Class: Bundler::StubSpecification
Relationships & Source Files | |
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance | |
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
RemoteSpecification ,
MatchPlatform ,
GemHelpers ,
MatchRemoteMetadata ,
FetchMetadata ,
Inherits: |
Defined in: | lib/bundler/stub_specification.rb |
Constant Summary
- Included
Stub Delegates
- #_remote_specification private
- #activated=(activated) rw
- #activated? ⇒ Boolean rw
- #base_dir=(path) writeonly
- #default_gem? ⇒ Boolean readonly
- #extensions
- #full_gem_path rw
- #full_gem_path=(path) rw
- #full_require_paths
- #gem_build_complete_path
- #ignored? ⇒ Boolean rw
- #inspect
- #load_paths
- #loaded_from
- #manually_installed? ⇒ Boolean readonly
- #matches_for_glob(glob)
#missing_extensions? ⇒ Boolean
This is defined directly to avoid having to loading the full spec.
- #raw_require_paths
- #require_paths
Class Method Summary
Instance Attribute Summary
- #checksum readonly
- #ignored rw
- #insecurely_materialized? ⇒ Boolean readonly
- #source=(source) writeonly
- #stub rw
- Inherited
#dependencies, #dependencies=, #insecurely_materialized?, #locked_platform, #name, #platform, #remote, #source, #version |
- Included
- Included
#matches_current_ruby? | A fallback is included because the original version of the specification API didn’t include that field, so some marshalled specs in the index have it set to |
#matches_current_rubygems? |
- Included
Instance Method Summary
- Inherited
#<=> | Compare this specification against another object. |
#__swap__ | Because Rubyforge cannot be trusted to provide valid specifications once the remote gem is downloaded, the backend specification will be swapped out. |
#fetch_platform | Needed before installs, since the arch matters then and quick specs don’t bother to include the arch in the platform string. |
#full_name, #git_version, #respond_to?, #runtime_dependencies, | |
#sort_obj | Create a delegate used for sorting. |
#to_s, #_remote_specification, #method_missing, #to_ary |
- Included
- Included
- Included
Constructor Details
This class inherits a constructor from Bundler::RemoteSpecification
Dynamic Method Handling
This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class Bundler::RemoteSpecification
Class Method Details
[ GitHub ]Instance Attribute Details
#activated=(activated) (rw)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/bundler/stub_specification.rb', line 67
def activated=(activated) stub.instance_variable_set(:@activated, activated) end
#activated? ⇒ Boolean
[ GitHub ]
# File 'lib/bundler/stub_specification.rb', line 63
def activated? stub.activated? end
#base_dir=(path) (writeonly)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/bundler/stub_specification.rb', line 99
def base_dir=(path) stub.base_dir = path end
#checksum (readonly)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/bundler/stub_specification.rb', line 16
attr_reader :checksum
#default_gem? ⇒ Boolean
[ GitHub ]
# File 'lib/bundler/stub_specification.rb', line 79
def default_gem? stub.default_gem? end
#full_gem_path (rw)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/bundler/stub_specification.rb', line 83
def full_gem_path stub.full_gem_path end
#full_gem_path=(path) (rw)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/bundler/stub_specification.rb', line 87
def full_gem_path=(path) stub.full_gem_path = path end
#ignored (rw)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/bundler/stub_specification.rb', line 17
attr_accessor :stub, :ignored
#ignored? ⇒ Boolean
[ GitHub ]
# File 'lib/bundler/stub_specification.rb', line 35
def ignored? return @ignored unless @ignored.nil? @ignored = missing_extensions? return false unless @ignored warn "Source #{source} is ignoring #{self} because it is missing extensions" true end
#insecurely_materialized? ⇒ Boolean
[ GitHub ]
# File 'lib/bundler/stub_specification.rb', line 12
def insecurely_materialized? false end
#manually_installed? ⇒ Boolean
[ GitHub ]
# File 'lib/bundler/stub_specification.rb', line 46
def manually_installed? # This is for manually installed gems which are gems that were fixed in place after a # failed installation. Once the issue was resolved, the user then manually created # the gem specification using the instructions provided by `gem help install` installed_by_version == end
#missing_extensions? ⇒ Boolean
This is defined directly to avoid having to loading the full spec
# File 'lib/bundler/stub_specification.rb', line 54
def missing_extensions? return false if default_gem? return false if extensions.empty? return false if File.exist? gem_build_complete_path return false if manually_installed? true end
#source=(source) (writeonly)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/bundler/stub_specification.rb', line 19
def source=(source) super # Stub has no concept of source, which means that extension_dir may be wrong # This is the case for git-based gems. So, instead manually assign the extension dir return unless source.respond_to?(:extension_dir_name) unique_extension_dir = [source.extension_dir_name, File.basename(full_gem_path)].uniq.join("-") path = File.join(stub.extensions_dir, unique_extension_dir) stub.extension_dir = File. (path) end
#stub (rw)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/bundler/stub_specification.rb', line 17
attr_accessor :stub, :ignored
Instance Method Details
#_remote_specification (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/bundler/stub_specification.rb', line 125
def _remote_specification @_remote_specification ||= begin rs = stub.to_spec if rs.equal?(self) # happens when to_spec gets the spec from Gem.loaded_specs rs = Gem::Specification.load(loaded_from) Bundler.rubygems.stub_set_spec(stub, rs) end unless rs raise GemspecError, "The gemspec for #{full_name} at #{loaded_from}" \ " was missing or broken. Try running `gem pristine #{name} -v #{version}`" \ " to fix the cached spec." end rs.source = source rs.base_dir = stub.base_dir rs end end
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/bundler/stub_specification.rb', line 71
def extensions stub.extensions end
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/bundler/stub_specification.rb', line 91
def full_require_paths stub.full_require_paths end
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/bundler/stub_specification.rb', line 75
def gem_build_complete_path stub.gem_build_complete_path end
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/bundler/stub_specification.rb', line 119
def inspect "#<#{self.class} @name=\"#{name}\" (#{full_name.delete_prefix("#{name}-")})>" end
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/bundler/stub_specification.rb', line 103
def load_paths full_require_paths end
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/bundler/stub_specification.rb', line 107
def loaded_from stub.loaded_from end
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/bundler/stub_specification.rb', line 111
def matches_for_glob(glob) stub.matches_for_glob(glob) end
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/bundler/stub_specification.rb', line 115
def raw_require_paths stub.raw_require_paths end
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/bundler/stub_specification.rb', line 95
def require_paths stub.require_paths end
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/bundler/stub_specification.rb', line 29
def to_yaml _remote_specification.to_yaml end