
Class: Prism::Translation::Parser35

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, Parser, Parser::Base
Instance Chain:
self, Parser, Parser::Base
Inherits: Prism::Translation::Parser
Defined in: lib/prism/translation/parser35.rb


This class is the entry-point for Ruby 3.5 of Parser.

Constant Summary

Parser - Inherited

Diagnostic, Racc_debug_parser

Instance Method Summary

Parser - Inherited


The default encoding for Ruby files is UTF-8.


Parses a source buffer and returns the AST.


Parses a source buffer and returns the AST and the source code comments.


Parses a source buffer and returns the AST, the source code comments, and the tokens emitted by the lexer.


Since prism resolves num params for us, we don’t need to support this kind of logic here.


Build the parser gem AST from the prism AST.


Build the parser gem comments from the prism comments.


::Prism deals with offsets in bytes, while the parser gem deals with offsets in characters.


Build a range from a prism location.


Build the parser gem tokens from the prism tokens.


Converts the version format handled by Parser to the format handled by ::Prism.


Build a diagnostic from the given prism parse error.


Options for how prism should parse/lex the source.


If there was a error generated during the parse, then raise an appropriate syntax error.


This is a hook to allow consumers to disable some errors if they don’t want them to block creating the syntax tree.


This is a hook to allow consumers to disable some warnings if they don’t want them to block creating the syntax tree.


Build a diagnostic from the given prism parse warning.

#version, #yyerror

Instance Method Details


This method is for internal use only.
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# File 'lib/prism/translation/parser35.rb', line 7

def version # :nodoc: