
Class: RDoc::AnyMethod

Relationships & Source Files
Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance Descendants
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
Inherits: RDoc::MethodAttr
Defined in: lib/rdoc/code_object/any_method.rb


AnyMethod is the base class for objects representing methods

Constant Summary

Text - Included


Class Method Summary

MethodAttr - Inherited


Creates a new MethodAttr from token stream text and method or attribute name #name.

CodeObject - Inherited


Creates a new CodeObject that will document itself and its children.

Instance Attribute Summary

MethodAttr - Inherited


Array of other names for this method/attribute.


The call_seq or the param_seq with method name, if there is no call_seq.


Parameters yielded by the called block.


Attempts to sanitize the content passed by the Ruby parser: remove outer parentheses, etc.


Different ways to call this method.


A method/attribute is documented if any of the following is true: - it was marked with :nodoc:; - it has a comment; - it is an alias for a documented method; - it has a #see method that is documented.


The method/attribute we’re aliasing.


Name of this method/attribute.


Pretty parameter list for this method.


Parameters for this method.


Is this a singleton method/attribute?


Sets the store for this class or module and its contained code objects.


Source file token stream.


public, protected, private.

CodeObject - Inherited


Our comment.


Replaces our comment with comment, unless it is empty.


Should this CodeObject be displayed in output?


Do we document our children?


Enables or disables documentation of this CodeObject’s children unless it has been turned off by :enddoc:


Do we document ourselves?


Enables or disables documentation of this CodeObject unless it has been turned off by :enddoc:.


Does this object have a comment with content or is #received_nodoc true?


Are we done documenting (ie, did we come across a :enddoc:)?


Turns documentation on/off, and turns on/off #document_self and #document_children.


Which file this code object was defined in.


Force documentation of this CodeObject.


Force the documentation of this object unless documentation has been turned off by :enddoc:


Sets the full_name overriding any computed full name.


Has this class been ignored?


Line in #file where this CodeObject was defined.


Hash of arbitrary metadata for this CodeObject.


When mixed-in to a class, this points to the Context in which it was originally defined.


Our parent CodeObject.


Sets the parent CodeObject.


Did we ever receive a :nodoc: directive?


The section this CodeObject is in.


Set the section this CodeObject is in.


The Store for this object.


Sets the store that contains this CodeObject.


Has this class been suppressed?


We are the model of the code, but we know that at some point we will be worked on by viewers.

Text - Included


The language for this text.

Instance Method Summary

TokenStream - Included


Adds one token to the collected tokens.


Adds tokens to the collected tokens.


Starts collecting tokens.


Remove the last token from the collected tokens.


Current token stream.


Returns a string representation of the token stream.

MethodAttr - Inherited


Order by #singleton then #name


Abstract method.


Prepend src with line numbers.


HTML fragment reference for this method.


Prefix for aref, defined by subclasses.


Full method/attribute name including namespace.


HTML id-friendly method/attribute name.


Turns the method’s token stream into HTML.


‘::’ for a class method/attribute, ‘#’ for an instance method.


Name for output to HTML.


Name of our parent with special handling for un-marshaled methods.


Path to this method for use with HTML generator output.


Method/attribute name with class/instance indicator.


Used by Generator::JsonIndex to create a record for the search engine.


A method/attribute to look at, in particular if this method/attribute has no documentation.


Type of method/attribute (class or instance).

#==, #find_method_or_attribute, #find_see,

Resets cached data for the object so it can be rebuilt by accessor methods.

#initialize_visibility, #inspect, #name_ord_range, #pretty_print, #to_s

CodeObject - Inherited


Yields each parent of this CodeObject.


File name where this CodeObject was found.


Use this to ignore a CodeObject and all its children until found again (#record_location is called).


The options instance from the store this CodeObject is attached to, or a default options instance if the CodeObject is not attached.


File name of our parent.


Name of our parent.


Records the TopLevel (file) where this code object was defined.


Enable capture of documentation unless documentation has been turned off by :enddoc:


Disable capture of documentation.


Use this to suppress a CodeObject and all its children until the next file it is seen in or documentation is discovered.


Initializes state for visibility of this CodeObject and its children.

Generator::Markup - Included


Generates a relative URL from this object’s path to target_path


Generates a relative URL from from_path to this object’s path.


Build a webcvs URL starting for the given url with full_path appended as the destination path.


Handy wrapper for marking up this object’s comment.


Creates an Markup::ToHtmlCrossref formatter.

Text - Included


Expands tab characters in text to eight spaces.


Flush text left based on the shortest line.


Convert a string in markup format into HTML.


Strips hashes, expands tabs then flushes text to the left.


Normalizes text then builds a Markup::Document from it.


The first limit characters of text as HTML.


Strips leading # characters from text


Strips leading and trailing n characters from text


Strips /* */ style comments.


Converts ampersand, dashes, ellipsis, quotes, copyright and registered trademark symbols in text to properly encoded characters.


Wraps txt to line_len

Constructor Details

.new(text, name) ⇒ AnyMethod

Creates a new AnyMethod with a token stream text and #name

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/code_object/any_method.rb', line 46

def initialize text, name

  @c_function = nil
  @dont_rename_initialize = false
  @token_stream = nil
  @calls_super = false
  @superclass_method = nil

Instance Attribute Details

#c_function (rw)

The C function that implements this method (if it was defined in a C file)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/code_object/any_method.rb', line 27

attr_accessor :c_function

#call_seq (rw)

Different ways to call this method

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/code_object/any_method.rb', line 96

def call_seq
  unless call_seq = _call_seq
    call_seq = is_alias_for._call_seq if is_alias_for

  return unless call_seq


#call_seq=(call_seq) (rw)

Sets the different ways you can call this method. If an empty #call_seq is given nil is assumed.

See also #param_seq

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/code_object/any_method.rb', line 112

def call_seq= call_seq
  return if call_seq.empty?

  @call_seq = call_seq

#calls_super (rw)

If true this method uses super to call a superclass version

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/code_object/any_method.rb', line 39

attr_accessor :calls_super

#dont_rename_initialize (rw)

Don’t rename #initialize to ::new

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/code_object/any_method.rb', line 22

attr_accessor :dont_rename_initialize

#has_call_seq?Boolean (readonly)

Whether the method has a call-seq.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/code_object/any_method.rb', line 121

def has_call_seq?
  !!(@call_seq || is_alias_for&._call_seq)

#params (rw)

Parameters for this method

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/code_object/any_method.rb', line 34

attr_accessor :params

#section_title (rw)

The section title of the method (if defined in a C file via :category:)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/code_object/any_method.rb', line 30

attr_accessor :section_title

#skip_description?Boolean (readonly)

Whether to skip the method description, true for methods that have aliases with a call-seq that doesn’t include the method name.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/code_object/any_method.rb', line 310

def skip_description?
  has_call_seq? && call_seq.nil? && !!(is_alias_for || !aliases.empty?)

#store=(store) (writeonly)

Sets the store for this method and its referenced code objects.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/code_object/any_method.rb', line 317

def store= store

  @file = @store.add_file @file.full_name if @file

Instance Method Details

#_call_seq (protected)

call_seq without deduplication and alias lookup.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/code_object/any_method.rb', line 345

def _call_seq
  @call_seq if defined?(@call_seq) && @call_seq

#add_alias(an_alias, context = nil)

Adds an_alias as an alias for this method in context.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/code_object/any_method.rb', line 59

def add_alias an_alias, context = nil
  method = self.class.new an_alias.text, an_alias.new_name

  method.record_location an_alias.file
  method.singleton = self.singleton
  method.params = self.params
  method.visibility = self.visibility
  method.comment = an_alias.comment
  method.is_alias_for = self
  @aliases << method
  context.add_method method if context


Prefix for aref is ‘method’.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/code_object/any_method.rb', line 76

def aref_prefix


The call_seq or the param_seq with method name, if there is no call_seq.

Use this for displaying a method’s argument lists.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/code_object/any_method.rb', line 85

def arglists
  if @call_seq then
  elsif @params then

#deduplicate_call_seq(call_seq) (private)

call_seq with alias examples information removed, if this method is an alias method.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/code_object/any_method.rb', line 355

def deduplicate_call_seq(call_seq)
  return call_seq unless is_alias_for || !aliases.empty?

  method_name = self.name
  method_name = method_name[0, 1] if method_name =~ /\A\[/

  entries = call_seq.split "\n"

  ignore = aliases.map(&:name)
  if is_alias_for
    ignore << is_alias_for.name
    ignore.concat is_alias_for.aliases.map(&:name)
  ignore.map! { |n| n =~ /\A\[/ ? /\[.*\]/ : n}
  ignore = Regexp.union(ignore)

  matching = entries.reject do |entry|
    entry =~ /^\w*\.?#{ignore}[$\(\s]/ or
      entry =~ /\s#{ignore}\s/

  matching.empty? ? nil : matching.join("\n")


This method is for internal use only.

Loads is_alias_for from the internal name. Returns nil if the alias cannot be found.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/code_object/any_method.rb', line 129

def is_alias_for # :nodoc:
  case @is_alias_for
  when RDoc::MethodAttr then
  when Array then
    return nil unless @store

    klass_name, singleton, method_name = @is_alias_for

    return nil unless klass = @store.find_class_or_module(klass_name)

    @is_alias_for = klass.find_method method_name, singleton


Dumps this AnyMethod for use by ri. See also #marshal_load

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/code_object/any_method.rb', line 147

def marshal_dump
  aliases = @aliases.map do |a|
    [a.name, parse(a.comment)]

  is_alias_for = [
  ] if @is_alias_for



Loads this AnyMethod from array. For a loaded AnyMethod the following methods will return cached values:

  • #full_name

  • #parent_name

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/code_object/any_method.rb', line 184

def marshal_load array

  @dont_rename_initialize = nil
  @token_stream           = nil
  @aliases                = []
  @parent                 = nil
  @parent_name            = nil
  @parent_class           = nil
  @section                = nil
  @file                   = nil

  version        = array[0]
  @name          = array[1]
  @full_name     = array[2]
  @singleton     = array[3]
  @visibility    = array[4]
  @comment       = RDoc::Comment.from_document array[5]
  @call_seq      = array[6]
  @block_params  = array[7]
  #                      8 handled below
  @params        = array[9]
  #                      10 handled below
  @calls_super   = array[11]
  @parent_name   = array[12]
  @parent_title  = array[13]
  @section_title = array[14]
  @is_alias_for  = array[15]

  array[8].each do |new_name, document|
    add_alias RDoc::Alias.new(nil, @name, new_name, RDoc::Comment.from_document(document), @singleton)

  @parent_name ||= if @full_name =~ /#/ then
                     name = @full_name.split('::')
                     name.join '::'

  @file = RDoc::TopLevel.new array[10] if version > 0


Method name

If the method has no assigned name, it extracts it from #call_seq.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/code_object/any_method.rb', line 233

def name
  return @name if @name

  @name =
    @call_seq[/^.*?\.(\w+)/, 1] ||
    @call_seq[/^.*?(\w+)/, 1] ||
    @call_seq if @call_seq


A list of this method’s method and yield parameters. call-seq params are preferred over parsed method and block params.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/code_object/any_method.rb', line 246

def param_list
  if @call_seq then
    params = @call_seq.split("\n").last
    params = params.sub(/.*?\((.*)\)/, '\1')
    params = params.sub(/(\{|do)\s*\|([^|]*)\|.*/, ',\2')
  elsif @params then
    params = @params.sub(/\((.*)\)/, '\1')

    params << ",#{@block_params}" if @block_params
  elsif @block_params then
    params = @block_params
    return []

  if @block_params then
    # If this method has explicit block parameters, remove any explicit
    # &block
    params = params.sub(/,?\s*&\w+/, '')
    params = params.sub(/\&(\w+)/, '\1')

  params = params.gsub(/\s+/, '').split(',').reject(&:empty?)

  params.map { |param| param.sub(/=.*/, '') }


Pretty parameter list for this method. If the method’s parameters were given by call-seq it is preferred over the parsed values.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/code_object/any_method.rb', line 278

def param_seq
  if @call_seq then
    params = @call_seq.split("\n").last
    params = params.sub(/[^( ]+/, '')
    params = params.sub(/(\|[^|]+\|)\s*\.\.\.\s*(end|\})/, '\1 \2')
  elsif @params then
    params = @params.gsub(/\s*\#.*/, '')
    params = params.tr_s("\n ", " ")
    params = "(#{params})" unless params[0] == ?(
    params = ''

  if @block_params then
    # If this method has explicit block parameters, remove any explicit
    # &block
    params = params.sub(/,?\s*&\w+/, '')

    block = @block_params.tr_s("\n ", " ")
    if block[0] == ?(
      block = block.sub(/^\(/, '').sub(/\)/, '')
    params << " { |#{block}| ... }"



For methods that super, find the superclass method that would be called.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rdoc/code_object/any_method.rb', line 326

def superclass_method
  return unless @calls_super
  return @superclass_method if @superclass_method

  parent.each_ancestor do |ancestor|
    if method = ancestor.method_list.find { |m| m.name == @name } then
      @superclass_method = method
