
Class: Net::HTTP::Lock

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
Inherits: Net::HTTPRequest
Defined in: lib/net/http/requests.rb


See ::Net::HTTPGenericRequest for attributes and methods.

Constant Summary

::Net::HTTPHeader - Included


Class Method Summary

::Net::HTTPRequest - Inherited


Creates an ::Net::HTTP request object for path.

::Net::HTTPGenericRequest - Inherited

Instance Attribute Summary

::Net::HTTPGenericRequest - Inherited

#body, #body=, #body_exist?, #body_stream, #body_stream=,

Automatically set to false if the user sets the Accept-Encoding header.

#method, #path, #request_body_permitted?, #response_body_permitted?, #uri

::Net::HTTPHeader - Included


Returns “true” if the “transfer-encoding” header is present and set to “chunked”.

#connection_close?, #connection_keep_alive?,

Returns an Integer object which represents the ::Net::HTTP Content-Length: header field, or nil if that field was not provided.


Instance Method Summary

::Net::HTTPGenericRequest - Inherited

#encode_multipart_form_data, #flush_buffer, #inspect, #quote_string, #send_request_with_body, #send_request_with_body_data, #send_request_with_body_stream, #supply_default_content_type,

Waits up to the continue timeout for a response from the server provided we’re speaking ::Net::HTTP 1.1 and are expecting a 100-continue response.


Don’t automatically decode response content-encoding if the user indicates they want to handle it.




internal use only.


internal use only.

::Net::HTTPHeader - Included


Returns the header field corresponding to the case-insensitive key.


Sets the header field corresponding to the case-insensitive key.

Ruby 1.8.3

Adds a value to a named header field, instead of replacing its value.


Set the Authorization: header for “Basic” authorization.


Returns a Range object which represents the value of the Content-Range: header field.


Returns a content type string such as “text/html”.


Removes a header field, specified by case-insensitive key.


As for #each_header, except the keys are provided in capitalized form.


Iterates through the header names in the header, passing capitalized header names to the code block.


Iterates through the header names and values, passing in the name and value to the code block supplied.


Iterates through the header names in the header, passing each header name to the code block.


Iterates through header values, passing each value to the code block.


Returns the header field corresponding to the case-insensitive key.

Ruby 1.8.3

Returns an array of header field strings corresponding to the case-insensitive #key.


true if #key header exists.


Returns a content type string such as “text”.


Set Proxy-Authorization: header for “Basic” authorization.


Returns an Array of Range objects which represent the Range: ::Net::HTTP header field, or nil if there is no such header.


The length of the range represented in Content-Range: header.


Sets the content type in an ::Net::HTTP header.


Set an HTML form data set.


Set header fields and a body from HTML form data.


Sets the ::Net::HTTP Range: header.


Returns a content type string such as “html”.


Returns a Hash consisting of header names and array of values.


Any parameters specified for the content type, returned as a Hash.

#append_field_value, #basic_encode, #capitalize, #set_field,


Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Net::HTTPRequest