
Class: Prism::ParseResult

Relationships & Source Files
Namespace Children
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, Result
Instance Chain:
self, Result
Inherits: Prism::Result
Defined in: lib/prism/parse_result.rb,


This is a result specific to the parse and parse_file methods.

Class Method Summary

Result - Inherited


Create a new result object with the given values.

Instance Attribute Summary

  • #value readonly

    The syntax tree that was parsed from the source code.

Result - Inherited


The list of comments that were encountered during parsing.


An optional location that represents the location of the __END__ marker and the rest of the content of the file.


The list of errors that were generated during parsing.


Returns true if there were errors during parsing and false if there were not.


The list of magic comments that were encountered during parsing.


A Source instance that represents the source code that was parsed.


Returns true if there were no errors during parsing and false if there were.


The list of warnings that were generated during parsing.

Instance Method Summary

  • #attach_comments!

    Attach the list of comments to their respective locations in the tree.

  • #deconstruct_keys(keys)

    Implement the hash pattern matching interface for ParseResult.

  • #errors_format

    Returns a string representation of the syntax tree with the errors displayed inline.

  • #mark_newlines!

    Walk the tree and mark nodes that are on a new line, loosely emulating the behavior of CRuby’s :line tracepoint event.

Result - Inherited


Create a code units cache for the given encoding.


Implement the hash pattern matching interface for Result.


Returns the encoding of the source code that was parsed.

Constructor Details

.new(value, comments, magic_comments, data_loc, errors, warnings, source) ⇒ ParseResult

Create a new parse result object with the given values.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/prism/parse_result.rb', line 752

def initialize(value, comments, magic_comments, data_loc, errors, warnings, source)
  @value = value
  super(comments, magic_comments, data_loc, errors, warnings, source)

Instance Attribute Details

#value (readonly)

The syntax tree that was parsed from the source code.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/prism/parse_result.rb', line 749

attr_reader :value

Instance Method Details


Attach the list of comments to their respective locations in the tree.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/prism/parse_result.rb', line 763

def attach_comments!
  Comments.new(self).attach! # steep:ignore


Implement the hash pattern matching interface for ParseResult.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/prism/parse_result.rb', line 758

def deconstruct_keys(keys)
  super.merge!(value: value)


Returns a string representation of the syntax tree with the errors displayed inline.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/prism/parse_result.rb', line 775

def errors_format


Walk the tree and mark nodes that are on a new line, loosely emulating the behavior of CRuby’s :line tracepoint event.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/prism/parse_result.rb', line 769

def mark_newlines!
  value.accept(Newlines.new(source.offsets.size)) # steep:ignore