Class: Prism::Translation::Ripper
Relationships & Source Files | |
Namespace Children | |
| |
Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance Descendants | |
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance | |
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
Inherits: |
Defined in: | lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb, lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb |
This class provides a compatibility layer between prism and Ripper
. It functions by parsing the entire tree first and then walking it and executing each of the Ripper
callbacks as it goes. To use this class, you treat Ripper
effectively as you would treat the Ripper
Note that this class will serve the most common use cases, but Ripper’s API is extensive and undocumented. It relies on reporting the state of the parser at any given time. We do our best to replicate that here, but because it is a different architecture it is not possible to perfectly replicate the behavior of Ripper
The main known difference is that we may omit dispatching some events in some cases. This impacts the following events:
Constant Summary
A list of all of the Ruby binary operators.
[ :!=, :!~, :=~, :==, :===, :<=>, :>, :>=, :<, :<=, :&, :|, :^, :>>, :<<, :-, :+, :%, :/, :*, :** ]
This array contains name of all ripper events.
A list of all of the Ruby keywords.
[ "alias", "and", "begin", "BEGIN", "break", "case", "class", "def", "defined?", "do", "else", "elsif", "end", "END", "ensure", "false", "for", "if", "in", "module", "next", "nil", "not", "or", "redo", "rescue", "retry", "return", "self", "super", "then", "true", "undef", "unless", "until", "when", "while", "yield", "__ENCODING__", "__FILE__", "__LINE__" ]
This array contains name of parser events.
This contains a table of all of the parser events and their corresponding arity.
{ BEGIN: 1, END: 1, alias: 2, alias_error: 2, aref: 2, aref_field: 2, arg_ambiguous: 1, arg_paren: 1, args_add: 2, args_add_block: 2, args_add_star: 2, args_forward: 0, args_new: 0, array: 1, aryptn: 4, assign: 2, assign_error: 2, assoc_new: 2, assoc_splat: 1, assoclist_from_args: 1, bare_assoc_hash: 1, begin: 1, binary: 3, block_var: 2, blockarg: 1, bodystmt: 4, brace_block: 2, break: 1, call: 3, case: 2, class: 3, class_name_error: 2, command: 2, command_call: 4, const_path_field: 2, const_path_ref: 2, const_ref: 1, def: 3, defined: 1, defs: 5, do_block: 2, dot2: 2, dot3: 2, dyna_symbol: 1, else: 1, elsif: 3, ensure: 1, excessed_comma: 0, fcall: 1, field: 3, fndptn: 4, for: 3, hash: 1, heredoc_dedent: 2, hshptn: 3, if: 3, if_mod: 2, ifop: 3, in: 3, kwrest_param: 1, lambda: 2, magic_comment: 2, massign: 2, method_add_arg: 2, method_add_block: 2, mlhs_add: 2, mlhs_add_post: 2, mlhs_add_star: 2, mlhs_new: 0, mlhs_paren: 1, module: 2, mrhs_add: 2, mrhs_add_star: 2, mrhs_new: 0, mrhs_new_from_args: 1, next: 1, nokw_param: 1, opassign: 3, operator_ambiguous: 2, param_error: 2, params: 7, paren: 1, parse_error: 1, program: 1, qsymbols_add: 2, qsymbols_new: 0, qwords_add: 2, qwords_new: 0, redo: 0, regexp_add: 2, regexp_literal: 2, regexp_new: 0, rescue: 4, rescue_mod: 2, rest_param: 1, retry: 0, return: 1, return0: 0, sclass: 2, stmts_add: 2, stmts_new: 0, string_add: 2, string_concat: 2, string_content: 0, string_dvar: 1, string_embexpr: 1, string_literal: 1, super: 1, symbol: 1, symbol_literal: 1, symbols_add: 2, symbols_new: 0, top_const_field: 1, top_const_ref: 1, unary: 2, undef: 1, unless: 3, unless_mod: 2, until: 2, until_mod: 2, var_alias: 2, var_field: 1, var_ref: 1, vcall: 1, void_stmt: 0, when: 3, while: 2, while_mod: 2, word_add: 2, word_new: 0, words_add: 2, words_new: 0, xstring_add: 2, xstring_literal: 1, xstring_new: 0, yield: 1, yield0: 0, zsuper: 0 }
This array contains name of scanner events.
This contains a table of all of the scanner events and their corresponding arity.
{ CHAR: 1, __end__: 1, backref: 1, backtick: 1, comma: 1, comment: 1, const: 1, cvar: 1, embdoc: 1, embdoc_beg: 1, embdoc_end: 1, embexpr_beg: 1, embexpr_end: 1, embvar: 1, float: 1, gvar: 1, heredoc_beg: 1, heredoc_end: 1, ident: 1, ignored_nl: 1, imaginary: 1, int: 1, ivar: 1, kw: 1, label: 1, label_end: 1, lbrace: 1, lbracket: 1, lparen: 1, nl: 1, op: 1, period: 1, qsymbols_beg: 1, qwords_beg: 1, rational: 1, rbrace: 1, rbracket: 1, regexp_beg: 1, regexp_end: 1, rparen: 1, semicolon: 1, sp: 1, symbeg: 1, symbols_beg: 1, tlambda: 1, tlambeg: 1, tstring_beg: 1, tstring_content: 1, tstring_end: 1, words_beg: 1, words_sep: 1, ignored_sp: 1 }
Class Method Summary
.lex(src, filename = "-", lineno = 1, raise_errors: false)
Tokenizes the Ruby program and returns an array of an array, which is formatted like
[[lineno, column], type, token, state]
. -
.new(source, filename = "(ripper)", lineno = 1) ⇒ Ripper
Create a new
object with the given source. -
.parse(src, filename = "(ripper)", lineno = 1)
Parses the given Ruby program read from
. -
.sexp(src, filename = "-", lineno = 1, raise_errors: false)
and create S-exp tree. -
.sexp_raw(src, filename = "-", lineno = 1, raise_errors: false)
and create S-exp tree.
Instance Attribute Summary
The current column number of the parser.
#error? ⇒ Boolean
True if the parser encountered an error during parsing.
The filename of the source being parsed.
The current line number of the parser.
The source that is being parsed.
Instance Method Summary
Parse the source and return the result.
alias $foo $bar ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.
alias foo bar ^^^^^^^^^^^^^.
foo => bar | baz.
a and b ^^^^^^^.
foo => [bar].
{ a: 1 }
def foo(**); bar(**); end.
$+ ^^.
begin end ^^^^^^^^^.
foo { |; bar| }
Visit a BlockNode.
def foo(&bar); end.
A block’s parameters.
break ^^^^^.
#visit_call_and_write_node(node) &&= baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.
foo ^^^.
#visit_call_operator_write_node(node) += baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.
#visit_call_or_write_node(node) ||= baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.
#visit_call_target_node(node), = 1 ^^^^^^^.
foo => bar => baz.
case foo; in bar; end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.
case foo; when bar; end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.
class Foo; end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.
@@foo &&= bar ^^^^^^^^^^^^^.
@@foo += bar ^^^^^^^^^^^^.
@@foo ||= bar ^^^^^^^^^^^^^.
@@foo ^^^^^.
@@foo, = bar ^^^^^.
@@foo = 1 ^^^^^^^^^.
Foo &&= bar ^^^^^^^^^^^^.
Foo += bar ^^^^^^^^^^^.
Foo ||= bar ^^^^^^^^^^^^.
&&= baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. -
^^^^^^^^. -
+= baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. -
||= baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. -
, = baz ^^^^^^^^. -
= 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^. -
Foo ^^^.
Foo, = bar ^^^.
Foo = 1 ^^^^^^^.
def foo; end ^^^^^^^^^^^^.
defined? a ^^^^^^^^^^.
if foo then bar else baz end.
“foo #
”. -
“foo #@bar”.
Visit an EnsureNode node.
false ^^^^^.
foo => [*, bar, *].
if foo ..
1.0 ^^^.
for foo in bar do end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.
def foo(…); bar(…); end.
def foo(…); end.
super ^^^^^.
$foo &&= bar ^^^^^^^^^^^^.
$foo += bar ^^^^^^^^^^^.
$foo ||= bar ^^^^^^^^^^^^.
$foo ^^^^.
$foo, = bar ^^^^.
$foo = 1 ^^^^^^^^.
{} ^^.
foo => {}
if foo then bar end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.
1i ^^.
{ foo: }
foo { |bar,| }
case foo; in bar; end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.
foo &&= baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.
foo += baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.
foo ||= baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.
foo, = 1 ^^^^^^^^.
@foo, = bar ^^^^.
1 ^.
if /foo #
/ then end. -
/foo #
/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^. -
“foo #
” ^^^^^^^^^^^^. -
:“foo #
” ^^^^^^^^^^^^^. -
foo #{bar}
^^^^^^^^^^^^. -
-> { it }
-> { it } ^^^^^^^^^.
foo(bar: baz).
def foo(**bar); end.
-> {}
foo &&= bar ^^^^^^^^^^^.
foo += bar ^^^^^^^^^^.
foo ||= bar ^^^^^^^^^^^.
foo ^^^.
foo, = bar ^^^.
foo = 1 ^^^^^^^.
if /foo/ then end.
foo in bar ^^^^^^^^^^.
foo => bar ^^^^^^^^^^.
/(?<foo>foo)/ =~ bar ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.
A node that is missing from the syntax tree.
module Foo; end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.
(foo, bar), bar = qux ^^^^^^^^^^.
foo, bar = baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.
next ^^^^.
nil ^^^.
def foo(**nil); end.
-> { _1 + _2 } ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.
$1 ^^.
def foo(bar: baz); end.
def foo(bar = 1); end.
a or b ^^^^^^.
def foo(bar, *baz); end.
() ^^.
foo => ^(bar).
foo = 1 and bar => ^foo.
END {} ^^^^^^.
BEGIN {} ^^^^^^^^.
The top-level program node.
0..5 ^^^^.
1r ^^.
redo ^^^^.
/foo/ ^^^^^.
def foo(bar:); end.
def foo(bar); end.
foo rescue bar ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.
begin; rescue; end.
def foo(*bar); end.
retry ^^^^^.
return ^^^^^^.
self ^^^^.
A shareable constant.
class << self; end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.
__ENCODING__ ^^^^^^^^^^^^.
__FILE__ ^^^^^^^^.
__LINE__ ^^^^^^^^.
A list of statements.
“foo” ^^^^^.
super(foo) ^^^^^^^^^^.
^^^^. -
true ^^^^.
undef foo ^^^^^^^^^.
unless foo; bar end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.
until foo; bar end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.
case foo; when bar; end.
while foo; bar end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.
^^^^^. -
yield ^^^^^.
This method is responsible for updating lineno and column information to reflect the current node.
#command?(node) ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if the given node is a command node.
This method is called when the parser found syntax error.
#dedent_string(string, width)
This method is provided by the
C extension. -
Lazily initialize the parse result.
#trailing_comma?(left, right) ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if there is a comma between the two locations.
Visit one side of an alias global variable node.
Visit a list of elements, like the elements of an array or arguments.
#visit_begin_node_clauses(location, node, allow_newline)
Visit the clauses of a begin node to form an on_bodystmt call.
#visit_body_node(location, node, allow_newline = false)
Visit the body of a structure that can have either a set of statements or statements wrapped in rescue/else/ensure.
#visit_call_node_arguments(arguments_node, block_node, trailing_comma)
Visit the arguments and block of a call node and return the arguments and block as they should be used.
Visit a constant path that is part of a write node.
Visit a destructured positional parameter node.
#visit_heredoc_node(parts, base)
Visit a string that is expressed using a <<~ heredoc.
gives back the escaped string content but strips out the common leading whitespace. -
Visit a heredoc node that is representing a string.
Visit a heredoc node that is representing an xstring.
#visit_multi_target_node_targets(lefts, rest, rights, skippable)
Visit the targets of a multi-target node.
Visit a node that represents a number.
Visit a pattern within a pattern match.
Visit the list of statements of a statements node.
Visit an individual part of a string-like node.
#visit_token(token, allow_keywords = true)
Visit the string content of a particular node.
#visit_words_sep(opening_loc, previous, current)
Dispatch a words_sep event that contains the space between the elements of list literals.
Visit a node that represents a write value.
#void_stmt?(left, right, allow_newline) ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if there is a semicolon between the two locations.
#warn(fmt, *args)
This method is called when weak warning is produced by the parser.
#warning(fmt, *args)
This method is called when strong warning is produced by the parser.
- #_dispatch_0 private Internal use only
- #_dispatch_1(_) private Internal use only
- #_dispatch_2(_, _) private Internal use only
- #_dispatch_3(_, _, _) private Internal use only
- #_dispatch_4(_, _, _, _) private Internal use only
- #_dispatch_5(_, _, _, _, _) private Internal use only
- #_dispatch_7(_, _, _, _, _, _, _) private Internal use only
Constructor Details
.new(source, filename = "(ripper)", lineno = 1) ⇒ Ripper
Create a new Ripper
object with the given source.
Class Method Details
.lex(src, filename = "-", lineno = 1, raise_errors: false)
Tokenizes the Ruby program and returns an array of an array, which is formatted like [[lineno, column], type, token, state]
. The #filename argument is mostly ignored. By default, this method does not handle syntax errors in src
, use the raise_errors
keyword to raise a SyntaxError for an error in src
require "ripper"
require "pp"
pp Ripper.lex("def m(a) nil end")
#=> [[[1, 0], :on_kw, "def", FNAME ],
[[1, 3], :on_sp, " ", FNAME ],
[[1, 4], :on_ident, "m", ENDFN ],
[[1, 5], :on_lparen, "(", BEG|LABEL],
[[1, 6], :on_ident, "a", ARG ],
[[1, 7], :on_rparen, ")", ENDFN ],
[[1, 8], :on_sp, " ", BEG ],
[[1, 9], :on_kw, "nil", END ],
[[1, 12], :on_sp, " ", END ],
[[1, 13], :on_kw, "end", END ]]
.parse(src, filename = "(ripper)", lineno = 1)
Parses the given Ruby program read from src
. src
must be a String or an IO or a object with a #gets
.sexp(src, filename = "-", lineno = 1, raise_errors: false)
Parses src
and create S-exp tree. Returns more readable tree rather than .sexp_raw. This method is mainly for developer use. The #filename argument is mostly ignored. By default, this method does not handle syntax errors in src
, returning nil
in such cases. Use the raise_errors
keyword to raise a SyntaxError for an error in src
require "ripper"
require "pp"
pp Ripper.sexp("def m(a) nil end")
#=> [:program,
[:@ident, "m", [1, 4]],
[:paren, [:params, [[:@ident, "a", [1, 6]]], nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]],
[:bodystmt, [[:var_ref, [:@kw, "nil", [1, 9]]]], nil, nil, nil]]]]
.sexp_raw(src, filename = "-", lineno = 1, raise_errors: false)
Parses src
and create S-exp tree. This method is mainly for developer use. The #filename argument is mostly ignored. By default, this method does not handle syntax errors in src
, returning nil
in such cases. Use the raise_errors
keyword to raise a SyntaxError for an error in src
require "ripper"
require "pp"
pp Ripper.sexp_raw("def m(a) nil end")
#=> [:program,
[:@ident, "m", [1, 4]],
[:paren, [:params, [[:@ident, "a", [1, 6]]], nil, nil, nil]],
[:stmts_add, [:stmts_new], [:var_ref, [:@kw, "nil", [1, 9]]]],
Instance Attribute Details
#column (readonly)
The current column number of the parser.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 441
attr_reader :column
#error? ⇒ Boolean
True if the parser encountered an error during parsing.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 457
def error? result.failure? end
#filename (readonly)
The filename of the source being parsed.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 435
attr_reader :filename
#lineno (readonly)
The current line number of the parser.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 438
attr_reader :lineno
#source (readonly)
The source that is being parsed.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 432
attr_reader :source
Instance Method Details
#_dispatch_0 (private)
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 3395
def _dispatch_0; end
#_dispatch_1(_) (private)
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 3396
def _dispatch_1(_); end
#_dispatch_2(_, _) (private)
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 3397
def _dispatch_2(_, _); end
#_dispatch_3(_, _, _) (private)
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 3398
def _dispatch_3(_, _, _); end
#_dispatch_4(_, _, _, _) (private)
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 3399
def _dispatch_4(_, _, _, _); end
#_dispatch_5(_, _, _, _, _) (private)
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 3400
def _dispatch_5(_, _, _, _, _); end
#_dispatch_7(_, _, _, _, _, _, _) (private)
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 3401
def _dispatch_7(_, _, _, _, _, _, _); end
#bounds(location) (private)
This method is responsible for updating lineno and column information to reflect the current node.
This method could be drastically improved with some caching on the start of every line, but for now it’s good enough.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 3385
def bounds(location) @lineno = location.start_line @column = location.start_column end
#command?(node) ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if the given node is a command node.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1173
private def command?(node) node.is_a?(CallNode) && node.opening_loc.nil? && (!node.arguments.nil? || node.block.is_a?(BlockArgumentNode)) && !BINARY_OPERATORS.include?( end
#compile_error(msg) (private)
This method is called when the parser found syntax error.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 3423
def compile_error(msg) end
#dedent_string(string, width) (private)
This method is provided by the Ripper
C extension. It is called when a string needs to be dedented because of a tilde heredoc. It is expected that it will modify the string in place and return the number of bytes that were removed.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 3438
def dedent_string(string, width) whitespace = 0 cursor = 0 while cursor < string.length && string[cursor].match?(/\s/) && whitespace < width if string[cursor] == "\t" whitespace = ((whitespace / 8 + 1) * 8) break if whitespace > width else whitespace += 1 end cursor += 1 end string.replace(string[cursor..]) cursor end
Parse the source and return the result.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 462
def parse result.comments.each do |comment| location = comment.location bounds(location) if comment.is_a?(InlineComment) on_comment(comment.slice) else offset = location.start_offset lines = comment.slice.lines lines.each_with_index do |line, index| bounds(location.copy(start_offset: offset)) if index == 0 on_embdoc_beg(line) elsif index == lines.size - 1 on_embdoc_end(line) else on_embdoc(line) end offset += line.bytesize end end end result.magic_comments.each do |magic_comment| on_magic_comment(magic_comment.key, magic_comment.value) end unless result.data_loc.nil? on___end__(result.data_loc.slice.each_line.first) end result.warnings.each do |warning| bounds(warning.location) if warning.level == :default warning(warning. ) else case warning.type when :ambiguous_first_argument_plus on_arg_ambiguous("+") when :ambiguous_first_argument_minus on_arg_ambiguous("-") when :ambiguous_slash on_arg_ambiguous("/") else warn(warning. ) end end end if error? result.errors.each do |error| location = error.location bounds(location) case error.type when :alias_argument on_alias_error("can't make alias for the number variables", location.slice) when :argument_formal_class on_param_error("formal argument cannot be a class variable", location.slice) when :argument_format_constant on_param_error("formal argument cannot be a constant", location.slice) when :argument_formal_global on_param_error("formal argument cannot be a global variable", location.slice) when :argument_formal_ivar on_param_error("formal argument cannot be an instance variable", location.slice) when :class_name, :module_name on_class_name_error("class/module name must be CONSTANT", location.slice) else on_parse_error(error. ) end end nil else result.value.accept(self) end end
#result (private)
Lazily initialize the parse result.
#trailing_comma?(left, right) ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if there is a comma between the two locations.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 3290
def trailing_comma?(left, right) source.byteslice(left.end_offset...right.start_offset).include?(",") end
alias $foo $bar ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 561
def visit_alias_global_variable_node(node) new_name = visit_alias_global_variable_node_value(node.new_name) old_name = visit_alias_global_variable_node_value(node.old_name) bounds(node.location) on_var_alias(new_name, old_name) end
#visit_alias_global_variable_node_value(node) (private)
Visit one side of an alias global variable node.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 570
private def visit_alias_global_variable_node_value(node) bounds(node.location) case node when BackReferenceReadNode on_backref(node.slice) when GlobalVariableReadNode on_gvar( else raise end end
alias foo bar ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 551
def visit_alias_method_node(node) new_name = visit(node.new_name) old_name = visit(node.old_name) bounds(node.location) on_alias(new_name, old_name) end
foo => bar | baz
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 585
def visit_alternation_pattern_node(node) left = visit_pattern_node(node.left) right = visit_pattern_node(node.right) bounds(node.location) on_binary(left, :|, right) end
a and b ^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 605
def visit_and_node(node) left = visit(node.left) right = visit(node.right) bounds(node.location) on_binary(left, node.operator.to_sym, right) end
#visit_arguments(elements) (private)
Visit a list of elements, like the elements of an array or arguments.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 756
private def visit_arguments(elements) bounds(elements.first.location) elements.inject(on_args_new) do |args, element| arg = visit(element) bounds(element.location) case element when BlockArgumentNode on_args_add_block(args, arg) when SplatNode on_args_add_star(args, arg) else on_args_add(args, arg) end end end
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 796
def visit_arguments_node(node) arguments, _ = visit_call_node_arguments(node, nil, false) arguments end
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 615
def visit_array_node(node) case (opening = node.opening) when /^%w/ opening_loc = node.opening_loc bounds(opening_loc) on_qwords_beg(opening) elements = on_qwords_new previous = nil node.elements.each do |element| visit_words_sep(opening_loc, previous, element) bounds(element.location) elements = on_qwords_add(elements, on_tstring_content(element.content)) previous = element end bounds(node.closing_loc) on_tstring_end(node.closing) when /^%i/ opening_loc = node.opening_loc bounds(opening_loc) on_qsymbols_beg(opening) elements = on_qsymbols_new previous = nil node.elements.each do |element| visit_words_sep(opening_loc, previous, element) bounds(element.location) elements = on_qsymbols_add(elements, on_tstring_content(element.value)) previous = element end bounds(node.closing_loc) on_tstring_end(node.closing) when /^%W/ opening_loc = node.opening_loc bounds(opening_loc) on_words_beg(opening) elements = on_words_new previous = nil node.elements.each do |element| visit_words_sep(opening_loc, previous, element) bounds(element.location) elements = on_words_add( elements, if element.is_a?(StringNode) on_word_add(on_word_new, on_tstring_content(element.content)) else do |word, part| word_part = if part.is_a?(StringNode) bounds(part.location) on_tstring_content(part.content) else visit(part) end on_word_add(word, word_part) end end ) previous = element end bounds(node.closing_loc) on_tstring_end(node.closing) when /^%I/ opening_loc = node.opening_loc bounds(opening_loc) on_symbols_beg(opening) elements = on_symbols_new previous = nil node.elements.each do |element| visit_words_sep(opening_loc, previous, element) bounds(element.location) elements = on_symbols_add( elements, if element.is_a?(SymbolNode) on_word_add(on_word_new, on_tstring_content(element.value)) else do |word, part| word_part = if part.is_a?(StringNode) bounds(part.location) on_tstring_content(part.content) else visit(part) end on_word_add(word, word_part) end end ) previous = element end bounds(node.closing_loc) on_tstring_end(node.closing) else bounds(node.opening_loc) on_lbracket(opening) elements = visit_arguments(node.elements) unless node.elements.empty? bounds(node.closing_loc) on_rbracket(node.closing) end bounds(node.location) on_array(elements) end
foo => [bar]
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 775
def visit_array_pattern_node(node) constant = visit(node.constant) requireds = visit_all(node.requireds) if node.requireds.any? rest = if (rest_node = if rest_node.expression.nil? bounds(rest_node.location) on_var_field(nil) else visit(rest_node.expression) end end posts = visit_all(node.posts) if node.posts.any? bounds(node.location) on_aryptn(constant, requireds, rest, posts) end
{ a: 1 }
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 803
def visit_assoc_node(node) key = visit(node.key) value = visit(node.value) bounds(node.location) on_assoc_new(key, value) end
def foo(**); bar(**); end
{ **foo }
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 816
def visit_assoc_splat_node(node) value = visit(node.value) bounds(node.location) on_assoc_splat(value) end
$+ ^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 825
def visit_back_reference_read_node(node) bounds(node.location) on_backref(node.slice) end
begin end ^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 832
def visit_begin_node(node) clauses = visit_begin_node_clauses(node.begin_keyword_loc, node, false) bounds(node.location) on_begin(clauses) end
#visit_begin_node_clauses(location, node, allow_newline) (private)
Visit the clauses of a begin node to form an on_bodystmt call.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 840
private def visit_begin_node_clauses(location, node, allow_newline) statements = if node.statements.nil? on_stmts_add(on_stmts_new, on_void_stmt) else body = node.statements.body body.unshift(nil) if void_stmt?(location, node.statements.body[0].location, allow_newline) bounds(node.statements.location) visit_statements_node_body(body) end rescue_clause = visit(node.rescue_clause) else_clause = unless (else_clause_node = node.else_clause).nil? else_statements = if else_clause_node.statements.nil? [nil] else body = else_clause_node.statements.body body.unshift(nil) if void_stmt?(else_clause_node.else_keyword_loc, else_clause_node.statements.body[0].location, allow_newline) body end bounds(else_clause_node.location) visit_statements_node_body(else_statements) end ensure_clause = visit(node.ensure_clause) bounds(node.location) on_bodystmt(statements, rescue_clause, else_clause, ensure_clause) end
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 896
def visit_block_argument_node(node) visit(node.expression) end
foo { |; bar| }
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 902
def visit_block_local_variable_node(node) bounds(node.location) on_ident( end
Visit a BlockNode.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 908
def visit_block_node(node) braces = node.opening == "{" parameters = visit(node.parameters) body = case node.body when nil bounds(node.location) stmts = on_stmts_add(on_stmts_new, on_void_stmt) bounds(node.location) braces ? stmts : on_bodystmt(stmts, nil, nil, nil) when StatementsNode stmts = node.body.body stmts.unshift(nil) if void_stmt?(node.parameters&.location || node.opening_loc, node.body.location, false) stmts = visit_statements_node_body(stmts) bounds(node.body.location) braces ? stmts : on_bodystmt(stmts, nil, nil, nil) when BeginNode visit_body_node(node.parameters&.location || node.opening_loc, node.body) else raise end if braces bounds(node.location) on_brace_block(parameters, body) else bounds(node.location) on_do_block(parameters, body) end end
def foo(&bar); end
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 944
def visit_block_parameter_node(node) if node.name_loc.nil? bounds(node.location) on_blockarg(nil) else bounds(node.name_loc) name = visit_token( bounds(node.location) on_blockarg(name) end end
A block’s parameters.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 958
def visit_block_parameters_node(node) parameters = if node.parameters.nil? on_params(nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil) else visit(node.parameters) end locals = if node.locals.any? visit_all(node.locals) else false end bounds(node.location) on_block_var(parameters, locals) end
#visit_body_node(location, node, allow_newline = false) (private)
Visit the body of a structure that can have either a set of statements or statements wrapped in rescue/else/ensure.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 875
private def visit_body_node(location, node, allow_newline = false) case node when nil bounds(location) on_bodystmt(visit_statements_node_body([nil]), nil, nil, nil) when StatementsNode body = [*node.body] body.unshift(nil) if void_stmt?(location, body[0].location, allow_newline) stmts = visit_statements_node_body(body) bounds(node.body.first.location) on_bodystmt(stmts, nil, nil, nil) when BeginNode visit_begin_node_clauses(location, node, allow_newline) else raise end end
break ^^^^^
break foo ^^^^^^^^^
#visit_call_and_write_node(node) &&= baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1204
def visit_call_and_write_node(node) receiver = visit(node.receiver) bounds(node.call_operator_loc) call_operator = visit_token(node.call_operator) bounds(node. ) = visit_token(node. ) bounds(node.location) target = on_field(receiver, call_operator, ) bounds(node.operator_loc) operator = on_op("&&=") value = visit_write_value(node.value) bounds(node.location) on_opassign(target, operator, value) end
foo ^^^ ^^^^^^^ {} ^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1002
def visit_call_node(node) if node.call_operator_loc.nil? case when :[] receiver = visit(node.receiver) arguments, block = visit_call_node_arguments(node.arguments, node.block, trailing_comma?(node.arguments&.location || node.location, node.closing_loc)) bounds(node.location) call = on_aref(receiver, arguments) if block.nil? call else bounds(node.location) on_method_add_block(call, block) end when :[]= receiver = visit(node.receiver) *arguments, last_argument = node.arguments.arguments arguments << node.block if !node.block.nil? arguments = if arguments.any? args = visit_arguments(arguments) if !node.block.nil? args else bounds(arguments.first.location) on_args_add_block(args, false) end end bounds(node.location) call = on_aref_field(receiver, arguments) value = visit_write_value(last_argument) bounds(last_argument.location) on_assign(call, value) when :-@, :+@, :~ receiver = visit(node.receiver) bounds(node.location) on_unary(, receiver) when :! if node. == "not" receiver = if !node.receiver.is_a?(ParenthesesNode) || !node.receiver.body.nil? visit(node.receiver) end bounds(node.location) on_unary(:not, receiver) else receiver = visit(node.receiver) bounds(node.location) on_unary(:!, receiver) end when *BINARY_OPERATORS receiver = visit(node.receiver) value = visit(node.arguments.arguments.first) bounds(node.location) on_binary(receiver,, value) else bounds(node. ) = visit_token(node., false) if node.variable_call? on_vcall( ) else arguments, block = visit_call_node_arguments(node.arguments, node.block, trailing_comma?(node.arguments&.location || node.location, node.closing_loc || node.location)) call = if node.opening_loc.nil? && arguments&.any? bounds(node.location) on_command(, arguments) elsif !node.opening_loc.nil? bounds(node.location) on_method_add_arg(on_fcall( ), on_arg_paren(arguments)) else bounds(node.location) on_method_add_arg(on_fcall( ), on_args_new) end if block.nil? call else bounds(node.block.location) on_method_add_block(call, block) end end end else receiver = visit(node.receiver) bounds(node.call_operator_loc) call_operator = visit_token(node.call_operator) = if node. .nil? :call else bounds(node. ) visit_token(node., false) end if"=") && !node. .end_with?("=") && !node.arguments.nil? && node.block.nil? value = visit_write_value(node.arguments.arguments.first) bounds(node.location) on_assign(on_field(receiver, call_operator, ), value) else arguments, block = visit_call_node_arguments(node.arguments, node.block, trailing_comma?(node.arguments&.location || node.location, node.closing_loc || node.location)) call = if node.opening_loc.nil? bounds(node.location) if node.arguments.nil? && !node.block.is_a?(BlockArgumentNode) on_call(receiver, call_operator, ) else on_command_call(receiver, call_operator, , arguments) end else bounds(node.opening_loc) arguments = on_arg_paren(arguments) bounds(node.location) on_method_add_arg(on_call(receiver, call_operator, ), arguments) end if block.nil? call else bounds(node.block.location) on_method_add_block(call, block) end end end end
#visit_call_node_arguments(arguments_node, block_node, trailing_comma) (private)
Visit the arguments and block of a call node and return the arguments and block as they should be used.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1146
private def visit_call_node_arguments(arguments_node, block_node, trailing_comma) arguments = arguments_node&.arguments || [] block = block_node if block.is_a?(BlockArgumentNode) arguments << block block = nil end [ if arguments.length == 1 && arguments.first.is_a?(ForwardingArgumentsNode) visit(arguments.first) elsif arguments.any? args = visit_arguments(arguments) if block_node.is_a?(BlockArgumentNode) || arguments.last.is_a?(ForwardingArgumentsNode) || command?(arguments.last) || trailing_comma args else bounds(arguments.first.location) on_args_add_block(args, false) end end, visit(block) ] end
#visit_call_operator_write_node(node) += baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1182
def visit_call_operator_write_node(node) receiver = visit(node.receiver) bounds(node.call_operator_loc) call_operator = visit_token(node.call_operator) bounds(node. ) = visit_token(node. ) bounds(node.location) target = on_field(receiver, call_operator, ) bounds(node.binary_operator_loc) operator = on_op("#{node.binary_operator}=") value = visit_write_value(node.value) bounds(node.location) on_opassign(target, operator, value) end
#visit_call_or_write_node(node) ||= baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1226
def visit_call_or_write_node(node) receiver = visit(node.receiver) bounds(node.call_operator_loc) call_operator = visit_token(node.call_operator) bounds(node. ) = visit_token(node. ) bounds(node.location) target = on_field(receiver, call_operator, ) bounds(node.operator_loc) operator = on_op("||=") value = visit_write_value(node.value) bounds(node.location) on_opassign(target, operator, value) end
#visit_call_target_node(node), = 1 ^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1248
def visit_call_target_node(node) if node.call_operator == "::" receiver = visit(node.receiver) bounds(node. ) = visit_token(node. ) bounds(node.location) on_const_path_field(receiver, ) else receiver = visit(node.receiver) bounds(node.call_operator_loc) call_operator = visit_token(node.call_operator) bounds(node. ) = visit_token(node. ) bounds(node.location) on_field(receiver, call_operator, ) end end
foo => bar => baz
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1273
def visit_capture_pattern_node(node) value = visit(node.value) target = visit( bounds(node.location) on_binary(value, :"=>", target) end
case foo; in bar; end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1296
def visit_case_match_node(node) predicate = visit(node.predicate) clauses = node.conditions.reverse_each.inject(visit(node.else_clause)) do |current, condition| on_in(*visit(condition), current) end bounds(node.location) on_case(predicate, clauses) end
case foo; when bar; end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1283
def visit_case_node(node) predicate = visit(node.predicate) clauses = node.conditions.reverse_each.inject(visit(node.else_clause)) do |current, condition| on_when(*visit(condition), current) end bounds(node.location) on_case(predicate, clauses) end
class Foo; end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1309
def visit_class_node(node) constant_path = if node.constant_path.is_a?(ConstantReadNode) bounds(node.constant_path.location) on_const_ref(on_const( else visit(node.constant_path) end superclass = visit(node.superclass) bodystmt = visit_body_node(node.superclass&.location || node.constant_path.location, node.body, node.superclass.nil?) bounds(node.location) on_class(constant_path, superclass, bodystmt) end
@@foo &&= bar ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1362
def visit_class_variable_and_write_node(node) bounds(node.name_loc) target = on_var_field(on_cvar( bounds(node.operator_loc) operator = on_op("&&=") value = visit_write_value(node.value) bounds(node.location) on_opassign(target, operator, value) end
@@foo += bar ^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1348
def visit_class_variable_operator_write_node(node) bounds(node.name_loc) target = on_var_field(on_cvar( bounds(node.binary_operator_loc) operator = on_op("#{node.binary_operator}=") value = visit_write_value(node.value) bounds(node.location) on_opassign(target, operator, value) end
@@foo ||= bar ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1376
def visit_class_variable_or_write_node(node) bounds(node.name_loc) target = on_var_field(on_cvar( bounds(node.operator_loc) operator = on_op("||=") value = visit_write_value(node.value) bounds(node.location) on_opassign(target, operator, value) end
@@foo ^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1327
def visit_class_variable_read_node(node) bounds(node.location) on_var_ref(on_cvar(node.slice)) end
@@foo, = bar ^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1390
def visit_class_variable_target_node(node) bounds(node.location) on_var_field(on_cvar( end
@@foo = 1 ^^^^^^^^^
@@foo, @@bar = 1 ^^^^^ ^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1337
def visit_class_variable_write_node(node) bounds(node.name_loc) target = on_var_field(on_cvar( value = visit_write_value(node.value) bounds(node.location) on_assign(target, value) end
Foo &&= bar ^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1432
def visit_constant_and_write_node(node) bounds(node.name_loc) target = on_var_field(on_const( bounds(node.operator_loc) operator = on_op("&&=") value = visit_write_value(node.value) bounds(node.location) on_opassign(target, operator, value) end
Foo += bar ^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1418
def visit_constant_operator_write_node(node) bounds(node.name_loc) target = on_var_field(on_const( bounds(node.binary_operator_loc) operator = on_op("#{node.binary_operator}=") value = visit_write_value(node.value) bounds(node.location) on_opassign(target, operator, value) end
Foo ||= bar ^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1446
def visit_constant_or_write_node(node) bounds(node.name_loc) target = on_var_field(on_const( bounds(node.operator_loc) operator = on_op("||=") value = visit_write_value(node.value) bounds(node.location) on_opassign(target, operator, value) end
&&= baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1533
def visit_constant_path_and_write_node(node) target = visit_constant_path_write_node_target( value = visit(node.value) bounds(node.operator_loc) operator = on_op("&&=") value = visit_write_value(node.value) bounds(node.location) on_opassign(target, operator, value) end
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1467
def visit_constant_path_node(node) if node.parent.nil? bounds(node.name_loc) child = on_const( bounds(node.location) on_top_const_ref(child) else parent = visit(node.parent) bounds(node.name_loc) child = on_const( bounds(node.location) on_const_path_ref(parent, child) end end
+= baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1519
def visit_constant_path_operator_write_node(node) target = visit_constant_path_write_node_target( value = visit(node.value) bounds(node.binary_operator_loc) operator = on_op("#{node.binary_operator}=") value = visit_write_value(node.value) bounds(node.location) on_opassign(target, operator, value) end
||= baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1547
def visit_constant_path_or_write_node(node) target = visit_constant_path_write_node_target( value = visit(node.value) bounds(node.operator_loc) operator = on_op("||=") value = visit_write_value(node.value) bounds(node.location) on_opassign(target, operator, value) end
, = baz ^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1561
def visit_constant_path_target_node(node) visit_constant_path_write_node_target(node) end
= 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^
, Bar::Bar
= 1 ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1490
def visit_constant_path_write_node(node) target = visit_constant_path_write_node_target( value = visit_write_value(node.value) bounds(node.location) on_assign(target, value) end
#visit_constant_path_write_node_target(node) (private)
Visit a constant path that is part of a write node.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1499
private def visit_constant_path_write_node_target(node) if node.parent.nil? bounds(node.name_loc) child = on_const( bounds(node.location) on_top_const_field(child) else parent = visit(node.parent) bounds(node.name_loc) child = on_const( bounds(node.location) on_const_path_field(parent, child) end end
Foo ^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1397
def visit_constant_read_node(node) bounds(node.location) on_var_ref(on_const( end
Foo, = bar ^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1460
def visit_constant_target_node(node) bounds(node.location) on_var_field(on_const( end
Foo = 1 ^^^^^^^
Foo, Bar = 1 ^^^ ^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1407
def visit_constant_write_node(node) bounds(node.name_loc) target = on_var_field(on_const( value = visit_write_value(node.value) bounds(node.location) on_assign(target, value) end
def foo; end ^^^^^^^^^^^^
def; end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1570
def visit_def_node(node) receiver = visit(node.receiver) operator = if !node.operator_loc.nil? bounds(node.operator_loc) visit_token(node.operator) end bounds(node.name_loc) name = visit_token(node.name_loc.slice) parameters = if node.parameters.nil? bounds(node.location) on_params(nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil) else visit(node.parameters) end if !node.lparen_loc.nil? bounds(node.lparen_loc) parameters = on_paren(parameters) end bodystmt = if node.equal_loc.nil? visit_body_node(node.rparen_loc || node.end_keyword_loc, node.body) else body = visit(node.body.body.first) bounds(node.body.location) on_bodystmt(body, nil, nil, nil) end bounds(node.location) if receiver.nil? on_def(name, parameters, bodystmt) else on_defs(receiver, operator, name, parameters, bodystmt) end end
defined? a ^^^^^^^^^^
defined?(a) ^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1617
def visit_defined_node(node) bounds(node.location) on_defined(visit(node.value)) end
#visit_destructured_parameter_node(node) (private)
Visit a destructured positional parameter node.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2619
private def visit_destructured_parameter_node(node) bounds(node.location) targets = visit_multi_target_node_targets(node.lefts,, node.rights, false) bounds(node.lparen_loc) on_mlhs_paren(targets) end
if foo then bar else baz end
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1624
def visit_else_node(node) statements = if node.statements.nil? [nil] else body = node.statements.body body.unshift(nil) if void_stmt?(node.else_keyword_loc, node.statements.body[0].location, false) body end bounds(node.location) on_else(visit_statements_node_body(statements)) end
“foo #bar
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1640
def (node) bounds(node.opening_loc) on_embexpr_beg(node.opening) statements = if node.statements.nil? bounds(node.location) on_stmts_add(on_stmts_new, on_void_stmt) else visit(node.statements) end bounds(node.closing_loc) on_embexpr_end(node.closing) bounds(node.location) on_string_embexpr(statements) end
“foo #@bar”
Visit an EnsureNode node.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1672
def visit_ensure_node(node) statements = if node.statements.nil? [nil] else body = node.statements.body body.unshift(nil) if void_stmt?(node.ensure_keyword_loc, body[0].location, false) body end statements = visit_statements_node_body(statements) bounds(node.location) on_ensure(statements) end
false ^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1690
def visit_false_node(node) bounds(node.location) on_var_ref(on_kw("false")) end
foo => [*, bar, *]
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1697
def visit_find_pattern_node(node) constant = visit(node.constant) left = if node.left.expression.nil? bounds(node.left.location) on_var_field(nil) else visit(node.left.expression) end requireds = visit_all(node.requireds) if node.requireds.any? right = if node.right.expression.nil? bounds(node.right.location) on_var_field(nil) else visit(node.right.expression) end bounds(node.location) on_fndptn(constant, left, requireds, right) end
if foo .. bar; end
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1722
def visit_flip_flop_node(node) left = visit(node.left) right = visit(node.right) bounds(node.location) if node.exclude_end? on_dot3(left, right) else on_dot2(left, right) end end
1.0 ^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1736
def visit_float_node(node) visit_number_node(node) { |text| on_float(text) } end
for foo in bar do end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1742
def visit_for_node(node) index = visit(node.index) collection = visit(node.collection) statements = if node.statements.nil? bounds(node.location) on_stmts_add(on_stmts_new, on_void_stmt) else visit(node.statements) end bounds(node.location) on_for(index, collection, statements) end
def foo(…); bar(…); end
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1759
def visit_forwarding_arguments_node(node) bounds(node.location) on_args_forward end
def foo(…); end
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1766
def visit_forwarding_parameter_node(node) bounds(node.location) on_args_forward end
super ^^^^^
super {} ^^^^^^^^
$foo &&= bar ^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1825
def visit_global_variable_and_write_node(node) bounds(node.name_loc) target = on_var_field(on_gvar( bounds(node.operator_loc) operator = on_op("&&=") value = visit_write_value(node.value) bounds(node.location) on_opassign(target, operator, value) end
$foo += bar ^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1811
def visit_global_variable_operator_write_node(node) bounds(node.name_loc) target = on_var_field(on_gvar( bounds(node.binary_operator_loc) operator = on_op("#{node.binary_operator}=") value = visit_write_value(node.value) bounds(node.location) on_opassign(target, operator, value) end
$foo ||= bar ^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1839
def visit_global_variable_or_write_node(node) bounds(node.name_loc) target = on_var_field(on_gvar( bounds(node.operator_loc) operator = on_op("||=") value = visit_write_value(node.value) bounds(node.location) on_opassign(target, operator, value) end
$foo ^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1790
def visit_global_variable_read_node(node) bounds(node.location) on_var_ref(on_gvar( end
$foo, = bar ^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1853
def visit_global_variable_target_node(node) bounds(node.location) on_var_field(on_gvar( end
$foo = 1 ^^^^^^^^
$foo, $bar = 1 ^^^^ ^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1800
def visit_global_variable_write_node(node) bounds(node.name_loc) target = on_var_field(on_gvar( value = visit_write_value(node.value) bounds(node.location) on_assign(target, value) end
{} ^^
foo => {}
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1875
def visit_hash_pattern_node(node) constant = visit(node.constant) elements = if node.elements.any? || ! do |element| [ if (key = element.key).opening_loc.nil? visit(key) else bounds(key.value_loc) if (value = key.value).empty? on_string_content else on_string_add(on_string_content, on_tstring_content(value)) end end, visit(element.value) ] end end rest = case when AssocSplatNode visit( when NoKeywordsParameterNode bounds( on_var_field(visit( end bounds(node.location) on_hshptn(constant, elements, rest) end
#visit_heredoc_node(parts, base) (private)
Visit a string that is expressed using a <<~ heredoc.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2990
private def visit_heredoc_node(parts, base) common_whitespace = visit_heredoc_node_whitespace(parts) if common_whitespace == 0 bounds(parts.first.location) string = [] result = base parts.each do |part| if part.is_a?(StringNode) if string.empty? string = [part] else string << part end else unless string.empty? bounds(string[0].location) result = yield result, on_tstring_content( string = [] end result = yield result, visit(part) end end unless string.empty? bounds(string[0].location) result = yield result, on_tstring_content( end result else bounds(parts.first.location) result = parts.inject(base) do |string_content, part| yield string_content, visit_string_content(part) end bounds(parts.first.location) on_heredoc_dedent(result, common_whitespace) end end
#visit_heredoc_node_whitespace(parts) (private)
gives back the escaped string content but strips out the common leading whitespace. ::Prism
gives back the unescaped string content and a location for the escaped string content. Unfortunately these don’t work well together, so here we need to re-derive the common leading whitespace.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2965
private def visit_heredoc_node_whitespace(parts) common_whitespace = nil dedent_next = true parts.each do |part| if part.is_a?(StringNode) if dedent_next && !(content = part.content).chomp.empty? common_whitespace = [ common_whitespace || Float::INFINITY, content[/\A\s*/].each_char.inject(0) do |part_whitespace, char| char == "\t" ? ((part_whitespace / 8 + 1) * 8) : (part_whitespace + 1) end ].min end dedent_next = true else dedent_next = false end end common_whitespace || 0 end
#visit_heredoc_string_node(node) (private)
Visit a heredoc node that is representing a string.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 3036
private def visit_heredoc_string_node(node) bounds(node.opening_loc) on_heredoc_beg(node.opening) bounds(node.location) result = visit_heredoc_node(, on_string_content) do |parts, part| on_string_add(parts, part) end bounds(node.closing_loc) on_heredoc_end(node.closing) result end
#visit_heredoc_x_string_node(node) (private)
Visit a heredoc node that is representing an xstring.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 3053
private def visit_heredoc_x_string_node(node) bounds(node.opening_loc) on_heredoc_beg(node.opening) bounds(node.location) result = visit_heredoc_node(, on_xstring_new) do |parts, part| on_xstring_add(parts, part) end bounds(node.closing_loc) on_heredoc_end(node.closing) result end
if foo then bar end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
bar if foo ^^^^^^^^^^
foo ? bar : baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1917
def visit_if_node(node) if node.then_keyword == "?" predicate = visit(node.predicate) truthy = visit(node.statements.body.first) falsy = visit(node.subsequent.statements.body.first) bounds(node.location) on_ifop(predicate, truthy, falsy) elsif node.statements.nil? || (node.predicate.location.start_offset < node.statements.location.start_offset) predicate = visit(node.predicate) statements = if node.statements.nil? bounds(node.location) on_stmts_add(on_stmts_new, on_void_stmt) else visit(node.statements) end subsequent = visit(node.subsequent) bounds(node.location) if node.if_keyword == "if" on_if(predicate, statements, subsequent) else on_elsif(predicate, statements, subsequent) end else statements = visit(node.statements.body.first) predicate = visit(node.predicate) bounds(node.location) on_if_mod(predicate, statements) end end
1i ^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1953
def visit_imaginary_node(node) visit_number_node(node) { |text| on_imaginary(text) } end
{ foo: }
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1959
def visit_implicit_node(node) end
foo { |bar,| }
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1964
def visit_implicit_rest_node(node) bounds(node.location) on_excessed_comma end
case foo; in bar; end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1971
def visit_in_node(node) # This is a special case where we're not going to call on_in directly # because we don't have access to the subsequent. Instead, we'll return # the component parts and let the parent node handle it. pattern = visit_pattern_node(node.pattern) statements = if node.statements.nil? bounds(node.location) on_stmts_add(on_stmts_new, on_void_stmt) else visit(node.statements) end [pattern, statements] end
foo &&= baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2006
def visit_index_and_write_node(node) receiver = visit(node.receiver) arguments, _ = visit_call_node_arguments(node.arguments, node.block, trailing_comma?(node.arguments&.location || node.location, node.closing_loc)) bounds(node.location) target = on_aref_field(receiver, arguments) bounds(node.operator_loc) operator = on_op("&&=") value = visit_write_value(node.value) bounds(node.location) on_opassign(target, operator, value) end
foo += baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 1989
def visit_index_operator_write_node(node) receiver = visit(node.receiver) arguments, _ = visit_call_node_arguments(node.arguments, node.block, trailing_comma?(node.arguments&.location || node.location, node.closing_loc)) bounds(node.location) target = on_aref_field(receiver, arguments) bounds(node.binary_operator_loc) operator = on_op("#{node.binary_operator}=") value = visit_write_value(node.value) bounds(node.location) on_opassign(target, operator, value) end
foo ||= baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2023
def visit_index_or_write_node(node) receiver = visit(node.receiver) arguments, _ = visit_call_node_arguments(node.arguments, node.block, trailing_comma?(node.arguments&.location || node.location, node.closing_loc)) bounds(node.location) target = on_aref_field(receiver, arguments) bounds(node.operator_loc) operator = on_op("||=") value = visit_write_value(node.value) bounds(node.location) on_opassign(target, operator, value) end
foo, = 1 ^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2040
def visit_index_target_node(node) receiver = visit(node.receiver) arguments, _ = visit_call_node_arguments(node.arguments, node.block, trailing_comma?(node.arguments&.location || node.location, node.closing_loc)) bounds(node.location) on_aref_field(receiver, arguments) end
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2082
def visit_instance_variable_and_write_node(node) bounds(node.name_loc) target = on_var_field(on_ivar( bounds(node.operator_loc) operator = on_op("&&=") value = visit_write_value(node.value) bounds(node.location) on_opassign(target, operator, value) end
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2068
def visit_instance_variable_operator_write_node(node) bounds(node.name_loc) target = on_var_field(on_ivar( bounds(node.binary_operator_loc) operator = on_op("#{node.binary_operator}=") value = visit_write_value(node.value) bounds(node.location) on_opassign(target, operator, value) end
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2096
def visit_instance_variable_or_write_node(node) bounds(node.name_loc) target = on_var_field(on_ivar( bounds(node.operator_loc) operator = on_op("||=") value = visit_write_value(node.value) bounds(node.location) on_opassign(target, operator, value) end
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2050
def visit_instance_variable_read_node(node) bounds(node.location) on_var_ref(on_ivar( end
@foo, = bar ^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2110
def visit_instance_variable_target_node(node) bounds(node.location) on_var_field(on_ivar( end
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2057
def visit_instance_variable_write_node(node) bounds(node.name_loc) target = on_var_field(on_ivar( value = visit_write_value(node.value) bounds(node.location) on_assign(target, value) end
1 ^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2117
def visit_integer_node(node) visit_number_node(node) { |text| on_int(text) } end
if /foo #bar
/ then end
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2123
def visit_interpolated_match_last_line_node(node) bounds(node.opening_loc) on_regexp_beg(node.opening) bounds( parts = do |content, part| on_regexp_add(content, visit_string_content(part)) end bounds(node.closing_loc) closing = on_regexp_end(node.closing) bounds(node.location) on_regexp_literal(parts, closing) end
/foo #bar
/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2142
def visit_interpolated_regular_expression_node(node) bounds(node.opening_loc) on_regexp_beg(node.opening) bounds( parts = do |content, part| on_regexp_add(content, visit_string_content(part)) end bounds(node.closing_loc) closing = on_regexp_end(node.closing) bounds(node.location) on_regexp_literal(parts, closing) end
“foo #bar
” ^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2161
def visit_interpolated_string_node(node) if node.opening&.start_with?("<<~") heredoc = visit_heredoc_string_node(node) bounds(node.location) on_string_literal(heredoc) elsif !node.heredoc? && > 1 && { |part| (part.is_a?(StringNode) || part.is_a?(InterpolatedStringNode)) && !part.opening_loc.nil? } first, *rest = rest.inject(visit(first)) do |content, part| concat = visit(part) bounds(part.location) on_string_concat(content, concat) end else bounds( parts = do |content, part| on_string_add(content, visit_string_content(part)) end bounds(node.location) on_string_literal(parts) end end
:“foo #bar
” ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2189
def visit_interpolated_symbol_node(node) bounds( parts = do |content, part| on_string_add(content, visit_string_content(part)) end bounds(node.location) on_dyna_symbol(parts) end
foo #{bar}
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2202
def visit_interpolated_x_string_node(node) if node.opening.start_with?("<<~") heredoc = visit_heredoc_x_string_node(node) bounds(node.location) on_xstring_literal(heredoc) else bounds( parts = do |content, part| on_xstring_add(content, visit_string_content(part)) end bounds(node.location) on_xstring_literal(parts) end end
-> { it }
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2232
def visit_it_local_variable_read_node(node) bounds(node.location) on_vcall(on_ident(node.slice)) end
-> { it } ^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2239
def visit_it_parameters_node(node) end
foo(bar: baz)
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2244
def visit_keyword_hash_node(node) elements = visit_all(node.elements) bounds(node.location) (elements) end
def foo(**bar); end
def foo(**); end
-> {}
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2270
def visit_lambda_node(node) bounds(node.operator_loc) on_tlambda(node.operator) parameters = if node.parameters.is_a?(BlockParametersNode) # Ripper does not track block-locals within lambdas, so we skip # directly to the parameters here. params = if node.parameters.parameters.nil? bounds(node.location) on_params(nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil) else visit(node.parameters.parameters) end if node.parameters.opening_loc.nil? params else bounds(node.parameters.opening_loc) on_paren(params) end else bounds(node.location) on_params(nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil) end braces = node.opening == "{" if braces bounds(node.opening_loc) on_tlambeg(node.opening) end body = case node.body when nil bounds(node.location) stmts = on_stmts_add(on_stmts_new, on_void_stmt) bounds(node.location) braces ? stmts : on_bodystmt(stmts, nil, nil, nil) when StatementsNode stmts = node.body.body stmts.unshift(nil) if void_stmt?(node.parameters&.location || node.opening_loc, node.body.location, false) stmts = visit_statements_node_body(stmts) bounds(node.body.location) braces ? stmts : on_bodystmt(stmts, nil, nil, nil) when BeginNode visit_body_node(node.opening_loc, node.body) else raise end bounds(node.location) on_lambda(parameters, body) end
foo &&= bar ^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2362
def visit_local_variable_and_write_node(node) bounds(node.name_loc) target = on_var_field(on_ident(node.name_loc.slice)) bounds(node.operator_loc) operator = on_op("&&=") value = visit_write_value(node.value) bounds(node.location) on_opassign(target, operator, value) end
foo += bar ^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2348
def visit_local_variable_operator_write_node(node) bounds(node.name_loc) target = on_var_field(on_ident(node.name_loc.slice)) bounds(node.binary_operator_loc) operator = on_op("#{node.binary_operator}=") value = visit_write_value(node.value) bounds(node.location) on_opassign(target, operator, value) end
foo ||= bar ^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2376
def visit_local_variable_or_write_node(node) bounds(node.name_loc) target = on_var_field(on_ident(node.name_loc.slice)) bounds(node.operator_loc) operator = on_op("||=") value = visit_write_value(node.value) bounds(node.location) on_opassign(target, operator, value) end
foo ^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2330
def visit_local_variable_read_node(node) bounds(node.location) on_var_ref(on_ident(node.slice)) end
foo, = bar ^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2390
def visit_local_variable_target_node(node) bounds(node.location) on_var_field(on_ident( end
foo = 1 ^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2337
def visit_local_variable_write_node(node) bounds(node.name_loc) target = on_var_field(on_ident(node.name_loc.slice)) value = visit_write_value(node.value) bounds(node.location) on_assign(target, value) end
if /foo/ then end
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2397
def visit_match_last_line_node(node) bounds(node.opening_loc) on_regexp_beg(node.opening) bounds(node.content_loc) tstring_content = on_tstring_content(node.content) bounds(node.closing_loc) closing = on_regexp_end(node.closing) on_regexp_literal(on_regexp_add(on_regexp_new, tstring_content), closing) end
foo in bar ^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2412
def visit_match_predicate_node(node) value = visit(node.value) pattern = on_in(visit_pattern_node(node.pattern), nil, nil) on_case(value, pattern) end
foo => bar ^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2421
def visit_match_required_node(node) value = visit(node.value) pattern = on_in(visit_pattern_node(node.pattern), nil, nil) on_case(value, pattern) end
/(?<foo>foo)/ =~ bar ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2430
def visit_match_write_node(node) visit( end
A node that is missing from the syntax tree. This is only used in the case of a syntax error.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2436
def visit_missing_node(node) raise "Cannot visit missing nodes directly." end
module Foo; end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2442
def visit_module_node(node) constant_path = if node.constant_path.is_a?(ConstantReadNode) bounds(node.constant_path.location) on_const_ref(on_const( else visit(node.constant_path) end bodystmt = visit_body_node(node.constant_path.location, node.body, true) bounds(node.location) on_module(constant_path, bodystmt) end
(foo, bar), bar = qux ^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2459
def visit_multi_target_node(node) bounds(node.location) targets = visit_multi_target_node_targets(node.lefts,, node.rights, true) if node.lparen_loc.nil? targets else bounds(node.lparen_loc) on_mlhs_paren(targets) end end
#visit_multi_target_node_targets(lefts, rest, rights, skippable) (private)
Visit the targets of a multi-target node.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2472
private def visit_multi_target_node_targets(lefts, rest, rights, skippable) if skippable && lefts.length == 1 && lefts.first.is_a?(MultiTargetNode) && rest.nil? && rights.empty? return visit(lefts.first) end mlhs = on_mlhs_new lefts.each do |left| bounds(left.location) mlhs = on_mlhs_add(mlhs, visit(left)) end case rest when nil # do nothing when ImplicitRestNode # these do not get put into the generated tree bounds(rest.location) on_excessed_comma else bounds(rest.location) mlhs = on_mlhs_add_star(mlhs, visit(rest)) end if rights.any? bounds(rights.first.location) post = on_mlhs_new rights.each do |right| bounds(right.location) post = on_mlhs_add(post, visit(right)) end mlhs = on_mlhs_add_post(mlhs, post) end mlhs end
foo, bar = baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2513
def visit_multi_write_node(node) bounds(node.location) targets = visit_multi_target_node_targets(node.lefts,, node.rights, true) unless node.lparen_loc.nil? bounds(node.lparen_loc) targets = on_mlhs_paren(targets) end value = visit_write_value(node.value) bounds(node.location) on_massign(targets, value) end
next ^^^^
next foo ^^^^^^^^
nil ^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2547
def visit_nil_node(node) bounds(node.location) on_var_ref(on_kw("nil")) end
def foo(**nil); end
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2554
def visit_no_keywords_parameter_node(node) bounds(node.location) on_nokw_param(nil) :nil end
#visit_number_node(node) (private)
Visit a node that represents a number. We need to explicitly handle the unary - operator.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 3329
def visit_number_node(node) slice = node.slice location = node.location if slice[0] == "-" bounds(location.copy(start_offset: location.start_offset + 1)) value = yield slice[1..-1] bounds(node.location) on_unary(:-@, value) else bounds(location) yield slice end end
-> { _1 + _2 } ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2563
def visit_numbered_parameters_node(node) end
$1 ^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2568
def visit_numbered_reference_read_node(node) bounds(node.location) on_backref(node.slice) end
def foo(bar: baz); end
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2575
def visit_optional_keyword_parameter_node(node) bounds(node.name_loc) name = on_label("#{}:") value = visit(node.value) [name, value] end
def foo(bar = 1); end
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2585
def visit_optional_parameter_node(node) bounds(node.name_loc) name = visit_token( value = visit(node.value) [name, value] end
a or b ^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2595
def visit_or_node(node) left = visit(node.left) right = visit(node.right) bounds(node.location) on_binary(left, node.operator.to_sym, right) end
def foo(bar, *baz); end
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2605
def visit_parameters_node(node) requireds = { |required| required.is_a?(MultiTargetNode) ? visit_destructured_parameter_node(required) : visit(required) } if node.requireds.any? optionals = visit_all(node.optionals) if node.optionals.any? rest = visit( posts = { |post| post.is_a?(MultiTargetNode) ? visit_destructured_parameter_node(post) : visit(post) } if node.posts.any? keywords = visit_all(node.keywords) if node.keywords.any? keyword_rest = visit(node.keyword_rest) block = visit(node.block) bounds(node.location) on_params(requireds, optionals, rest, posts, keywords, keyword_rest, block) end
() ^^
(1) ^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2632
def visit_parentheses_node(node) body = if node.body.nil? on_stmts_add(on_stmts_new, on_void_stmt) else visit(node.body) end bounds(node.location) on_paren(body) end
#visit_pattern_node(node) (private)
Visit a pattern within a pattern match. This is used to bypass the parenthesis node that can be used to wrap patterns.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 595
private def visit_pattern_node(node) if node.is_a?(ParenthesesNode) visit(node.body) else visit(node) end end
foo => ^(bar)
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2646
def visit_pinned_expression_node(node) expression = visit(node.expression) bounds(node.location) on_begin(expression) end
foo = 1 and bar => ^foo
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2655
def visit_pinned_variable_node(node) visit(node.variable) end
END {} ^^^^^^
BEGIN {} ^^^^^^^^
The top-level program node.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2690
def visit_program_node(node) body = node.statements.body body << nil if body.empty? statements = visit_statements_node_body(body) bounds(node.location) on_program(statements) end
0..5 ^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2701
def visit_range_node(node) left = visit(node.left) right = visit(node.right) bounds(node.location) if node.exclude_end? on_dot3(left, right) else on_dot2(left, right) end end
1r ^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2715
def visit_rational_node(node) visit_number_node(node) { |text| on_rational(text) } end
redo ^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2721
def visit_redo_node(node) bounds(node.location) on_redo end
/foo/ ^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2728
def visit_regular_expression_node(node) bounds(node.opening_loc) on_regexp_beg(node.opening) if node.content.empty? bounds(node.closing_loc) closing = on_regexp_end(node.closing) on_regexp_literal(on_regexp_new, closing) else bounds(node.content_loc) tstring_content = on_tstring_content(node.content) bounds(node.closing_loc) closing = on_regexp_end(node.closing) on_regexp_literal(on_regexp_add(on_regexp_new, tstring_content), closing) end end
def foo(bar:); end
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2750
def visit_required_keyword_parameter_node(node) bounds(node.name_loc) [on_label("#{}:"), false] end
def foo(bar); end
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2757
def visit_required_parameter_node(node) bounds(node.location) on_ident( end
foo rescue bar ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2764
def visit_rescue_modifier_node(node) expression = visit_write_value(node.expression) rescue_expression = visit(node.rescue_expression) bounds(node.location) on_rescue_mod(expression, rescue_expression) end
begin; rescue; end
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2774
def visit_rescue_node(node) exceptions = case node.exceptions.length when 0 nil when 1 if (exception = node.exceptions.first).is_a?(SplatNode) bounds(exception.location) on_mrhs_add_star(on_mrhs_new, visit(exception)) else [visit(node.exceptions.first)] end else bounds(node.location) length = node.exceptions.length node.exceptions.each_with_index.inject(on_args_new) do |mrhs, (exception, index)| arg = visit(exception) bounds(exception.location) mrhs = on_mrhs_new_from_args(mrhs) if index == length - 1 if exception.is_a?(SplatNode) if index == length - 1 on_mrhs_add_star(mrhs, arg) else on_args_add_star(mrhs, arg) end else if index == length - 1 on_mrhs_add(mrhs, arg) else on_args_add(mrhs, arg) end end end end reference = visit(node.reference) statements = if node.statements.nil? bounds(node.location) on_stmts_add(on_stmts_new, on_void_stmt) else visit(node.statements) end subsequent = visit(node.subsequent) bounds(node.location) on_rescue(exceptions, reference, statements, subsequent) end
def foo(*bar); end
def foo(*); end
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2832
def visit_rest_parameter_node(node) if node.name_loc.nil? bounds(node.location) on_rest_param(nil) else bounds(node.name_loc) on_rest_param(visit_token( end end
retry ^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2844
def visit_retry_node(node) bounds(node.location) on_retry end
return ^^^^^^
return 1 ^^^^^^^^
self ^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2868
def visit_self_node(node) bounds(node.location) on_var_ref(on_kw("self")) end
class << self; end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2880
def visit_singleton_class_node(node) expression = visit(node.expression) bodystmt = visit_body_node(node.body&.location || node.end_keyword_loc, node.body) bounds(node.location) on_sclass(expression, bodystmt) end
__ENCODING__ ^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2890
def visit_source_encoding_node(node) bounds(node.location) on_var_ref(on_kw("__ENCODING__")) end
__FILE__ ^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2897
def visit_source_file_node(node) bounds(node.location) on_var_ref(on_kw("__FILE__")) end
__LINE__ ^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2904
def visit_source_line_node(node) bounds(node.location) on_var_ref(on_kw("__LINE__")) end
def foo((bar, *baz)); end
def foo(*); bar(*); end
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2917
def visit_splat_node(node) visit(node.expression) end
A list of statements.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2922
def visit_statements_node(node) bounds(node.location) visit_statements_node_body(node.body) end
#visit_statements_node_body(body) (private)
Visit the list of statements of a statements node. We support nil statements in the list. This would normally not be allowed by the structure of the prism parse tree, but we manually add them here so that we can mirror Ripper’s void stmt.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2931
private def visit_statements_node_body(body) body.inject(on_stmts_new) do |stmts, stmt| on_stmts_add(stmts, stmt.nil? ? on_void_stmt : visit(stmt)) end end
#visit_string_content(part) (private)
Visit an individual part of a string-like node.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2221
private def visit_string_content(part) if part.is_a?(StringNode) bounds(part.content_loc) on_tstring_content(part.content) else visit(part) end end
“foo” ^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 2939
def visit_string_node(node) if (content = node.content).empty? bounds(node.location) on_string_literal(on_string_content) elsif (opening = node.opening) == "?" bounds(node.location) on_CHAR("?#{node.content}") elsif opening.start_with?("<<~") heredoc = visit_heredoc_string_node(node.to_interpolated) bounds(node.location) on_string_literal(heredoc) else bounds(node.content_loc) tstring_content = on_tstring_content(content) bounds(node.location) on_string_literal(on_string_add(on_string_content, tstring_content)) end end
super(foo) ^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 3071
def visit_super_node(node) arguments, block = visit_call_node_arguments(node.arguments, node.block, trailing_comma?(node.arguments&.location || node.location, node.rparen_loc || node.location)) if !node.lparen_loc.nil? bounds(node.lparen_loc) arguments = on_arg_paren(arguments) end bounds(node.location) call = on_super(arguments) if block.nil? call else bounds(node.block.location) on_method_add_block(call, block) end end
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 3092
def visit_symbol_node(node) if (opening = node.opening)&.match?(/^%s|['"]:?$/) bounds(node.value_loc) content = on_string_content if !(value = node.value).empty? content = on_string_add(content, on_tstring_content(value)) end on_dyna_symbol(content) elsif (closing = node.closing) == ":" bounds(node.location) on_label("#{node.value}:") elsif opening.nil? && node.closing_loc.nil? bounds(node.value_loc) on_symbol_literal(visit_token(node.value)) else bounds(node.value_loc) on_symbol_literal(on_symbol(visit_token(node.value))) end end
#visit_token(token, allow_keywords = true) (private)
Visit the string content of a particular node. This method is used to split into the various token types.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 3302
def visit_token(token, allow_keywords = true) case token when "." on_period(token) when "`" on_backtick(token) when *(allow_keywords ? KEYWORDS : []) on_kw(token) when /^_/ on_ident(token) when /^[[:upper:]]\w*$/ on_const(token) when /^@@/ on_cvar(token) when /^@/ on_ivar(token) when /^\$/ on_gvar(token) when /^[[:punct:]]/ on_op(token) else on_ident(token) end end
true ^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 3116
def visit_true_node(node) bounds(node.location) on_var_ref(on_kw("true")) end
undef foo ^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 3123
def visit_undef_node(node) names = visit_all(node.names) bounds(node.location) on_undef(names) end
unless foo; bar end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
bar unless foo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 3135
def visit_unless_node(node) if node.statements.nil? || (node.predicate.location.start_offset < node.statements.location.start_offset) predicate = visit(node.predicate) statements = if node.statements.nil? bounds(node.location) on_stmts_add(on_stmts_new, on_void_stmt) else visit(node.statements) end else_clause = visit(node.else_clause) bounds(node.location) on_unless(predicate, statements, else_clause) else statements = visit(node.statements.body.first) predicate = visit(node.predicate) bounds(node.location) on_unless_mod(predicate, statements) end end
until foo; bar end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
bar until foo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 3163
def visit_until_node(node) if node.statements.nil? || (node.predicate.location.start_offset < node.statements.location.start_offset) predicate = visit(node.predicate) statements = if node.statements.nil? bounds(node.location) on_stmts_add(on_stmts_new, on_void_stmt) else visit(node.statements) end bounds(node.location) on_until(predicate, statements) else statements = visit(node.statements.body.first) predicate = visit(node.predicate) bounds(node.location) on_until_mod(predicate, statements) end end
case foo; when bar; end
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 3187
def visit_when_node(node) # This is a special case where we're not going to call on_when directly # because we don't have access to the subsequent. Instead, we'll return # the component parts and let the parent node handle it. conditions = visit_arguments(node.conditions) statements = if node.statements.nil? bounds(node.location) on_stmts_add(on_stmts_new, on_void_stmt) else visit(node.statements) end [conditions, statements] end
while foo; bar end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
bar while foo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 3208
def visit_while_node(node) if node.statements.nil? || (node.predicate.location.start_offset < node.statements.location.start_offset) predicate = visit(node.predicate) statements = if node.statements.nil? bounds(node.location) on_stmts_add(on_stmts_new, on_void_stmt) else visit(node.statements) end bounds(node.location) on_while(predicate, statements) else statements = visit(node.statements.body.first) predicate = visit(node.predicate) bounds(node.location) on_while_mod(predicate, statements) end end
#visit_words_sep(opening_loc, previous, current) (private)
Dispatch a words_sep event that contains the space between the elements of list literals.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 745
private def visit_words_sep(opening_loc, previous, current) end_offset = (previous.nil? ? opening_loc : previous.location).end_offset start_offset = current.location.start_offset if end_offset != start_offset bounds(current.location.copy(start_offset: end_offset)) on_words_sep(source.byteslice(end_offset...start_offset)) end end
#visit_write_value(node) (private)
Visit a node that represents a write value. This is used to handle the special case of an implicit array that is generated without brackets.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 3347
def visit_write_value(node) if node.is_a?(ArrayNode) && node.opening_loc.nil? elements = node.elements length = elements.length bounds(elements.first.location) elements.each_with_index.inject((elements.first.is_a?(SplatNode) && length == 1) ? on_mrhs_new : on_args_new) do |args, (element, index)| arg = visit(element) bounds(element.location) if index == length - 1 if element.is_a?(SplatNode) mrhs = index == 0 ? args : on_mrhs_new_from_args(args) on_mrhs_add_star(mrhs, arg) else on_mrhs_add(on_mrhs_new_from_args(args), arg) end else case element when BlockArgumentNode on_args_add_block(args, arg) when SplatNode on_args_add_star(args, arg) else on_args_add(args, arg) end end end else visit(node) end end
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 3232
def visit_x_string_node(node) if node.unescaped.empty? bounds(node.location) on_xstring_literal(on_xstring_new) elsif node.opening.start_with?("<<~") heredoc = visit_heredoc_x_string_node(node.to_interpolated) bounds(node.location) on_xstring_literal(heredoc) else bounds(node.content_loc) content = on_tstring_content(node.content) bounds(node.location) on_xstring_literal(on_xstring_add(on_xstring_new, content)) end end
yield ^^^^^
yield 1 ^^^^^^^
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 3255
def visit_yield_node(node) if node.arguments.nil? && node.lparen_loc.nil? bounds(node.location) on_yield0 else arguments = if node.arguments.nil? bounds(node.location) on_args_new else visit(node.arguments) end unless node.lparen_loc.nil? bounds(node.lparen_loc) arguments = on_paren(arguments) end bounds(node.location) on_yield(arguments) end end
#void_stmt?(left, right, allow_newline) ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if there is a semicolon between the two locations.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 3295
def void_stmt?(left, right, allow_newline) pattern = allow_newline ? /[;\n]/ : /;/ source.byteslice(left.end_offset...right.start_offset).match?(pattern) end
#warn(fmt, *args) (private)
This method is called when weak warning is produced by the parser. fmt
and args
is printf style.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 3414
def warn(fmt, *args) end
#warning(fmt, *args) (private)
This method is called when strong warning is produced by the parser. fmt
and args
is printf style.
# File 'lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb', line 3419
def warning(fmt, *args) end