso3166.tab file.


  • (Array<String>)

    an Array containing the iso3166.tab and zone.tab paths if the directory is valid, otherwise nil.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/tzinfo/data_sources/zoneinfo_data_source.rb', line 345

def validate_zoneinfo_dir(path, iso3166_tab_path = nil)
  if File.directory?(path)
    if iso3166_tab_path
      return nil unless File.file?(iso3166_tab_path)
      iso3166_tab_path = resolve_tab_path(path, ['iso3166.tab'], 'country.tab')
      return nil unless iso3166_tab_path

    zone_tab_path = resolve_tab_path(path, ['zone1970.tab', 'zone.tab'], 'zone_sun.tab')
    return nil unless zone_tab_path

    [iso3166_tab_path, zone_tab_path]