
Class: Prism::InterpolatedXStringNode

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, Node
Instance Chain:
Inherits: Prism::Node
Defined in: lib/prism/node.rb,


Represents an xstring literal that contains interpolation.

`foo #{bar} baz`

Class Method Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

HeredocQuery - Included


Returns true if this node was represented as a heredoc in the source code.

Node - Inherited


A Location instance that represents the location of this node in the source.


See additional method definition at file lib/prism/node.rb line 16.

Instance Method Summary

Node - Inherited


Similar to inspect, but respects the current level of indentation given by the pretty print object.


Slice the location of the node from the source.


Convert this node into a graphviz dot graph string.

#deprecated, #newline!, #set_newline_flag

Constructor Details

.new(opening_loc, parts, closing_loc, location) ⇒ InterpolatedXStringNode

def initialize: (opening_loc: Location, parts: Array, closing_loc: Location, location: Location) -> void

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/prism/node.rb', line 10301

def initialize(opening_loc, parts, closing_loc, location)
  @opening_loc = opening_loc
  @parts = parts
  @closing_loc = closing_loc
  @location = location

Class Method Details


Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain. Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.

def self.type: () -> Symbol

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/prism/node.rb', line 10394

def self.type

Instance Attribute Details

#closing_loc (readonly)

attr_reader closing_loc: Location

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/prism/node.rb', line 10298

attr_reader :closing_loc

#opening_loc (readonly)

attr_reader opening_loc: Location

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/prism/node.rb', line 10292

attr_reader :opening_loc

#parts (readonly)

attr_reader parts: Array

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/prism/node.rb', line 10295

attr_reader :parts

Instance Method Details


def accept: (visitor: Visitor) -> void

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/prism/node.rb', line 10309

def accept(visitor)

#child_nodes Also known as: #deconstruct

def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/prism/node.rb', line 10319

def child_nodes


def closing: () -> String

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/prism/node.rb', line 10357

def closing


def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/prism/node.rb', line 10329

def comment_targets
  [opening_loc, *parts, closing_loc]


def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/prism/node.rb', line 10324

def compact_child_nodes


def copy: (**params) -> InterpolatedXStringNode

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/prism/node.rb', line 10334

def copy(**params)
    params.fetch(:opening_loc) { opening_loc },
    params.fetch(:parts) { parts },
    params.fetch(:closing_loc) { closing_loc },
    params.fetch(:location) { location },


Alias for #child_nodes.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/prism/node.rb', line 10344

alias deconstruct child_nodes


def deconstruct_keys: (keys: Array) -> Hash[Symbol, nil | Node | Array | String | Token | Array | Location]

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/prism/node.rb', line 10347

def deconstruct_keys(keys)
  { opening_loc: opening_loc, parts: parts, closing_loc: closing_loc, location: location }

#inspect(inspector = NodeInspector.new)

def inspect(inspector: NodeInspector) -> String

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/prism/node.rb', line 10362

def inspect(inspector = NodeInspector.new)
  inspector << inspector.header(self)
  inspector << "├── opening_loc: #{inspector.location(opening_loc)}\n"
  inspector << "├── parts: #{inspector.list("#{inspector.prefix}", parts)}"
  inspector << "└── closing_loc: #{inspector.location(closing_loc)}\n"


This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/prism/parse_result/newlines.rb', line 148

def newline!(lines) # :nodoc:
  first = parts.first
  first.newline!(lines) if first


def opening: () -> String

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/prism/node.rb', line 10352

def opening


This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/prism/node.rb', line 10313

def set_newline_flag(newline_marked) # :nodoc:
  first = parts.first
  first.set_newline_flag(newline_marked) if first


Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by calling [cls1, cls2].include?(node.class) or putting the node into a case statement and doing case node; when cls1; when cls2; end. Both of these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups, method calls, and/or array allocations.

Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you’re on CRuby you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol keys will use a jump table.

def type: () -> Symbol

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/prism/node.rb', line 10384

def type