
Class: Concurrent::Promises::Event


Represents an event which will happen in future (will be resolved). The event is either pending or resolved. It should be always resolved. Use Future to communicate rejections and cancellation.

Constant Summary

InternalStates - Included


Class Attribute Summary

Class Method Summary

AbstractEventFuture - Inherited

Synchronization::Object - Inherited

.atomic_attribute?, .atomic_attributes,

Creates methods for reading and writing to a instance variable with volatile (Java) semantic as .attr_volatile does.


Creates methods for reading and writing (as attr_accessor does) to a instance variable with volatile (Java) semantic.


For testing purposes, quite slow.


Has to be called by children.

.safe_initialization!, .define_initialize_atomic_fields

Synchronization::AbstractObject - Inherited

Instance Attribute Summary

AbstractEventFuture - Inherited


Is it in pending state?


Is it in resolved state?


For inspection.

Instance Method Summary

AbstractEventFuture - Inherited


Shortcut of #chain_on with default :io executor supplied.


Chains the task to be executed asynchronously on executor after it is resolved.


Resolves the resolvable when receiver is resolved.


Returns default executor.


Shortcut of #on_resolution_using with default :io executor supplied.


Stores the callback to be executed synchronously on resolving thread after it is resolved.


Stores the callback to be executed asynchronously on executor after it is resolved.


Returns its state.


Propagates touch.


Wait (block the Thread) until receiver is #resolved?.


Crates new object with same class with the executor set as its new default executor.

#add_callback, #add_callback_clear_delayed_node, #add_callback_notify_blocked, #async_callback_on_resolution,

For inspection.

#call_callback, #call_callbacks, #callback_clear_delayed_node, #callback_notify_blocked,

For inspection.


Sets the internal_state to new_internal_state if the current internal_state is expected_internal_state.


Set the internal_state.


For inspection.


Set the internal_state to new_internal_state and return the old internal_state.


Updates the internal_state using the block.


For inspection.

#with_async, #with_hidden_resolvable

Synchronization::Object - Inherited

Synchronization::Volatile - Included

Synchronization::AbstractObject - Inherited

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Concurrent::Promises::AbstractEventFuture

Instance Method Details


Alias for #zip.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 847

alias_method :&, :zip

#any(event_or_future) ⇒ Event Also known as: #|

Creates a new event which will be resolved when the first of receiver, event_or_future resolves.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 853

def any(event_or_future)
  AnyResolvedEventPromise.new_blocked_by2(self, event_or_future, @DefaultExecutor).event

#callback_on_resolution(state, args, callback) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 910

def callback_on_resolution(state, args, callback)


Creates new event dependent on receiver which will not evaluate until touched, see #touch. In other words, it inserts delay into the chain of Futures making rest of it lazy evaluated.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 863

def delay
  event = DelayPromise.new(@DefaultExecutor).event
  ZipEventEventPromise.new_blocked_by2(self, event, @DefaultExecutor).event

#rejected_resolution(raise_on_reassign, state) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 905

def rejected_resolution(raise_on_reassign, state)
  raise Concurrent::MultipleAssignmentError.new('Event can be resolved only once') if raise_on_reassign
  return false

#schedule(intended_time) ⇒ Event

Creates new event dependent on receiver scheduled to execute on/in intended_time. In time is interpreted from the moment the receiver is resolved, therefore it inserts delay into the chain.


  • intended_time (Numeric, Time)

    Numeric means to run in intended_time seconds. Time means to run on intended_time.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 875

def schedule(intended_time)
  chain do
    event = ScheduledPromise.new(@DefaultExecutor, intended_time).event
    ZipEventEventPromise.new_blocked_by2(self, event, @DefaultExecutor).event

#then(*args, &task)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 828

alias_method :then, :chain


Returns self, since this is event

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 893

def to_event


Converts event to a future. The future is fulfilled when the event is resolved, the future may never fail.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 885

def to_future
  future = Promises.resolvable_future

#with_default_executor(executor) ⇒ Event

Crates new object with same class with the executor set as its new default executor. Any futures depending on it will use the new default executor.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 899

def with_default_executor(executor)
  EventWrapperPromise.new_blocked_by1(self, executor).event

#zip(other) ⇒ Future, Event Also known as: #&

Creates a new event or a future which will be resolved when receiver and other are. Returns an event if receiver and other are events, otherwise returns a future. If just one of the parties is Future then the result of the returned future is equal to the result of the supplied future. If both are futures then the result is as described in FactoryMethods#zip_futures_on.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 839

def zip(other)
  if other.is_a?(Future)
    ZipFutureEventPromise.new_blocked_by2(other, self, @DefaultExecutor).future
    ZipEventEventPromise.new_blocked_by2(self, other, @DefaultExecutor).event


Alias for #any.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 857

alias_method :|, :any