
Module: Concurrent::Promises::FactoryMethods

Relationships & Source Files
Namespace Children
Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance Descendants
Extended In:
Included In:
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
ReInclude, self
Instance Chain:
Defined in: lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb,


Container of all Future, Event factory methods. They are never constructed directly with new.

Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

OldChannelIntegration - Included


only proof of concept.

Configuration - Included

Instance Method Details


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 282

alias_method :any, :any_resolved_future

#any_event(*futures_and_or_events) ⇒ Event

Shortcut of #any_event_on with default :io executor supplied.

See Also:

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 319

def any_event(*futures_and_or_events)
  any_event_on default_executor, *futures_and_or_events

#any_event_on(default_executor, *futures_and_or_events) ⇒ Event

Creates a new event which becomes resolved after the first futures_and_or_events resolves. If resolved it does not propagate Concurrent::AbstractEventFuture#touch, leaving delayed futures un-executed if they are not required any more.


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 329

def any_event_on(default_executor, *futures_and_or_events)
  AnyResolvedEventPromise.new_blocked_by(futures_and_or_events, default_executor).event

#any_fulfilled_future(*futures_and_or_events) ⇒ Future

Shortcut of #any_fulfilled_future_on with default :io executor supplied.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 300

def any_fulfilled_future(*futures_and_or_events)
  any_fulfilled_future_on default_executor, *futures_and_or_events

#any_fulfilled_future_on(default_executor, *futures_and_or_events) ⇒ Future

Creates a new future which is resolved after the first futures_and_or_events is fulfilled. Its result equals the result of the first resolved future or if all futures_and_or_events reject, it has reason of the last rejected future. If resolved it does not propagate Concurrent::AbstractEventFuture#touch, leaving delayed futures un-executed if they are not required any more. If event is supplied, which does not have value and can be only resolved, it’s represented as :fulfilled with value nil.


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 313

def any_fulfilled_future_on(default_executor, *futures_and_or_events)
  AnyFulfilledFuturePromise.new_blocked_by(futures_and_or_events, default_executor).future

#any_resolved_future(*futures_and_or_events) ⇒ Future Also known as: #any

Shortcut of #any_resolved_future_on with default :io executor supplied.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 278

def any_resolved_future(*futures_and_or_events)
  any_resolved_future_on default_executor, *futures_and_or_events

#any_resolved_future_on(default_executor, *futures_and_or_events) ⇒ Future

Creates a new future which is resolved after the first futures_and_or_events is resolved. Its result equals the result of the first resolved future. If resolved it does not propagate Concurrent::AbstractEventFuture#touch, leaving delayed futures un-executed if they are not required any more. If event is supplied, which does not have value and can be only resolved, it’s represented as :fulfilled with value nil.


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 294

def any_resolved_future_on(default_executor, *futures_and_or_events)
  AnyResolvedFuturePromise.new_blocked_by(futures_and_or_events, default_executor).future

#delay(*args, &task) ⇒ Future, Event

Shortcut of #delay_on with default :io executor supplied.

See Also:

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 190

def delay(*args, &task)
  delay_on default_executor, *args, &task

#delay_on(default_executor, *args) {|*args| ... } ⇒ Future #delay_on(default_executor) ⇒ Event

Creates a new event or future which is resolved only after it is touched, see Concurrent::AbstractEventFuture#touch.


  • default_executor (Executor, :io, :fast)

    Instance of an executor or a name of the global executor. Default executor propagates to chained futures unless overridden with executor parameter or changed with AbstractEventFuture#with_default_executor.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 207

def delay_on(default_executor, *args, &task)
  event = DelayPromise.new(default_executor).event
  task ? event.chain(*args, &task) : event

#fulfilled_future(value, default_executor = self.default_executor) ⇒ Future

Creates a resolved future which will be fulfilled with the given value.


  • default_executor (Executor, :io, :fast) (defaults to: self.default_executor)

    Instance of an executor or a name of the global executor. Default executor propagates to chained futures unless overridden with executor parameter or changed with AbstractEventFuture#with_default_executor.

  • value (Object)
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 127

def fulfilled_future(value, default_executor = self.default_executor)
  resolved_future true, value, nil, default_executor

#future(*args, &task) ⇒ Future

Shortcut of #future_on with default :io executor supplied.

See Also:

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 94

def future(*args, &task)
  future_on(default_executor, *args, &task)

#future_on(default_executor, *args) {|*args| ... } ⇒ Future

Constructs a new Future which will be resolved after block is evaluated on default executor. Evaluation begins immediately.


  • default_executor (Executor, :io, :fast)

    Instance of an executor or a name of the global executor. Default executor propagates to chained futures unless overridden with executor parameter or changed with AbstractEventFuture#with_default_executor.

  • args (Object)

    arguments which are passed to the task when it’s executed. (It might be prepended with other arguments, see the @yield section).


  • (*args)

    to the task.

Yield Returns:

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 106

def future_on(default_executor, *args, &task)
  ImmediateEventPromise.new(default_executor).future.then(*args, &task)

#make_future(nil, default_executor = self.default_executor) ⇒ Event #make_future(a_future, default_executor = self.default_executor) ⇒ Future #make_future(an_event, default_executor = self.default_executor) ⇒ Event #make_future(exception, default_executor = self.default_executor) ⇒ Future #make_future(value, default_executor = self.default_executor) ⇒ Future

General constructor. Behaves differently based on the argument’s type. It’s provided for convenience but it’s better to be explicit.


  • default_executor (Executor, :io, :fast) (defaults to: self.default_executor)

    Instance of an executor or a name of the global executor. Default executor propagates to chained futures unless overridden with executor parameter or changed with AbstractEventFuture#with_default_executor.

See Also:

  • resolved_event, fulfilled_future
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 174

def make_future(argument = nil, default_executor = self.default_executor)
  case argument
  when AbstractEventFuture
    # returning wrapper would change nothing
  when Exception
    rejected_future argument, default_executor
  when nil
    resolved_event default_executor
    fulfilled_future argument, default_executor

#rejected_future(reason, default_executor = self.default_executor) ⇒ Future

Creates a resolved future which will be rejected with the given reason.


  • default_executor (Executor, :io, :fast) (defaults to: self.default_executor)

    Instance of an executor or a name of the global executor. Default executor propagates to chained futures unless overridden with executor parameter or changed with AbstractEventFuture#with_default_executor.

  • reason (Object)
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 136

def rejected_future(reason, default_executor = self.default_executor)
  resolved_future false, nil, reason, default_executor


Shortcut of #resolvable_event_on with default :io executor supplied.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 63

def resolvable_event
  resolvable_event_on default_executor

#resolvable_event_on(default_executor = self.default_executor) ⇒ ResolvableEvent

Creates a resolvable event, user is responsible for resolving the event once by calling ResolvableEvent#resolve.


  • default_executor (Executor, :io, :fast) (defaults to: self.default_executor)

    Instance of an executor or a name of the global executor. Default executor propagates to chained futures unless overridden with executor parameter or changed with AbstractEventFuture#with_default_executor.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 72

def resolvable_event_on(default_executor = self.default_executor)


Shortcut of #resolvable_future_on with default :io executor supplied.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 78

def resolvable_future
  resolvable_future_on default_executor

#resolvable_future_on(default_executor = self.default_executor) ⇒ ResolvableFuture

Creates resolvable future, user is responsible for resolving the future once by ResolvableFuture#resolve, ResolvableFuture#fulfill, or ResolvableFuture#reject


  • default_executor (Executor, :io, :fast) (defaults to: self.default_executor)

    Instance of an executor or a name of the global executor. Default executor propagates to chained futures unless overridden with executor parameter or changed with AbstractEventFuture#with_default_executor.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 88

def resolvable_future_on(default_executor = self.default_executor)

#resolved_event(default_executor = self.default_executor) ⇒ Event

Creates resolved event.


  • default_executor (Executor, :io, :fast) (defaults to: self.default_executor)

    Instance of an executor or a name of the global executor. Default executor propagates to chained futures unless overridden with executor parameter or changed with AbstractEventFuture#with_default_executor.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 144

def resolved_event(default_executor = self.default_executor)

#resolved_future(fulfilled, value, reason, default_executor = self.default_executor) ⇒ Future

Creates a resolved future with will be either fulfilled with the given value or rejected with the given reason.


  • fulfilled (true, false)
  • value (Object)
  • reason (Object)
  • default_executor (Executor, :io, :fast) (defaults to: self.default_executor)

    Instance of an executor or a name of the global executor. Default executor propagates to chained futures unless overridden with executor parameter or changed with AbstractEventFuture#with_default_executor.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 118

def resolved_future(fulfilled, value, reason, default_executor = self.default_executor)
  ImmediateFuturePromise.new(default_executor, fulfilled, value, reason).future

#schedule(intended_time, *args, &task) ⇒ Future, Event

Shortcut of #schedule_on with default :io executor supplied.

See Also:

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 214

def schedule(intended_time, *args, &task)
  schedule_on default_executor, intended_time, *args, &task

#schedule_on(default_executor, intended_time, *args) {|*args| ... } ⇒ Future #schedule_on(default_executor, intended_time) ⇒ Event

Creates a new event or future which is resolved in intended_time.


  • default_executor (Executor, :io, :fast)

    Instance of an executor or a name of the global executor. Default executor propagates to chained futures unless overridden with executor parameter or changed with AbstractEventFuture#with_default_executor.

  • intended_time (Numeric, Time)

    Numeric means to run in intended_time seconds. Time means to run on intended_time.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 233

def schedule_on(default_executor, intended_time, *args, &task)
  event = ScheduledPromise.new(default_executor, intended_time).event
  task ? event.chain(*args, &task) : event


Alias for #zip_futures.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 258

alias_method :zip, :zip_futures

#zip_events(*futures_and_or_events) ⇒ Event

Shortcut of #zip_events_on with default :io executor supplied.

See Also:

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 262

def zip_events(*futures_and_or_events)
  zip_events_on default_executor, *futures_and_or_events

#zip_events_on(default_executor, *futures_and_or_events) ⇒ Event

Creates a new event which is resolved after all futures_and_or_events are resolved. (Future is resolved when fulfilled or rejected.)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 272

def zip_events_on(default_executor, *futures_and_or_events)
  ZipEventsPromise.new_blocked_by(futures_and_or_events, default_executor).event

#zip_futures(*futures_and_or_events) ⇒ Future Also known as: #zip

Shortcut of #zip_futures_on with default :io executor supplied.

See Also:

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 240

def zip_futures(*futures_and_or_events)
  zip_futures_on default_executor, *futures_and_or_events

#zip_futures_on(default_executor, *futures_and_or_events) ⇒ Future

Creates a new future which is resolved after all futures_and_or_events are resolved. Its value is an array of zipped future values. Its reason is an array of reasons for rejection. If there is an error it rejects. If event is supplied, which does not have value and can be only resolved, it’s represented as :fulfilled with value nil.


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 254

def zip_futures_on(default_executor, *futures_and_or_events)
  ZipFuturesPromise.new_blocked_by(futures_and_or_events, default_executor).future

#zip_futures_over(enumerable, &future_factory) ⇒ Future


**Edge Features** are under active development and may change frequently.

  • Deprecations are not added before incompatible changes.

  • Edge version: major is always 0, minor bump means incompatible change, patch bump means compatible change.

  • Edge features may also lack tests and documentation.

  • Features developed in concurrent-ruby-edge are expected to move to concurrent-ruby when finalised.

Shortcut of #zip_futures_over_on with default :io executor supplied.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby-edge/concurrent/edge/promises.rb', line 72

def zip_futures_over(enumerable, &future_factory)
  zip_futures_over_on default_executor, enumerable, &future_factory

#zip_futures_over_on(default_executor, enumerable) {|element| ... } ⇒ Future


**Edge Features** are under active development and may change frequently.

  • Deprecations are not added before incompatible changes.

  • Edge version: major is always 0, minor bump means incompatible change, patch bump means compatible change.

  • Edge features may also lack tests and documentation.

  • Features developed in concurrent-ruby-edge are expected to move to concurrent-ruby when finalised.

Creates new future which is resolved after all the futures created by future_factory from enumerable elements are resolved. Simplified it does: zip(*enumerable.map { |e| future e, &future_factory })


# {#succ} calls are executed in parallel
zip_futures_over_on(:io, [1, 2], &:succ).value! # => [2, 3]


  • default_executor (Executor, :io, :fast)

    Instance of an executor or a name of the global executor. Default executor propagates to chained futures unless overridden with executor parameter or changed with AbstractEventFuture#with_default_executor.

  • enumerable (Enumerable)


  • a task to be executed in future

Yield Parameters:

  • element (Object)

    from enumerable

Yield Returns:

  • (Object)

    a value of the future

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby-edge/concurrent/edge/promises.rb', line 90

def zip_futures_over_on(default_executor, enumerable, &future_factory)
  # ZipFuturesPromise.new_blocked_by(futures_and_or_events, default_executor).future
  zip_futures_on(default_executor, *enumerable.map { |e| future e, &future_factory })