Module: Sinatra::LinkHeader
Relationships & Source Files | |
Defined in: | sinatra-contrib/lib/sinatra/link_header.rb |
Sinatra::LinkHeader adds a set of helper methods to generate link HTML tags and their corresponding Link HTTP headers.
Once you had set up the helpers in your application (see below), you will be able to call the following methods from inside your route handlers, filters and templates:
#prefetch:: Sets the Link HTTP headers and returns HTML tags to prefetch the given resources.
#stylesheet:: Sets the Link HTTP headers and returns HTML tags to use the given stylesheets.
#link:: Sets the Link HTTP headers and returns the corresponding HTML tags for the given resources.
#link_headers:: Returns the corresponding HTML tags for the current Link HTTP headers.
Classic Application
In a classic application simply require the helpers, and start using them:
require "sinatra"
require "sinatra/link_header"
# The rest of your classic application code goes here...
Modular Application
In a modular application you need to require the helpers, and then tell the application you will use them:
require "sinatra/base"
require "sinatra/link_header"
class MyApp < Sinatra::Base
helpers Sinatra::LinkHeader
# The rest of your modular application code goes here...
Class Method Summary
Instance Method Summary
Sets Link HTTP header and returns corresponding HTML tags.
Takes the current value of th Link header(s) and generates HTML tags from it.
Sets Link HTTP header and returns HTML tags for telling the browser to prefetch given resources (only supported by Opera and Firefox at the moment).
Sets Link HTTP header and returns HTML tags for using stylesheets.
Class Method Details
[ GitHub ]# File 'sinatra-contrib/lib/sinatra/link_header.rb', line 128
def self.registered(_base) puts "WARNING: #{self} is a helpers module, not an extension." end
Instance Method Details
Sets Link HTTP header and returns corresponding HTML tags.
# Sets header: # Link: ; rel="next" # Returns String: # '' link '/foo', :rel => :next
# Multiple URLs link :stylesheet, '/a.css', '/b.css'
# File 'sinatra-contrib/lib/sinatra/link_header.rb', line 83
def link(*urls) opts = urls.last.respond_to?(:to_hash) ? urls.pop : {} opts[:rel] = urls.shift unless urls.first.respond_to? :to_str = { |k, v| " #{k}=#{v.to_s.inspect}" } html_pattern = "<link href=\"%s\"#{ .join} />" http_pattern = ['<%s>', * ].join ';' link = (response['Link'] ||= '') link = response['Link'] = +link do |url| link << "," unless link.empty? link << (http_pattern % url) html_pattern % url end.join end
Takes the current value of th Link header(s) and generates HTML tags from it.
get '/' do # You can of course use fancy helpers like #link, #stylesheet # or #prefetch response["Link"] = '; rel="next"' haml :some_page end
@@ layout %head= link_headers %body= yield
# File 'sinatra-contrib/lib/sinatra/link_header.rb', line 118
def link_headers yield if block_given? return '' unless response.include? 'Link' response['Link'].split(",").map do |line| url, *opts = line.split(';').map(&:strip) "<link href=\"#{url[1..-2]}\" #{opts.join ' '} />" end.join end
Sets Link HTTP header and returns HTML tags for telling the browser to prefetch given resources (only supported by Opera and Firefox at the moment).
# File 'sinatra-contrib/lib/sinatra/link_header.rb', line 58
def prefetch(*urls) link(:prefetch, *urls) end
Sets Link HTTP header and returns HTML tags for using stylesheets.