
Class: Concurrent::Cancellation



**Edge Features** are under active development and may change frequently.

  • Deprecations are not added before incompatible changes.

  • Edge version: major is always 0, minor bump means incompatible change, patch bump means compatible change.

  • Edge features may also lack tests and documentation.

  • Features developed in concurrent-ruby-edge are expected to move to concurrent-ruby when finalised.

The Cancellation abstraction provides cooperative cancellation.

The standard methods Thread#raise of Thread#kill available in Ruby are very dangerous (see linked the blog posts bellow). Therefore concurrent-ruby provides an alternative.

It provides an object which represents a task which can be executed, the task has to get the reference to the object and periodically cooperatively check that it is not cancelled. Good practices to make tasks cancellable:

  • check cancellation every cycle of a loop which does significant work,

  • do all blocking actions in a loop with a timeout then on timeout check cancellation and if ok block again with the timeout

The idea was inspired by <msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd537607(v=vs.110).aspx> ==== Examples

Run async task until cancelled

Create cancellation and then run work in a background thread until it is cancelled.

cancellation, origin = {Concurrent::Cancellation.new}
=== => #<Concurrent::Cancellation:0x000002 pending>
=== - origin is used for cancelling, resolve it to cancel 
=== - cancellation is passed down to tasks for cooperative cancellation
async_task = {Concurrent::Promises}.future(cancellation) do |cancellation|
  # Do work repeatedly until it is cancelled
  do_stuff until cancellation.canceled?
=== => #<Concurrent::Promises::Future:0x000003 pending>

sleep 0.01                               # => 0
=== Wait a bit then stop the thread by resolving the origin of the cancellation
=== => #<Concurrent::Promises::ResolvableEvent:0x000004 resolved>
async_task.value!                        # => :stopped_gracefully

Or let it raise an error.

cancellation, origin = {Concurrent::Cancellation.new}
=== => #<Concurrent::Cancellation:0x000005 pending>
async_task = {Concurrent::Promises}.future(cancellation) do |cancellation|
  # Do work repeatedly until it is cancelled
  while true
=== => #<Concurrent::Promises::Future:0x000006 pending>

sleep 0.01                               # => 0
=== Wait a bit then stop the thread by resolving the origin of the cancellation
=== => #<Concurrent::Promises::ResolvableEvent:0x000007 resolved>
=== => [false,
===     nil,
===     #<Concurrent::CancelledOperationError: Concurrent::CancelledOperationError>]

Run additional tasks on Cancellation

Cancellation can also be used to log or plan re-execution.

cancellation.origin.chain do
  # This block is executed after the Cancellation is cancelled  
  # It can then log cancellation or e.g. plan new re-execution
=== => #<Concurrent::Promises::Future:0x000008 pending>

Run only for limited time – Timeout replacement

Execute task for a given time then finish. Instead of letting Cancellation crate its own origin, it can be passed in as argument. The passed in origin is scheduled to be resolved in given time which then cancels the Cancellation.

timeout = {Concurrent::Cancellation.new} {Concurrent::Promises.schedule}(0.02)
=== => #<Concurrent::Cancellation:0x000009 pending>
=== or using shortcut helper method
timeout = {Concurrent::Cancellation.timeout} 0.02 
=== => #<Concurrent::Cancellation:0x00000a pending>
count   = {Concurrent::AtomicFixnum.new}
=== => #<Concurrent::AtomicFixnum:0x00000b value:0>
{Concurrent.global_io_executor}.post(timeout) do |timeout|
  # do stuff until cancelled  
  count.increment until timeout.canceled?

=== => #<Concurrent::Promises::Event:0x00000c resolved>
count.value                              # => 177576

Parallel background processing with single cancellation

Each task tries to count to 1000 but there is a randomly failing test. The tasks share single cancellation, when one of them fails it cancels the others. The failing tasks ends with an error, the other tasks are gracefully cancelled.

cancellation, origin = {Concurrent::Cancellation.new}
=== => #<Concurrent::Cancellation:0x00000d pending>
tasks = 4.times.map do |i|
  Concurrent::Promises.future(cancellation, origin, i) do |cancellation, origin, i|
    count = 0
    100.times do
      break count = :cancelled if cancellation.canceled?
      count += 1
      sleep 0.001
      if rand > 0.95
        origin.resolve # cancel
        raise 'random error'
=== => [#<Concurrent::Promises::Future:0x00000e pending>,
===     #<Concurrent::Promises::Future:0x00000f pending>,
===     #<Concurrent::Promises::Future:0x000010 pending>,
===     #<Concurrent::Promises::Future:0x000011 pending>]
=== => [false,
===     [:cancelled, nil, :cancelled, :cancelled],
===     [nil, #<RuntimeError: random error>, nil, nil]]

Without the randomly failing part it produces following.

cancellation, origin = {Concurrent::Cancellation.new}
=== => #<Concurrent::Cancellation:0x000012 pending>
tasks = 4.times.map do |i|
  Concurrent::Promises.future(cancellation, origin, i) do |cancellation, origin, i|
    count = 0
    100.times do
      break count = :cancelled if cancellation.canceled?
      count += 1
      sleep 0.001
      # if rand > 0.95
      #   origin.resolve
      #   raise 'random error'
      # end
=== => [#<Concurrent::Promises::Future:0x000013 pending>,
===     #<Concurrent::Promises::Future:0x000014 pending>,
===     #<Concurrent::Promises::Future:0x000015 pending>,
===     #<Concurrent::Promises::Future:0x000016 pending>]
=== => [true, [100, 100, 100, 100], nil]

Combine cancellations

The combination created by joining two cancellations cancels when the first or the other does.

cancellation_a, origin_a = {Concurrent::Cancellation.new}
=== => #<Concurrent::Cancellation:0x000017 pending>
cancellation_b, origin_b = {Concurrent::Cancellation.new}
=== => #<Concurrent::Cancellation:0x000018 pending>
combined_cancellation    = cancellation_a.join(cancellation_b)
=== => #<Concurrent::Cancellation:0x000019 pending>

=== => #<Concurrent::Promises::ResolvableEvent:0x00001a resolved>

cancellation_a.canceled?                 # => true
cancellation_b.canceled?                 # => false
combined_cancellation.canceled?          # => true

If a different rule for joining is needed, the source can be combined manually. The manually created cancellation cancels when both the first and the other cancels.

cancellation_a, origin_a = {Concurrent::Cancellation.new}
=== => #<Concurrent::Cancellation:0x00001b pending>
cancellation_b, origin_b = {Concurrent::Cancellation.new}
=== => #<Concurrent::Cancellation:0x00001c pending>
=== cancels only when both a and b is cancelled
combined_cancellation    = {Concurrent::Cancellation.new} origin_a & origin_b
=== => #<Concurrent::Cancellation:0x00001d pending>

=== => #<Concurrent::Promises::ResolvableEvent:0x00001e resolved>

cancellation_a.canceled?        #=> true
cancellation_b.canceled?        #=> false
combined_cancellation.canceled? #=> false

=== => #<Concurrent::Promises::ResolvableEvent:0x00001f resolved>
combined_cancellation.canceled? #=> true

Class Attribute Summary

Class Method Summary

Synchronization::Object - Inherited

.atomic_attribute?, .atomic_attributes,

Creates methods for reading and writing to a instance variable with volatile (Java) semantic as .attr_volatile does.


Creates methods for reading and writing (as attr_accessor does) to a instance variable with volatile (Java) semantic.


For testing purposes, quite slow.


Has to be called by children.

.safe_initialization!, .define_initialize_atomic_fields

Synchronization::AbstractObject - Inherited

Instance Attribute Summary

Instance Method Summary

Synchronization::Object - Inherited

Synchronization::Volatile - Included

Synchronization::AbstractObject - Inherited

Constructor Details

.new(origin = Promises.resolvable_event) ⇒ Cancellation

Creates the cancellation object.


cancellation, origin = Concurrent::Cancellation.new


  • origin (Promises::Future, Promises::Event) (defaults to: Promises.resolvable_event)

    of the cancellation. When it is resolved the cancellation is canceled.

See Also:

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby-edge/concurrent/edge/cancellation.rb', line 54

def initialize(origin = Promises.resolvable_event)
  @Origin = origin

Class Method Details

.timeout(intended_time) ⇒ Cancellation

Create Cancellation which will cancel itself in given time


  • intended_time (Numeric, Time)

    Numeric means to run in intended_time seconds. Time means to run on intended_time.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby-edge/concurrent/edge/cancellation.rb', line 43

def self.timeout(intended_time)
  new Concurrent::Promises.schedule(intended_time)

Instance Attribute Details

#canceled?true, false (readonly)

Is the cancellation cancelled? Respective, was the origin of the cancellation resolved.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby-edge/concurrent/edge/cancellation.rb', line 77

def canceled?

Instance Method Details

#check!(error = CancelledOperationError) ⇒ self

Raise error when cancelled


  • error (#exception) (defaults to: CancelledOperationError)

    to be risen


  • the error

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby-edge/concurrent/edge/cancellation.rb', line 85

def check!(error = CancelledOperationError)
  raise error if canceled?


Alias for #to_s.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby-edge/concurrent/edge/cancellation.rb', line 105

alias_method :inspect, :to_s

#join(*cancellations) ⇒ Cancellation

Creates a new Cancellation which is cancelled when first of the supplied cancellations or self is cancelled.


  • cancellations (Cancellation)

    to combine


  • (Cancellation)

    new cancellation

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby-edge/concurrent/edge/cancellation.rb', line 95

def join(*cancellations)
  Cancellation.new Promises.any_event(*[@Origin, *cancellations.map(&:origin)])

#originPromises::Future, Promises::Event

The event or future which is the origin of the cancellation

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby-edge/concurrent/edge/cancellation.rb', line 70

def origin

#to_aryArray(Cancellation, {Promises::Future}), Array(Cancellation, {Promises::Event})

Allow to multi-assign the Cancellation object


cancellation         = Concurrent::Cancellation.new
cancellation, origin = Concurrent::Cancellation.new
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby-edge/concurrent/edge/cancellation.rb', line 64

def to_ary
  [self, @Origin]

#to_sString Also known as: #inspect

Short string representation.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/concurrent-ruby-edge/concurrent/edge/cancellation.rb', line 101

def to_s
  format '%s %s>', super[0..-2], canceled? ? 'canceled' : 'pending'