
Class: EventMachine::Protocols::HttpClient

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, Connection
Instance Chain:
Inherits: EventMachine::Connection
Defined in: lib/em/protocols/httpclient.rb



EventMachine.run {
  http = EventMachine::Protocols::HttpClient.request(
    :host => server,
    :port => 80,
    :request => "/index.html",
    :query_string => "parm1=value1&parm2=value2"
  http.callback {|response|
    puts response[:status]
    puts response[:headers]
    puts response[:content]

Constant Summary

Deferrable - Included


Class Method Summary

Connection - Inherited


Override .new so subclasses don't have to call super and can ignore connection-specific arguments.

Instance Attribute Summary

Connection - Inherited


comm_inactivity_timeout returns the current value (float in seconds) of the inactivity-timeout property of network-connection and datagram-socket objects.


Allows you to set the inactivity-timeout property for a network connection or datagram socket.


Returns true if the connection is in an error state, false otherwise.


Watches connection for readability.


Watches connection for writeability.


Returns true if the connection is being watched for writability.


The duration after which a TCP connection in the connecting state will fail.


Sets the duration after which a TCP connection in a connecting state will fail.

#signature, #watch_only?

Instance Method Summary

Deferrable - Included


Specify a block to be executed if and when the Deferrable object receives a status of :succeeded.


Cancels an outstanding callback to &block if any.


Cancels an outstanding errback to &block if any.


Cancels an outstanding timeout if any.


Specify a block to be executed if and when the Deferrable object receives a status of :failed.


Sugar for set_deferred_status(:failed, ...).


Alias for Deferrable#fail.


Sets the "disposition" (status) of the Deferrable object.


Sugar for set_deferred_status(:succeeded, ...).


Setting a timeout on a Deferrable causes it to go into the failed state after the Timeout expires (passing no arguments to the object's errbacks).

Connection - Inherited




EventMachine::Connection#close_connection is called only by user code, and never by the event loop.


Called by the event loop when a remote TCP connection attempt completes successfully.


Removes given connection from the event loop.





#get_cipher_bits, #get_cipher_name, #get_cipher_protocol,

The number of seconds since the last send/receive activity on this connection.




If TLS is active on the connection, returns the remote X509 certificate as a string, in the popular PEM format.


This method is used with stream-connections to obtain the identity of the remotely-connected peer.


Returns the PID (kernel process identifier) of a subprocess associated with this Connection object.


The number of bytes proxied to another connection.

#get_sni_hostname, #get_sock_opt,

Used with stream-connections to obtain the identity of the local side of the connection.


Returns a subprocess exit status.


Stubbed initialize so legacy superclasses can safely call super.


Pause a connection so that EventMachine#send_data and #receive_data events are not fired until #resume is called.


Called by the event loop immediately after the network connection has been established, and before resumption of the network loop.


called when the reactor finished proxying all of the requested bytes.


EventMachine::Connection#proxy_incoming_to is called only by user code.


Called by the reactor after attempting to relay incoming data to a descriptor (set as a proxy target descriptor with EventMachine.enable_proxy) that has already been closed.


Called by the event loop whenever data has been received by the network connection.


Reconnect to a given host/port with the current instance.


Resume a connection's EventMachine#send_data and #receive_data events.


Call this method to send data to the remote end of the network connection.


Sends UDP messages.


Like Connection#send_data, this sends data to the remote end of the network connection.


Called by ::EventMachine when the SSL/TLS handshake has been completed, as a result of calling #start_tls to initiate SSL/TLS on the connection.


Called by ::EventMachine when :verify_peer => true has been passed to EventMachine#start_tls.


Call EventMachine#start_tls at any point to initiate TLS encryption on connected streams.


A helper method for EventMachine.disable_proxy


Open a file on the filesystem and send it to the remote peer.


called by the framework whenever a connection (either a server or client connection) is closed.

Constructor Details


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/em/protocols/httpclient.rb', line 66

def initialize
  warn "HttpClient is deprecated and will be removed. EM-Http-Request should be used instead."
  @connected = false

Class Method Details

.request(args = {})


  • args (Hash) (defaults to: {})

    The request arguments

Options Hash (args):

  • :host (String)

    The host IP/DNS name

  • :port (Integer)

    The port to connect too

  • :verb (String)

    The request type [GET | POST | DELETE | PUT]

  • :request (String)

    The request path

  • :basic_auth (Hash)

    The basic auth credentials (:username and :password)

  • :content (String)

    The request content

  • :contenttype (String)

    The content type (e.g. text/plain)

  • :query_string (String)

    The query string

  • :host_header (String)

    The host header to set

  • :cookie (String)

    Cookies to

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/em/protocols/httpclient.rb', line 82

def self.request( args = {} )
  args[:port] ||= 80
  EventMachine.connect( args[:host], args[:port], self ) {|c|
    # According to the docs, we will get here AFTER post_init is called.
    c.instance_eval {@args = args}

Instance Method Details


We send the request when we get a connection. AND, we set an instance variable to indicate we passed through here. That allows #unbind to know whether there was a successful connection. NB: This naive technique won't work when we have to support multiple requests on a single connection.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/em/protocols/httpclient.rb', line 101

def connection_completed
  @connected = true
  send_request @args


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/em/protocols/httpclient.rb', line 283

def dispatch_response
  @read_state = :base
  set_deferred_status :succeeded, {
    :content => @content,
    :headers => @headers,
    :status => @status
  # TODO, we close the connection for now, but this is wrong for persistent clients.

#parse_response_line (private)

We get called here when we have received an HTTP response line. It's an opportunity to throw an exception or trigger other exceptional handling.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/em/protocols/httpclient.rb', line 271

def parse_response_line
  if @headers.first =~ /\AHTTP\/1\.[01] ([\d]{3})/
    @status = $1.to_i
    set_deferred_status :failed, {
      :status => 0 # crappy way of signifying an unrecognized response. TODO, find a better way to do this.


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/em/protocols/httpclient.rb', line 90

def post_init
  @start_time = Time.now
  @data = ""
  @read_state = :base


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/em/protocols/httpclient.rb', line 178

def receive_data data
  while data and data.length > 0
    case @read_state
    when :base
      # Perform any per-request initialization here and don't consume any data.
      @data = ""
      @headers = []
      @content_length = nil # not zero
      @content = ""
      @status = nil
      @chunked = false
      @chunk_length = nil
      @read_state = :header
      @connection_close = nil
    when :header
      ary = data.split( /\r?\n/m, 2 )
      if ary.length == 2
        data = ary.last
        if ary.first == ""
          if (@content_length and @content_length > 0) || @chunked || @connection_close
            @read_state = :content
            @read_state = :base
          @headers << ary.first
          if @headers.length == 1
          elsif ary.first =~ /\Acontent-length:\s*/i
            # Only take the FIRST content-length header that appears,
            # which we can distinguish because @content_length is nil.
            # TODO, it's actually a fatal error if there is more than one
            # content-length header, because the caller is presumptively
            # a bad guy. (There is an exploit that depends on multiple
            # content-length headers.)
            @content_length ||= $'.to_i
          elsif ary.first =~ /\Aconnection:\s*close/i
            @connection_close = true
          elsif ary.first =~ /\Atransfer-encoding:\s*chunked/i
            @chunked = true
        @data << data
        data = ""
    when :content
      if @chunked && @chunk_length
        bytes_needed = @chunk_length - @chunk_read
        new_data = data[0, bytes_needed]
        @chunk_read += new_data.length
        @content += new_data
        data = data[bytes_needed..-1] || ""
        if @chunk_length == @chunk_read && data[0,2] == "\r\n"
          @chunk_length = nil
          data = data[2..-1]
      elsif @chunked
        if (m = data.match(/\A(\S*)\r\n/m))
          data = data[m[0].length..-1]
          @chunk_length = m[1].to_i(16)
          @chunk_read = 0
          if @chunk_length == 0
            @read_state = :base
      elsif @content_length
        # If there was no content-length header, we have to wait until the connection
        # closes. Everything we get until that point is content.
        # TODO: Must impose a content-size limit, and also must implement chunking.
        # Also, must support either temporary files for large content, or calling
        # a content-consumer block supplied by the user.
        bytes_needed = @content_length - @content.length
        @content += data[0, bytes_needed]
        data = data[bytes_needed..-1] || ""
        if @content_length == @content.length
          @read_state = :base
        @content << data
        data = ""


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/em/protocols/httpclient.rb', line 106

def send_request args
  args[:verb] ||= args[:method] # Support :method as an alternative to :verb.
  args[:verb] ||= :get # IS THIS A GOOD IDEA, to default to GET if nothing was specified?

  verb = args[:verb].to_s.upcase
  unless ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "HEAD"].include?(verb)
    set_deferred_status :failed, {:status => 0} # TODO, not signalling the error type
    return # NOTE THE EARLY RETURN, we're not sending any data.

  request = args[:request] || "/"
  unless request[0,1] == "/"
    request = "/" + request

  qs = args[:query_string] || ""
  if qs.length > 0 and qs[0,1] != '?'
    qs = "?" + qs

  version = args[:version] || "1.1"

  # Allow an override for the host header if it's not the connect-string.
  host = args[:host_header] || args[:host] || "_"
  # For now, ALWAYS tuck in the port string, although we may want to omit it if it's the default.
  port = args[:port].to_i != 80 ? ":#{args[:port]}" : ""

  # POST items.
  postcontenttype = args[:contenttype] || "application/octet-stream"
  postcontent = args[:content] || ""
  raise "oversized content in HTTP POST" if postcontent.length > MaxPostContentLength

  # ESSENTIAL for the request's line-endings to be CRLF, not LF. Some servers misbehave otherwise.
  # TODO: We ASSUME the caller wants to send a 1.1 request. May not be a good assumption.
  req = [
    "#{verb} #{request}#{qs} HTTP/#{version}",
    "Host: #{host}#{port}",
    "User-agent: Ruby EventMachine",

    if verb == "POST" || verb == "PUT"
      req << "Content-type: #{postcontenttype}"
      req << "Content-length: #{postcontent.length}"

    # TODO, this cookie handler assumes it's getting a single, semicolon-delimited string.
    # Eventually we will want to deal intelligently with arrays and hashes.
    if args[:cookie]
      req << "Cookie: #{args[:cookie]}"

    # Allow custom HTTP headers, e.g. SOAPAction
    args[:custom_headers].each do |k,v|
      req << "#{k}: #{v}"
    end if args[:custom_headers]

    # Basic-auth stanza contributed by Matt Murphy.
    if args[:basic_auth]
      basic_auth_string = ["#{args[:basic_auth][:username]}:#{args[:basic_auth][:password]}"].pack('m').strip.gsub(/\n/,'')
      req << "Authorization: Basic #{basic_auth_string}"

    req << ""
    reqstring = req.map {|l| "#{l}\r\n"}.join
    send_data reqstring

    if verb == "POST" || verb == "PUT"
      send_data postcontent


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/em/protocols/httpclient.rb', line 294

def unbind
  if !@connected
    set_deferred_status :failed, {:status => 0} # YECCCCH. Find a better way to signal no-connect/network error.
  elsif (@read_state == :content and @content_length == nil)