
Class: Struct

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Instance Chain:
self, ::Enumerable
Inherits: Object
Defined in: struct.c,


Class Struct provides a convenient way to create a simple class that can store and fetch values.

This example creates a subclass of Struct, Struct::Customer; the first argument, a string, is the name of the subclass; the other arguments, symbols, determine the members of the new subclass.

Customer = Struct.new('Customer', :name, :address, :zip)
Customer.name       # => "Struct::Customer"
Customer.class      # => Class
Customer.superclass # => Struct

Corresponding to each member are two methods, a writer and a reader, that store and fetch values:

methods = Customer.instance_methods false
methods # => [:zip, :address=, :zip=, :address, :name, :name=]

An instance of the subclass may be created, and its members assigned values, via method .new:

joe = Customer.new("Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345)
joe # => #<struct Struct::Customer name="Joe Smith", address="123 Maple, Anytown NC", zip=12345>

The member values may be managed thus:

joe.name    # => "Joe Smith"
joe.name = 'Joseph Smith'
joe.name    # => "Joseph Smith"

And thus; note that member name may be expressed as either a string or a symbol:

joe[:name]  # => "Joseph Smith"
joe[:name] = 'Joseph Smith, Jr.'
joe['name'] # => "Joseph Smith, Jr."

See .new.

What’s Here

First, what’s elsewhere. Class Struct:

  • Inherits from [class Object](Object.html#class-Object-label-What-27s+Here).

  • Includes [module Enumerable](Enumerable.html#module-Enumerable-label-What-27s+Here), which provides dozens of additional methods.

Here, class Struct provides methods that are useful for:

Methods for Creating a Struct Subclass


Returns a new subclass of Struct.

Methods for Querying


Returns the integer hash code.

#length, #size

Returns the number of members.

Methods for Comparing


Returns whether a given object is equal to self,

using {==} to compare member values.

Returns whether a given object is equal to self, using #eql? to compare member values.

Methods for Fetching


Returns the value associated with a given member name.

#to_a, #values, #deconstruct

Returns the member values in self as an array.


Returns a hash of the name/value pairs for given member names.


Returns the object in nested objects that is specified by a given member name and additional arguments.


Returns an array of the member names.

#select, #filter

Returns an array of member values from self,

as selected by the given block.

Returns an array containing values for given member names.

Methods for Assigning


Assigns a given value to a given member name.

Methods for Iterating


Calls a given block with each member name.


Calls a given block with each member name/value pair.

Methods for Converting

#inspect, #to_s

Returns a string representation of self.


Returns a hash of the member name/value pairs in self.

Class Attribute Summary

Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

::Enumerable - Included


Returns whether every element meets a given criterion.


Returns whether any element meets a given criterion.


Returns an enumerator object generated from this enumerator and given enumerables.


Each element in the returned enumerator is a 2-element array consisting of:


Creates an enumerator for each chunked elements.


Alias for Enumerable#map.


Returns an array of all non-nil elements:


Returns the count of elements, based on an argument or block criterion, if given.


When called with positive integer argument n and a block, calls the block with each element, then does so again, until it has done so n times; returns nil:


Alias for Enumerable#find.


For positive integer n, returns an array containing all but the first n elements:


Calls the block with successive elements as long as the block returns a truthy value; returns an array of all elements after that point:


Calls the block with each successive overlapped n-tuple of elements; returns self:


Calls the given block with each element, converting multiple values from yield to an array; returns self:


Calls the block with each successive disjoint n-tuple of elements; returns self:


With a block given, calls the block with each element and its index; returns self:


Calls the block once for each element, passing both the element and the given object:


Alias for Enumerable#to_a.


Returns an array containing elements selected by the block.


Returns an array containing truthy elements returned by the block.


Returns the first element for which the block returns a truthy value.


Returns the index of the first element that meets a specified criterion, or nil if no such element is found.


Returns the first element or elements.


Returns an array of flattened objects returned by the block.


Returns an array of objects based elements of self that match the given pattern.


Returns an array of objects based on elements of self that don’t match the given pattern.


With a block given returns a hash:


Returns an object formed from operands via either:


Returns an ::Enumerator::Lazy, which redefines most ::Enumerable methods to postpone enumeration and enumerate values only on an as-needed basis.


Returns an array of objects returned by the block.


Returns the element with the maximum element according to a given criterion.


Returns the elements for which the block returns the maximum values.


Returns whether for any element object == element:


Returns the element with the minimum element according to a given criterion.


Returns the elements for which the block returns the minimum values.


Returns a 2-element array containing the minimum and maximum elements according to a given criterion.


Returns a 2-element array containing the elements for which the block returns minimum and maximum values:


Returns whether no element meets a given criterion.


Returns whether exactly one element meets a given criterion.


With a block given, returns an array of two arrays:


Returns an array of objects rejected by the block.


With a block given, calls the block with each element, but in reverse order; returns self:


Creates an enumerator for each chunked elements.


With argument pattern, returns an enumerator that uses the pattern to partition elements into arrays (“slices”).


Creates an enumerator for each chunked elements.


Returns an array containing the sorted elements of self.


With a block given, returns an array of elements of self, sorted according to the value returned by the block for each element.


With no block given, returns the sum of initial_value and the elements:


For non-negative integer n, returns the first n elements:


Calls the block with successive elements as long as the block returns a truthy value; returns an array of all elements up to that point:


Returns a hash containing the counts of equal elements:


Returns an array containing the items in self:


When self consists of 2-element arrays, returns a hash each of whose entries is the key-value pair formed from one of those arrays:


With no block, returns a new array containing only unique elements; the array has no two elements e0 and e1 such that e0.eql?(e1):


With no block given, returns a new array new_array of size self.size whose elements are arrays.

Constructor Details

.new(*member_names, keyword_init: false) {|Struct_subclass| ... } ⇒ Struct .new(class_name, *member_names, keyword_init: false) {|Struct_subclass| ... } ⇒ Struct Struct_subclass.new(*member_names) ⇒ Struct Struct_subclass.new(**member_names) ⇒ Struct

new returns a new subclass of Struct. The new subclass:

  • May be anonymous, or may have the name given by class_name.

  • May have members as given by member_names.

  • May have initialization via ordinary arguments (the default) or via keyword arguments (if keyword_init: true is given).

The new subclass has its own method .new; thus:

Foo = Struct.new('Foo', :foo, :bar) # => Struct::Foo
f = Foo.new(0, 1)                   # => #<struct Struct::Foo foo=0, bar=1>

Class Name

With string argument class_name, returns a new subclass of Struct named Struct::class_name:

Foo = Struct.new('Foo', :foo, :bar) # => Struct::Foo
Foo.name                            # => "Struct::Foo"
Foo.superclass                      # => Struct

Without string argument class_name, returns a new anonymous subclass of Struct:

Struct.new(:foo, :bar).name # => nil


With a block given, the created subclass is yielded to the block:

Customer = Struct.new('Customer', :name, :address) do |new_class|
  p "The new subclass is #{new_class}"
  def greeting
    "Hello #{name} at #{address}"
end           # => Struct::Customer
dave = Customer.new('Dave', '123 Main')
dave # =>     #<struct Struct::Customer name="Dave", address="123 Main">
dave.greeting # => "Hello Dave at 123 Main"

Output, from new:

"The new subclass is Struct::Customer"

Member Names

Symbol arguments member_names determines the members of the new subclass:

Struct.new(:foo, :bar).members        # => [:foo, :bar]
Struct.new('Foo', :foo, :bar).members # => [:foo, :bar]

The new subclass has instance methods corresponding to member_names:

Foo = Struct.new('Foo', :foo, :bar)
Foo.instance_methods(false) # => [:foo, :bar, :foo=, :bar=]
f = Foo.new                 # => #<struct Struct::Foo foo=nil, bar=nil>
f.foo                       # => nil
f.foo = 0                   # => 0
f.bar                       # => nil
f.bar = 1                   # => 1
f                           # => #<struct Struct::Foo foo=0, bar=1>

Singleton Methods

A subclass returned by new has these singleton methods:

  • Method ::new creates an instance of the subclass:

    Foo.new          # => #<struct Struct::Foo foo=nil, bar=nil>
    Foo.new(0)       # => #<struct Struct::Foo foo=0, bar=nil>
    Foo.new(0, 1)    # => #<struct Struct::Foo foo=0, bar=1>
    Foo.new(0, 1, 2) # Raises ArgumentError: struct size differs

    Method #[] is an alias for method .new.

  • Method :inspect returns a string representation of the subclass:

    # => "Struct::Foo"
  • Method .members returns an array of the member names:

    Foo.members # => [:foo, :bar]

Keyword Argument

By default, the arguments for initializing an instance of the new subclass are ordinary arguments (not keyword arguments). With optional keyword argument keyword_init: true, the new subclass is initialized with keyword arguments:

# Without keyword_init: true.
Foo = Struct.new('Foo', :foo, :bar)
Foo                     # => Struct::Foo
Foo.new(0, 1)           # => #<struct Struct::Foo foo=0, bar=1>
# With keyword_init: true.
Bar = Struct.new(:foo, :bar, keyword_init: true)
Bar # =>                # => Bar(keyword_init: true)
Bar.new(bar: 1, foo: 0) # => #<struct Bar foo=0, bar=1>
[ GitHub ]

# File 'struct.c', line 572

static VALUE
rb_struct_s_def(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
    VALUE name, rest, keyword_init = Qnil;
    long i;
    VALUE st;
    st_table *tbl;

    rb_check_arity(argc, 1, UNLIMITED_ARGUMENTS);
    name = argv[0];
    if (SYMBOL_P(name)) {
	name = Qnil;
    else {

    if (RB_TYPE_P(argv[argc-1], T_HASH)) {
	static ID keyword_ids[1];

	if (!keyword_ids[0]) {
	    keyword_ids[0] = rb_intern("keyword_init");
        rb_get_kwargs(argv[argc-1], keyword_ids, 0, 1, &keyword_init);
        if (keyword_init == Qundef) {
            keyword_init = Qnil;
        else if (RTEST(keyword_init)) {
            keyword_init = Qtrue;

    rest = rb_ident_hash_new();
    tbl = RHASH_TBL_RAW(rest);
    for (i=0; i<argc; i++) {
	VALUE mem = rb_to_symbol(argv[i]);
        if (rb_is_attrset_sym(mem)) {
            rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "invalid struct member: %"PRIsVALUE, mem);
	if (st_insert(tbl, mem, Qtrue)) {
	    rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "duplicate member: %"PRIsVALUE, mem);
    rest = rb_hash_keys(rest);
    if (NIL_P(name)) {
	st = anonymous_struct(klass);
    else {
	st = new_struct(name, klass);
    setup_struct(st, rest);
    rb_ivar_set(st, id_keyword_init, keyword_init);
    if (rb_block_given_p()) {
        rb_mod_module_eval(0, 0, st);

    return st;


[ GitHub ]

# File 'struct.c', line 677

static VALUE
rb_struct_initialize_m(int argc, const VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
    VALUE klass = rb_obj_class(self);
    long n = num_members(klass);
    if (argc == 0) {
        rb_mem_clear((VALUE *)RSTRUCT_CONST_PTR(self), n);
        return Qnil;

    VALUE keyword_init = rb_struct_s_keyword_init(klass);
    if (RTEST(keyword_init)) {
	struct struct_hash_set_arg arg;
	if (argc > 1 || !RB_TYPE_P(argv[0], T_HASH)) {
	    rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments (given %d, expected 0)", argc);
	rb_mem_clear((VALUE *)RSTRUCT_CONST_PTR(self), n);
	arg.self = self;
	arg.unknown_keywords = Qnil;
	rb_hash_foreach(argv[0], struct_hash_set_i, (VALUE)&arg);
	if (arg.unknown_keywords != Qnil) {
	    rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "unknown keywords: %s",
		     RSTRING_PTR(rb_ary_join(arg.unknown_keywords, rb_str_new2(", "))));
    else {
	if (n < argc) {
	    rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "struct size differs");
        if (NIL_P(keyword_init) && argc == 1 && RB_TYPE_P(argv[0], T_HASH) && rb_keyword_given_p()) {
            rb_warn("Passing only keyword arguments to Struct#initialize will behave differently from Ruby 3.2. "\
                    "Please use a Hash literal like .new({k: v}) instead of .new(k: v).");
        for (long i=0; i<argc; i++) {
	    RSTRUCT_SET(self, i, argv[i]);
	if (n > argc) {
	    rb_mem_clear((VALUE *)RSTRUCT_CONST_PTR(self)+argc, n-argc);
    return Qnil;

Class Attribute Details

StructClass.keyword_init?Boolean (readonly)

Returns true if the class was initialized with keyword_init: true. Otherwise returns nil or false.


Foo = Struct.new(:a)
Foo.keyword_init? # => nil
Bar = Struct.new(:a, keyword_init: true)
Bar.keyword_init? # => true
Baz = Struct.new(:a, keyword_init: false)
Baz.keyword_init? # => false
[ GitHub ]

# File 'struct.c', line 316

static VALUE
rb_struct_s_keyword_init_p(VALUE obj)

Class Method Details


Returns the member names of the Struct descendant as an array:

Customer = Struct.new(:name, :address, :zip)
Customer.members # => [:name, :address, :zip]
[ GitHub ]

# File 'struct.c', line 201

static VALUE
rb_struct_s_members_m(VALUE klass)
    VALUE members = rb_struct_s_members(klass);

    return rb_ary_dup(members);

Instance Method Details

#==(other) ⇒ Boolean

Returns true if and only if the following are true; otherwise returns false:

  • other.class == self.class.

  • For each member name name, other.name == self.name.


Customer = Struct.new(:name, :address, :zip)
joe    = Customer.new("Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345)
joe_jr = Customer.new("Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345)
joe_jr == joe # => true
joe_jr[:name] = 'Joe Smith, Jr.'
# => "Joe Smith, Jr."
joe_jr == joe # => false
[ GitHub ]

# File 'struct.c', line 1356

static VALUE
rb_struct_equal(VALUE s, VALUE s2)
    if (s == s2) return Qtrue;
    if (!RB_TYPE_P(s2, T_STRUCT)) return Qfalse;
    if (rb_obj_class(s) != rb_obj_class(s2)) return Qfalse;
    if (RSTRUCT_LEN(s) != RSTRUCT_LEN(s2)) {
	rb_bug("inconsistent struct"); /* should never happen */

    return rb_exec_recursive_paired(recursive_equal, s, s2, s2);

#[](name) ⇒ Object #[](n) ⇒ Object

Returns a value from self.

With symbol or string argument name given, returns the value for the named member:

Customer = Struct.new(:name, :address, :zip)
joe = Customer.new("Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345)
joe[:zip] # => 12345

Raises NameError if name is not the name of a member.

With integer argument n given, returns self.values[n] if n is in range; see [Array Indexes](Array.html#class-Array-label-Array+Indexes):

joe[2]  # => 12345
joe[-2] # => "123 Maple, Anytown NC"

Raises IndexError if n is out of range.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'struct.c', line 1172

rb_struct_aref(VALUE s, VALUE idx)
    int i = rb_struct_pos(s, &idx);
    if (i < 0) invalid_struct_pos(s, idx);
    return RSTRUCT_GET(s, i);

#[]=(name, value) ⇒ value #[]=(n, value) ⇒ value

Assigns a value to a member.

With symbol or string argument name given, assigns the given value to the named member; returns value:

Customer = Struct.new(:name, :address, :zip)
joe = Customer.new("Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345)
joe[:zip] = 54321 # => 54321
joe # => #<struct Customer name="Joe Smith", address="123 Maple, Anytown NC", zip=54321>

Raises NameError if name is not the name of a member.

With integer argument n given, assigns the given value to the n-th member if n is in range; see [Array Indexes](Array.html#class-Array-label-Array+Indexes):

joe = Customer.new("Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345)
joe[2] = 54321           # => 54321
joe[-3] = 'Joseph Smith' # => "Joseph Smith"
joe # => #<struct Customer name="Joseph Smith", address="123 Maple, Anytown NC", zip=54321>

Raises IndexError if n is out of range.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'struct.c', line 1210

rb_struct_aset(VALUE s, VALUE idx, VALUE val)
    int i = rb_struct_pos(s, &idx);
    if (i < 0) invalid_struct_pos(s, idx);
    RSTRUCT_SET(s, i, val);
    return val;

#to_aArray #deconstructArray

Alias for #to_a.

#deconstruct_keys(array_of_names) ⇒ Hash

Returns a hash of the name/value pairs for the given member names.

Customer = Struct.new(:name, :address, :zip)
joe = Customer.new("Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345)
h = joe.deconstruct_keys([:zip, :address])
h # => {:zip=>12345, :address=>"123 Maple, Anytown NC"}

Returns all names and values if array_of_names is nil:

h = joe.deconstruct_keys(nil)
h # => {:name=>"Joseph Smith, Jr.", :address=>"123 Maple, Anytown NC", :zip=>12345}
[ GitHub ]

# File 'struct.c', line 1046

static VALUE
rb_struct_deconstruct_keys(VALUE s, VALUE keys)
    VALUE h;
    long i;

    if (NIL_P(keys)) {
        return rb_struct_to_h(s);
    if (UNLIKELY(!RB_TYPE_P(keys, T_ARRAY))) {
                 "wrong argument type %"PRIsVALUE" (expected Array or nil)",

    if (RSTRUCT_LEN(s) < RARRAY_LEN(keys)) {
        return rb_hash_new_with_size(0);
    h = rb_hash_new_with_size(RARRAY_LEN(keys));
    for (i=0; i<RARRAY_LEN(keys); i++) {
        VALUE key = RARRAY_AREF(keys, i);
        int i = rb_struct_pos(s, &key);
        if (i < 0) {
            return h;
        rb_hash_aset(h, key, RSTRUCT_GET(s, i));
    return h;

#dig(name, *identifiers) ⇒ Object #dig(n, *identifiers) ⇒ Object

Finds and returns an object among nested objects. The nested objects may be instances of various classes. See Dig Methods.

Given symbol or string argument name, returns the object that is specified by name and identifiers:

Foo = Struct.new(:a)
f = Foo.new(Foo.new({b: [1, 2, 3]}))
f.dig(:a) # => #<struct Foo a={:b=>[1, 2, 3]}>
f.dig(:a, :a) # => {:b=>[1, 2, 3]}
f.dig(:a, :a, :b) # => [1, 2, 3]
f.dig(:a, :a, :b, 0) # => 1
f.dig(:b, 0) # => nil

Given integer argument n, returns the object that is specified by n and identifiers:

f.dig(0) # => #<struct Foo a={:b=>[1, 2, 3]}>
f.dig(0, 0) # => {:b=>[1, 2, 3]}
f.dig(0, 0, :b) # => [1, 2, 3]
f.dig(0, 0, :b, 0) # => 1
f.dig(:b, 0) # => nil
[ GitHub ]

# File 'struct.c', line 1501

static VALUE
rb_struct_dig(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
    rb_check_arity(argc, 1, UNLIMITED_ARGUMENTS);
    self = rb_struct_lookup(self, *argv);
    if (!--argc) return self;
    return rb_obj_dig(argc, argv, self, Qnil);

#each {|value| ... } ⇒ self #eachEnumerator

Calls the given block with the value of each member; returns self:

Customer = Struct.new(:name, :address, :zip)
joe = Customer.new("Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345)
joe.each {|value| p value }


"Joe Smith"
"123 Maple, Anytown NC"

Returns an ::Enumerator if no block is given.

Related: #each_pair.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'struct.c', line 843

static VALUE
rb_struct_each(VALUE s)
    long i;

    RETURN_SIZED_ENUMERATOR(s, 0, 0, struct_enum_size);
    for (i=0; i<RSTRUCT_LEN(s); i++) {
	rb_yield(RSTRUCT_GET(s, i));
    return s;

#each_pair {|(name, value)| ... } ⇒ self #each_pairEnumerator

Calls the given block with each member name/value pair; returns self:

Customer = Struct.new(:name, :address, :zip) # => Customer
joe = Customer.new("Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345)
joe.each_pair {|(name, value)| p "#{name} => #{value}" }


"name => Joe Smith"
"address => 123 Maple, Anytown NC"
"zip => 12345"

Returns an ::Enumerator if no block is given.

Related: #each.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'struct.c', line 878

static VALUE
rb_struct_each_pair(VALUE s)
    VALUE members;
    long i;

    RETURN_SIZED_ENUMERATOR(s, 0, 0, struct_enum_size);
    members = rb_struct_members(s);
    if (rb_block_pair_yield_optimizable()) {
	for (i=0; i<RSTRUCT_LEN(s); i++) {
	    VALUE key = rb_ary_entry(members, i);
	    VALUE value = RSTRUCT_GET(s, i);
	    rb_yield_values(2, key, value);
    else {
	for (i=0; i<RSTRUCT_LEN(s); i++) {
	    VALUE key = rb_ary_entry(members, i);
	    VALUE value = RSTRUCT_GET(s, i);
	    rb_yield(rb_assoc_new(key, value));
    return s;

#eql?(other) ⇒ Boolean

Returns true if and only if the following are true; otherwise returns false:

  • other.class == self.class.

  • For each member name name, other.name.eql?(self.name).

    Customer = Struct.new(:name, :address, :zip) joe = Customer.new(“Joe Smith”, “123 Maple, Anytown NC”, 12345) joe_jr = Customer.new(“Joe Smith”, “123 Maple, Anytown NC”, 12345) joe_jr.eql?(joe) # => true joe_jr = ‘Joe Smith, Jr.’ joe_jr.eql?(joe) # => false

Related: Object#==.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'struct.c', line 1437

static VALUE
rb_struct_eql(VALUE s, VALUE s2)
    if (s == s2) return Qtrue;
    if (!RB_TYPE_P(s2, T_STRUCT)) return Qfalse;
    if (rb_obj_class(s) != rb_obj_class(s2)) return Qfalse;
    if (RSTRUCT_LEN(s) != RSTRUCT_LEN(s2)) {
	rb_bug("inconsistent struct"); /* should never happen */

    return rb_exec_recursive_paired(recursive_eql, s, s2, s2);

#select {|value| ... } ⇒ Array #selectEnumerator
Also known as: #select

With a block given, returns an array of values from self for which the block returns a truthy value:

Customer = Struct.new(:name, :address, :zip)
joe = Customer.new("Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345)
a = joe.select {|value| value.is_a?(String) }
a # => ["Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC"]
a = joe.select {|value| value.is_a?(Integer) }
a # => [12345]

With no block given, returns an ::Enumerator.

filter is an alias for #select.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'struct.c', line 1304

static VALUE
rb_struct_select(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE s)
    VALUE result;
    long i;

    rb_check_arity(argc, 0, 0);
    RETURN_SIZED_ENUMERATOR(s, 0, 0, struct_enum_size);
    result = rb_ary_new();
    for (i = 0; i < RSTRUCT_LEN(s); i++) {
	if (RTEST(rb_yield(RSTRUCT_GET(s, i)))) {
	    rb_ary_push(result, RSTRUCT_GET(s, i));

    return result;


Returns the integer hash value for self.

Two structs of the same class and with the same content will have the same hash code (and will compare using #eql?):

Customer = Struct.new(:name, :address, :zip)
joe    = Customer.new("Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345)
joe_jr = Customer.new("Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345)
joe.hash == joe_jr.hash # => true
joe_jr[:name] = 'Joe Smith, Jr.'
joe.hash == joe_jr.hash # => false

Related: Object#hash.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'struct.c', line 1388

static VALUE
rb_struct_hash(VALUE s)
    long i, len;
    st_index_t h;
    VALUE n;

    h = rb_hash_start(rb_hash(rb_obj_class(s)));
    len = RSTRUCT_LEN(s);
    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        n = rb_hash(RSTRUCT_GET(s, i));
	h = rb_hash_uint(h, NUM2LONG(n));
    h = rb_hash_end(h);
    return ST2FIX(h);


This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'struct.c', line 1077

rb_struct_init_copy(VALUE copy, VALUE s)
    long i, len;

    if (!OBJ_INIT_COPY(copy, s)) return copy;
    if (RSTRUCT_LEN(copy) != RSTRUCT_LEN(s)) {
	rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "struct size mismatch");

    for (i=0, len=RSTRUCT_LEN(copy); i<len; i++) {
	RSTRUCT_SET(copy, i, RSTRUCT_GET(s, i));

    return copy;

#to_sString #inspectString

Alias for #to_s.

#lengthInteger Also known as: #size

Returns the number of members.

Customer = Struct.new(:name, :address, :zip)
joe = Customer.new("Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345)
joe.size #=> 3

length is an alias for #size.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'struct.c', line 1463

rb_struct_size(VALUE s)
    return LONG2FIX(RSTRUCT_LEN(s));


Returns the member names from self as an array:

Customer = Struct.new(:name, :address, :zip)
Customer.new.members # => [:name, :address, :zip]

Related: #to_a.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'struct.c', line 221

static VALUE
rb_struct_members_m(VALUE obj)
    return rb_struct_s_members_m(rb_obj_class(obj));

#select {|value| ... } ⇒ Array #selectEnumerator

Alias for #filter.

#lengthInteger #sizeInteger

Alias for #length.

#to_aArray Also known as: #values, #deconstruct

Returns the values in self as an array:

Customer = Struct.new(:name, :address, :zip)
joe = Customer.new("Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345)
joe.to_a # => ["Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345]

#values and #deconstruct are aliases for to_a.

Related: #members.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'struct.c', line 982

static VALUE
rb_struct_to_a(VALUE s)
    return rb_ary_new4(RSTRUCT_LEN(s), RSTRUCT_CONST_PTR(s));

#to_hHash #to_h {|name, value| ... } ⇒ Hash

Returns a hash containing the name and value for each member:

Customer = Struct.new(:name, :address, :zip)
joe = Customer.new("Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345)
h = joe.to_h
h # => {:name=>"Joe Smith", :address=>"123 Maple, Anytown NC", :zip=>12345}

If a block is given, it is called with each name/value pair; the block should return a 2-element array whose elements will become a key/value pair in the returned hash:

h = joe.to_h{|name, value| [name.upcase, value.to_s.upcase]}
h # => {:NAME=>"JOE SMITH", :ADDRESS=>"123 MAPLE, ANYTOWN NC", :ZIP=>"12345"}

Raises ArgumentError if the block returns an inappropriate value.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'struct.c', line 1011

static VALUE
rb_struct_to_h(VALUE s)
    VALUE h = rb_hash_new_with_size(RSTRUCT_LEN(s));
    VALUE members = rb_struct_members(s);
    long i;
    int block_given = rb_block_given_p();

    for (i=0; i<RSTRUCT_LEN(s); i++) {
        VALUE k = rb_ary_entry(members, i), v = RSTRUCT_GET(s, i);
        if (block_given)
            rb_hash_set_pair(h, rb_yield_values(2, k, v));
            rb_hash_aset(h, k, v);
    return h;

#to_sString Also known as: #inspect

Returns a string representation of self:

Customer = Struct.new(:name, :address, :zip) # => Customer
joe = Customer.new("Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345)
joe.inspect # => "#<struct Customer name=\"Joe Smith\", address=\"123 Maple, Anytown NC\", zip=12345>"

to_s is an alias for #inspect.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'struct.c', line 961

static VALUE
rb_struct_inspect(VALUE s)
    return rb_exec_recursive(inspect_struct, s, 0);

#to_aArray #valuesArray

Alias for #to_a.

#values_at(*integers) ⇒ Array #values_at(integer_range) ⇒ Array

Returns an array of values from self.

With integer arguments integers given, returns an array containing each value given by one of integers:

Customer = Struct.new(:name, :address, :zip)
joe = Customer.new("Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345)
joe.values_at(0, 2)    # => ["Joe Smith", 12345]
joe.values_at(2, 0)    # => [12345, "Joe Smith"]
joe.values_at(2, 1, 0) # => [12345, "123 Maple, Anytown NC", "Joe Smith"]
joe.values_at(0, -3)   # => ["Joe Smith", "Joe Smith"]

Raises IndexError if any of integers is out of range; see [Array Indexes](Array.html#class-Array-label-Array+Indexes).

With integer range argument integer_range given, returns an array containing each value given by the elements of the range; fills with nil values for range elements larger than the structure:

# => ["Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345]
# => ["Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345]
joe.values_at(1..4) # => ["123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345, nil, nil]

Raises RangeError if any element of the range is negative and out of range; see [Array Indexes](Array.html#class-Array-label-Array+Indexes).

[ GitHub ]

# File 'struct.c', line 1278

static VALUE
rb_struct_values_at(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE s)
    return rb_get_values_at(s, RSTRUCT_LEN(s), argc, argv, struct_entry);