Class: RDoc::Parser::Ruby
Relationships & Source Files | |
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance | |
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
Inherits: |
Defined in: | lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb |
Extracts code elements from a source file returning a ::RDoc::TopLevel
object containing the constituent file elements.
This file is based on rtags
RubyParser understands how to document:
private, public, protected
private_class_function, public_class_function
private_constant, public_constant
attr, attr_reader, attr_writer, attr_accessor
extra accessors given on the command line
metaprogrammed methods
Method Arguments
The parser extracts the arguments from the method definition. You can override this with a custom argument definition using the :call-seq: directive:
# This method can be called with a range or an offset and length
# :call-seq:
# my_method(Range)
# my_method(offset, length)
def my_method(*args)
The parser extracts yield
expressions from method bodies to gather the yielded argument names. If your method manually calls a block instead of yielding or you want to override the discovered argument names use the :yields: directive:
# My method is awesome
def my_method(&block) # :yields: happy, times 1, 2
Metaprogrammed Methods
To pick up a metaprogrammed method, the parser looks for a comment starting with ‘##’ before an identifier:
# This is a meta-programmed method!
add_my_method :, :arg1, :arg2
The parser looks at the token after the identifier to determine the name, in this example, :meta_method
. If a name cannot be found, a warning is printed and ‘unknown is used.
You can force the name of a method using the :method: directive:
# :method: some_method!
By default, meta-methods are instance methods. To indicate that a method is a singleton method instead use the :singleton-method: directive:
# :singleton-method:
You can also use the :singleton-method: directive with a name:
# :singleton-method: some_method!
You can define arguments for metaprogrammed methods via either the :call-seq:, :arg: or :args: directives.
Additionally you can mark a method as an attribute by using :attr:, :attr_reader:, :attr_writer: or :attr_accessor:. Just like for :method:, the name is optional.
# :attr_reader: my_attr_name
Hidden methods and attributes
You can provide documentation for methods that don’t appear using the :method:, :singleton-method: and :attr: directives:
# :attr_writer: ghost_writer
# There is an attribute here, but you can't see it!
# :method: ghost_method
# There is a method here, but you can't see it!
# this is a comment for a regular method
def regular_method() end
Note that by default, the :method: directive will be ignored if there is a standard rdocable item following it.
Constant Summary
Class Attribute Summary
- Inherited
.parsers | An Array of arrays that maps file extension (or name) regular expressions to parser classes that will parse matching filenames. |
Class Method Summary
.new(top_level, content, options, stats) ⇒ Ruby
Creates a new
- Inherited
.alias_extension |
.binary? | Determines if the file is a “binary” file which basically means it has content that an |
.can_parse | Return a parser that can handle a particular extension. |
.can_parse_by_name | Returns a parser that can handle the extension for #file_name. |
.check_modeline | Returns the file type from the modeline in #file_name |
.for | Finds and instantiates the correct parser for the given #file_name and |
.new | Creates a new |
.parse_files_matching | Record which file types this parser can understand. |
.remove_modeline | Removes an emacs-style modeline from the first line of the document. |
.use_markup | If there is a |
.zip? | Checks if |
Instance Attribute Summary
- Inherited
#file_name | The name of the file being parsed. |
Instance Method Summary
Look for the first comment in a file that isn’t a shebang line.
Aborts with
Looks for a true or false token.
#get_class_or_module(container, ignore_constants = false)
- Look for the name of a class of module (optionally with a leading
- or with
separated named) and return the ultimate name, the associated container, and the given name (with the ::).
Return a superclass, which can be either a constant of an expression.
Parse a constant, which might be qualified by one or more class or module names.
Get an included module that may be surrounded by parens.
Extracts a name or symbol from the token stream.
#look_for_directives_in(container, comment)
Look for directives in a normal comment block:
Adds useful info about the parser to
#new_comment(comment, line_no = nil)
Creates a comment with the correct format.
#parse_alias(context, single, tk, comment)
Parses an
#parse_attr(context, single, tk, comment)
Creates an
for the name followingtk
, setting the comment tocomment
. -
#parse_attr_accessor(context, single, tk, comment)
Creates an
for each attribute listed aftertk
, setting the comment for each tocomment
. -
Extracts call parameters from the token stream.
#parse_class(container, single, tk, comment)
Parses a class in
#parse_comment(container, tk, comment)
Generates an
by looking for :method: or :attr: directives incomment
. -
#parse_comment_tomdoc(container, tk, comment)
Creates an
if there is a Signature section in the comment. -
#parse_constant(container, tk, comment, ignore_constants = false)
Parses a constant in
. -
#parse_constant_visibility(container, single, tk)
Parses a
call fromtk
. -
#parse_meta_attr(context, single, tk, comment)
Parses a meta-programmed attribute and creates an
. -
#parse_meta_method(container, single, tk, comment)
Parses a meta-programmed method.
#parse_method(container, single, tk, comment)
Parses a normal method defined by
Parses a method that needs to be ignored.
#parse_method_or_yield_parameters(method = nil, modifiers = RDoc::METHOD_MODIFIERS)
parameters frommethod
Capture the method’s parameters.
#parse_method_params_and_body(container, single, meth, added_container)
Parses the parameters and body of
#parse_module(container, single, tk, comment)
Parses an
#parse_require(context, comment)
Parses an
Parses a rescue.
#parse_statements(container, single = NORMAL, current_method = nil, comment = new_comment(''))
The core of the
parser. -
#parse_symbol_arg(no = nil)
Parse up to
symbol arguments. -
Returns symbol text from the next token.
Parses statements in the top-level
#parse_visibility(container, single, tk)
Determines the visibility in
#parse_yield(context, single, tk, method)
Determines the block parameter for
Directives are modifier comments that can appear after class, module, or method names.
#read_documentation_modifiers(context, allowed)
Handles directives following the definition for
) if the directives areallowed
at this point. -
Retrieve comment body without =begin/=end.
Scans this
file forRuby
constructs. -
skip the var [in] part of a ‘for’ statement.
Skips the next method in
while, until, and for have an optional do.
Skip opening parentheses and yield the block.
#skip_tkspace_comment(skip_nl = true)
Skip spaces until a comment is found.
#tk_nl?(tk) ⇒ Boolean
is a newline. -
unless we’re being quiet. -
Internal use only
Consumes trailing whitespace from the token stream.
#create_attr(container, single, name, rw, comment)
Internal use only
Creates a new attribute in
. -
#create_module_alias(container, constant, rhs_name)
Internal use only
Creates a module alias in
(or at the top-level for “::”) with the name fromconstant
. -
Internal use only
Little hack going on here.
#get_method_container(container, name_t)
Internal use only
Retrieves the method container for a singleton method.
#get_tkread_clean(pattern, replacement)
Internal use only
Retrieves the read token stream and replaces
using gsub. -
#get_visibility_information(tk, single)
Internal use only
Extracts the visibility information for the visibility token
class type identifier. -
#parse_class_regular(container, declaration_context, single, name_t, given_name, comment)
Internal use only
Parses and creates a regular class.
#parse_class_singleton(container, name, comment)
Internal use only
Parses a singleton class in
with the givenname
. -
#parse_comment_attr(container, type, name, comment)
Internal use only
Parse a comment that is describing an attribute in
with the givenname
. - #parse_comment_ghost(container, text, name, column, line_no, comment) Internal use only
- #parse_constant_body(container, constant, is_array_or_hash) Internal use only
#parse_extend_or_include(klass, container, comment)
Internal use only
Parses an
, indicated by theklass
and adds it tocontainer
# withcomment
#parse_identifier(container, single, tk, comment)
Internal use only
Parses identifiers that can create new methods or change visibility.
#parse_included_with_activesupport_concern(container, comment)
Internal use only
Parses an
with a block feature ofActiveSupport::Concern
. -
#parse_meta_method_name(comment, tk)
Internal use only
Parses the name of a metaprogrammed method.
#parse_meta_method_params(container, single, meth, tk, comment)
Internal use only
Parses the parameters and block for a meta-programmed method.
Internal use only
Parses the name of a method in
. -
#parse_method_name_regular(container, name_t)
Internal use only
For the given
and initial name tokenname_t
the method name is parsed from the token stream for a regular method. -
#parse_method_name_singleton(container, name_t)
Internal use only
For the given
and initial name tokenname_t
the method name and the newcontainer
(if necessary) are parsed from the token stream for a singleton method. -
Internal use only
Parses up to
symbol arguments surrounded by () and places them inargs
. -
#parse_symbol_arg_space(no, tk)
Internal use only
Parses up to
symbol arguments separated by spaces and places them inargs
. -
Internal use only
Records the location of this
in the file for this parser and adds it to the list of classes and modules in the file. -
#suppress_parents(container, ancestor)
Internal use only
Marks containers between
as ignored. -
#update_visibility(container, vis_type, vis, singleton)
Internal use only
Updates visibility in
- Included
#add_token_listener | Adds a token listener |
#get_tk | Fetches the next token from the scanner. |
#get_tk_until | Reads and returns all tokens up to one of |
#get_tkread | Retrieves a String representation of the read tokens. |
#peek_read | Peek equivalent for get_tkread. |
#peek_tk | Peek at the next token, but don’t remove it from the stream. |
#remove_token_listener | Removes the token listener |
#reset | Resets the tools. |
#skip_tkspace | Skips whitespace tokens including newlines. |
#skip_tkspace_without_nl | Skips whitespace tokens excluding newlines. |
#token_listener | Has |
#unget_tk | Returns |
- Included
#add_token | Adds one |
#add_tokens | Adds |
#collect_tokens | Starts collecting tokens. |
#pop_token | Remove the last token from the collected tokens. |
#start_collecting_tokens | |
#token_stream | Current token stream. |
#tokens_to_s | Returns a string representation of the token stream. |
- Inherited
#handle_tab_width | Normalizes tabs in |
Constructor Details
.new(top_level, content, options, stats) ⇒ Ruby
Creates a new Ruby
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 173
def initialize(top_level, content, , stats) super content = handle_tab_width(content) @size = 0 @token_listeners = nil content = RDoc::Encoding.remove_magic_comment content @scanner = RDoc::Parser::RipperStateLex.parse(content) @content = content @scanner_point = 0 @prev_seek = nil @markup = @options.markup @track_visibility = :nodoc != @options.visibility @encoding = @options.encoding reset end
Instance Method Details
Look for the first comment in a file that isn’t a shebang line.
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 245
def collect_first_comment skip_tkspace comment = ''.dup comment = RDoc::Encoding.change_encoding comment, @encoding if @encoding first_line = true first_comment_tk_kind = nil line_no = nil tk = get_tk while tk && (:on_comment == tk[:kind] or :on_embdoc == tk[:kind]) comment_body = retrieve_comment_body(tk) if first_line and comment_body =~ /\A#!/ then skip_tkspace tk = get_tk elsif first_line and comment_body =~ /\A#\s*-\*-/ then first_line = false skip_tkspace tk = get_tk else break if first_comment_tk_kind and not first_comment_tk_kind === tk[:kind] first_comment_tk_kind = tk[:kind] line_no = tk[:line_no] if first_line first_line = false comment << comment_body tk = get_tk if :on_nl === tk then skip_tkspace_without_nl tk = get_tk end end end unget_tk tk new_comment comment, line_no end
Consumes trailing whitespace from the token stream
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 288
def consume_trailing_spaces # :nodoc: skip_tkspace_without_nl end
#create_attr(container, single, name, rw, comment)
Creates a new attribute in container
with name
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 295
def create_attr container, single, name, rw, comment # :nodoc: att = get_tkread, name, rw, comment, single == SINGLE record_location att container.add_attribute att @stats.add_attribute att att end
#create_module_alias(container, constant, rhs_name)
Creates a module alias in container
at rhs_name
(or at the top-level for “::”) with the name from constant
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 309
def create_module_alias container, constant, rhs_name # :nodoc: mod = if rhs_name =~ /^::/ then @store.find_class_or_module rhs_name else container.find_module_named rhs_name end container.add_module_alias mod, rhs_name, constant, @top_level end
Aborts with msg
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 322
def error(msg) msg = msg abort msg end
Looks for a true or false token.
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 331
def get_bool skip_tkspace tk = get_tk if :on_kw == tk[:kind] && 'true' == tk[:text] true elsif :on_kw == tk[:kind] && ('false' == tk[:text] || 'nil' == tk[:text]) false else unget_tk tk true end end
#get_class_or_module(container, ignore_constants = false)
- Look for the name of a class of module (optionally with a leading
- with
separated named) and return the ultimate name, the associated
container, and the given name (with the ::).
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 349
def get_class_or_module container, ignore_constants = false skip_tkspace name_t = get_tk given_name = ''.dup # class ::A -> A is in the top level if :on_op == name_t[:kind] and '::' == name_t[:text] then # bug name_t = get_tk container = @top_level given_name << '::' end skip_tkspace_without_nl given_name << name_t[:text] is_self = name_t[:kind] == :on_op && name_t[:text] == '<<' new_modules = [] while !is_self && (tk = peek_tk) and :on_op == tk[:kind] and '::' == tk[:text] do prev_container = container container = container.find_module_named name_t[:text] container ||= if ignore_constants then c = name_t[:text] = @store new_modules << [prev_container, c] c else c = prev_container.add_module RDoc::NormalModule, name_t[:text] c.ignore unless prev_container.document_children @top_level.add_to_classes_or_modules c c end record_location container get_tk skip_tkspace if :on_lparen == peek_tk[:kind] # ProcObjectInConstant::() parse_method_or_yield_parameters break end name_t = get_tk unless :on_const == name_t[:kind] || :on_ident == name_t[:kind] raise RDoc::Error, "Invalid class or module definition: #{given_name}" end if prev_container == container and !ignore_constants given_name = name_t[:text] else given_name << '::' + name_t[:text] end end skip_tkspace_without_nl return [container, name_t, given_name, new_modules] end
Return a superclass, which can be either a constant of an expression
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 432
def get_class_specification tk = peek_tk if tk.nil? return '' elsif :on_kw == tk[:kind] && 'self' == tk[:text] return 'self' elsif :on_gvar == tk[:kind] return '' end res = get_constant skip_tkspace_without_nl get_tkread # empty out read buffer tk = get_tk return res unless tk case tk[:kind] when :on_nl, :on_comment, :on_embdoc, :on_semicolon then unget_tk(tk) return res end res += parse_call_parameters(tk) res end
Parse a constant, which might be qualified by one or more class or module names
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 465
def get_constant res = "" skip_tkspace_without_nl tk = get_tk while tk && ((:on_op == tk[:kind] && '::' == tk[:text]) || :on_const == tk[:kind]) do res += tk[:text] tk = get_tk end unget_tk(tk) res end
Little hack going on here. In the statement:
f = 2*(1+yield)
We see the RPAREN as the next token, so we need to exit early. This still won’t catch all cases (such as “a = yield + 1”
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 567
def get_end_token tk # :nodoc: case tk[:kind] when :on_lparen token = token[:kind] = :on_rparen token[:text] = ')' token when :on_rparen nil else token = token[:kind] = :on_nl token[:text] = "\n" token end end
Get an included module that may be surrounded by parens
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 482
def get_included_module_with_optional_parens skip_tkspace_without_nl get_tkread tk = get_tk end_token = get_end_token tk return '' unless end_token nest = 0 continue = false only_constant = true while tk != nil do is_element_of_constant = false case tk[:kind] when :on_semicolon then break if nest == 0 when :on_lbracket then nest += 1 when :on_rbracket then nest -= 1 when :on_lbrace then nest += 1 when :on_rbrace then nest -= 1 if nest <= 0 # we might have a.each { |i| yield i } unget_tk(tk) if nest < 0 break end when :on_lparen then nest += 1 when end_token[:kind] then if end_token[:kind] == :on_rparen nest -= 1 break if nest <= 0 else break if nest <= 0 end when :on_rparen then nest -= 1 when :on_comment, :on_embdoc then @read.pop if :on_nl == end_token[:kind] and "\n" == tk[:text][-1] and (!continue or (tk[:state] & Ripper::EXPR_LABEL) != 0) then break if !continue and nest <= 0 end when :on_comma then continue = true when :on_ident then continue = false if continue when :on_kw then case tk[:text] when 'def', 'do', 'case', 'for', 'begin', 'class', 'module' nest += 1 when 'if', 'unless', 'while', 'until', 'rescue' # postfix if/unless/while/until/rescue must be EXPR_LABEL nest += 1 unless (tk[:state] & Ripper::EXPR_LABEL) != 0 when 'end' nest -= 1 break if nest == 0 end when :on_const then is_element_of_constant = true when :on_op then is_element_of_constant = true if '::' == tk[:text] end only_constant = false unless is_element_of_constant tk = get_tk end if only_constant get_tkread_clean(/\s+/, ' ') else '' end end
#get_method_container(container, name_t)
Retrieves the method container for a singleton method.
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 587
def get_method_container container, name_t # :nodoc: prev_container = container container = container.find_module_named(name_t[:text]) unless container then constant = prev_container.constants.find do |const| == name_t[:text] end if constant then parse_method_dummy prev_container return end end unless container then # TODO seems broken, should starting at Object in @store obj = name_t[:text].split("::").inject(Object) do |state, item| state.const_get(item) end rescue nil type = obj.class == Class ? RDoc::NormalClass : RDoc::NormalModule unless [Class, Module].include?(obj.class) then warn("Couldn't find #{name_t[:text]}. Assuming it's a module") end if type == RDoc::NormalClass then sclass = obj.superclass ? : nil container = prev_container.add_class type, name_t[:text], sclass else container = prev_container.add_module type, name_t[:text] end record_location container end container end
Extracts a name or symbol from the token stream.
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 630
def get_symbol_or_name tk = get_tk case tk[:kind] when :on_symbol then text = tk[:text].sub(/^:/, '') next_tk = peek_tk if next_tk && :on_op == next_tk[:kind] && '=' == next_tk[:text] then get_tk text << '=' end text when :on_ident, :on_const, :on_gvar, :on_cvar, :on_ivar, :on_op, :on_kw then tk[:text] when :on_tstring, :on_dstring then tk[:text][1..-2] else raise RDoc::Error, "Name or symbol expected (got #{tk})" end end
#get_tkread_clean(pattern, replacement)
Retrieves the read token stream and replaces pattern
with replacement
using gsub. If the result is only a “;” returns an empty string.
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 203
def get_tkread_clean pattern, replacement # :nodoc: read = get_tkread.gsub(pattern, replacement).strip return '' if read == ';' read end
#get_visibility_information(tk, single)
Extracts the visibility information for the visibility token tk
and single
class type identifier.
Returns the visibility type (a string), the visibility (a symbol) and singleton
if the methods following should be converted to singleton methods.
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 217
def get_visibility_information tk, single # :nodoc: vis_type = tk[:text] singleton = single == SINGLE vis = case vis_type when 'private' then :private when 'protected' then :protected when 'public' then :public when 'private_class_method' then singleton = true :private when 'public_class_method' then singleton = true :public when 'module_function' then singleton = true :public else raise RDoc::Error, "Invalid visibility: #{}" end return vis_type, vis, singleton end
#look_for_directives_in(container, comment)
Look for directives in a normal comment block:
# :stopdoc:
# Don't display comment from this point forward
This routine modifies its comment
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 670
def look_for_directives_in container, comment @preprocess.handle comment, container do |directive, param| case directive when 'method', 'singleton-method', 'attr', 'attr_accessor', 'attr_reader', 'attr_writer' then false # handled elsewhere when 'section' then break unless container.kind_of?(RDoc::Context) container.set_current_section param, comment.dup comment.text = '' break end end comment.remove_private end
Adds useful info about the parser to message
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 690
def prefix = "#{@file_name}:".dup tk = peek_tk prefix << "#{tk[:line_no]}:#{tk[:char_no]}:" if tk "#{prefix} #{}" end
#new_comment(comment, line_no = nil)
Creates a comment with the correct format
#parse_alias(context, single, tk, comment)
Parses an alias
in context
with comment
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 771
def parse_alias(context, single, tk, comment) line_no = tk[:line_no] skip_tkspace if :on_lparen === peek_tk[:kind] then get_tk skip_tkspace end new_name = get_symbol_or_name skip_tkspace if :on_comma === peek_tk[:kind] then get_tk skip_tkspace end begin old_name = get_symbol_or_name rescue RDoc::Error return end al =, old_name, new_name, comment, single == SINGLE) record_location al al.line = line_no read_documentation_modifiers al, RDoc::ATTR_MODIFIERS if al.document_self or not @track_visibility context.add_alias al @stats.add_alias al end al end
#parse_attr(context, single, tk, comment)
Creates an ::RDoc::Attr
for the name following tk
, setting the comment to comment
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 713
def parse_attr(context, single, tk, comment) line_no = tk[:line_no] args = parse_symbol_arg 1 if args.size > 0 then name = args[0] rw = "R" skip_tkspace_without_nl tk = get_tk if :on_comma == tk[:kind] then rw = "RW" if get_bool else unget_tk tk end att = create_attr context, single, name, rw, comment att.line = line_no read_documentation_modifiers att, RDoc::ATTR_MODIFIERS else warn "'attr' ignored - looks like a variable" end end
#parse_attr_accessor(context, single, tk, comment)
Creates an ::RDoc::Attr
for each attribute listed after tk
, setting the comment for each to comment
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 742
def parse_attr_accessor(context, single, tk, comment) line_no = tk[:line_no] args = parse_symbol_arg rw = "?" tmp = read_documentation_modifiers tmp, RDoc::ATTR_MODIFIERS # TODO In most other places we let the context keep track of document_self # and add found items appropriately but here we do not. I'm not sure why. return if @track_visibility and not tmp.document_self case tk[:text] when "attr_reader" then rw = "R" when "attr_writer" then rw = "W" when "attr_accessor" then rw = "RW" else rw = '?' end for name in args att = create_attr context, single, name, rw, comment att.line = line_no end end
Extracts call parameters from the token stream.
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 812
def parse_call_parameters(tk) end_token = case tk[:kind] when :on_lparen :on_rparen when :on_rparen return "" else :on_nl end nest = 0 loop do break if tk.nil? case tk[:kind] when :on_semicolon break when :on_lparen nest += 1 when end_token if end_token == :on_rparen nest -= 1 break if RDoc::Parser::RipperStateLex.end?(tk) and nest <= 0 else break if RDoc::Parser::RipperStateLex.end?(tk) end when :on_comment, :on_embdoc unget_tk(tk) break when :on_op if tk[:text] =~ /^(.{1,2})?=$/ unget_tk(tk) break end end tk = get_tk end get_tkread_clean "\n", " " end
#parse_class(container, single, tk, comment)
Parses a class in context
with comment
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 855
def parse_class container, single, tk, comment line_no = tk[:line_no] declaration_context = container container, name_t, given_name, = get_class_or_module container if name_t[:kind] == :on_const cls = parse_class_regular container, declaration_context, single, name_t, given_name, comment elsif name_t[:kind] == :on_op && name_t[:text] == '<<' case name = skip_parentheses { get_class_specification } when 'self', read_documentation_modifiers cls, RDoc::CLASS_MODIFIERS parse_statements container, SINGLE return # don't update line else cls = parse_class_singleton container, name, comment end else warn "Expected class name or '<<'. Got #{name_t[:kind]}: #{name_t[:text].inspect}" return end cls.line = line_no # after end modifiers read_documentation_modifiers cls, RDoc::CLASS_MODIFIERS cls end
#parse_class_regular(container, declaration_context, single, name_t, given_name, comment)
Parses and creates a regular class
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 889
def parse_class_regular container, declaration_context, single, # :nodoc: name_t, given_name, comment superclass = '::Object' if given_name =~ /^::/ then declaration_context = @top_level given_name = $' end tk = peek_tk if tk[:kind] == :on_op && tk[:text] == '<' then get_tk skip_tkspace superclass = get_class_specification superclass = '(unknown)' if superclass.empty? end cls_type = single == SINGLE ? RDoc::SingleClass : RDoc::NormalClass cls = declaration_context.add_class cls_type, given_name, superclass cls.ignore unless container.document_children read_documentation_modifiers cls, RDoc::CLASS_MODIFIERS record_location cls cls.add_comment comment, @top_level @top_level.add_to_classes_or_modules cls @stats.add_class cls suppress_parents container, declaration_context unless cls.document_self parse_statements cls cls end
#parse_class_singleton(container, name, comment)
Parses a singleton class in container
with the given name
and comment
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 929
def parse_class_singleton container, name, comment # :nodoc: other = @store.find_class_named name unless other then if name =~ /^::/ then name = $' container = @top_level end other = container.add_module RDoc::NormalModule, name record_location other # class << $gvar other.ignore if name.empty? other.add_comment comment, @top_level end # notify :nodoc: all if not a constant-named class/module # (and remove any comment) unless name =~ /\A(::)?[A-Z]/ then other.document_self = nil other.document_children = false other.clear_comment end @top_level.add_to_classes_or_modules other @stats.add_class other read_documentation_modifiers other, RDoc::CLASS_MODIFIERS parse_statements(other, SINGLE) other end
#parse_comment(container, tk, comment)
Generates an RDoc::Method
or ::RDoc::Attr
from comment
by looking for :method: or :attr: directives in comment
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 1094
def parse_comment container, tk, comment return parse_comment_tomdoc container, tk, comment if @markup == 'tomdoc' column = tk[:char_no] line_no = comment.line.nil? ? tk[:line_no] : comment.line comment.text = comment.text.sub(/(^# +:?)(singleton-)(method:)/, '\1\3') singleton = !!$~ co = if (comment.text = comment.text.sub(/^# +:?method: *(\S*).*?\n/i, '')) && !!$~ then line_no += $`.count("\n") parse_comment_ghost container, comment.text, $1, column, line_no, comment elsif (comment.text = comment.text.sub(/# +:?(attr(_reader|_writer|_accessor)?): *(\S*).*?\n/i, '')) && !!$~ then parse_comment_attr container, $1, $3, comment end if co then co.singleton = singleton co.line = line_no end true end
#parse_comment_attr(container, type, name, comment)
Parse a comment that is describing an attribute in container
with the given name
and comment
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 1122
def parse_comment_attr container, type, name, comment # :nodoc: return if name.empty? rw = case type when 'attr_reader' then 'R' when 'attr_writer' then 'W' else 'RW' end create_attr container, NORMAL, name, rw, comment end
#parse_comment_ghost(container, text, name, column, line_no, comment)
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 1134
def parse_comment_ghost container, text, name, column, line_no, # :nodoc: comment name = nil if name.empty? meth = get_tkread, name record_location meth meth.start_collecting_tokens indent =, 1, :on_sp, ' ' * column) position_comment =, 1, :on_comment) position_comment[:text] = "# File #{@top_level.relative_name}, line #{line_no}" newline =, 0, :on_nl, "\n") meth.add_tokens [position_comment, newline, indent] meth.params = if text.sub!(/^#\s+:?args?:\s*(.*?)\s*$/i, '') then $1 else '' end comment.normalize comment.extract_call_seq meth return unless container.add_method meth meth.comment = comment @stats.add_method meth meth end
#parse_comment_tomdoc(container, tk, comment)
Creates an RDoc::Method
on container
from comment
if there is a Signature section in the comment
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 1173
def parse_comment_tomdoc container, tk, comment return unless signature = RDoc::TomDoc.signature(comment) column = tk[:char_no] line_no = tk[:line_no] name, = signature.split %r%[ \(]%, 2 meth = get_tkread, name record_location meth meth.line = line_no meth.start_collecting_tokens indent =, 1, :on_sp, ' ' * column) position_comment =, 1, :on_comment) position_comment[:text] = "# File #{@top_level.relative_name}, line #{line_no}" newline =, 0, :on_nl, "\n") meth.add_tokens [position_comment, newline, indent] meth.call_seq = signature comment.normalize return unless container.add_method meth meth.comment = comment @stats.add_method meth end
#parse_constant(container, tk, comment, ignore_constants = false)
Parses a constant in context
with comment
. If ignore_constants
is true, no found constants will be added to ::RDoc::RDoc
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 968
def parse_constant container, tk, comment, ignore_constants = false line_no = tk[:line_no] name = tk[:text] skip_tkspace_without_nl return unless name =~ /^\w+$/ new_modules = [] if :on_op == peek_tk[:kind] && '::' == peek_tk[:text] then unget_tk tk container, name_t, _, new_modules = get_class_or_module container, true name = name_t[:text] end is_array_or_hash = false if peek_tk && :on_lbracket == peek_tk[:kind] get_tk nest = 1 while bracket_tk = get_tk case bracket_tk[:kind] when :on_lbracket nest += 1 when :on_rbracket nest -= 1 break if nest == 0 end end skip_tkspace_without_nl is_array_or_hash = true end unless peek_tk && :on_op == peek_tk[:kind] && '=' == peek_tk[:text] then return false end get_tk unless ignore_constants new_modules.each do |prev_c, new_module| prev_c.add_module_by_normal_module new_module new_module.ignore unless prev_c.document_children @top_level.add_to_classes_or_modules new_module end end value = '' con = name, value, comment body = parse_constant_body container, con, is_array_or_hash return unless body con.value = body record_location con con.line = line_no read_documentation_modifiers con, RDoc::CONSTANT_MODIFIERS return if is_array_or_hash @stats.add_constant con container.add_constant con true end
#parse_constant_body(container, constant, is_array_or_hash)
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 1035
def parse_constant_body container, constant, is_array_or_hash # :nodoc: nest = 0 rhs_name = ''.dup get_tkread tk = get_tk body = nil loop do break if tk.nil? if :on_semicolon == tk[:kind] then break if nest <= 0 elsif [:on_tlambeg, :on_lparen, :on_lbrace, :on_lbracket].include?(tk[:kind]) then nest += 1 elsif (:on_kw == tk[:kind] && 'def' == tk[:text]) then nest += 1 elsif (:on_kw == tk[:kind] && %w{do if unless case begin}.include?(tk[:text])) then if (tk[:state] & Ripper::EXPR_LABEL) == 0 nest += 1 end elsif [:on_rparen, :on_rbrace, :on_rbracket].include?(tk[:kind]) || (:on_kw == tk[:kind] && 'end' == tk[:text]) then nest -= 1 elsif (:on_comment == tk[:kind] or :on_embdoc == tk[:kind]) then unget_tk tk if nest <= 0 and RDoc::Parser::RipperStateLex.end?(tk) then body = get_tkread_clean(/^[ \t]+/, '') read_documentation_modifiers constant, RDoc::CONSTANT_MODIFIERS break else read_documentation_modifiers constant, RDoc::CONSTANT_MODIFIERS end elsif :on_const == tk[:kind] then rhs_name << tk[:text] next_tk = peek_tk if nest <= 0 and (next_tk.nil? || :on_nl == next_tk[:kind]) then create_module_alias container, constant, rhs_name unless is_array_or_hash break end elsif :on_nl == tk[:kind] then if nest <= 0 and RDoc::Parser::RipperStateLex.end?(tk) then unget_tk tk break end elsif :on_op == tk[:kind] && '::' == tk[:text] rhs_name << '::' end tk = get_tk end body ? body : get_tkread_clean(/^[ \t]+/, '') end
#parse_constant_visibility(container, single, tk)
Parses a Module#private_constant
or Module#public_constant
call from tk
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 2112
def parse_constant_visibility(container, single, tk) args = parse_symbol_arg case tk[:text] when 'private_constant' vis = :private when 'public_constant' vis = :public else raise RDoc::Error, 'Unreachable' end container.set_constant_visibility_for args, vis end
#parse_extend_or_include(klass, container, comment)
Parses an include
or extend
, indicated by the klass
and adds it to container
# with comment
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 1208
def parse_extend_or_include klass, container, comment # :nodoc: loop do skip_tkspace_comment name = get_included_module_with_optional_parens unless name.empty? then obj = container.add klass, name, comment record_location obj end return if peek_tk.nil? || :on_comma != peek_tk[:kind] get_tk end end
#parse_identifier(container, single, tk, comment)
Parses identifiers that can create new methods or change visibility.
Returns true if the comment was not consumed.
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 1246
def parse_identifier container, single, tk, comment # :nodoc: case tk[:text] when 'private', 'protected', 'public', 'private_class_method', 'public_class_method', 'module_function' then parse_visibility container, single, tk return true when 'private_constant', 'public_constant' parse_constant_visibility container, single, tk return true when 'attr' then parse_attr container, single, tk, comment when /^attr_(reader|writer|accessor)$/ then parse_attr_accessor container, single, tk, comment when 'alias_method' then parse_alias container, single, tk, comment when 'require', 'include' then # ignore else if comment.text =~ /\A#\#$/ then case comment.text when /^# +:?attr(_reader|_writer|_accessor)?:/ then container, single, tk, comment else method = container, single, tk, comment method.params = container.params if container.params method.block_params = container.block_params if container.block_params end end end false end
#parse_included_with_activesupport_concern(container, comment)
Parses an included
with a block feature of ActiveSupport::Concern
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 1228
def parse_included_with_activesupport_concern container, comment # :nodoc: skip_tkspace_without_nl tk = get_tk unless tk[:kind] == :on_lbracket || (tk[:kind] == :on_kw && tk[:text] == 'do') unget_tk tk return nil # should be a block end parse_statements container container end
#parse_meta_attr(context, single, tk, comment)
Parses a meta-programmed attribute and creates an ::RDoc::Attr
To create foo and bar attributes on class C
with comment “My attributes”:
class C
# :attr:
# My attributes
my_attr :foo, :
To create a foo attribute on class C
with comment “My attribute”:
class C
# :attr: foo
# My attribute
my_attr :foo, :
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 1310
def (context, single, tk, comment) args = parse_symbol_arg rw = "?" # If nodoc is given, don't document any of them tmp = read_documentation_modifiers tmp, RDoc::ATTR_MODIFIERS regexp = /^# +:?(attr(_reader|_writer|_accessor)?): *(\S*).*?\n/i if regexp =~ comment.text then comment.text = comment.text.sub(regexp, '') rw = case $1 when 'attr_reader' then 'R' when 'attr_writer' then 'W' else 'RW' end name = $3 unless $3.empty? end if name then att = create_attr context, single, name, rw, comment else args.each do |attr_name| att = create_attr context, single, attr_name, rw, comment end end att end
#parse_meta_method(container, single, tk, comment)
Parses a meta-programmed method
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 1344
def (container, single, tk, comment) column = tk[:char_no] line_no = tk[:line_no] start_collecting_tokens add_token tk add_token_listener self skip_tkspace_without_nl comment.text = comment.text.sub(/(^# +:?)(singleton-)(method:)/, '\1\3') singleton = !!$~ name = comment, tk return unless name meth = get_tkread, name record_location meth meth.line = line_no meth.singleton = singleton remove_token_listener self meth.start_collecting_tokens indent =, 1, :on_sp, ' ' * column) position_comment =, 1, :on_comment) position_comment[:text] = "# File #{@top_level.relative_name}, line #{line_no}" newline =, 0, :on_nl, "\n") meth.add_tokens [position_comment, newline, indent] meth.add_tokens @token_stream container, single, meth, tk, comment meth.comment = comment @stats.add_method meth meth end
#parse_meta_method_name(comment, tk)
Parses the name of a metaprogrammed method. comment
is used to determine the name while tk
is used in an error message if the name cannot be determined.
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 1390
def comment, tk # :nodoc: if comment.text.sub!(/^# +:?method: *(\S*).*?\n/i, '') then return $1 unless $1.empty? end name_t = get_tk if :on_symbol == name_t[:kind] then name_t[:text][1..-1] elsif :on_tstring == name_t[:kind] then name_t[:text][1..-2] elsif :on_op == name_t[:kind] && '=' == name_t[:text] then # ignore remove_token_listener self nil else warn "unknown name token #{name_t.inspect} for meta-method '#{tk[:text]}'" 'unknown' end end
#parse_meta_method_params(container, single, meth, tk, comment)
Parses the parameters and block for a meta-programmed method.
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 1414
def container, single, meth, tk, comment # :nodoc: token_listener meth do meth.params = '' look_for_directives_in meth, comment comment.normalize comment.extract_call_seq meth container.add_method meth last_tk = tk while tk = get_tk do if :on_semicolon == tk[:kind] then break elsif :on_nl == tk[:kind] then break unless last_tk and :on_comma == last_tk[:kind] elsif :on_sp == tk[:kind] then # expression continues elsif :on_kw == tk[:kind] && 'do' == tk[:text] then parse_statements container, single, meth break else last_tk = tk end end end end
#parse_method(container, single, tk, comment)
Parses a normal method defined by def
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 1446
def parse_method(container, single, tk, comment) singleton = nil added_container = false name = nil column = tk[:char_no] line_no = tk[:line_no] start_collecting_tokens add_token tk token_listener self do prev_container = container name, container, singleton = parse_method_name container added_container = container != prev_container end return unless name meth = get_tkread, name look_for_directives_in meth, comment meth.singleton = single == SINGLE ? true : singleton if singleton # `current_line_visibility' is useless because it works against # the normal method named as same as the singleton method, after # the latter was defined. Of course these are different things. container.current_line_visibility = :public end record_location meth meth.line = line_no meth.start_collecting_tokens indent =, 1, :on_sp, ' ' * column) token =, 1, :on_comment) token[:text] = "# File #{@top_level.relative_name}, line #{line_no}" newline =, 0, :on_nl, "\n") meth.add_tokens [token, newline, indent] meth.add_tokens @token_stream parse_method_params_and_body container, single, meth, added_container comment.normalize comment.extract_call_seq meth meth.comment = comment # after end modifiers read_documentation_modifiers meth, RDoc::METHOD_MODIFIERS @stats.add_method meth end
Parses a method that needs to be ignored.
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 1531
def parse_method_dummy container dummy = dummy.parent = container = skip_method dummy end
Parses the name of a method in container
Returns the method name, the container it is in (for def
) and if it is a singleton or regular method.
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 1544
def parse_method_name container # :nodoc: skip_tkspace name_t = get_tk back_tk = skip_tkspace_without_nl singleton = false dot = get_tk if dot[:kind] == :on_period || (dot[:kind] == :on_op && dot[:text] == '::') then singleton = true name, container = parse_method_name_singleton container, name_t else unget_tk dot back_tk.reverse_each do |token| unget_tk token end name = parse_method_name_regular container, name_t end return name, container, singleton end
#parse_method_name_regular(container, name_t)
For the given container
and initial name token name_t
the method name is parsed from the token stream for a regular method.
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 1571
def parse_method_name_regular container, name_t # :nodoc: if :on_op == name_t[:kind] && (%w{* & [] []= <<}.include?(name_t[:text])) then name_t[:text] else unless [:on_kw, :on_const, :on_ident].include?(name_t[:kind]) then warn "expected method name token, . or ::, got #{name_t.inspect}" skip_method container return end name_t[:text] end end
#parse_method_name_singleton(container, name_t)
For the given container
and initial name token name_t
the method name and the new container
(if necessary) are parsed from the token stream for a singleton method.
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 1589
def parse_method_name_singleton container, name_t # :nodoc: skip_tkspace name_t2 = get_tk if (:on_kw == name_t[:kind] && 'self' == name_t[:text]) || (:on_op == name_t[:kind] && '%' == name_t[:text]) then # NOTE: work around '[' being consumed early if :on_lbracket == name_t2[:kind] get_tk name = '[]' else name = name_t2[:text] end elsif :on_const == name_t[:kind] then name = name_t2[:text] container = get_method_container container, name_t return unless container name elsif :on_ident == name_t[:kind] || :on_ivar == name_t[:kind] || :on_gvar == name_t[:kind] then parse_method_dummy container name = nil elsif (:on_kw == name_t[:kind]) && ('true' == name_t[:text] || 'false' == name_t[:text] || 'nil' == name_t[:text]) then klass_name = "#{name_t[:text].capitalize}Class" container = @store.find_class_named klass_name container ||= @top_level.add_class RDoc::NormalClass, klass_name name = name_t2[:text] else warn "unexpected method name token #{name_t.inspect}" # break skip_method container name = nil end return name, container end
#parse_method_or_yield_parameters(method = nil, modifiers = RDoc::METHOD_MODIFIERS)
Extracts yield
parameters from method
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 1633
def parse_method_or_yield_parameters(method = nil, modifiers = RDoc::METHOD_MODIFIERS) skip_tkspace_without_nl tk = get_tk end_token = get_end_token tk return '' unless end_token nest = 0 continue = false while tk != nil do case tk[:kind] when :on_semicolon then break if nest == 0 when :on_lbracket then nest += 1 when :on_rbracket then nest -= 1 when :on_lbrace then nest += 1 when :on_rbrace then nest -= 1 if nest <= 0 # we might have a.each { |i| yield i } unget_tk(tk) if nest < 0 break end when :on_lparen then nest += 1 when end_token[:kind] then if end_token[:kind] == :on_rparen nest -= 1 break if nest <= 0 else break end when :on_rparen then nest -= 1 when :on_comment, :on_embdoc then @read.pop if :on_nl == end_token[:kind] and "\n" == tk[:text][-1] and (!continue or (tk[:state] & Ripper::EXPR_LABEL) != 0) then if method && method.block_params.nil? then unget_tk tk read_documentation_modifiers method, modifiers end break if !continue and nest <= 0 end when :on_comma then continue = true when :on_ident then continue = false if continue end tk = get_tk end get_tkread_clean(/\s+/, ' ') end
Capture the method’s parameters. Along the way, look for a comment containing:
# yields: ....
and add this as the block_params for the method
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 1700
def parse_method_parameters method res = parse_method_or_yield_parameters method res = "(#{res})" unless res =~ /\A\(/ method.params = res unless method.params return if method.block_params skip_tkspace_without_nl read_documentation_modifiers method, RDoc::METHOD_MODIFIERS end
#parse_method_params_and_body(container, single, meth, added_container)
Parses the parameters and body of meth
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 1501
def parse_method_params_and_body container, single, meth, added_container token_listener meth do parse_method_parameters meth if meth.document_self or not @track_visibility then container.add_method meth elsif added_container then container.document_self = false end # Having now read the method parameters and documentation modifiers, we # now know whether we have to rename #initialize to ::new if == "initialize" && !meth.singleton then if meth.dont_rename_initialize then meth.visibility = :protected else meth.singleton = true = "new" meth.visibility = :public end end parse_statements container, single, meth end end
#parse_module(container, single, tk, comment)
Parses an ::RDoc::NormalModule
in container
with comment
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 1715
def parse_module container, single, tk, comment container, name_t, = get_class_or_module container name = name_t[:text] mod = container.add_module RDoc::NormalModule, name mod.ignore unless container.document_children record_location mod read_documentation_modifiers mod, RDoc::CLASS_MODIFIERS mod.add_comment comment, @top_level parse_statements mod # after end modifiers read_documentation_modifiers mod, RDoc::CLASS_MODIFIERS @stats.add_module mod end
#parse_require(context, comment)
Parses an ::RDoc::Require
in context
containing comment
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 1737
def parse_require(context, comment) skip_tkspace_comment tk = get_tk if :on_lparen == tk[:kind] then skip_tkspace_comment tk = get_tk end name = tk[:text][1..-2] if :on_tstring == tk[:kind] if name then @top_level.add_require, comment) else unget_tk tk end end
Parses a rescue
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 1758
def parse_rescue skip_tkspace_without_nl while tk = get_tk case tk[:kind] when :on_nl, :on_semicolon, :on_comment then break when :on_comma then skip_tkspace_without_nl get_tk if :on_nl == peek_tk[:kind] end skip_tkspace_without_nl end end
#parse_statements(container, single = NORMAL, current_method = nil, comment = new_comment(''))
The core of the Ruby
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 1789
def parse_statements(container, single = NORMAL, current_method = nil, comment = new_comment('')) raise 'no' unless RDoc::Comment === comment comment = RDoc::Encoding.change_encoding comment, @encoding if @encoding nest = 1 save_visibility = container.visibility container.visibility = :public unless current_method non_comment_seen = true while tk = get_tk do keep_comment = false try_parse_comment = false non_comment_seen = true unless (:on_comment == tk[:kind] or :on_embdoc == tk[:kind]) case tk[:kind] when :on_nl, :on_ignored_nl, :on_comment, :on_embdoc then if :on_nl == tk[:kind] or :on_ignored_nl == tk[:kind] skip_tkspace tk = get_tk else past_tokens = @read.size > 1 ? @read[0..-2] : [] nl_position = 0 past_tokens.reverse.each_with_index do |read_tk, i| if read_tk =~ /^\n$/ then nl_position = (past_tokens.size - 1) - i break elsif read_tk =~ /^#.*\n$/ then nl_position = ((past_tokens.size - 1) - i) + 1 break end end comment_only_line = past_tokens[nl_position..-1].all?{ |c| c =~ /^\s+$/ } unless comment_only_line then tk = get_tk end end if tk and (:on_comment == tk[:kind] or :on_embdoc == tk[:kind]) then if non_comment_seen then # Look for RDoc in a comment about to be thrown away non_comment_seen = parse_comment container, tk, comment unless comment.empty? comment = '' comment = RDoc::Encoding.change_encoding comment, @encoding if @encoding end line_no = nil while tk and (:on_comment == tk[:kind] or :on_embdoc == tk[:kind]) do comment_body = retrieve_comment_body(tk) line_no = tk[:line_no] if comment.empty? comment += comment_body comment << "\n" unless comment_body =~ /\n\z/ if comment_body.size > 1 && comment_body =~ /\n\z/ then skip_tkspace_without_nl # leading spaces end tk = get_tk end comment = new_comment comment, line_no unless comment.empty? then look_for_directives_in container, comment if container.done_documenting then throw :eof if RDoc::TopLevel === container container.ongoing_visibility = save_visibility end end keep_comment = true else non_comment_seen = true end unget_tk tk keep_comment = true container.current_line_visibility = nil when :on_kw then case tk[:text] when 'class' then parse_class container, single, tk, comment when 'module' then parse_module container, single, tk, comment when 'def' then parse_method container, single, tk, comment when 'alias' then parse_alias container, single, tk, comment unless current_method when 'yield' then if current_method.nil? then warn "Warning: yield outside of method" if container.document_self else parse_yield container, single, tk, current_method end when 'until', 'while' then if (tk[:state] & Ripper::EXPR_LABEL) == 0 nest += 1 skip_optional_do_after_expression end # Until and While can have a 'do', which shouldn't increase the nesting. # We can't solve the general case, but we can handle most occurrences by # ignoring a do at the end of a line. # 'for' is trickier when 'for' then nest += 1 skip_for_variable skip_optional_do_after_expression when 'case', 'do', 'if', 'unless', 'begin' then if (tk[:state] & Ripper::EXPR_LABEL) == 0 nest += 1 end when 'super' then current_method.calls_super = true if current_method when 'rescue' then parse_rescue when 'end' then nest -= 1 if nest == 0 then container.ongoing_visibility = save_visibility parse_comment container, tk, comment unless comment.empty? return end end when :on_const then unless parse_constant container, tk, comment, current_method then try_parse_comment = true end when :on_ident then if nest == 1 and current_method.nil? then keep_comment = parse_identifier container, single, tk, comment end case tk[:text] when "require" then parse_require container, comment when "include" then parse_extend_or_include RDoc::Include, container, comment when "extend" then parse_extend_or_include RDoc::Extend, container, comment when "included" then parse_included_with_activesupport_concern container, comment end else try_parse_comment = nest == 1 end if try_parse_comment then non_comment_seen = parse_comment container, tk, comment unless comment.empty? keep_comment = false end unless keep_comment then comment = new_comment '' comment = RDoc::Encoding.change_encoding comment, @encoding if @encoding container.params = nil container.block_params = nil end consume_trailing_spaces end container.params = nil container.block_params = nil end
#parse_symbol_arg(no = nil)
Parse up to no
symbol arguments
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 1980
def parse_symbol_arg(no = nil) skip_tkspace_comment tk = get_tk if tk[:kind] == :on_lparen parse_symbol_arg_paren no else parse_symbol_arg_space no, tk end end
Parses up to no
symbol arguments surrounded by () and places them in args
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 1995
def parse_symbol_arg_paren no # :nodoc: args = [] loop do skip_tkspace_comment if tk1 = parse_symbol_in_arg args.push tk1 break if no and args.size >= no end skip_tkspace_comment case (tk2 = get_tk)[:kind] when :on_rparen break when :on_comma else warn("unexpected token: '#{tk2.inspect}'") if $DEBUG_RDOC break end end args end
#parse_symbol_arg_space(no, tk)
Parses up to no
symbol arguments separated by spaces and places them in args
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 2023
def parse_symbol_arg_space no, tk # :nodoc: args = [] unget_tk tk if tk = parse_symbol_in_arg args.push tk return args if no and args.size >= no end loop do skip_tkspace_without_nl tk1 = get_tk if tk1.nil? || :on_comma != tk1[:kind] then unget_tk tk1 break end skip_tkspace_comment if tk = parse_symbol_in_arg args.push tk break if no and args.size >= no end end args end
Returns symbol text from the next token
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 2054
def parse_symbol_in_arg tk = get_tk if :on_symbol == tk[:kind] then tk[:text].sub(/^:/, '') elsif :on_tstring == tk[:kind] then tk[:text][1..-2] elsif :on_dstring == tk[:kind] or :on_ident == tk[:kind] then nil # ignore else warn("Expected symbol or string, got #{tk.inspect}") if $DEBUG_RDOC nil end end
Parses statements in the top-level container
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 2071
def parse_top_level_statements container comment = collect_first_comment look_for_directives_in container, comment throw :eof if container.done_documenting @markup = comment.format # HACK move if to RDoc::Context#comment= container.comment = comment if container.document_self unless comment.empty? parse_statements container, NORMAL, nil, comment end
#parse_visibility(container, single, tk)
Determines the visibility in container
from tk
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 2089
def parse_visibility(container, single, tk) vis_type, vis, singleton = get_visibility_information tk, single skip_tkspace_comment false ptk = peek_tk # Ryan Davis suggested the extension to ignore modifiers, because he # often writes # # protected unless $TESTING # if [:on_nl, :on_semicolon].include?(ptk[:kind]) || (:on_kw == ptk[:kind] && (['if', 'unless'].include?(ptk[:text]))) then container.ongoing_visibility = vis elsif :on_kw == ptk[:kind] && 'def' == ptk[:text] container.current_line_visibility = vis else update_visibility container, vis_type, vis, singleton end end
#parse_yield(context, single, tk, method)
Determines the block parameter for context
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 2128
def parse_yield(context, single, tk, method) return if method.block_params get_tkread method.block_params = parse_method_or_yield_parameters end
Directives are modifier comments that can appear after class, module, or method names. For example:
def fred # :yields: a, b
class MyClass # :nodoc:
We return the directive name and any parameters as a two element array if the name is in allowed
. A directive can be found anywhere up to the end of the current line.
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 2149
def read_directive allowed tokens = [] while tk = get_tk do tokens << tk if :on_nl == tk[:kind] or (:on_kw == tk[:kind] && 'def' == tk[:text]) then return elsif :on_comment == tk[:kind] or :on_embdoc == tk[:kind] then return unless tk[:text] =~ /:?\b([\w-]+):\s*(.*)/ directive = $1.downcase return [directive, $2] if allowed.include? directive return end end ensure unless tokens.length == 1 and (:on_comment == tokens.first[:kind] or :on_embdoc == tokens.first[:kind]) then tokens.reverse_each do |token| unget_tk token end end end
#read_documentation_modifiers(context, allowed)
Handles directives following the definition for context
(any ::RDoc::CodeObject
) if the directives are allowed
at this point.
See also Markup::PreProcess#handle_directive
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 2181
def read_documentation_modifiers context, allowed skip_tkspace_without_nl directive, value = read_directive allowed return unless directive @preprocess.handle_directive '', directive, value, context do |dir, param| if %w[notnew not_new not-new].include? dir then context.dont_rename_initialize = true true end end end
Records the location of this container
in the file for this parser and adds it to the list of classes and modules in the file.
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 2200
def record_location container # :nodoc: case container when RDoc::ClassModule then @top_level.add_to_classes_or_modules container end container.record_location @top_level end
Retrieve comment body without =begin/=end
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 1778
def retrieve_comment_body(tk) if :on_embdoc == tk[:kind] tk[:text].gsub(/\A=begin.*\n/, '').gsub(/=end\n?\z/, '') else tk[:text] end end
Scans this Ruby
file for Ruby
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 2212
def scan reset catch :eof do begin parse_top_level_statements @top_level rescue StandardError => e if @content.include?('<%') and @content.include?('%>') then # Maybe, this is ERB. $stderr.puts "\033[2KRDoc detects ERB file. Skips it for compatibility:" $stderr.puts @file_name return end if @scanner_point >= @scanner.size now_line_no = @scanner[@scanner.size - 1][:line_no] else now_line_no = peek_tk[:line_no] end first_tk_index = @scanner.find_index { |tk| tk[:line_no] == now_line_no } last_tk_index = @scanner.find_index { |tk| tk[:line_no] == now_line_no + 1 } last_tk_index = last_tk_index ? last_tk_index - 1 : @scanner.size - 1 code = @scanner[first_tk_index..last_tk_index].map{ |t| t[:text] }.join $stderr.puts <<-EOF #{self.class} failure around line #{now_line_no} of #{@file_name} EOF unless code.empty? then $stderr.puts code $stderr.puts end raise e end end @top_level end
skip the var [in] part of a ‘for’ statement
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 2300
def skip_for_variable skip_tkspace_without_nl get_tk skip_tkspace_without_nl tk = get_tk unget_tk(tk) unless :on_kw == tk[:kind] and 'in' == tk[:text] end
Skips the next method in container
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 2311
def skip_method container meth = "", "anon" parse_method_parameters meth parse_statements container, false, meth end
while, until, and for have an optional do
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 2259
def skip_optional_do_after_expression skip_tkspace_without_nl tk = get_tk b_nest = 0 nest = 0 loop do break unless tk case tk[:kind] when :on_semicolon, :on_nl, :on_ignored_nl then break if when :on_lparen then nest += 1 when :on_rparen then nest -= 1 when :on_kw then case tk[:text] when 'begin' b_nest += 1 when 'end' b_nest -= 1 when 'do' break if end when :on_comment, :on_embdoc then if and "\n" == tk[:text][-1] then break end end tk = get_tk end skip_tkspace_without_nl get_tk if peek_tk && :on_kw == peek_tk[:kind] && 'do' == peek_tk[:text] end
Skip opening parentheses and yield the block. Skip closing parentheses too when exists.
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 410
def skip_parentheses(&block) left_tk = peek_tk if :on_lparen == left_tk[:kind] get_tk ret = skip_parentheses(&block) right_tk = peek_tk if :on_rparen == right_tk[:kind] get_tk end ret else yield end end
#skip_tkspace_comment(skip_nl = true)
Skip spaces until a comment is found
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 2320
def skip_tkspace_comment(skip_nl = true) loop do skip_nl ? skip_tkspace : skip_tkspace_without_nl next_tk = peek_tk return if next_tk.nil? || (:on_comment != next_tk[:kind] and :on_embdoc != next_tk[:kind]) get_tk end end
#suppress_parents(container, ancestor)
Marks containers between container
and ancestor
as ignored
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 655
def suppress_parents container, ancestor # :nodoc: while container and container != ancestor do container.suppress unless container.documented? container = container.parent end end
#tk_nl?(tk) ⇒ Boolean
Return true
if tk
is a newline.
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 195
def tk_nl?(tk) :on_nl == tk[:kind] or :on_ignored_nl == tk[:kind] end
#update_visibility(container, vis_type, vis, singleton)
Updates visibility in container
from vis_type
and vis
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 2332
def update_visibility container, vis_type, vis, singleton # :nodoc: new_methods = [] case vis_type when 'module_function' then args = parse_symbol_arg container.set_visibility_for args, :private, false container.methods_matching args do |m| s_m = m.dup record_location s_m s_m.singleton = true new_methods << s_m end when 'public_class_method', 'private_class_method' then args = parse_symbol_arg container.methods_matching args, true do |m| if m.parent != container then m = m.dup record_location m new_methods << m end m.visibility = vis end else args = parse_symbol_arg container.set_visibility_for args, vis, singleton end new_methods.each do |method| case method when RDoc::AnyMethod then container.add_method method when RDoc::Attr then container.add_attribute method end method.visibility = vis end end
Prints message
to $stderr
unless we’re being quiet
# File 'lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb', line 2377
def warn @options.warn end