
Class: RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::YieldControl Private

Do not use. This class is for internal use only.
Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, BaseMatcher
Instance Chain:
Inherits: RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher
Defined in: rspec-expectations/lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/yield.rb


Provides the implementation for ‘yield_control`. Not intended to be instantiated directly.

Constant Summary

BaseMatcher - Inherited


Class Method Summary

BaseMatcher - Inherited

.matcher_name, .new,

Borrowed from ActiveSupport.

Instance Attribute Summary

CountExpectation - Included

BaseMatcher - Inherited


::RSpec::Matchers are not diffable by default.

#expected, #expects_call_stack_jump?, #matcher_name, #matcher_name=, #rescued_exception,

Most matchers are value matchers (i.e. meant to work with ‘expect(value)`) rather than block matchers (i.e. meant to work with `expect { }`), so this defaults to false.


BaseMatcher::StringEncodingFormatting - Included

Instance Method Summary

CountExpectation - Included


Specifies the minimum number of times the method is expected to match.


Specifies the maximum number of times the method is expected to match.


Specifies that the method is expected to match the given number of times.


Specifies that the method is expected to match once.


Specifies that the method is expected to match thrice.




Specifies that the method is expected to match twice.

#count_constraint_to_number, #count_expectation_description, #count_failure_reason,

See additional method definition at line 60.

#expected_count_matches?, #human_readable_count, #human_readable_expectation_type, #raise_impossible_count_expectation, #raise_unsupported_count_expectation, #set_expected_count, #unsupported_count_expectation?

BaseMatcher - Inherited


Generates a description using ::RSpec::Matchers::EnglishPhrasing.


Used to wrap a block of code that will indicate failure by raising one of the named exceptions.


Indicates if the match is successful.



BaseMatcher::DefaultFailureMessages - Included


Provides a good generic failure message.


Provides a good generic negative failure message.

BaseMatcher::StringEncodingFormatting - Included


Formats a String’s encoding as a human readable string.

BaseMatcher::HashFormatting - Included


‘{ :a => 5, :b => 2 }.inspect` produces:

::RSpec::Matchers::Composable - Included


Alias for Composable#and.


Delegates to ‘#matches?`.


Creates a compound ‘and` expectation.


Returns the description of the given object in a way that is aware of composed matchers.


Creates a compound ‘or` expectation.


This provides a generic way to fuzzy-match an expected value against an actual value.


Alias for Composable#or.


We should enumerate arrays as long as they are not recursive.


Transforms the given data structure (typically a hash or array) into a new data structure that, when ‘#inspect` is called on it, will provide descriptions of any contained matchers rather than the normal #inspect output.


Historically, a single matcher instance was only checked against a single value.

Instance Attribute Details

#supports_block_expectations?Boolean (readonly)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'rspec-expectations/lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/yield.rb', line 128

def supports_block_expectations?

#supports_value_expectations?Boolean (readonly)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'rspec-expectations/lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/yield.rb', line 133

def supports_value_expectations?

Instance Method Details

#does_not_match?(block) ⇒ Boolean

[ GitHub ]

# File 'rspec-expectations/lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/yield.rb', line 111

def does_not_match?(block)
  !matches?(block) && @probe.has_block?


[ GitHub ]

# File 'rspec-expectations/lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/yield.rb', line 117

def failure_message
  'expected given block to yield control' + failure_reason


[ GitHub ]

# File 'rspec-expectations/lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/yield.rb', line 123

def failure_message_when_negated
  'expected given block not to yield control' + failure_reason

#failure_reason (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'rspec-expectations/lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/yield.rb', line 139

def failure_reason
  return ' but was not a block' unless @probe.has_block?
  return "#{count_expectation_description} but did not yield" if @probe.num_yields == 0

#matches?(block) ⇒ Boolean

[ GitHub ]

# File 'rspec-expectations/lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/yield.rb', line 104

def matches?(block)
  @probe = YieldProbe.probe(block)
  return false unless @probe.has_block?