
Module: RSpec::Matchers::EnglishPhrasing

Relationships & Source Files
Defined in: rspec-expectations/lib/rspec/matchers/english_phrasing.rb


Facilitates converting ruby objects to English phrases.

Class Method Summary

  • Array(obj) Internal use only Internal use only

    Not sure why, but on travis on 1.8.7 we have gotten these warnings: lib/rspec/matchers/english_phrasing.rb:28: warning: default ‘to_a’ will be obsolete So it appears that ‘Array` can trigger that (e.g.

  • .list(obj)

    when given an empty list.

  • .split_words(sym)

    Converts a symbol into an English expression.

Class Method Details


This method is for internal use only.

Not sure why, but on travis on 1.8.7 we have gotten these warnings: lib/rspec/matchers/english_phrasing.rb:28: warning: default ‘to_a’ will be obsolete So it appears that ‘Array` can trigger that (e.g. by calling to_a on the passed object?) So here we replace Kernel#Array with our own warning-free implementation for 1.8.7.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'rspec-expectations/lib/rspec/matchers/english_phrasing.rb', line 48

def self.Array(obj)
  case obj
  when Array then obj
  else [obj]



The returned string has a leading space except

when given an empty list.

Converts an object (often a collection of objects) into an English list.

list(['banana', 'kiwi', 'mango'])
#=> " \"banana\", \"kiwi\", and \"mango\""

Given an empty collection, returns the empty string.

list([]) #=> ""
[ GitHub ]

# File 'rspec-expectations/lib/rspec/matchers/english_phrasing.rb', line 26

def self.list(obj)
  return " #{RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter.format(obj)}" if !obj || Struct === obj || Hash === obj
  items = Array(obj).map { |w| RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter.format(w) }
  case items.length
  when 0
  when 1
    " #{items[0]}"
  when 2
    " #{items[0]} and #{items[1]}"
    " #{items[0...-1].join(', ')}, and #{items[-1]}"


Converts a symbol into an English expression.

split_words(:banana_creme_pie) #=> "banana creme pie"
[ GitHub ]

# File 'rspec-expectations/lib/rspec/matchers/english_phrasing.rb', line 9

def self.split_words(sym)
  sym.to_s.tr('_', ' ')