
Class: Concurrent::Promises::ResolvableFuture


A Future which can be resolved by user.

Constant Summary

InternalStates - Included


Class Attribute Summary

Class Method Summary

AbstractEventFuture - Inherited

Synchronization::Object - Inherited

.atomic_attribute?, .atomic_attributes,

Creates methods for reading and writing to a instance variable with volatile (Java) semantic as .attr_volatile does.


Creates methods for reading and writing (as attr_accessor does) to a instance variable with volatile (Java) semantic.


For testing purposes, quite slow.


Has to be called by children.

.safe_initialization!, .define_initialize_atomic_fields

Synchronization::AbstractObject - Inherited

Instance Attribute Summary

Future - Inherited


Is it in fulfilled state?


Is it in rejected state?

AbstractEventFuture - Inherited


Is it in pending state?


Is it in resolved state?


For inspection.

Instance Method Summary

Resolvable - Included


Reserves the event or future, if reserved others are prevented from resolving it.

Future - Inherited


Alias for Future#zip.


Creates a new event which will be resolved when the first of receiver, event_or_future resolves.


Creates new future dependent on receiver which will not evaluate until touched, see #touch.


Allows rejected Future to be risen with raise method.


Creates new event which will be resolved when the returned event by receiver is.


Creates new future which will have result of the future returned by receiver.


Alias for Future#to_s.


Shortcut of #on_fulfillment_using with default :io executor supplied.


Stores the callback to be executed synchronously on resolving thread after it is fulfilled.


Stores the callback to be executed asynchronously on executor after it is fulfilled.


Shortcut of #on_rejection_using with default :io executor supplied.


Stores the callback to be executed synchronously on resolving thread after it is rejected.


Stores the callback to be executed asynchronously on executor after it is rejected.


Returns reason of future’s rejection.


Shortcut of #rescue_on with default :io executor supplied.


Chains the task to be executed asynchronously on executor after it rejects.


Returns triplet fulfilled?, value, reason.


Allows to use futures as green threads.


Creates new event dependent on receiver scheduled to execute on/in intended_time.


Shortcut of #then_on with default :io executor supplied.


Chains the task to be executed asynchronously on executor after it fulfills.


Converts future to event which is resolved when future is resolved by fulfillment or rejection.


Returns self, since this is a future.


Return value of the future.


Return value of the future.


Wait (block the Thread) until receiver is #resolved?.


Crates new object with same class with the executor set as its new default executor.


Creates a new event or a future which will be resolved when receiver and other are.


Alias for Future#any.

#apply, #async_callback_on_fulfillment, #async_callback_on_rejection, #callback_on_fulfillment, #callback_on_rejection, #callback_on_resolution, #rejected_resolution, #run_test, #wait_until_resolved!

Future::OldChannelIntegration - Included


Zips with selected value form the suplied channels.

Future::NewChannelIntegration - Included

Future::FlatShortcuts - Included

Future::ActorIntegration - Included


Asks the actor with its value.

AbstractEventFuture - Inherited


Shortcut of #chain_on with default :io executor supplied.


Chains the task to be executed asynchronously on executor after it is resolved.


Resolves the resolvable when receiver is resolved.


Returns default executor.


Shortcut of #on_resolution_using with default :io executor supplied.


Stores the callback to be executed synchronously on resolving thread after it is resolved.


Stores the callback to be executed asynchronously on executor after it is resolved.


Returns its state.


Propagates touch.


Wait (block the Thread) until receiver is #resolved?.


Crates new object with same class with the executor set as its new default executor.

#add_callback, #add_callback_clear_delayed_node, #add_callback_notify_blocked, #async_callback_on_resolution,

For inspection.

#call_callback, #call_callbacks, #callback_clear_delayed_node, #callback_notify_blocked,

For inspection.


Sets the internal_state to new_internal_state if the current internal_state is expected_internal_state.


Set the internal_state.


For inspection.


Set the internal_state to new_internal_state and return the old internal_state.


Updates the internal_state using the block.


For inspection.

#with_async, #with_hidden_resolvable

Synchronization::Object - Inherited

Synchronization::Volatile - Included

Synchronization::AbstractObject - Inherited

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Concurrent::Promises::AbstractEventFuture

Instance Method Details

#evaluate_to(*args) {|*args| ... } ⇒ self

Evaluates the block and sets its result as future’s value fulfilling, if the block raises an exception the future rejects with it.


  • (*args)

    to the block.

Yield Returns:

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 1395

def evaluate_to(*args, &block)
  promise.evaluate_to(*args, block)

#evaluate_to!(*args) {|*args| ... } ⇒ self

Evaluates the block and sets its result as future’s value fulfilling, if the block raises an exception the future rejects with it.


  • (*args)

    to the block.

Yield Returns:


  • (Exception)

    also raise reason on rejection.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 1406

def evaluate_to!(*args, &block)
  promise.evaluate_to(*args, block).wait!

#fulfill(value, raise_on_reassign = true, reserved = false) ⇒ self, false

Makes the future fulfilled with #value, which triggers all dependent futures.


  • value (Object)
  • raise_on_reassign (Boolean) (defaults to: true)

    should method raise exception if already resolved

  • reserved (true, false) (defaults to: false)

    Set to true if the resolvable is #reserved by you, marks resolution of reserved resolvable events and futures explicitly. Advanced feature, ignore unless you use Resolvable#reserve from edge.


  • (self, false)

    false is returned when raise_on_reassign is false and the receiver is already resolved.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 1375

def fulfill(value, raise_on_reassign = true, reserved = false)
  resolve_with Fulfilled.new(value), raise_on_reassign, reserved

#reason(timeout = nil, timeout_value = nil, resolve_on_timeout = nil) ⇒ Exception, ...

Behaves as Future#reason but has one additional optional argument resolve_on_timeout.


  • resolve_on_timeout (::Array(true, Object, nil), ::Array(false, nil, Exception), nil) (defaults to: nil)

    If it times out and the argument is not nil it will also resolve the future to the provided resolution.

See Also:

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 1503

def reason(timeout = nil, timeout_value = nil, resolve_on_timeout = nil)
  if wait_until_resolved timeout
    if resolve_on_timeout
      unless resolve(*resolve_on_timeout, false)
        # if it fails to resolve it was resolved in the meantime
        # so return value as if there was no timeout
        return internal_state.reason

#reject(reason, raise_on_reassign = true, reserved = false) ⇒ self, false

Makes the future rejected with #reason, which triggers all dependent futures.


  • reason (Object)
  • raise_on_reassign (Boolean) (defaults to: true)

    should method raise exception if already resolved

  • reserved (true, false) (defaults to: false)

    Set to true if the resolvable is #reserved by you, marks resolution of reserved resolvable events and futures explicitly. Advanced feature, ignore unless you use Resolvable#reserve from edge.


  • (self, false)

    false is returned when raise_on_reassign is false and the receiver is already resolved.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 1385

def reject(reason, raise_on_reassign = true, reserved = false)
  resolve_with Rejected.new(reason), raise_on_reassign, reserved

#resolve(fulfilled = true, value = nil, reason = nil, raise_on_reassign = true, reserved = false) ⇒ self, false

Makes the future resolved with result of triplet fulfilled?, #value, #reason, which triggers all dependent futures.


  • fulfilled (true, false) (defaults to: true)
  • value (Object) (defaults to: nil)
  • reason (Object) (defaults to: nil)
  • raise_on_reassign (Boolean) (defaults to: true)

    should method raise exception if already resolved

  • reserved (true, false) (defaults to: false)

    Set to true if the resolvable is #reserved by you, marks resolution of reserved resolvable events and futures explicitly. Advanced feature, ignore unless you use Resolvable#reserve from edge.


  • (self, false)

    false is returned when raise_on_reassign is false and the receiver is already resolved.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 1365

def resolve(fulfilled = true, value = nil, reason = nil, raise_on_reassign = true, reserved = false)
  resolve_with(fulfilled ? Fulfilled.new(value) : Rejected.new(reason), raise_on_reassign, reserved)

#result(timeout = nil, resolve_on_timeout = nil) ⇒ ::Array(Boolean, Object, Exception)?

Behaves as Future#result but has one additional optional argument resolve_on_timeout.


  • resolve_on_timeout (::Array(true, Object, nil), ::Array(false, nil, Exception), nil) (defaults to: nil)

    If it times out and the argument is not nil it will also resolve the future to the provided resolution.

See Also:

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 1524

def result(timeout = nil, resolve_on_timeout = nil)
  if wait_until_resolved timeout
    if resolve_on_timeout
      unless resolve(*resolve_on_timeout, false)
        # if it fails to resolve it was resolved in the meantime
        # so return value as if there was no timeout
    # otherwise returns nil

#value(timeout = nil, timeout_value = nil, resolve_on_timeout = nil) ⇒ Object, ...

Behaves as Future#value but has one additional optional argument resolve_on_timeout.


  • resolve_on_timeout (::Array(true, Object, nil), ::Array(false, nil, Exception), nil) (defaults to: nil)

    If it times out and the argument is not nil it will also resolve the future to the provided resolution.

See Also:

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 1459

def value(timeout = nil, timeout_value = nil, resolve_on_timeout = nil)
  if wait_until_resolved timeout
    if resolve_on_timeout
      unless resolve(*resolve_on_timeout, false)
        # if it fails to resolve it was resolved in the meantime
        # so return value as if there was no timeout
        return internal_state.value

#value!(timeout = nil, timeout_value = nil, resolve_on_timeout = nil) ⇒ Object, ...

Behaves as Future#value! but has one additional optional argument resolve_on_timeout.


  • resolve_on_timeout (::Array(true, Object, nil), ::Array(false, nil, Exception), nil) (defaults to: nil)

    If it times out and the argument is not nil it will also resolve the future to the provided resolution.


  • (Exception)

    #reason on rejection

See Also:

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 1481

def value!(timeout = nil, timeout_value = nil, resolve_on_timeout = nil)
  if wait_until_resolved! timeout
    if resolve_on_timeout
      unless resolve(*resolve_on_timeout, false)
        # if it fails to resolve it was resolved in the meantime
        # so return value as if there was no timeout
        raise self if rejected?
        return internal_state.value

#wait(timeout = nil, resolve_on_timeout = nil) ⇒ self, ...

Behaves as AbstractEventFuture#wait but has one additional optional argument resolve_on_timeout.


  • resolve_on_timeout (::Array(true, Object, nil), ::Array(false, nil, Exception), nil) (defaults to: nil)

    If it times out and the argument is not nil it will also resolve the future to the provided resolution.

See Also:

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 1421

def wait(timeout = nil, resolve_on_timeout = nil)
  super(timeout) or if resolve_on_timeout
                      # if it fails to resolve it was resolved in the meantime
                      # so return true as if there was no timeout
                      !resolve(*resolve_on_timeout, false)

#wait!(timeout = nil, resolve_on_timeout = nil) ⇒ self, ...

Behaves as Future#wait! but has one additional optional argument resolve_on_timeout.


  • resolve_on_timeout (::Array(true, Object, nil), ::Array(false, nil, Exception), nil) (defaults to: nil)

    If it times out and the argument is not nil it will also resolve the future to the provided resolution.


  • (Exception)

    #reason on rejection

See Also:

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 1438

def wait!(timeout = nil, resolve_on_timeout = nil)
  super(timeout) or if resolve_on_timeout
                      if resolve(*resolve_on_timeout, false)
                        # if it fails to resolve it was resolved in the meantime
                        # so return true as if there was no timeout
                        raise self if rejected?


Creates new future wrapping receiver, effectively hiding the resolve method and similar.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/promises.rb', line 1542

def with_hidden_resolvable
  @with_hidden_resolvable ||= FutureWrapperPromise.new_blocked_by1(self, @DefaultExecutor).future