
Class: Net::HTTPSuccess

Relationships & Source Files
Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance Descendants
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, HTTPResponse
Instance Chain:
Inherits: Net::HTTPResponse
Defined in: lib/net/http/responses.rb


Parent class for success (2xx) HTTP response classes.

A success response indicates the action requested by the client was received, understood, and accepted.


Constant Summary

HTTPHeader - Included


HTTPResponse - Inherited


Class Attribute Summary

HTTPResponse - Inherited


true if the response has a body.

Class Method Summary

HTTPResponse - Inherited

.each_response_header, .read_status_line, .response_class,

internal use only.


internal use only.


internal use only.

Instance Attribute Summary

HTTPResponse - Inherited


Returns the string response body; note that repeated calls for the unmodified body return a cached string:


Sets the body of the response to the given value.


Returns the value set by body_encoding=, or false if none; see #body_encoding=.


Sets the encoding that should be used when reading the body:


The HTTP result code string.


Set to true automatically when the request did not contain an Accept-Encoding header from the user.


The HTTP version supported by the server.


Whether to ignore EOF when reading bodies with a specified Content-Length header.


The HTTP result message sent by the server.


The URI used to fetch this response.


HTTPHeader - Included


Returns true if field 'Transfer-Encoding' exists and has value 'chunked', false otherwise; see Transfer-Encoding response header:


Returns whether the HTTP session is to be closed.


Returns whether the HTTP session is to be kept alive.


Returns the value of field 'Content-Length' as an integer, or nil if there is no such field; see Content-Length request header:


Sets the value of field 'Content-Length' to the given numeric; see Content-Length response header:

Instance Method Summary

HTTPResponse - Inherited


Gets the entity body returned by the remote HTTP server.


Raises an HTTP error if the response is not 2xx (success).

#extracting_encodings_from_meta_elements, #get_attribute, #procdest, #read_body_0, #stream_check,

response <-> exception relationship.

#error!, #error_type, #header, #read_header,



header (for backward compatibility only; DO NOT USE).

#check_bom, #detect_encoding,

Checks for a supported Content-Encoding header and yields an Inflate wrapper for this response’s socket when zlib is present.


read_chunked reads from @socket for chunk-size, chunk-extension, CRLF, etc.

#scanning_meta, #sniff_encoding

HTTPHeader - Included


Returns the string field value for the case-insensitive field key, or nil if there is no such key; see Fields:


Sets the value for the case-insensitive key to val, overwriting the previous value if the field exists; see Fields:


Adds value val to the value array for field key if the field exists; creates the field with the given key and val if it does not exist.


Sets header 'Authorization' using the given account and password strings:


Returns a Range object representing the value of field 'Content-Range', or nil if no such field exists; see Content-Range response header:


Returns the media type from the value of field 'Content-Type', or nil if no such field exists; see Content-Type response header:


Removes the header for the given case-insensitive key (see Fields); returns the deleted value, or nil if no such field exists:


Like #each_header, but the keys are returned in capitalized form.


Calls the block with each capitalized field name:


Calls the block with each key/value pair:


Calls the block with each field key:


Calls the block with each string field value:


With a block, returns the string value for key if it exists; otherwise returns the value of the block; ignores the default_val; see Fields:


Returns the array field value for the given key, or nil if there is no such field; see Fields:


Returns true if the field for the case-insensitive key exists, false otherwise:


Returns the leading (‘type’) part of the media type from the value of field 'Content-Type', or nil if no such field exists; see Content-Type response header:


Sets header 'Proxy-Authorization' using the given account and password strings:


Returns an array of Range objects that represent the value of field 'Range', or nil if there is no such field; see Range request header:


Returns the integer representing length of the value of field 'Content-Range', or nil if no such field exists; see Content-Range response header:


Sets the value of field 'Content-Type'; returns the new value; see Content-Type request header:


Stores form data to be used in a POST or PUT request.


Sets the request body to a URL-encoded string derived from argument params, and sets request header field 'Content-Type' to 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'.


Sets the value for field 'Range'; see Range request header:


Returns the trailing (‘subtype’) part of the media type from the value of field 'Content-Type', or nil if no such field exists; see Content-Type response header:


Returns a hash of the key/value pairs:


Returns the trailing (‘parameters’) part of the value of field 'Content-Type', or nil if no such field exists; see Content-Type response header:

#append_field_value, #basic_encode, #capitalize, #set_field, #initialize_http_header,

Alias for HTTPHeader#size.



Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Net::HTTPResponse