Class: Prism::Translation::Ripper::SexpBuilderPP
Relationships & Source Files | |
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance | |
Class Chain:
SexpBuilder ,
::Prism::Translation::Ripper ,
Instance Chain:
SexpBuilder ,
::Prism::Translation::Ripper ,
Inherits: |
Defined in: | lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb |
This class mirrors the ::Ripper::SexpBuilderPP subclass of Ripper that returns the same values as ::Ripper::SexpBuilder except with a couple of niceties that flatten linked lists into arrays.
Constant Summary
- Inherited
Class Method Summary
- Inherited
.lex | Tokenizes the Ruby program and returns an array of an array, which is formatted like |
.new | Create a new |
.parse | Parses the given Ruby program read from |
.sexp | Parses |
.sexp_raw | Parses |
Instance Attribute Summary
- Inherited
- Inherited
Instance Method Summary
- #_dispatch_event_new private
- #_dispatch_event_push(list, item) private
- #on_heredoc_dedent(val, width) private
- #on_mlhs_add_post(list, post) private
- #on_mlhs_add_star(list, star) private
- #on_mlhs_paren(list) private
- Inherited
#compile_error | Alias for SexpBuilder#on_error. |
#dedent_element, #on_error, #on_heredoc_dedent, | |
#on_parse_error | Alias for SexpBuilder#on_error. |
- Inherited
#parse | Parse the source and return the result. |
#visit_alias_global_variable_node | alias $foo $bar ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_alias_method_node | alias foo bar ^^^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_alternation_pattern_node | foo => bar | baz. |
#visit_and_node | a and b ^^^^^^^. |
#visit_arguments_node | foo(bar). |
#visit_array_node |
#visit_array_pattern_node | foo => [bar]. |
#visit_assoc_node | { a: 1 } |
#visit_assoc_splat_node | def foo(**); bar(**); end. |
#visit_back_reference_read_node | $+ ^^. |
#visit_begin_node | begin end ^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_block_argument_node | foo(&bar). |
#visit_block_local_variable_node | foo { |; bar| } |
#visit_block_node | Visit a BlockNode. |
#visit_block_parameter_node | def foo(&bar); end. |
#visit_block_parameters_node | A block’s parameters. |
#visit_break_node | break ^^^^^. |
#visit_call_and_write_node | &&= baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_call_node | foo ^^^. |
#visit_call_operator_write_node | += baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_call_or_write_node | ||= baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_call_target_node |, = 1 ^^^^^^^. |
#visit_capture_pattern_node | foo => bar => baz. |
#visit_case_match_node | case foo; in bar; end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_case_node | case foo; when bar; end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_class_node | class Foo; end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_class_variable_and_write_node | @@foo &&= bar ^^^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_class_variable_operator_write_node | @@foo += bar ^^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_class_variable_or_write_node | @@foo ||= bar ^^^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_class_variable_read_node | @@foo ^^^^^. |
#visit_class_variable_target_node | @@foo, = bar ^^^^^. |
#visit_class_variable_write_node | @@foo = 1 ^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_constant_and_write_node | Foo &&= bar ^^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_constant_operator_write_node | Foo += bar ^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_constant_or_write_node | Foo ||= bar ^^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_constant_path_and_write_node |
#visit_constant_path_node |
#visit_constant_path_operator_write_node |
#visit_constant_path_or_write_node |
#visit_constant_path_target_node |
#visit_constant_path_write_node |
#visit_constant_read_node | Foo ^^^. |
#visit_constant_target_node | Foo, = bar ^^^. |
#visit_constant_write_node | Foo = 1 ^^^^^^^. |
#visit_def_node | def foo; end ^^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_defined_node | defined? a ^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_else_node | if foo then bar else baz end. |
#visit_embedded_statements_node | “foo # |
#visit_embedded_variable_node | “foo #@bar”. |
#visit_ensure_node | Visit an EnsureNode node. |
#visit_false_node | false ^^^^^. |
#visit_find_pattern_node | foo => [*, bar, *]. |
#visit_flip_flop_node | if foo .. |
#visit_float_node | 1.0 ^^^. |
#visit_for_node | for foo in bar do end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_forwarding_arguments_node | def foo(…); bar(…); end. |
#visit_forwarding_parameter_node | def foo(…); end. |
#visit_forwarding_super_node | super ^^^^^. |
#visit_global_variable_and_write_node | $foo &&= bar ^^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_global_variable_operator_write_node | $foo += bar ^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_global_variable_or_write_node | $foo ||= bar ^^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_global_variable_read_node | $foo ^^^^. |
#visit_global_variable_target_node | $foo, = bar ^^^^. |
#visit_global_variable_write_node | $foo = 1 ^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_hash_node | {} ^^. |
#visit_hash_pattern_node | foo => {} |
#visit_if_node | if foo then bar end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_imaginary_node | 1i ^^. |
#visit_implicit_node | { foo: } |
#visit_implicit_rest_node | foo { |bar,| } |
#visit_in_node | case foo; in bar; end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_index_and_write_node | foo &&= baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_index_operator_write_node | foo += baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_index_or_write_node | foo ||= baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_index_target_node | foo, = 1 ^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_instance_variable_and_write_node | ^^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_instance_variable_operator_write_node | ^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_instance_variable_or_write_node | ^^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_instance_variable_read_node | ^^^^. |
#visit_instance_variable_target_node | @foo, = bar ^^^^. |
#visit_instance_variable_write_node | ^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_integer_node | 1 ^. |
#visit_interpolated_match_last_line_node | if /foo # |
#visit_interpolated_regular_expression_node | /foo # |
#visit_interpolated_string_node | “foo # |
#visit_interpolated_symbol_node | :“foo # |
#visit_interpolated_x_string_node |
#visit_it_local_variable_read_node | -> { it } |
#visit_it_parameters_node | -> { it } ^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_keyword_hash_node | foo(bar: baz). |
#visit_keyword_rest_parameter_node | def foo(**bar); end. |
#visit_lambda_node | -> {} |
#visit_local_variable_and_write_node | foo &&= bar ^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_local_variable_operator_write_node | foo += bar ^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_local_variable_or_write_node | foo ||= bar ^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_local_variable_read_node | foo ^^^. |
#visit_local_variable_target_node | foo, = bar ^^^. |
#visit_local_variable_write_node | foo = 1 ^^^^^^^. |
#visit_match_last_line_node | if /foo/ then end. |
#visit_match_predicate_node | foo in bar ^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_match_required_node | foo => bar ^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_match_write_node | /(?<foo>foo)/ =~ bar ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_missing_node | A node that is missing from the syntax tree. |
#visit_module_node | module Foo; end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_multi_target_node | (foo, bar), bar = qux ^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_multi_write_node | foo, bar = baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_next_node | next ^^^^. |
#visit_nil_node | nil ^^^. |
#visit_no_keywords_parameter_node | def foo(**nil); end. |
#visit_numbered_parameters_node | -> { _1 + _2 } ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_numbered_reference_read_node | $1 ^^. |
#visit_optional_keyword_parameter_node | def foo(bar: baz); end. |
#visit_optional_parameter_node | def foo(bar = 1); end. |
#visit_or_node | a or b ^^^^^^. |
#visit_parameters_node | def foo(bar, *baz); end. |
#visit_parentheses_node | () ^^. |
#visit_pinned_expression_node | foo => ^(bar). |
#visit_pinned_variable_node | foo = 1 and bar => ^foo. |
#visit_post_execution_node | END {} ^^^^^^. |
#visit_pre_execution_node | BEGIN {} ^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_program_node | The top-level program node. |
#visit_range_node | 0..5 ^^^^. |
#visit_rational_node | 1r ^^. |
#visit_redo_node | redo ^^^^. |
#visit_regular_expression_node | /foo/ ^^^^^. |
#visit_required_keyword_parameter_node | def foo(bar:); end. |
#visit_required_parameter_node | def foo(bar); end. |
#visit_rescue_modifier_node | foo rescue bar ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_rescue_node | begin; rescue; end. |
#visit_rest_parameter_node | def foo(*bar); end. |
#visit_retry_node | retry ^^^^^. |
#visit_return_node | return ^^^^^^. |
#visit_self_node | self ^^^^. |
#visit_shareable_constant_node | A shareable constant. |
#visit_singleton_class_node | class << self; end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_source_encoding_node | __ENCODING__ ^^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_source_file_node | __FILE__ ^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_source_line_node | __LINE__ ^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_splat_node | foo(*bar). |
#visit_statements_node | A list of statements. |
#visit_string_node | “foo” ^^^^^. |
#visit_super_node | super(foo) ^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_symbol_node |
#visit_true_node | true ^^^^. |
#visit_undef_node | undef foo ^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_unless_node | unless foo; bar end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_until_node | until foo; bar end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_when_node | case foo; when bar; end. |
#visit_while_node | while foo; bar end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. |
#visit_x_string_node |
#visit_yield_node | yield ^^^^^. |
#bounds | This method is responsible for updating lineno and column information to reflect the current node. |
#command? | Returns true if the given node is a command node. |
#compile_error | This method is called when the parser found syntax error. |
#dedent_string | This method is provided by the |
#result | Lazily initialize the parse result. |
#trailing_comma? | Returns true if there is a comma between the two locations. |
#visit_alias_global_variable_node_value | Visit one side of an alias global variable node. |
#visit_arguments | Visit a list of elements, like the elements of an array or arguments. |
#visit_begin_node_clauses | Visit the clauses of a begin node to form an on_bodystmt call. |
#visit_body_node | Visit the body of a structure that can have either a set of statements or statements wrapped in rescue/else/ensure. |
#visit_call_node_arguments | Visit the arguments and block of a call node and return the arguments and block as they should be used. |
#visit_constant_path_write_node_target | Visit a constant path that is part of a write node. |
#visit_destructured_parameter_node | Visit a destructured positional parameter node. |
#visit_heredoc_node | Visit a string that is expressed using a <<~ heredoc. |
#visit_heredoc_node_whitespace |
#visit_heredoc_string_node | Visit a heredoc node that is representing a string. |
#visit_heredoc_x_string_node | Visit a heredoc node that is representing an xstring. |
#visit_multi_target_node_targets | Visit the targets of a multi-target node. |
#visit_number_node | Visit a node that represents a number. |
#visit_pattern_node | Visit a pattern within a pattern match. |
#visit_statements_node_body | Visit the list of statements of a statements node. |
#visit_string_content | Visit an individual part of a string-like node. |
#visit_token | Visit the string content of a particular node. |
#visit_words_sep | Dispatch a words_sep event that contains the space between the elements of list literals. |
#visit_write_value | Visit a node that represents a write value. |
#void_stmt? | Returns true if there is a semicolon between the two locations. |
#warn | This method is called when weak warning is produced by the parser. |
#warning | This method is called when strong warning is produced by the parser. |
#_dispatch_0, #_dispatch_1, #_dispatch_2, #_dispatch_3, #_dispatch_4, #_dispatch_5, #_dispatch_7 |
Constructor Details
This class inherits a constructor from Prism::Translation::Ripper
Instance Method Details
#_dispatch_event_new (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb', line 92
def _dispatch_event_new [] end
#_dispatch_event_push(list, item) (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb', line 96
def _dispatch_event_push(list, item) list.push item list end
#on_heredoc_dedent(val, width) (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb', line 79
def on_heredoc_dedent(val, width)! do |e| next e if Symbol === e and /_content\z/ =~ e if Array === e and e[0] == :@tstring_content e = dedent_element(e, width) elsif String === e dedent_string(e, width) end e end val end
#on_mlhs_add_post(list, post) (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb', line 109
def on_mlhs_add_post(list, post) list.concat(post) end
#on_mlhs_add_star(list, star) (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb', line 105
def on_mlhs_add_star(list, star) list.push([:rest_param, star]) end
#on_mlhs_paren(list) (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb', line 101
def on_mlhs_paren(list) [:mlhs, *list] end