
Class: Gem::RequestSet::GemDependencyAPI

Relationships & Source Files
Inherits: Object
Defined in: lib/rubygems/request_set/gem_dependency_api.rb


A semi-compatible DSL for the Bundler Gemfile and Isolate gem dependencies files.

To work with both the Bundler Gemfile and Isolate formats this implementation takes some liberties to allow compatibility with each, most notably in #source.

A basic gem dependencies file will look like the following:

source 'https://rubygems.org'

gem 'rails', '3.2.14a
gem 'devise', '~> 2.1', '>= 2.1'
gem 'cancan'
gem 'airbrake'
gem 'pg'

RubyGems recommends saving this as gem.deps.rb over Gemfile or Isolate.

To install the gems in this Gemfile use gem install -g to install it and create a lockfile. The lockfile will ensure that when you make changes to your gem dependencies file a minimum amount of change is made to the dependencies of your gems.

RubyGems can activate all the gems in your dependencies file at startup using the RUBYGEMS_GEMDEPS environment variable or through Gem.use_gemdeps. See Gem.use_gemdeps for details and warnings.

See gem help install and gem help gem_dependencies for further details.

Constant Summary

  • ENGINE_MAP = Internal use only
    # File 'lib/rubygems/request_set/gem_dependency_api.rb', line 34
    { # :nodoc:
      :jruby        => %w[jruby],
      :jruby_18     => %w[jruby],
      :jruby_19     => %w[jruby],
      :maglev       => %w[maglev],
      :mri          => %w[ruby],
      :mri_18       => %w[ruby],
      :mri_19       => %w[ruby],
      :mri_20       => %w[ruby],
      :mri_21       => %w[ruby],
      :rbx          => %w[rbx],
      :truffleruby  => %w[truffleruby],
      :ruby         => %w[ruby rbx maglev truffleruby],
      :ruby_18      => %w[ruby rbx maglev truffleruby],
      :ruby_19      => %w[ruby rbx maglev truffleruby],
      :ruby_20      => %w[ruby rbx maglev truffleruby],
      :ruby_21      => %w[ruby rbx maglev truffleruby],
  • PLATFORM_MAP = Internal use only
    # File 'lib/rubygems/request_set/gem_dependency_api.rb', line 58
    { # :nodoc:
      :jruby        => Gem::Platform::RUBY,
      :jruby_18     => Gem::Platform::RUBY,
      :jruby_19     => Gem::Platform::RUBY,
      :maglev       => Gem::Platform::RUBY,
      :mingw        => x86_mingw,
      :mingw_18     => x86_mingw,
      :mingw_19     => x86_mingw,
      :mingw_20     => x86_mingw,
      :mingw_21     => x86_mingw,
      :mri          => Gem::Platform::RUBY,
      :mri_18       => Gem::Platform::RUBY,
      :mri_19       => Gem::Platform::RUBY,
      :mri_20       => Gem::Platform::RUBY,
      :mri_21       => Gem::Platform::RUBY,
      :mswin        => mswin,
      :mswin_18     => mswin,
      :mswin_19     => mswin,
      :mswin_20     => mswin,
      :mswin_21     => mswin,
      :mswin64      => mswin64,
      :mswin64_19   => mswin64,
      :mswin64_20   => mswin64,
      :mswin64_21   => mswin64,
      :rbx          => Gem::Platform::RUBY,
      :ruby         => Gem::Platform::RUBY,
      :ruby_18      => Gem::Platform::RUBY,
      :ruby_19      => Gem::Platform::RUBY,
      :ruby_20      => Gem::Platform::RUBY,
      :ruby_21      => Gem::Platform::RUBY,
      :truffleruby  => Gem::Platform::RUBY,
      :x64_mingw    => x64_mingw,
      :x64_mingw_20 => x64_mingw,
      :x64_mingw_21 => x64_mingw,
  • VERSION_MAP = Internal use only
    # File 'lib/rubygems/request_set/gem_dependency_api.rb', line 100
    { # :nodoc:
      :jruby        => gt_eq_0,
      :jruby_18     => tilde_gt_1_8_0,
      :jruby_19     => tilde_gt_1_9_0,
      :maglev       => gt_eq_0,
      :mingw        => gt_eq_0,
      :mingw_18     => tilde_gt_1_8_0,
      :mingw_19     => tilde_gt_1_9_0,
      :mingw_20     => tilde_gt_2_0_0,
      :mingw_21     => tilde_gt_2_1_0,
      :mri          => gt_eq_0,
      :mri_18       => tilde_gt_1_8_0,
      :mri_19       => tilde_gt_1_9_0,
      :mri_20       => tilde_gt_2_0_0,
      :mri_21       => tilde_gt_2_1_0,
      :mswin        => gt_eq_0,
      :mswin_18     => tilde_gt_1_8_0,
      :mswin_19     => tilde_gt_1_9_0,
      :mswin_20     => tilde_gt_2_0_0,
      :mswin_21     => tilde_gt_2_1_0,
      :mswin64      => gt_eq_0,
      :mswin64_19   => tilde_gt_1_9_0,
      :mswin64_20   => tilde_gt_2_0_0,
      :mswin64_21   => tilde_gt_2_1_0,
      :rbx          => gt_eq_0,
      :ruby         => gt_eq_0,
      :ruby_18      => tilde_gt_1_8_0,
      :ruby_19      => tilde_gt_1_9_0,
      :ruby_20      => tilde_gt_2_0_0,
      :ruby_21      => tilde_gt_2_1_0,
      :truffleruby  => gt_eq_0,
      :x64_mingw    => gt_eq_0,
      :x64_mingw_20 => tilde_gt_2_0_0,
      :x64_mingw_21 => tilde_gt_2_1_0,
  • WINDOWS = Internal use only
    # File 'lib/rubygems/request_set/gem_dependency_api.rb', line 136
    { # :nodoc:
      :mingw        => :only,
      :mingw_18     => :only,
      :mingw_19     => :only,
      :mingw_20     => :only,
      :mingw_21     => :only,
      :mri          => :never,
      :mri_18       => :never,
      :mri_19       => :never,
      :mri_20       => :never,
      :mri_21       => :never,
      :mswin        => :only,
      :mswin_18     => :only,
      :mswin_19     => :only,
      :mswin_20     => :only,
      :mswin_21     => :only,
      :mswin64      => :only,
      :mswin64_19   => :only,
      :mswin64_20   => :only,
      :mswin64_21   => :only,
      :rbx          => :never,
      :ruby         => :never,
      :ruby_18      => :never,
      :ruby_19      => :never,
      :ruby_20      => :never,
      :ruby_21      => :never,
      :x64_mingw    => :only,
      :x64_mingw_20 => :only,
      :x64_mingw_21 => :only,

Gem Dependencies DSL

Class Method Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

  • #dependencies readonly

    The gems required by #gem statements in the gem.deps.rb file.

  • #requires readonly

    A Hash containing gem names and files to require from those gems.

  • #git_set readonly Internal use only

    A set of gems that are loaded via the :git option to #gem

  • #installing=(installing) writeonly Internal use only

    Changes the behavior of gem dependency file loading to installing mode.

  • #vendor_set readonly Internal use only

    A set of gems that are loaded via the :path option to #gem

  • #without_groups rw Internal use only

    The groups of gems to exclude from installation.

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Details

.new(set, path) ⇒ GemDependencyAPI

Creates a new GemDependencyAPI that will add dependencies to the ::Gem::RequestSet set based on the dependency API description in Gem.path.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/request_set/gem_dependency_api.rb', line 196

def initialize(set, path)
  @set = set
  @path = path

  @current_groups     = nil
  @current_platforms  = nil
  @current_repository = nil
  @dependencies       = {}
  @default_sources    = true
  @git_set            = @set.git_set
  @git_sources        = {}
  @installing         = false
  @requires           = Hash.new {|h, name| h[name] = [] }
  @vendor_set         = @set.vendor_set
  @source_set         = @set.source_set
  @gem_sources        = {}
  @without_groups     = []

  git_source :github do |repo_name|
    repo_name = "#{repo_name}/#{repo_name}" unless repo_name.include? "/"


  git_source :bitbucket do |repo_name|
    repo_name = "#{repo_name}/#{repo_name}" unless repo_name.include? "/"

    user, = repo_name.split "/", 2


Instance Attribute Details

#dependencies (readonly)

The gems required by #gem statements in the gem.deps.rb file

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/request_set/gem_dependency_api.rb', line 170

attr_reader :dependencies

#git_set (readonly)

This method is for internal use only.

A set of gems that are loaded via the :git option to #gem

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/request_set/gem_dependency_api.rb', line 175

attr_reader :git_set # :nodoc:

#installing=(installing) (writeonly)

This method is for internal use only.

Changes the behavior of gem dependency file loading to installing mode. In installing mode certain restrictions are ignored such as ruby version mismatch checks.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/request_set/gem_dependency_api.rb', line 274

def installing=(installing) # :nodoc:
  @installing = installing

#requires (readonly)

A Hash containing gem names and files to require from those gems.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/request_set/gem_dependency_api.rb', line 180

attr_reader :requires

#vendor_set (readonly)

This method is for internal use only.

A set of gems that are loaded via the :path option to #gem

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/request_set/gem_dependency_api.rb', line 185

attr_reader :vendor_set # :nodoc:

#without_groups (rw)

This method is for internal use only.

The groups of gems to exclude from installation

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/request_set/gem_dependency_api.rb', line 190

attr_accessor :without_groups # :nodoc:

Instance Method Details

#add_dependencies(groups, dependencies) (private)

This method is for internal use only.

Adds #dependencies to the request set if any of the groups are allowed. This is used for gemspec dependencies.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/request_set/gem_dependency_api.rb', line 233

def add_dependencies(groups, dependencies) # :nodoc:
  return unless (groups & @without_groups).empty?

  dependencies.each do |dep|
    @set.gem dep.name, *dep.requirement.as_list

#find_gemspec(name, path)

This method is for internal use only.

Finds a gemspec with the given name that lives at Gem.path.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/request_set/gem_dependency_api.rb', line 246

def find_gemspec(name, path) # :nodoc:
  glob = File.join path, "#{name}.gemspec"

  spec_files = Dir[glob]

  case spec_files.length
  when 1 then
    spec_file = spec_files.first

    spec = Gem::Specification.load spec_file

    return spec if spec

    raise ArgumentError, "invalid gemspec #{spec_file}"
  when 0 then
    raise ArgumentError, "no gemspecs found at #{Dir.pwd}"
    raise ArgumentError,
      "found multiple gemspecs at #{Dir.pwd}, " +
      "use the name: option to specify the one you want"

#gem(name) #gem(name, *requirements) #gem(name, *requirements, options)

Specifies a gem dependency with the given name and requirements. You may also supply options following the requirements

options include:


RubyGems does not provide any autorequire features so requires in a gem dependencies file are recorded but ignored.

In bundler the require: option overrides the file to require during Bundler.require. By default the name of the dependency is required in Bundler. A single file or an Array of files may be given.

To disable requiring any file give false:

gem 'rake', require: false

Place the dependencies in the given dependency group. A single group or an Array of groups may be given.

See also #group


Only install the dependency on the given platform. A single platform or an Array of platforms may be given.

See #platform for a list of platforms available.


Install this dependency from an unpacked gem in the given directory.

gem 'modified_gem', path: 'vendor/modified_gem'

Install this dependency from a git repository:

gem 'private_gem', git: git@my.company.example:private_gem.git'

Install this dependency from the gist ID:

gem 'bang', gist: '1232884'

Install this dependency from a github git repository:

gem 'private_gem', github: 'my_company/private_gem'

Set to true to include submodules when fetching the git repository for git:, gist: and github: dependencies.


Use the given commit name or SHA for git:, gist: and github: dependencies.


Use the given branch for git:, gist: and github: dependencies.


Use the given tag for git:, gist: and github: dependencies.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/request_set/gem_dependency_api.rb', line 358

def gem(name, *requirements)
  options = requirements.pop if requirements.last.kind_of?(Hash)
  options ||= {}

  options[:git] = @current_repository if @current_repository

  source_set = false

  source_set ||= gem_path       name, options
  source_set ||= gem_git        name, options
  source_set ||= gem_git_source name, options
  source_set ||= gem_source     name, options

  duplicate = @dependencies.include? name

  @dependencies[name] =
    if requirements.empty? and not source_set
    elsif source_set
      Gem::Requirement.create requirements

  return unless gem_platforms name, options

  groups = gem_group name, options

  return unless (groups & @without_groups).empty?

  pin_gem_source name, :default unless source_set

  gem_requires name, options

  if duplicate
    warn <<-WARNING
Gem dependencies file #{@path} requires #{name} more than once.

  @set.gem name, *requirements


This method is for internal use only.

Returns the basename of the file the dependencies were loaded from

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/request_set/gem_dependency_api.rb', line 613

def gem_deps_file # :nodoc:
  File.basename @path

#gem_git(name, options) (private)

This method is for internal use only.

Handles the git: option from options for gem name.

Returns true if the gist or git option was handled.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/request_set/gem_dependency_api.rb', line 406

def gem_git(name, options) # :nodoc:
  if gist = options.delete(:gist)
    options[:git] = "https://gist.github.com/#{gist}.git"

  return unless repository = options.delete(:git)

  pin_gem_source name, :git, repository

  reference = gem_git_reference options

  submodules = options.delete :submodules

  @git_set.add_git_gem name, repository, reference, submodules



This method is for internal use only.

Handles the git options from options for git gem.

Returns reference for the git gem.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/request_set/gem_dependency_api.rb', line 429

def gem_git_reference(options) # :nodoc:
  ref    = options.delete :ref
  branch = options.delete :branch
  tag    = options.delete :tag

  reference = nil
  reference ||= ref
  reference ||= branch
  reference ||= tag
  reference ||= 'master'

  if ref && branch
    warn <<-WARNING
Gem dependencies file #{@path} includes git reference for both ref and branch but only ref is used.
  if (ref || branch) && tag
    warn <<-WARNING
Gem dependencies file #{@path} includes git reference for both ref/branch and tag but only ref/branch is used.


#gem_git_source(name, options) (private)

This method is for internal use only.

Handles a git gem option from options for gem name for a git source registered through git_source.

Returns true if the custom source option was handled.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/request_set/gem_dependency_api.rb', line 462

def gem_git_source(name, options) # :nodoc:
  return unless git_source = (@git_sources.keys & options.keys).last

  source_callback = @git_sources[git_source]
  source_param = options.delete git_source

  git_url = source_callback.call source_param

  options[:git] = git_url

  gem_git name, options


#gem_group(name, options) (private)

This method is for internal use only.

Handles the :group and :groups options for the gem with the given name.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/request_set/gem_dependency_api.rb', line 483

def gem_group(name, options) # :nodoc:
  g = options.delete :group
  all_groups = g ? Array(g) : []

  groups = options.delete :groups
  all_groups |= groups if groups

  all_groups |= @current_groups if @current_groups


#gem_path(name, options) (private)

This method is for internal use only.

Handles the path: option from options for gem name.

Returns true if the path option was handled.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/request_set/gem_dependency_api.rb', line 502

def gem_path(name, options) # :nodoc:
  return unless directory = options.delete(:path)

  pin_gem_source name, :path, directory

  @vendor_set.add_vendor_gem name, directory


#gem_platforms(name, options) (private)

This method is for internal use only.

Handles the platforms: option from options. Returns true if the platform matches the current platform.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/request_set/gem_dependency_api.rb', line 535

def gem_platforms(name, options) # :nodoc:
  platform_names = Array(options.delete :platform)
  platform_names.concat Array(options.delete :platforms)
  platform_names.concat @current_platforms if @current_platforms

  return true if platform_names.empty?

  platform_names.any? do |platform_name|
    raise ArgumentError, "unknown platform #{platform_name.inspect}" unless
      platform = PLATFORM_MAP[platform_name]

    next false unless Gem::Platform.match_gem? platform, name

    if engines = ENGINE_MAP[platform_name]
      next false unless engines.include? Gem.ruby_engine

    case WINDOWS[platform_name]
    when :only then
      next false unless Gem.win_platform?
    when :never then
      next false if Gem.win_platform?

    VERSION_MAP[platform_name].satisfied_by? Gem.ruby_version

#gem_requires(name, options) (private)

This method is for internal use only.

Records the require: option from options and adds those files, or the default file to the require list for name.


  • (ArgumentError)
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/request_set/gem_dependency_api.rb', line 569

def gem_requires(name, options) # :nodoc:
  if options.include? :require
    if requires = options.delete(:require)
      @requires[name].concat Array requires
    @requires[name] << name
  raise ArgumentError, "Unhandled gem options #{options.inspect}" unless options.empty?

#gem_source(name, options) (private)

This method is for internal use only.

Handles the source: option from options for gem name.

Returns true if the source option was handled.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/request_set/gem_dependency_api.rb', line 519

def gem_source(name, options) # :nodoc:
  return unless source = options.delete(:source)

  pin_gem_source name, :source, source

  @source_set.add_source_gem name, source


#gemspec(options = {})

Loads dependencies from a gemspec file.

options include:


The name portion of the gemspec file. Defaults to searching for any gemspec file in the current directory.

gemspec name: 'my_gem'

The path the gemspec lives in. Defaults to the current directory:

gemspec 'my_gem', path: 'gemspecs', name: 'my_gem'

The group to add development dependencies to. By default this is :development. Only one group may be specified.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/request_set/gem_dependency_api.rb', line 639

def gemspec(options = {})
  name              = options.delete(:name) || '{,*}'
  path              = options.delete(:path) || '.'
  development_group = options.delete(:development_group) || :development

  spec = find_gemspec name, path

  groups = gem_group spec.name, {}

  self_dep = Gem::Dependency.new spec.name, spec.version

  add_dependencies groups, [self_dep]
  add_dependencies groups, spec.runtime_dependencies

  @dependencies[spec.name] = Gem::Requirement.source_set

  spec.dependencies.each do |dep|
    @dependencies[dep.name] = dep.requirement

  groups << development_group

  add_dependencies groups, spec.development_dependencies

  @vendor_set.add_vendor_gem spec.name, path
  gem_requires spec.name, options


Block form for specifying gems from a git repository.

git 'https://github.com/rails/rails.git' do
  gem 'activesupport'
  gem 'activerecord'
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/request_set/gem_dependency_api.rb', line 592

def git(repository)
  @current_repository = repository


  @current_repository = nil

#git_source(name, &callback)

Defines a custom git source that uses name to expand git repositories for use in gems built from git repositories. You must provide a block that accepts a git repository name for expansion.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/request_set/gem_dependency_api.rb', line 606

def git_source(name, &callback)
  @git_sources[name] = callback


Block form for placing a dependency in the given groups.

group :development do
  gem 'debugger'

group :development, :test do
  gem 'minitest'

Groups can be excluded at install time using ‘gem install -g –without development`. See gem help install and gem help gem_dependencies for further details.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/request_set/gem_dependency_api.rb', line 684

def group(*groups)
  @current_groups = groups


  @current_groups = nil


Loads the gem dependency file and returns self.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/request_set/gem_dependency_api.rb', line 281

def load
  instance_eval File.read(@path).tap(&Gem::UNTAINT), @path, 1


#pin_gem_source(name, type = :default, source = nil) (private)

Pins the gem name to the given #source. Adding a gem with the same name from a different #source will raise an exception.


  • (ArgumentError)
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/request_set/gem_dependency_api.rb', line 697

def pin_gem_source(name, type = :default, source = nil)
  source_description =
    case type
    when :default then '(default)'
    when :path    then "path: #{source}"
    when :git     then "git: #{source}"
    when :source  then "source: #{source}"
    else               '(unknown)'

  raise ArgumentError,
    "duplicate source #{source_description} for gem #{name}" if
      @gem_sources.fetch(name, source) != source

  @gem_sources[name] = source

#platform(*platforms) Also known as: #platforms

Block form for restricting gems to a set of platforms.

The gem dependencies platform is different from ::Gem::Platform. A platform gem.deps.rb platform matches on the ruby engine, the ruby version and whether or not windows is allowed.

:ruby, :ruby_XY

Matches non-windows, non-jruby implementations where X and Y can be used to match releases in the 1.8, 1.9, 2.0 or 2.1 series.

:mri, :mri_XY

Matches non-windows C Ruby (Matz Ruby) or only the 1.8, 1.9, 2.0 or 2.1 series.

:mingw, :mingw_XY

Matches 32 bit C Ruby on MinGW or only the 1.8, 1.9, 2.0 or 2.1 series.

:x64_mingw, :x64_mingw_XY

Matches 64 bit C Ruby on MinGW or only the 1.8, 1.9, 2.0 or 2.1 series.

:mswin, :mswin_XY

Matches 32 bit C Ruby on Microsoft Windows or only the 1.8, 1.9, 2.0 or 2.1 series.

:mswin64, :mswin64_XY

Matches 64 bit C Ruby on Microsoft Windows or only the 1.8, 1.9, 2.0 or 2.1 series.

:jruby, :jruby_XY

Matches JRuby or JRuby in 1.8 or 1.9 mode.


Matches Maglev


Matches non-windows Rubinius

NOTE: There is inconsistency in what environment a platform matches. You may need to read the source to know the exact details.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/request_set/gem_dependency_api.rb', line 759

def platform(*platforms)
  @current_platforms = platforms


  @current_platforms = nil


Block form for restricting gems to a particular set of platforms. See #platform.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/request_set/gem_dependency_api.rb', line 774

alias :platforms :platform

#ruby(version, options = {})

Restricts this gem dependencies file to the given ruby version.

You may also provide engine: and engine_version: options to restrict this gem dependencies file to a particular ruby engine and its engine version. This matching is performed by using the RUBY_ENGINE and RUBY_ENGINE_VERSION constants.


  • (ArgumentError)
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/request_set/gem_dependency_api.rb', line 786

def ruby(version, options = {})
  engine         = options[:engine]
  engine_version = options[:engine_version]

  raise ArgumentError,
        'You must specify engine_version along with the Ruby engine' if
          engine and not engine_version

  return true if @installing

  unless RUBY_VERSION == version
    message = "Your Ruby version is #{RUBY_VERSION}, " +
              "but your #{gem_deps_file} requires #{version}"

    raise Gem::RubyVersionMismatch, message

  if engine and engine != Gem.ruby_engine
    message = "Your Ruby engine is #{Gem.ruby_engine}, " +
              "but your #{gem_deps_file} requires #{engine}"

    raise Gem::RubyVersionMismatch, message

  if engine_version
    if engine_version != RUBY_ENGINE_VERSION
      message =
        "Your Ruby engine version is #{Gem.ruby_engine} #{RUBY_ENGINE_VERSION}, " +
        "but your #{gem_deps_file} requires #{engine} #{engine_version}"

      raise Gem::RubyVersionMismatch, message

  return true


Sets url as a source for gems for this dependency API. RubyGems uses the default configured sources if no source was given. If a source is set only that source is used.

This method differs in behavior from Bundler:

  • The :gemcutter, # :rubygems and :rubyforge sources are not supported as they are deprecated in bundler.

  • The prepend: option is not supported. If you wish to order sources then list them in your preferred order.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/request_set/gem_dependency_api.rb', line 837

def source(url)
  Gem.sources.clear if @default_sources

  @default_sources = false

  Gem.sources << url