
Class: Bundler::CLI::Config

Relationships & Source Files
Namespace Children
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
Inherits: Bundler::Thor
Defined in: lib/bundler/cli/config.rb

Constant Summary

::Bundler::Thor - Inherited

AmbiguousTaskError, Correctable, DynamicTask, HELP_MAPPINGS, HiddenTask, TEMPLATE_EXTNAME, THOR_RESERVED_WORDS, Task, UndefinedTaskError, VERSION

Class Method Summary

::Bundler::Thor - Inherited


Extend check unknown options to accept a hash of conditions.


Prints help information for the given command.


Sets the default command when thor is executed without an explicit command to be called.


Defines the usage and the description of the next command.


Disable the check for required options for the given commands.


Prints help information for this class.


Defines the long description of the next command.


Maps an input to a command.


Adds and declares option group for required at least one of options in the block of arguments.


Adds and declares option group for exclusive options in the block and arguments.


Adds an option to the set of method options.


Declares the options for the next command to be declared.


Allows for custom “Command” package naming.


Returns commands ready to be printed.


Registers another ::Bundler::Thor subclass as a command.


Stop parsing of options as soon as an unknown option or a regular argument is encountered.

.subcommand, .subcommand_classes, .subcommands,

Alias for Thor.subcommand.


Alias for Thor.subcommands.


The banner for this class.


this is the logic that takes the command name passed in by the user and determines whether it is an unambiguous substrings of a command or alias name.


Sort the commands, lexicographically by default.


Overwrite check_unknown_options? to take subcommands and options into account.

.deprecation_warning, .disable_required_check?, .stop_on_unknown_option?, .baseclass, .create_command,

help command has the required check disabled by default.


The method responsible for dispatching given the args.

.dynamic_command_class, .initialize_added,

Returns this class at least one of required options array set.


Returns this class exclusive options array set.


receives a (possibly nil) command name and returns a name that is in the commands hash.

.print_at_least_one_required_options, .print_exclusive_options,

Retrieve the command name from given args.


Instance Attribute Summary

Instance Method Summary

::Bundler::Thor - Inherited

::Bundler::Thor::Base - Included


It receives arguments in an Array and two hashes, one for options and other for configuration.

Class Method Details

.scope_options (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/cli/config.rb', line 7

def self.scope_options
  method_option :global, type: :boolean, banner: "Only change the global config"
  method_option :local, type: :boolean, banner: "Only change the local config"

Instance Method Details

#base(name = nil, *value)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/cli/config.rb', line 16

def base(name = nil, *value)
  new_args =
    if ARGV.size == 1
      ["config", "list"]
    elsif ARGV.include?("--delete")
      ARGV.map {|arg| arg == "--delete" ? "unset" : arg }
    elsif ARGV.include?("--global") || ARGV.include?("--local") || ARGV.size == 3
      ["config", "set", *ARGV[1..-1]]
      ["config", "get", ARGV[1]]

  message = "Using the `config` command without a subcommand [list, get, set, unset] is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use `bundle #{new_args.join(" ")}` instead."
  removed_message = "Using the `config` command without a subcommand [list, get, set, unset] is has been removed. Use `bundle #{new_args.join(" ")}` instead."
  SharedHelpers.major_deprecation 3, message, removed_message: removed_message

  Base.new(options, name, value, self).run


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/cli/config.rb', line 41

def get(name)
  Base.new(options, name, nil, self).run


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/cli/config.rb', line 36

def list
  Base.new(options, nil, nil, self).run

#set(name, value, *value_)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/cli/config.rb', line 47

def set(name, value, *value_)
  Base.new(options, name, value_.unshift(value), self).run


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/bundler/cli/config.rb', line 53

def unset(name)
  options[:delete] = true
  Base.new(options, name, nil, self).run