
Module: EventMachine

Relationships & Source Files
Namespace Children
Defined in: lib/em/future.rb,


Top-level EventMachine namespace. If you are looking for EventMachine examples, see EventMachine tutorial.

Key methods

Starting and stopping the event loop

Implementing clients

Implementing servers

Working with timers

Working with blocking tasks

Efficient proxying

Constant Summary

Class Attribute Summary

Class Method Summary

Class Attribute Details

.defers_finished?Boolean (readonly)

Returns true if all deferred actions are done executing and their callbacks have been fired.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 1096

def self.defers_finished?
  return false if @threadpool and !@all_threads_spawned
  return false if @threadqueue and not @threadqueue.empty?
  return false if @resultqueue and not @resultqueue.empty?
  return false if @threadpool and @threadqueue.num_waiting != @threadpool.size
  return true

.epoll (readonly, mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 1153

static VALUE t__epoll (VALUE self UNUSED)
	if (t__epoll_p(self) == Qfalse)
		return Qfalse;

	evma_set_epoll (1);
	return Qtrue;

.epoll?Boolean (readonly, mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 1140

static VALUE t__epoll_p (VALUE self UNUSED)
	#ifdef HAVE_EPOLL
	return Qtrue;
	return Qfalse;

.heartbeat_intervalInteger (rw)

Retrieve the heartbeat interval. This is how often EventMachine will check for dead connections that have had an inactivity timeout set via Connection#set_comm_inactivity_timeout. Default is 2 seconds.


  • (Integer)

    Heartbeat interval, in seconds

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 1450

def self.heartbeat_interval

.heartbeat_interval=(time) (rw)

Set the heartbeat interval. This is how often EventMachine will check for dead connections that have had an inactivity timeout set via Connection#set_comm_inactivity_timeout. Takes a Numeric number of seconds. Default is 2.


  • time (Integer)

    Heartbeat interval, in seconds

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 1459

def self.heartbeat_interval=(time)
  EM::set_heartbeat_interval time.to_f

.kqueue (readonly, mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 1193

static VALUE t__kqueue (VALUE self UNUSED)
	if (t__kqueue_p(self) == Qfalse)
		return Qfalse;

	evma_set_kqueue (1);
	return Qtrue;

.kqueue?Boolean (readonly, mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 1180

static VALUE t__kqueue_p (VALUE self UNUSED)
	return Qtrue;
	return Qfalse;

.reactor_running?Boolean (readonly)

Tells you whether the EventMachine reactor loop is currently running.

Useful when writing libraries that want to run event-driven code, but may be running in programs that are already event-driven. In such cases, if reactor_running? returns false, your code can invoke .run and run your application code inside the block passed to that method. If this method returns true, just execute your event-aware code.


  • (Boolean)

    true if the EventMachine reactor loop is currently running

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 1228

def self.reactor_running?
  @reactor_running && Process.pid == @reactor_pid

.reactor_threadThread (readonly)

Exposed to allow joining on the thread, when run in a multithreaded environment. Performing other actions on the thread has undefined semantics (read: a dangerous endevor).

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 80

attr_reader :reactor_thread

.reactor_thread?Boolean (readonly)


  • (Boolean)

    true if the calling thread is the same thread as the reactor.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 228

def self.reactor_thread?
  Thread.current == @reactor_thread

.ssl?Boolean (readonly, mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 1220

static VALUE t__ssl_p (VALUE self UNUSED)
	#ifdef WITH_SSL
	return Qtrue;
	return Qfalse;

.stopping?Boolean (readonly, mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 1233

static VALUE t_stopping ()
	if (evma_stopping()) {
		return Qtrue;
	} else {
		return Qfalse;

.threadpool (readonly)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 1106

attr_reader :threadpool

.threadpool_sizeNumber (rw)

Size of the EventMachine.defer threadpool (defaults to 20)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 1110

attr_accessor :threadpool_size

Class Method Details

._open_file_for_writing(filename, handler = nil)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 1564

def self._open_file_for_writing filename, handler=nil
  klass = klass_from_handler(Connection, handler)

  s = _write_file filename
  c = klass.new s
  @conns[s] = c
  block_given? and yield c

.add_oneshot_timer (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 291

static VALUE t_add_oneshot_timer (VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE interval)
	const uintptr_t f = evma_install_oneshot_timer (FIX2LONG (interval));
	if (!f)
		rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, "%s", "ran out of timers; use #set_max_timers to increase limit");
	return BSIG2NUM (f);

.add_periodic_timer(*args, &block)

Adds a periodic timer to the event loop. It takes the same parameters as the one-shot timer method, .add_timer. This method schedules execution of the given block repeatedly, at intervals of time at least as great as the number of seconds given in the first parameter to the call.


Write a dollar-sign to stderr every five seconds, without blocking

EventMachine.run {
  EventMachine.add_periodic_timer(5) { $stderr.write "$" }


  • delay (Integer)

    Delay in seconds

See Also:

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 352

def self.add_periodic_timer *args, &block
  interval = args.shift
  code = args.shift || block

  EventMachine::PeriodicTimer.new(interval, code)


Adds a block to call as the reactor is shutting down.

These callbacks are called in the reverse order to which they are added.


Scheduling operations to be run when EventMachine event loop is stopped

EventMachine.run do
  EventMachine.add_shutdown_hook { puts "b" }
  EventMachine.add_shutdown_hook { puts "a" }

# Outputs:
#   a
#   b
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 292

def self.add_shutdown_hook &block
  @tails << block

.add_timer(*args, &block)

Adds a one-shot timer to the event loop. Call it with one or two parameters. The first parameters is a delay-time expressed in seconds (not milliseconds). The second parameter, if present, must be an object that responds to :call. If 2nd parameter is not given, then you can also simply pass a block to the method call.

This method may be called from the block passed to .run or from any callback method. It schedules execution of the proc or block passed to it, after the passage of an interval of time equal to at least the number of seconds specified in the first parameter to the call.

add_timer is a non-blocking method. Callbacks can and will be called during the interval of time that the timer is in effect. There is no built-in limit to the number of timers that can be outstanding at any given time.


Setting a one-shot timer with EventMachine

EventMachine.run {
  puts "Starting the run now: #{Time.now}"
  EventMachine.add_timer 5, proc { puts "Executing timer event: #{Time.now}" }
  EventMachine.add_timer(10) { puts "Executing timer event: #{Time.now}" }


  • delay (Integer)

    Delay in seconds

See Also:

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 324

def self.add_timer *args, &block
  interval = args.shift
  code = args.shift || block
  if code
    # check too many timers!
    s = add_oneshot_timer((interval.to_f * 1000).to_i)
    @timers[s] = code

.attach(io, handler = nil, *args, &blk)

Attaches an IO object or file descriptor to the eventloop as a regular connection. The file descriptor will be set as non-blocking, and EventMachine will process receive_data and send_data events on it as it would for any other connection.

To watch a fd instead, use .watch, which will not alter the state of the socket and fire notify_readable and notify_writable events instead.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 742

def EventMachine::attach io, handler=nil, *args, &blk
  attach_io io, false, handler, *args, &blk

.attach_io(io, watch_mode, handler = nil, *args)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 747

def EventMachine::attach_io io, watch_mode, handler=nil, *args
  klass = klass_from_handler(Connection, handler, *args)

  if !watch_mode and klass.public_instance_methods.any?{|m| [:notify_readable, :notify_writable].include? m.to_sym }
    raise ArgumentError, "notify_readable/writable with EM.attach is not supported. Use EM.watch(io){ |c| c.notify_readable = true }"

  if io.respond_to?(:fileno)
    # getDescriptorByFileno deprecated in JRuby 1.7.x, removed in JRuby 9000
    if defined?(JRuby) && JRuby.runtime.respond_to?(:getDescriptorByFileno)
      fd = JRuby.runtime.getDescriptorByFileno(io.fileno).getChannel
      fd = io.fileno
    fd = io

  s = attach_fd fd, watch_mode
  c = klass.new s, *args

  c.instance_variable_set(:@io, io)
  c.instance_variable_set(:@watch_mode, watch_mode)
  c.instance_variable_set(:@fd, fd)

  @conns[s] = c
  block_given? and yield c

.attach_sd(sd) (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 339

static VALUE t_attach_sd(VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE sd)
	const uintptr_t f = evma_attach_sd(FIX2INT(sd));
	if (!f)
		rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, "%s", "no socket descriptor acceptor");
	return BSIG2NUM (f);

.attach_server(sock, handler = nil, *args, &block)

Attach to an existing socket's file descriptor. The socket may have been started with .start_server.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 542

def self.attach_server sock, handler=nil, *args, &block
  klass = klass_from_handler(Connection, handler, *args)
  sd = sock.respond_to?(:fileno) ? sock.fileno : sock
  s = attach_sd(sd)
  @acceptors[s] = [klass,args,block,sock]

.bind_connect(bind_addr, bind_port, server, port = nil, handler = nil, *args)

This method is like .connect, but allows for a local address/port to bind the connection to.

See Also:

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 662

def self.bind_connect bind_addr, bind_port, server, port=nil, handler=nil, *args
    port = Integer(port)
  rescue ArgumentError, TypeError
    # there was no port, so server must be a unix domain socket
    # the port argument is actually the handler, and the handler is one of the args
    args.unshift handler if handler
    handler = port
    port = nil
  end if port

  klass = klass_from_handler(Connection, handler, *args)

  s = if port
        if bind_addr
          bind_connect_server bind_addr, bind_port.to_i, server, port
          connect_server server, port
        connect_unix_server server

  c = klass.new s, *args
  @conns[s] = c
  block_given? and yield c

.bind_connect_server (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 719

static VALUE t_bind_connect_server (VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE bind_addr, VALUE bind_port, VALUE server, VALUE port)
	// Avoid FIX2INT in this case, because it doesn't deal with type errors properly.
	// Specifically, if the value of port comes in as a string rather than an integer,
	// NUM2INT will throw a type error, but FIX2INT will generate garbage.

	try {
		const uintptr_t f = evma_connect_to_server (StringValueCStr(bind_addr), NUM2INT(bind_port), StringValueCStr(server), NUM2INT(port));
		if (!f)
			rb_raise (EM_eConnectionError, "%s", "no connection");
		return BSIG2NUM (f);
	} catch (std::runtime_error e) {
		rb_raise (EM_eConnectionError, "%s", e.what());
	return Qnil;

Callback(object, method) ⇒ <#call> Callback(object) ⇒ <#call> Callback(&block) ⇒ <#call>

Utility method for coercing arguments to an object that responds to :call. Accepts an object and a method name to send to, or a block, or an object that responds to :call.


EventMachine.Callback used with a block. Returns that block.

cb = EventMachine.Callback do |msg|
# returned object is a callable
cb.call('hello world')

EventMachine.Callback used with an object (to be more specific, class object) and a method name, returns an object that responds to #call

cb = EventMachine.Callback(Object, :puts)
# returned object is a callable that delegates to Kernel#puts (in this case Object.puts)
cb.call('hello world')

EventMachine.Callback used with an object that responds to #call. Returns the argument.

cb = EventMachine.Callback(proc{ |msg| puts(msg) })
# returned object is a callable
cb.call('hello world')


  • Callback(object, method) ⇒ <#call>

    Wraps method invocation on object into an object that responds to #call that proxies all the arguments to that method


    • Object (Object)

      to invoke method on

    • Method (Symbol)


    • (<#call>)

      An object that responds to #call that takes any number of arguments and invokes method on object with those arguments

  • Callback(object) ⇒ <#call>

    Returns callable object as is, without any coercion


    • An (<#call>)

      object that responds to #call


    • (<#call>)

      Its argu

  • Callback(&block) ⇒ <#call>

    Returns block passed to it without any coercion


    • (<#call>)

      Block passed to this method


  • (ArgumentError)

    When argument doesn't respond to #call, method name is missing or when invoked without arguments and block isn't given

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/em/callback.rb', line 47

def self.Callback(object = nil, method = nil, &blk)
  if object && method
    lambda { |*args| object.__send__ method, *args }
    if object.respond_to? :call
      blk || raise(ArgumentError)
    end # if
  end # if


Cancel a timer (can be a callback or an Timer instance).


  • timer_or_sig (#cancel, #call)

    A timer to cancel

See Also:

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 364

def self.cancel_timer timer_or_sig
  if timer_or_sig.respond_to? :cancel
    @timers[timer_or_sig] = false if @timers.has_key?(timer_or_sig)


Clean up Ruby space following a release_machine

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 262

def self.cleanup_machine
  if @threadpool && !@threadpool.empty?
    # Tell the threads to stop
    @threadpool.each { |t| t.exit }
    # Join the threads or bump the stragglers one more time
    @threadpool.each { |t| t.join 0.01 || t.exit }
  @threadpool = nil
  @threadqueue = nil
  @resultqueue = nil
  @all_threads_spawned = false
  @next_tick_queue = []

.close_connection (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 676

static VALUE t_close_connection (VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE signature, VALUE after_writing)
	evma_close_connection (NUM2BSIG (signature), ((after_writing == Qtrue) ? 1 : 0));
	return Qnil;

.connect(server, port = nil, handler = nil, *args, &blk)

Initiates a TCP connection to a remote server and sets up event handling for the connection. connect requires event loop to be running (see .run).

connect takes the IP address (or hostname) and port of the remote server you want to connect to. It also takes an optional handler (a module or a subclass of Connection) which you must define, that contains the callbacks that will be invoked by the event loop on behalf of the connection.

Learn more about connection lifecycle callbacks in the EventMachine tutorial and {EventMachine::Connection lifecycle guide}.


# Here's a program which connects to a web server, sends a naive
# request, parses the HTTP header of the response, and then
# (antisocially) ends the event loop, which automatically drops the connection
# (and incidentally calls the connection's unbind method).
module DumbHttpClient
  def post_init
    send_data "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: _\r\n\r\n"
    @data = ""
    @parsed = false

  def receive_data data
    @data << data
    if !@parsed and @data =~ /[\n][\r]*[\n]/m
      @parsed = true
      $`.each {|line| puts ">>> #{line}" }

      puts "Now we'll terminate the loop, which will also close the connection"

  def unbind
    puts "A connection has terminated"

EventMachine.run {
  EventMachine.connect "www.bayshorenetworks.com", 80, DumbHttpClient
puts "The event loop has ended"

Defining protocol handler as a class

class MyProtocolHandler < EventMachine::Connection
  def initialize *args
    # whatever else you want to do here

  # ...


  • server (String)

    Host to connect to

  • port (Integer) (defaults to: nil)

    Port to connect to

  • handler (Module, Class) (defaults to: nil)

    A module or class that implements connection lifecycle callbacks

See Also:

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 632

def self.connect server, port=nil, handler=nil, *args, &blk
  # EventMachine::connect initiates a TCP connection to a remote
  # server and sets up event-handling for the connection.
  # It internally creates an object that should not be handled
  # by the caller. HOWEVER, it's often convenient to get the
  # object to set up interfacing to other objects in the system.
  # We return the newly-created anonymous-class object to the caller.
  # It's expected that a considerable amount of code will depend
  # on this behavior, so don't change it.
  # Ok, added support for a user-defined block, 13Apr06.
  # This leads us to an interesting choice because of the
  # presence of the post_init call, which happens in the
  # initialize method of the new object. We call the user's
  # block and pass the new object to it. This is a great
  # way to do protocol-specific initiation. It happens
  # AFTER post_init has been called on the object, which I
  # certainly hope is the right choice.
  # Don't change this lightly, because accepted connections
  # are different from connected ones and we don't want
  # to have them behave differently with respect to post_init
  # if at all possible.

  bind_connect nil, nil, server, port, handler, *args, &blk

.connect_server (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 698

static VALUE t_connect_server (VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE server, VALUE port)
	// Avoid FIX2INT in this case, because it doesn't deal with type errors properly.
	// Specifically, if the value of port comes in as a string rather than an integer,
	// NUM2INT will throw a type error, but FIX2INT will generate garbage.

	try {
		const uintptr_t f = evma_connect_to_server (NULL, 0, StringValueCStr(server), NUM2INT(port));
		if (!f)
			rb_raise (EM_eConnectionError, "%s", "no connection");
		return BSIG2NUM (f);
	} catch (std::runtime_error e) {
		rb_raise (EM_eConnectionError, "%s", e.what());
	return Qnil;

.connect_unix_domain(socketname, *args, &blk)


UNIX sockets, as the name suggests, are not available on Microsoft Windows.

Make a connection to a Unix-domain socket. This method is simply an alias for .connect, which can connect to both TCP and Unix-domain sockets. Make sure that your process has sufficient permissions to open the socket it is given.


  • socketname (String)

    Unix domain socket (local fully-qualified path) you want to connect to.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 814

def self.connect_unix_domain socketname, *args, &blk
  connect socketname, *args, &blk

.connect_unix_server (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 740

static VALUE t_connect_unix_server (VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE serversocket)
	const uintptr_t f = evma_connect_to_unix_server (StringValueCStr(serversocket));
	if (!f)
		rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, "%s", "no connection");
	return BSIG2NUM (f);


Returns the total number of connections (file descriptors) currently held by the reactor. Note that a tick must pass after the 'initiation' of a connection for this number to increment. It's usually accurate, but don't rely on the exact precision of this number unless you really know EM internals.


EventMachine.run {
  EventMachine.connect("rubyeventmachine.com", 80)
  # count will be 0 in this case, because connection is not
  # established yet
  count = EventMachine.connection_count
EventMachine.run {
  EventMachine.connect("rubyeventmachine.com", 80)

  EventMachine.next_tick {
    # In this example, count will be 1 since the connection has been established in
    # the next loop of the reactor.
    count = EventMachine.connection_count


  • (Integer)

    Number of connections currently held by the reactor.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 956

def self.connection_count

.current_time (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 1346

static VALUE t_get_loop_time (VALUE self UNUSED)
	uint64_t current_time = evma_get_current_loop_time();
	if (current_time == 0) {
		return Qnil;

	// Generally the industry has moved to 64-bit time_t, this is just in case we're 32-bit time_t.
	if (sizeof(time_t) < 8 && current_time > INT_MAX) {
		return rb_funcall(rb_cTime, Intern_at, 2, INT2NUM(current_time / 1000000), INT2NUM(current_time % 1000000));
	} else {
		return rb_time_new(current_time / 1000000, current_time % 1000000);

.defer(op = nil, callback = nil, errback = nil, &blk)

EventMachine.defer is used for integrating blocking operations into EventMachine's control flow. The action of .defer is to take the block specified in the first parameter (the "operation") and schedule it for asynchronous execution on an internal thread pool maintained by EventMachine. When the operation completes, it will pass the result computed by the block (if any) back to the EventMachine reactor. Then, EventMachine calls the block specified in the second parameter to .defer (the "callback"), as part of its normal event handling loop. The result computed by the operation block is passed as a parameter to the callback. You may omit the callback parameter if you don't need to execute any code after the operation completes. If the operation raises an unhandled exception, the exception will be passed to the third parameter to .defer (the "errback"), as part of its normal event handling loop. If no errback is provided, the exception will be allowed to blow through to the main thread immediately.


Note carefully that the code in your deferred operation will be executed on a separate thread from the main EventMachine processing and all other Ruby threads that may exist in your program. Also, multiple deferred operations may be running at once! Therefore, you are responsible for ensuring that your operation code is threadsafe.

Don't write a deferred operation that will block forever. If so, the current implementation will not detect the problem, and the thread will never be returned to the pool. EventMachine limits the number of threads in its pool, so if you do this enough times, your subsequent deferred operations won't get a chance to run.

The threads within the EventMachine's thread pool have abort_on_exception set to true. As a result, if an unhandled exception is raised by the deferred operation and an errback is not provided, it will blow through to the main thread immediately. If the main thread is within an indiscriminate rescue block at that time, the exception could be handled improperly by the main thread.


operation = proc {
  # perform a long-running operation here, such as a database query.
  "result" # as usual, the last expression evaluated in the block will be the return value.
callback = proc {|result|
  # do something with result here, such as send it back to a network client.
errback = proc {|error|
  # do something with error here, such as re-raising or logging.

EventMachine.defer(operation, callback, errback)


  • op (#call) (defaults to: nil)

    An operation you want to offload to EventMachine thread pool

  • callback (#call) (defaults to: nil)

    A callback that will be run on the event loop thread after operation finishes.

  • errback (#call) (defaults to: nil)

    An errback that will be run on the event loop thread after operation raises an exception.

See Also:

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 1044

def self.defer op = nil, callback = nil, errback = nil, &blk
  # OBSERVE that #next_tick hacks into this mechanism, so don't make any changes here
  # without syncing there.
  # Running with $VERBOSE set to true gives a warning unless all ivars are defined when
  # they appear in rvalues. But we DON'T ever want to initialize @threadqueue unless we
  # need it, because the Ruby threads are so heavyweight. We end up with this bizarre
  # way of initializing @threadqueue because EventMachine is a Module, not a Class, and
  # has no constructor.

  unless @threadpool
    @threadpool = []
    @threadqueue = ::Queue.new
    @resultqueue = ::Queue.new

  @threadqueue << [op||blk,callback,errback]


Takes just one argument, a Connection that has proxying enabled via .enable_proxy. Calling this method will remove that functionality and your connection will begin receiving data via Connection#receive_data again.


See Also:

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 1441

def self.disable_proxy(from)

.enable_proxy(from, to, bufsize = 0, length = 0)

This method allows for direct writing of incoming data back out to another descriptor, at the C++ level in the reactor. This is very efficient and especially useful for proxies where high performance is required. Propogating data from a server response all the way up to Ruby, and then back down to the reactor to be sent back to the client, is often unnecessary and incurs a significant performance decrease.

The two arguments are instance of Connection subclasses, 'from' and 'to'. 'from' is the connection whose inbound data you want relayed back out. 'to' is the connection to write it to.

Once you call this method, the 'from' connection will no longer get receive_data callbacks from the reactor, except in the case that 'to' connection has already closed when attempting to write to it. You can see in the example, that proxy_target_unbound will be called when this occurs. After that, further incoming data will be passed into receive_data as normal.

Note also that this feature supports different types of descriptors: TCP, UDP, and pipes. You can relay data from one kind to another, for example, feed a pipe from a UDP stream.


module ProxyConnection
  def initialize(client, request)
    @client, @request = client, request

  def post_init
    EM::enable_proxy(self, @client)

  def connection_completed
    send_data @request

  def proxy_target_unbound

  def unbind

module ProxyServer
  def receive_data(data)
    (@buf ||= "") << data
    if @buf =~ /\r\n\r\n/ # all http headers received
      EventMachine.connect("", 80, ProxyConnection, self, data)

EventMachine.run {
  EventMachine.start_server("", 8080, ProxyServer)


  • from (EventMachine::Connection)

    Source of data to be proxies/streamed.

  • to (EventMachine::Connection)

    Destination of data to be proxies/streamed.

  • bufsize (Integer) (defaults to: 0)

    Buffer size to use

  • length (Integer) (defaults to: 0)

    Maximum number of bytes to proxy.

See Also:

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 1431

def self.enable_proxy(from, to, bufsize=0, length=0)
  EM::start_proxy(from.signature, to.signature, bufsize, length)

.epoll= (readonly, mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 1166

static VALUE t__epoll_set (VALUE self, VALUE val)
	if (t__epoll_p(self) == Qfalse && val == Qtrue)
		rb_raise (EM_eUnsupported, "%s", "epoll is not supported on this platform");

	evma_set_epoll (val == Qtrue ? 1 : 0);
	return val;

.error_handler(cb = nil, &blk)

Catch-all for errors raised during event loop callbacks.


EventMachine.error_handler{ |e|
  puts "Error raised during event loop: #{e.message}"


  • cb (#call) (defaults to: nil)

    Global catch-all errback

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 1364

def self.error_handler cb = nil, &blk
  if cb or blk
    @error_handler = cb || blk
  elsif instance_variable_defined? :@error_handler
    remove_instance_variable :@error_handler

.event_callback(conn_binding, opcode, data)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 1464

def self.event_callback conn_binding, opcode, data
  # Changed 27Dec07: Eliminated the hookable error handling.
  # No one was using it, and it degraded performance significantly.
  # It's in original_event_callback, which is dead code.
  # Changed 25Jul08: Added a partial solution to the problem of exceptions
  # raised in user-written event-handlers. If such exceptions are not caught,
  # we must cause the reactor to stop, and then re-raise the exception.
  # Otherwise, the reactor doesn't stop and it's left on the call stack.
  # This is partial because we only added it to #unbind, where it's critical
  # (to keep unbind handlers from being re-entered when a stopping reactor
  # runs down open connections). It should go on the other calls to user
  # code, but the performance impact may be too large.
  if opcode == ConnectionUnbound
    if c = @conns.delete( conn_binding )
        if c.original_method(:unbind).arity != 0
          c.unbind(data == 0 ? nil : EventMachine::ERRNOS[data])
        # If this is an attached (but not watched) connection, close the underlying io object.
        if c.instance_variable_defined?(:@io) and !c.instance_variable_get(:@watch_mode)
          io = c.instance_variable_get(:@io)
          rescue Errno::EBADF, IOError
      # As noted above, unbind absolutely must not raise an exception or the reactor will crash.
      # If there is no EM.error_handler, or if the error_handler retrows, then stop the reactor,
      # stash the exception in $wrapped_exception, and the exception will be raised after the
      # reactor is cleaned up (see the last line of self.run).
      rescue Exception => error
        if instance_variable_defined? :@error_handler
            @error_handler.call error
            # No need to stop unless error_handler rethrows
          rescue Exception => error
            @wrapped_exception = error
          @wrapped_exception = error
    elsif c = @acceptors.delete( conn_binding )
      # no-op
      if $! # Bubble user generated errors.
        @wrapped_exception = $!
        raise ConnectionNotBound, "received ConnectionUnbound for an unknown signature: #{conn_binding}"
  elsif opcode == ConnectionAccepted
    accep,args,blk = @acceptors[conn_binding]
    raise NoHandlerForAcceptedConnection unless accep
    c = accep.new data, *args
    @conns[data] = c
    blk and blk.call(c)
    c # (needed?)
    # The remaining code is a fallback for the pure ruby and java reactors.
    # In the C++ reactor, these events are handled in the C event_callback() in rubymain.cpp
  elsif opcode == ConnectionCompleted
    c = @conns[conn_binding] or raise ConnectionNotBound, "received ConnectionCompleted for unknown signature: #{conn_binding}"
  elsif opcode == SslHandshakeCompleted
    c = @conns[conn_binding] or raise ConnectionNotBound, "received SslHandshakeCompleted for unknown signature: #{conn_binding}"
  elsif opcode == SslVerify
    c = @conns[conn_binding] or raise ConnectionNotBound, "received SslVerify for unknown signature: #{conn_binding}"
    c.close_connection if c.ssl_verify_peer(data) == false
  elsif opcode == TimerFired
    t = @timers.delete( data )
    return if t == false # timer cancelled
    t or raise UnknownTimerFired, "timer data: #{data}"
  elsif opcode == ConnectionData
    c = @conns[conn_binding] or raise ConnectionNotBound, "received data #{data} for unknown signature: #{conn_binding}"
    c.receive_data data
  elsif opcode == LoopbreakSignalled
  elsif opcode == ConnectionNotifyReadable
    c = @conns[conn_binding] or raise ConnectionNotBound
  elsif opcode == ConnectionNotifyWritable
    c = @conns[conn_binding] or raise ConnectionNotBound


Forks a new process, properly stops the reactor and then calls .run inside of it again, passing your block.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 244

def self.fork_reactor &block
  # This implementation is subject to change, especially if we clean up the relationship
  # of EM#run to @reactor_running.
  # Original patch by Aman Gupta.
  Kernel.fork do
    if reactor_running?
      @reactor_running = false
      @reactor_thread = nil
    run block

.get_cipher_bits (mod_func)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 434

static VALUE t_get_cipher_bits (VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE signature UNUSED)
	return Qnil;

.get_cipher_name (mod_func)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 454

static VALUE t_get_cipher_name (VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE signature UNUSED)
	return Qnil;

.get_cipher_protocol (mod_func)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 474

static VALUE t_get_cipher_protocol (VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE signature UNUSED)
	return Qnil;

.get_comm_inactivity_timeout (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 619

static VALUE t_get_comm_inactivity_timeout (VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE signature)
	return rb_float_new(evma_get_comm_inactivity_timeout(NUM2BSIG (signature)));

.get_connection_count (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 610

static VALUE t_get_connection_count (VALUE self UNUSED)
	return INT2NUM(evma_get_connection_count());

.get_heartbeat_interval (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 1434

static VALUE t_get_heartbeat_interval (VALUE self UNUSED)
	return rb_float_new(evma_get_heartbeat_interval());

.get_idle_time (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 1409

static VALUE t_get_idle_time (VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE from)
		uint64_t current_time = evma_get_current_loop_time();
		uint64_t time = evma_get_last_activity_time(NUM2BSIG (from));
		if (current_time != 0 && time != 0) {
			if (time >= current_time)
				return BSIG2NUM(0);
			else {
				uint64_t diff = current_time - time;
				float seconds = diff / (1000.0*1000.0);
				return rb_float_new(seconds);
			return Qnil;
	} catch (std::runtime_error e) {
		rb_raise (EM_eConnectionError, "%s", e.what());
	return Qnil;

.get_max_timer_count (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 976

static VALUE t_get_max_timer_count (VALUE self UNUSED)
	return INT2FIX (evma_get_max_timer_count());


Gets the current maximum number of allowed timers


  • (Integer)

    Maximum number of timers that may be outstanding at any given time

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 925

def self.get_max_timers

.get_peer_cert (mod_func)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 415

static VALUE t_get_peer_cert (VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE signature UNUSED)
	return Qnil;

.get_peername (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 504

static VALUE t_get_peername (VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE signature)
	char buf[1024];
	socklen_t len = sizeof buf;
	try {
		if (evma_get_peername (NUM2BSIG (signature), (struct sockaddr*)buf, &len)) {
			return rb_str_new (buf, len);
	} catch (std::runtime_error e) {
		rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, "%s", e.what());

	return Qnil;

.get_pending_connect_timeout (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 641

static VALUE t_get_pending_connect_timeout (VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE signature)
	return rb_float_new(evma_get_pending_connect_timeout(NUM2BSIG (signature)));

.get_simultaneous_accept_count (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 995

static VALUE t_get_simultaneous_accept_count (VALUE self UNUSED)
	return INT2FIX (evma_get_simultaneous_accept_count());

.get_sni_hostname (mod_func)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 494

static VALUE t_get_sni_hostname (VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE signature UNUSED)
	return Qnil;

.get_sockname (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 523

static VALUE t_get_sockname (VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE signature)
	char buf[1024];
	socklen_t len = sizeof buf;
	try {
		if (evma_get_sockname (NUM2BSIG (signature), (struct sockaddr*)buf, &len)) {
			return rb_str_new (buf, len);
	} catch (std::runtime_error e) {
		rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, "%s", e.what());

	return Qnil;

.get_subprocess_pid (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 542

static VALUE t_get_subprocess_pid (VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE signature)
	pid_t pid;
	if (evma_get_subprocess_pid (NUM2BSIG (signature), &pid)) {
		return INT2NUM (pid);

	return Qnil;

.get_subprocess_status (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 556

static VALUE t_get_subprocess_status (VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE signature)
	VALUE proc_status = Qnil;

	int status;
	pid_t pid;

	if (evma_get_subprocess_status (NUM2BSIG (signature), &status)) {
		if (evma_get_subprocess_pid (NUM2BSIG (signature), &pid)) {

			struct rb_process_status *data = NULL;

			/* Defined to match static definition from MRI Ruby 3.0 process.c
			 * Older C++ compilers before GCC 8 don't allow static initialization of a
			 * struct without every field specified, so the definition here is at runtime
			static rb_data_type_t rb_process_status_type;
			rb_process_status_type.wrap_struct_name = "Process::Status";
			rb_process_status_type.function.dfree = RUBY_DEFAULT_FREE;
			rb_process_status_type.flags = RUBY_TYPED_FREE_IMMEDIATELY;

			proc_status = TypedData_Make_Struct(rb_cProcessStatus, struct rb_process_status, &rb_process_status_type, data);
			data->pid = pid;
			data->status = status;
			proc_status = rb_obj_alloc(rb_cProcessStatus);
			/* MRI Ruby uses hidden instance vars */
			rb_ivar_set(proc_status, rb_intern_const("status"), INT2FIX(status));
			rb_ivar_set(proc_status, rb_intern_const("pid"), INT2FIX(pid));

			/* Rubinius uses standard instance vars */
			rb_iv_set(proc_status, "@pid", INT2FIX(pid));
			if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
				rb_iv_set(proc_status, "@status", INT2FIX(WEXITSTATUS(status)));
			} else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
				rb_iv_set(proc_status, "@termsig", INT2FIX(WTERMSIG(status)));
			} else if (WIFSTOPPED(status)) {
				rb_iv_set(proc_status, "@stopsig", INT2FIX(WSTOPSIG(status)));
	return proc_status;

.get_timer_count (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 282

static VALUE t_get_timer_count ()
	return SIZET2NUM (evma_get_timer_count ());

.initialize_event_machine (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 247

static VALUE t_initialize_event_machine (VALUE self UNUSED)
	EmConnsHash = rb_ivar_get (EmModule, Intern_at_conns);
	EmTimersHash = rb_ivar_get (EmModule, Intern_at_timers);
	assert(EmConnsHash != Qnil);
	assert(EmTimersHash != Qnil);
	evma_initialize_library ((EMCallback)event_callback_wrapper);
	return Qnil;

.invoke_popen (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 1022

static VALUE t_invoke_popen (VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE cmd)
	#ifdef OS_WIN32
	rb_raise (EM_eUnsupported, "popen is not available on this platform");

	int len = RARRAY_LEN(cmd);
	if (len >= 2048)
		rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, "%s", "too many arguments to popen");
	char *strings [2048];
	for (int i=0; i < len; i++) {
		VALUE ix = INT2FIX (i);
		VALUE s = rb_ary_aref (1, &ix, cmd);
		strings[i] = StringValueCStr (s);
	strings[len] = NULL;

	uintptr_t f = 0;
	try {
		f = evma_popen (strings);
	} catch (std::runtime_error e) {
		rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, "%s", e.what());
	if (!f) {
		char *err = strerror (errno);
		char buf[100];
		memset (buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
		snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "no popen: %s", (err?err:"???"));
		rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, "%s", buf);
	return BSIG2NUM (f);

.klass_from_handler(klass = Connection, handler = nil, *args)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 1575

def self.klass_from_handler(klass = Connection, handler = nil, *args)
  klass = if handler and handler.is_a?(Class)
    raise ArgumentError, "must provide module or subclass of #{klass.name}" unless klass >= handler
  elsif handler
    if defined?(handler::EM_CONNECTION_CLASS)
      handler::const_set(:EM_CONNECTION_CLASS, Class.new(klass) {include handler})

  arity = klass.instance_method(:initialize).arity
  expected = arity >= 0 ? arity : -(arity + 1)
  if (arity >= 0 and args.size != expected) or (arity < 0 and args.size < expected)
    raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments for #{klass}#initialize (#{args.size} for #{expected})"


.kqueue= (readonly, mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 1206

static VALUE t__kqueue_set (VALUE self, VALUE val)
	if (t__kqueue_p(self) == Qfalse && val == Qtrue)
		rb_raise (EM_eUnsupported, "%s", "kqueue is not supported on this platform");

	evma_set_kqueue (val == Qtrue ? 1 : 0);
	return val;

.library_type (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 955

static VALUE t_library_type (VALUE self UNUSED)
	return rb_eval_string (":extension");

.next_tick(pr = nil, &block)

Schedules a proc for execution immediately after the next "turn" through the reactor core. An advanced technique, this can be useful for improving memory management and/or application responsiveness, especially when scheduling large amounts of data for writing to a network connection.

This method takes either a single argument (which must be a callable object) or a block.


  • pr (#call) (defaults to: nil)

    A callable object to run


  • (ArgumentError)
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 1122

def self.next_tick pr=nil, &block
  # This works by adding to the @resultqueue that's used for #defer.
  # The general idea is that next_tick is used when we want to give the reactor a chance
  # to let other operations run, either to balance the load out more evenly, or to let
  # outbound network buffers drain, or both. So we probably do NOT want to block, and
  # we probably do NOT want to be spinning any threads. A program that uses next_tick
  # but not #defer shouldn't suffer the penalty of having Ruby threads running. They're
  # extremely expensive even if they're just sleeping.

  raise ArgumentError, "no proc or block given" unless ((pr && pr.respond_to?(:call)) or block)
  @next_tick_mutex.synchronize do
    @next_tick_queue << ( pr || block )
  signal_loopbreak if reactor_running?

.open_datagram_socket(address, port, handler = nil, *args)

Used for UDP-based protocols. Its usage is similar to that of .start_server.

This method will create a new UDP (datagram) socket and bind it to the address and port that you specify. The normal callbacks (see .start_server) will be called as events of interest occur on the newly-created socket, but there are some differences in how they behave.

Connection#receive_data will be called when a datagram packet is received on the socket, but unlike TCP sockets, the message boundaries of the received data will be respected. In other words, if the remote peer sent you a datagram of a particular size, you may rely on Connection#receive_data to give you the exact data in the packet, with the original data length. Also observe that Connection#receive_data may be called with a zero-length data payload, since empty datagrams are permitted in UDP.

Connection#send_data is available with UDP packets as with TCP, but there is an important difference. Because UDP communications are connectionless, there is no implicit recipient for the packets you send. Ordinarily you must specify the recipient for each packet you send. However, EventMachine provides for the typical pattern of receiving a UDP datagram from a remote peer, performing some operation, and then sending one or more packets in response to the same remote peer. To support this model easily, just use Connection#send_data in the code that you supply for Connection#receive_data.

EventMachine will provide an implicit return address for any messages sent to Connection#send_data within the context of a Connection#receive_data callback, and your response will automatically go to the correct remote peer.

Observe that the port number that you supply to open_datagram_socket may be zero. In this case, EventMachine will create a UDP socket that is bound to an ephemeral port. This is not appropriate for servers that must publish a well-known port to which remote peers may send datagrams. But it can be useful for clients that send datagrams to other servers. If you do this, you will receive any responses from the remote servers through the normal Connection#receive_data callback. Observe that you will probably have issues with firewalls blocking the ephemeral port numbers, so this technique is most appropriate for LANs.

If you wish to send datagrams to arbitrary remote peers (not necessarily ones that have sent data to which you are responding), then see Connection#send_datagram.

DO NOT call send_data from a datagram socket outside of a Connection#receive_data method. Use Connection#send_datagram. If you do use Connection#send_data outside of a Connection#receive_data method, you'll get a confusing error because there is no "peer," as #send_data requires (inside of Connection#receive_data, Connection#send_data "fakes" the peer as described above).


  • address (String)

    IP add

  • port (String)

  • handler (Class, Module) (defaults to: nil)

    A class or a module that implements connection lifecycle callbacks.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 873

def self.open_datagram_socket address, port, handler=nil, *args
  # Replaced the implementation on 01Oct06. Thanks to Tobias Gustafsson for pointing
  # out that this originally did not take a class but only a module.

  klass = klass_from_handler(Connection, handler, *args)
  s = open_udp_socket address, port.to_i
  c = klass.new s, *args
  @conns[s] = c
  block_given? and yield c

.open_keyboard(handler = nil, *args)

This method is for internal use only.


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 1236

def self.open_keyboard handler=nil, *args
  klass = klass_from_handler(Connection, handler, *args)

  s = read_keyboard
  c = klass.new s, *args
  @conns[s] = c
  block_given? and yield c

.open_udp_socket (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 910

static VALUE t_open_udp_socket (VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE server, VALUE port)
	const uintptr_t f = evma_open_datagram_socket (StringValueCStr(server), FIX2INT(port));
	if (!f)
		rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, "%s", "no datagram socket");
	return BSIG2NUM(f);

.popen(cmd, handler = nil, *args) {|c| ... }


This method is not supported on Microsoft Windows

Runs an external process.


module RubyCounter
  def post_init
    # count up to 5
    send_data "5\n"
  def receive_data data
    puts "ruby sent me: #{data}"
  def unbind
    puts "ruby died with exit status: #{get_status.exitstatus}"

EventMachine.run {
  EventMachine.popen("ruby -e' $stdout.sync = true; gets.to_i.times{ |i| puts i+1; sleep 1 } '", RubyCounter)


  • (c)

See Also:

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 1199

def self.popen cmd, handler=nil, *args
  # At this moment, it's only available on Unix.
  # Perhaps misnamed since the underlying function uses socketpair and is full-duplex.

  klass = klass_from_handler(Connection, handler, *args)
  w = case cmd
      when Array
      when String
        Shellwords::shellwords( cmd )
  w.unshift( w.first ) if w.first
  s = invoke_popen( w )
  c = klass.new s, *args
  @conns[s] = c
  yield(c) if block_given?

.read_keyboard (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 1060

static VALUE t_read_keyboard (VALUE self UNUSED)
	const uintptr_t f = evma_open_keyboard();
	if (!f)
		rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, "%s", "no keyboard reader");
	return BSIG2NUM (f);

.reconnect(server, port, handler)

Connect to a given host/port and re-use the provided Connection instance. Consider also Connection#reconnect.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 782

def self.reconnect server, port, handler
  # Observe, the test for already-connected FAILS if we call a reconnect inside post_init,
  # because we haven't set up the connection in @conns by that point.
  # RESIST THE TEMPTATION to "fix" this problem by redefining the behavior of post_init.
  # Changed 22Nov06: if called on an already-connected handler, just return the
  # handler and do nothing more. Originally this condition raised an exception.
  # We may want to change it yet again and call the block, if any.

  raise "invalid handler" unless handler.respond_to?(:connection_completed)
  #raise "still connected" if @conns.has_key?(handler.signature)
  return handler if @conns.has_key?(handler.signature)

  s = if port
        connect_server server, port
        connect_unix_server server
  handler.signature = s
  @conns[s] = handler
  block_given? and yield handler

.release_machine (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 924

static VALUE t_release_machine (VALUE self UNUSED)
	return Qnil;

.report_connection_error_status (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 686

static VALUE t_report_connection_error_status (VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE signature)
	int b = evma_report_connection_error_status (NUM2BSIG (signature));
	return INT2NUM (b);

.run(blk = nil, tail = nil, &block)


This method blocks calling thread. If you need to start EventMachine event loop from a Web app running on a non event-driven server (Unicorn, Apache Passenger, Mongrel), do it in a separate thread like demonstrated in one of the examples.

Initializes and runs an event loop. This method only returns if code inside the block passed to this method calls .stop_event_loop. The block is executed after initializing its internal event loop but before running the loop, therefore this block is the right place to call any code that needs event loop to run, for example, .start_server, .connect or similar methods of libraries that use EventMachine under the hood (like EventMachine::HttpRequest.new or AMQP.start).

Programs that are run for long periods of time (e.g. servers) usually start event loop by calling run, and let it run "forever". It's also possible to use run to make a single client-connection to a remote server, process the data flow from that single connection, and then call .stop_event_loop to stop, in other words, to run event loop for a short period of time (necessary to complete some operation) and then shut it down.

Once event loop is running, it is perfectly possible to start multiple servers and clients simultaneously: content-aware proxies like Proxymachine do just that.

Using EventMachine with Ruby on Rails and other Web application frameworks

Standalone applications often run event loop on the main thread, thus blocking for their entire lifespan. In case of Web applications, if you are running an EventMachine-based app server such as Thin or Goliath, they start event loop for you. Servers like Unicorn, Apache Passenger or Mongrel occupy main Ruby thread to serve HTTP(S) requests. This means that calling run on the same thread is not an option (it will result in Web server never binding to the socket). In that case, start event loop in a separate thread as demonstrated below.


Starting EventMachine event loop in the current thread to run the "Hello, world"-like Echo server example

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'rubygems' # or use Bundler.setup
require 'eventmachine'

class EchoServer < EM::Connection
  def receive_data(data)

EventMachine.run do
  EventMachine.start_server("", 10000, EchoServer)

Starting EventMachine event loop in a separate thread

# doesn't block current thread, can be used with Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, Merb, Rack
# and any other application server that occupies main Ruby thread.
Thread.new { EventMachine.run }

See Also:

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 150

def self.run blk=nil, tail=nil, &block
  # Obsoleted the use_threads mechanism.
  # 25Nov06: Added the begin/ensure block. We need to be sure that release_machine
  # gets called even if an exception gets thrown within any of the user code
  # that the event loop runs. The best way to see this is to run a unit
  # test with two functions, each of which calls {EventMachine.run} and each of
  # which throws something inside of #run. Without the ensure, the second test
  # will start without release_machine being called and will immediately throw

  if @reactor_running and @reactor_pid != Process.pid
    # Reactor was started in a different parent, meaning we have forked.
    # Clean up reactor state so a new reactor boots up in this child.
    @reactor_running = false

  tail and @tails.unshift(tail)

  if reactor_running?
    (b = blk || block) and b.call # next_tick(b)
    @conns = {}
    @acceptors = {}
    @timers = {}
    @wrapped_exception = nil
    @next_tick_queue ||= []
    @tails ||= []
      @reactor_pid = Process.pid
      @reactor_thread = Thread.current
      @reactor_running = true

      (b = blk || block) and add_timer(0, b)
      if @next_tick_queue && !@next_tick_queue.empty?
        add_timer(0) { signal_loopbreak }

      # Rubinius needs to come back into "Ruby space" for GC to work,
      # so we'll crank the machine here.
      if defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) && RUBY_ENGINE == "rbx"
        while run_machine_once; end

      until @tails.empty?

      @reactor_running = false
      @reactor_thread = nil

    raise @wrapped_exception if @wrapped_exception


Sugars a common use case. Will pass the given block to #run, but will terminate the reactor loop and exit the function as soon as the code in the block completes. (Normally, .run keeps running indefinitely, even after the block supplied to it finishes running, until user code calls .stop)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 219

def self.run_block &block
  pr = proc {


This method is for internal use only.

The is the responder for the loopback-signalled event. It can be fired either by code running on a separate thread (.defer) or on the main thread (.next_tick). It will often happen that a next_tick handler will reschedule itself. We consume a copy of the tick queue so that tick events scheduled by tick events have to wait for the next pass through the reactor core.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 968

def self.run_deferred_callbacks
  until (@resultqueue ||= []).empty?
    result,cback = @resultqueue.pop
    cback.call result if cback

  # Capture the size at the start of this tick...
  size = @next_tick_mutex.synchronize { @next_tick_queue.size }
  size.times do |i|
    callback = @next_tick_mutex.synchronize { @next_tick_queue.shift }
      exception_raised = true
      # This is a little nasty. The problem is, if an exception occurs during
      # the callback, then we need to send a signal to the reactor to actually
      # do some work during the next_tick. The only mechanism we have from the
      # ruby side is next_tick itself, although ideally, we'd just drop a byte
      # on the loopback descriptor.
      next_tick {} if exception_raised

.run_machine (mod_func) Also known as: .run_machine_without_threads


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 272

static VALUE t_run_machine (VALUE self UNUSED)
	return Qnil;

.run_machine_once (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 262

static VALUE t_run_machine_once (VALUE self UNUSED)
	return evma_run_machine_once () ? Qtrue : Qfalse;

.run_machine_without_threads (mod_func)

Alias for .run_machine.

.schedule(*a, &b)

Runs the given callback on the reactor thread, or immediately if called from the reactor thread. Accepts the same arguments as EventMachine::Callback

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 234

def self.schedule(*a, &b)
  cb = Callback(*a, &b)
  if reactor_running? && reactor_thread?
    next_tick { cb.call }

.send_data (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 352

static VALUE t_send_data (VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE signature, VALUE data, VALUE data_length)
	int b = evma_send_data_to_connection (NUM2BSIG (signature), StringValuePtr (data), FIX2INT (data_length));
	return INT2NUM (b);

.send_datagram (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 663

static VALUE t_send_datagram (VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE signature, VALUE data, VALUE data_length, VALUE address, VALUE port)
	int b = evma_send_datagram (NUM2BSIG (signature), StringValuePtr (data), FIX2INT (data_length), StringValueCStr(address), FIX2INT(port));
	if (b < 0)
		rb_raise (EM_eConnectionError, "%s", "error in sending datagram"); // FIXME: this could be more specific.
	return INT2NUM (b);

.send_file_data (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 1247

static VALUE t_send_file_data (VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE signature, VALUE filename)

	/* The current implementation of evma_send_file_data_to_connection enforces a strict
	 * upper limit on the file size it will transmit (currently 32K). The function returns
	 * zero on success, -1 if the requested file exceeds its size limit, and a positive
	 * number for other errors.
	 * TODO: Positive return values are actually errno's, which is probably the wrong way to
	 * do this. For one thing it's ugly. For another, we can't be sure zero is never a real errno.

	int b = evma_send_file_data_to_connection (NUM2BSIG (signature), StringValueCStr(filename));
	if (b == -1)
		rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "%s", "File too large.  send_file_data() supports files under 32k.");
	if (b > 0) {
		char *err = strerror (b);
		char buf[1024];
		memset (buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
		snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf)-1, ": %s %s", StringValueCStr(filename),(err?err:"???"));

		rb_raise (rb_eIOError, "%s", buf);

	return INT2NUM (0);

.set_comm_inactivity_timeout (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 628

static VALUE t_set_comm_inactivity_timeout (VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE signature, VALUE timeout)
	float ti = RFLOAT_VALUE(timeout);
	if (evma_set_comm_inactivity_timeout(NUM2BSIG(signature), ti)) {
		return Qtrue;
	return Qfalse;

.set_descriptor_table_size(n_descriptors = nil) ⇒ Integer

Sets the maximum number of file or socket descriptors that your process may open. If you call this method with no arguments, it will simply return the current size of the descriptor table without attempting to change it.

The new limit on open descriptors only applies to sockets and other descriptors that belong to EventMachine. It has no effect on the number of descriptors you can create in ordinary Ruby code.

Not available on all platforms. Increasing the number of descriptors beyond its default limit usually requires superuser privileges. (See .set_effective_user for a way to drop superuser privileges while your program is running.)


  • n_descriptors (Integer) (defaults to: nil)

    The maximum number of file or socket descriptors that your process may open


  • (Integer)

    The new descriptor table size.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 1169

def self.set_descriptor_table_size n_descriptors=nil
  EventMachine::set_rlimit_nofile n_descriptors



This method has no effective implementation on Windows or in the pure-Ruby implementation of EventMachine

A wrapper over the setuid system call. Particularly useful when opening a network server on a privileged port because you can use this call to drop privileges after opening the port. Also very useful after a call to .set_descriptor_table_size, which generally requires that you start your process with root privileges.

This method is intended for use in enforcing security requirements, consequently it will throw a fatal error and end your program if it fails.


  • username (String)

    The effective name of the user whose privilege-level your process should attain.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 1150

def self.set_effective_user username
  EventMachine::setuid_string username

.set_heartbeat_interval (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 1444

static VALUE t_set_heartbeat_interval (VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE interval)
	float iv = RFLOAT_VALUE(interval);
	if (evma_set_heartbeat_interval(iv))
		return Qtrue;
	return Qfalse;

.set_max_timer_count (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 985

static VALUE t_set_max_timer_count (VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE ct)
	evma_set_max_timer_count (FIX2INT (ct));
	return Qnil;



This method has to be used before event loop is started.

Sets the maximum number of timers and periodic timers that may be outstanding at any given time. You only need to call .set_max_timers if you need more than the default number of timers, which on most platforms is 1000.


  • ct (Integer)

    Maximum number of timers that may be outstanding at any given time

See Also:

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 918

def self.set_max_timers ct
  set_max_timer_count ct

.set_pending_connect_timeout (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 650

static VALUE t_set_pending_connect_timeout (VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE signature, VALUE timeout)
	float ti = RFLOAT_VALUE(timeout);
	if (evma_set_pending_connect_timeout(NUM2BSIG(signature), ti)) {
		return Qtrue;
	return Qfalse;


For advanced users. This function sets the default timer granularity, which by default is slightly smaller than 100 milliseconds. Call this function to set a higher or lower granularity. The function affects the behavior of .add_timer and .add_periodic_timer. Most applications will not need to call this function.

Avoid setting the quantum to very low values because that may reduce performance under some extreme conditions. We recommend that you not use values lower than 10.

This method only can be used if event loop is running.


  • mills (Integer)

    New timer granularity, in milliseconds

See Also:

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 903

def self.set_quantum mills
  set_timer_quantum mills.to_i

.set_rlimit_nofile (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 1278

static VALUE t_set_rlimit_nofile (VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE arg)
	int arg_int = (NIL_P(arg)) ? -1 : NUM2INT (arg);
	return INT2NUM (evma_set_rlimit_nofile (arg_int));

.set_simultaneous_accept_count (mod_func)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 1000

static VALUE t_set_simultaneous_accept_count (VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE ct)
	evma_set_simultaneous_accept_count (FIX2INT (ct));
	return Qnil;

.set_timer_quantum (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 966

static VALUE t_set_timer_quantum (VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE interval)
	evma_set_timer_quantum (FIX2INT (interval));
	return Qnil;

.set_tls_parms (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 377

static VALUE t_set_tls_parms (VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE signature, VALUE privkeyfile, VALUE privkey, VALUE privkeypass, VALUE certchainfile, VALUE cert, VALUE verify_peer, VALUE fail_if_no_peer_cert, VALUE snihostname, VALUE cipherlist, VALUE ecdh_curve, VALUE dhparam, VALUE ssl_version)
	/* set_tls_parms takes a series of positional arguments for specifying such things
	 * as private keys and certificate chains.
	 * It's expected that the parameter list will grow as we add more supported features.
	 * ALL of these parameters are optional, and can be specified as empty or NULL strings.
	evma_set_tls_parms (NUM2BSIG (signature), StringValueCStr (privkeyfile), StringValueCStr (privkey), StringValueCStr (privkeypass), StringValueCStr (certchainfile), StringValueCStr (cert), (verify_peer == Qtrue ? 1 : 0), (fail_if_no_peer_cert == Qtrue ? 1 : 0), StringValueCStr (snihostname), StringValueCStr (cipherlist), StringValueCStr (ecdh_curve), StringValueCStr (dhparam), NUM2INT (ssl_version));
	return Qnil;

.setuid_string (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 1010

static VALUE t_setuid_string (VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE username)
	evma_setuid_string (StringValueCStr (username));
	return Qnil;

.signal_loopbreak (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 945

static VALUE t_signal_loopbreak (VALUE self UNUSED)
	return Qnil;


Spawn an erlang-style process

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/em/spawnable.rb', line 69

def self.spawn &block
  s = SpawnedProcess.new
  s.set_receiver block


This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 1066

def self.spawn_threadpool
  until @threadpool.size == @threadpool_size.to_i
    thread = Thread.new do
      Thread.current.abort_on_exception = true
      while true
          op, cback, eback = *@threadqueue.pop
        rescue ThreadError
          $stderr.puts $!.message
          break # Ruby 2.0 may fail at Queue.pop
          result = op.call
          @resultqueue << [result, cback]
        rescue Exception => error
          raise error unless eback
          @resultqueue << [error, eback]
    @threadpool << thread
  @all_threads_spawned = true

.start_server(server, port = nil, handler = nil, *args, &block)


Don't forget that in order to bind to ports < 1024 on Linux, *BSD and Mac OS X your process must have superuser privileges.

Initiates a TCP server (socket acceptor) on the specified IP address and port.

The IP address must be valid on the machine where the program runs, and the process must be privileged enough to listen on the specified port (on Unix-like systems, superuser privileges are usually required to listen on any port lower than 1024). Only one listener may be running on any given address/port combination. start_server will fail if the given address and port are already listening on the machine, either because of a prior call to .start_server or some unrelated process running on the machine. If .start_server succeeds, the new network listener becomes active immediately and starts accepting connections from remote peers, and these connections generate callback events that are processed by the code specified in the handler parameter to .start_server.

The optional handler which is passed to this method is the key to EventMachine's ability to handle particular network protocols. The handler parameter passed to start_server must be a Ruby Module that you must define. When the network server that is started by start_server accepts a new connection, it instantiates a new object of an anonymous class that is inherited from Connection, into which your handler module have been included. Arguments passed into start_server after the class name are passed into the constructor during the instantiation.

Your handler module may override any of the methods in Connection, such as Connection#receive_data, in order to implement the specific behavior of the network protocol.

Callbacks invoked in response to network events always take place within the execution context of the object derived from Connection extended by your handler module. There is one object per connection, and all of the callbacks invoked for a particular connection take the form of instance methods called against the corresponding Connection object. Therefore, you are free to define whatever instance variables you wish, in order to contain the per-connection state required by the network protocol you are implementing.

start_server is usually called inside the block passed to .run, but it can be called from any EventMachine callback. start_server will fail unless the EventMachine event loop is currently running (which is why it's often called in the block suppled to .run).

You may call start_server any number of times to start up network listeners on different address/port combinations. The servers will all run simultaneously. More interestingly, each individual call to start_server can specify a different handler module and thus implement a different network protocol from all the others.


require 'rubygems'
require 'eventmachine'

# Here is an example of a server that counts lines of input from the remote
# peer and sends back the total number of lines received, after each line.
# Try the example with more than one client connection opened via telnet,
# and you will see that the line count increments independently on each
# of the client connections. Also very important to note, is that the
# handler for the receive_data function, which our handler redefines, may
# not assume that the data it receives observes any kind of message boundaries.
# Also, to use this example, be sure to change the server and port parameters
# to the start_server call to values appropriate for your environment.
module LineCounter
  MaxLinesPerConnection = 10

  def post_init
    puts "Received a new connection"
    @data_received = ""
    @line_count = 0

  def receive_data data
    @data_received << data
    while @data_received.slice!( /^[^\n]*[\n]/m )
      @line_count += 1
      send_data "received #{@line_count} lines so far\r\n"
      @line_count == MaxLinesPerConnection and close_connection_after_writing

EventMachine.run {
  host, port = "", 8090
  EventMachine.start_server host, port, LineCounter
  puts "Now accepting connections on address #{host}, port #{port}..."
  EventMachine.add_periodic_timer(10) { $stderr.write "*" }


  • server (String)

    Host to bind to.

  • port (Integer) (defaults to: nil)

    Port to bind to.

  • handler (Module, Class) (defaults to: nil)

    A module or class that implements connection callbacks

See Also:

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 518

def self.start_server server, port=nil, handler=nil, *args, &block
    port = Integer(port)
  rescue ArgumentError, TypeError
    # there was no port, so server must be a unix domain socket
    # the port argument is actually the handler, and the handler is one of the args
    args.unshift handler if handler
    handler = port
    port = nil
  end if port

  klass = klass_from_handler(Connection, handler, *args)

  s = if port
        start_tcp_server server, port
        start_unix_server server
  @acceptors[s] = [klass,args,block]

.start_tcp_server (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 304

static VALUE t_start_server (VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE server, VALUE port)
	const uintptr_t f = evma_create_tcp_server (StringValueCStr(server), FIX2INT(port));
	if (!f)
		rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, "%s", "no acceptor (port is in use or requires root privileges)");
	return BSIG2NUM (f);

.start_tls (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 363

static VALUE t_start_tls (VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE signature)
	try {
		evma_start_tls (NUM2BSIG (signature));
	} catch (const std::runtime_error& e) {
		rb_raise (EM_eInvalidPrivateKey, e.what(), signature);
	return Qnil;

.start_unix_domain_server(filename, *args, &block)

Start a Unix-domain server.

Note that this is an alias for .start_server, which can be used to start both TCP and Unix-domain servers.

See Also:

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 562

def self.start_unix_domain_server filename, *args, &block
  start_server filename, *args, &block

.start_unix_server (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 327

static VALUE t_start_unix_server (VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE filename)
	const uintptr_t f = evma_create_unix_domain_server (StringValueCStr(filename));
	if (!f)
		rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, "%s", "no unix-domain acceptor");
	return BSIG2NUM (f);

.stop (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 935

static VALUE t_stop (VALUE self UNUSED)
	return Qnil;


Causes the processing loop to stop executing, which will cause all open connections and accepting servers to be run down and closed. Connection termination callbacks added using .add_shutdown_hook will be called as part of running this method.

When all of this processing is complete, the call to .run which started the processing loop will return and program flow will resume from the statement following .run call.


Stopping a running EventMachine event loop

require 'rubygems'
require 'eventmachine'

module Redmond
  def post_init
    puts "We're sending a dumb HTTP request to the remote peer."
    send_data "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.microsoft.com\r\n\r\n"

  def receive_data data
    puts "We received #{data.length} bytes from the remote peer."
    puts "We're going to stop the event loop now."

  def unbind
    puts "A connection has terminated."

puts "We're starting the event loop now."
EventMachine.run {
  EventMachine.connect "www.microsoft.com", 80, Redmond
puts "The event loop has stopped."

# This program will produce approximately the following output:
# We're starting the event loop now.
# We're sending a dumb HTTP request to the remote peer.
# We received 1440 bytes from the remote peer.
# We're going to stop the event loop now.
# A connection has terminated.
# The event loop has stopped.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 418

def self.stop_event_loop


Stop a TCP server socket that was started with .start_server.

See Also:

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 552

def self.stop_server signature
  EventMachine::stop_tcp_server signature

.stop_tcp_server (mod_func)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/rubymain.cpp', line 316

static VALUE t_stop_server (VALUE self UNUSED, VALUE signature)
	evma_stop_tcp_server (NUM2BSIG (signature));
	return Qnil;

.system(cmd, *args, &cb)

EM::system is a simple wrapper for EM::popen. It is similar to Kernel::system, but requires a single string argument for the command and performs no shell expansion.

The block or proc passed to EM::system is called with two arguments: the output generated by the command, and a Process::Status that contains information about the command's execution.

EM.run{ EM.system('ls'){ |output,status| puts output if status.exitstatus == 0 } }

You can also supply an additional proc to send some data to the process:

EM.run{ EM.system('sh', proc{ |process| process.send_data("echo hello\n") process.send_data("exit\n") }, proc{ |out,status| puts(out) }) }

Like EventMachine.popen, EventMachine.system currently does not work on windows. It returns the pid of the spawned process.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/em/processes.rb', line 112

def EventMachine::system cmd, *args, &cb
  cb ||= args.pop if args.last.is_a? Proc
  init = args.pop if args.last.is_a? Proc

  # merge remaining arguments into the command
  cmd = [cmd, *args] if args.any?

  EM.get_subprocess_pid(EM.popen(cmd, SystemCmd, cb) do |c|
    init[c] if init

.tick_loop(*a, &b)

Creates and immediately starts an TickLoop

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/em/tick_loop.rb', line 3

def self.tick_loop(*a, &b)
  TickLoop.new(*a, &b).start

.watch(io, handler = nil, *args, &blk)

watch registers a given file descriptor or IO object with the eventloop. The file descriptor will not be modified (it will remain blocking or non-blocking).

The eventloop can be used to process readable and writable events on the file descriptor, using Connection#notify_readable= and Connection#notify_writable=

Connection#notify_readable? and Connection#notify_writable? can be used to check what events are enabled on the connection.

To detach the file descriptor, use Connection#detach


module SimpleHttpClient
  def notify_readable
    header = @io.readline

    if header == "\r\n"
      # detach returns the file descriptor number (fd == @io.fileno)
      fd = detach
  rescue EOFError

  def unbind
    EM.next_tick do
      # socket is detached from the eventloop, but still open
      data = @io.read

EventMachine.run {
  sock = TCPSocket.new('site.com', 80)
  sock.write("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n")
  conn = EventMachine.watch(sock, SimpleHttpClient)
  conn.notify_readable = true


  • Riham Aldakkak (eSpace Technologies)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 732

def EventMachine::watch io, handler=nil, *args, &blk
  attach_io io, true, handler, *args, &blk

.watch_file(filename, handler = nil, *args)


The ability to pick up on the new filename after a rename is not yet supported. Calling #path will always return the filename you originally used.

EventMachine's file monitoring API. Currently supported are the following events on individual files, using inotify on Linux systems, and kqueue for *BSD and Mac OS X:

  • File modified (written to)
  • File moved/renamed
  • File deleted

EventMachine::watch_file takes a filename and a handler Module containing your custom callback methods. This will setup the low level monitoring on the specified file, and create a new FileWatch object with your Module mixed in. FileWatch is a subclass of Connection, so callbacks on this object work in the familiar way. The callbacks that will be fired by EventMachine are:

  • file_modified
  • file_moved
  • file_deleted

You can access the filename being monitored from within this object using FileWatch#path.

When a file is deleted, FileWatch#stop_watching will be called after your file_deleted callback, to clean up the underlying monitoring and remove EventMachine's reference to the now-useless FileWatch instance. This will in turn call unbind, if you wish to use it.

The corresponding system-level Errno will be raised when attempting to monitor non-existent files, files with wrong permissions, or if an error occurs dealing with inotify/kqueue.


# Before running this example, make sure we have a file to monitor:
# $ echo "bar" > /tmp/foo

module Handler
  def file_modified
    puts "#{path} modified"

  def file_moved
    puts "#{path} moved"

  def file_deleted
    puts "#{path} deleted"

  def unbind
    puts "#{path} monitoring ceased"

# for efficient file watching, use kqueue on Mac OS X
EventMachine.kqueue = true if EventMachine.kqueue?

EventMachine.run {
  EventMachine.watch_file("/tmp/foo", Handler)

# $ echo "baz" >> /tmp/foo    =>    "/tmp/foo modified"
# $ mv /tmp/foo /tmp/oof      =>    "/tmp/foo moved"
# $ rm /tmp/oof               =>    "/tmp/foo deleted"


  • filename (String)

    Local path to the file to watch.

  • handler (Class, Module) (defaults to: nil)

    A class or module that implements event handlers associated with the file.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 1310

def self.watch_file(filename, handler=nil, *args)
  klass = klass_from_handler(FileWatch, handler, *args)

  s = EM::watch_filename(filename)
  c = klass.new s, *args
  # we have to set the path like this because of how Connection.new works
  c.instance_variable_set("@path", filename)
  @conns[s] = c
  block_given? and yield c

.watch_process(pid, handler = nil, *args)

EventMachine's process monitoring API. On Mac OS X and *BSD this method is implemented using kqueue.


module ProcessWatcher
  def process_exited
    put 'the forked child died!'

pid = fork{ sleep }

EventMachine.run {
  EventMachine.watch_process(pid, ProcessWatcher)
  EventMachine.add_timer(1){ Process.kill('TERM', pid) }


  • pid (Integer)

    PID of the process to watch.

  • handler (Class, Module) (defaults to: nil)

    A class or module that implements event handlers associated with the file.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/eventmachine.rb', line 1341

def self.watch_process(pid, handler=nil, *args)
  pid = pid.to_i

  klass = klass_from_handler(ProcessWatch, handler, *args)

  s = EM::watch_pid(pid)
  c = klass.new s, *args
  # we have to set the path like this because of how Connection.new works
  c.instance_variable_set("@pid", pid)
  @conns[s] = c
  block_given? and yield c


This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/em/spawnable.rb', line 76

def self.yield &block
  return YieldBlockFromSpawnedProcess.new( block, false )


This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/em/spawnable.rb', line 81

def self.yield_and_notify &block
  return YieldBlockFromSpawnedProcess.new( block, true )