
Class: Rails::HealthController

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
self, ::ActionController::Base, ::ActionController::ParamsWrapper, ::ActionController::Instrumentation, ::ActionController::Rescue, ::ActiveSupport::Rescuable, ::ActionController::Logging, ::ActionController::DefaultHeaders, ::ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Token::ControllerMethods, ::ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Digest::ControllerMethods, ::ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Basic::ControllerMethods, ::ActionController::DataStreaming, ::ActionController::Streaming, ::ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection, ::AbstractController::Callbacks, ::ActiveSupport::Callbacks, ::ActionController::FormBuilder, ::ActionController::ParameterEncoding, ::ActionController::StrongParameters, ::ActionController::MimeResponds, ::ActionController::Caching, ::ActionController::EtagWithFlash, ::ActionController::EtagWithTemplateDigest, ::ActionController::ConditionalGet, ::ActionController::Head, ::ActionController::Renderers::All, ::ActionController::Renderers, ::ActionController::Rendering, ::ActionView::Layouts, ::ActionView::Rendering, ::ActionController::Redirecting, ::ActiveSupport::Benchmarkable, ::ActionController::UrlFor, ::AbstractController::UrlFor, ::ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor, ::ActionDispatch::Routing::PolymorphicRoutes, ::ActionController::Helpers, ::AbstractController::Helpers, ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation::DeprecatedConstantAccessor, ::AbstractController::Translation, ::AbstractController::Rendering, ::ActionView::ViewPaths, ::ActionController::Metal, ::AbstractController::Base, ::ActiveSupport::Configurable
Inherits: ActionController::Base
Defined in: railties/lib/rails/health_controller.rb


Built-in Health Check Endpoint

Rails also comes with a built-in health check endpoint that is reachable at the /up path. This endpoint will return a 200 status code if the app has booted with no exceptions, and a 500 status code otherwise.

In production, many applications are required to report their status upstream, whether it’s to an uptime monitor that will page an engineer when things go wrong, or a load balancer or Kubernetes controller used to determine a pod’s health. This health check is designed to be a one-size fits all that will work in many situations.

While any newly generated Rails applications will have the health check at /up, you can configure the path to be anything you’d like in your "config/routes.rb":

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  get "healthz" => "rails/health#show", as: :rails_health_check

The health check will now be accessible via the /healthz path.

NOTE: This endpoint does not reflect the status of all of your application’s dependencies, such as the database or redis cluster. Replace "rails/health#show" with your own controller action if you have application specific needs.

Think carefully about what you want to check as it can lead to situations where your application is being restarted due to a third-party service going bad. Ideally, you should design your application to handle those outages gracefully.

Constant Summary

::AbstractController::Rendering - Included


::ActionController::Redirecting - Included


::ActionController::Rendering - Included


::ActionController::Renderers - Included


::ActiveSupport::Callbacks - Included


::ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection - Included


::ActionController::ParamsWrapper - Included


::ActionController::Base - Inherited


Class Attribute Summary

::ActionController::Metal - Inherited

::AbstractController::Base - Inherited


Returns true if the given controller is capable of rendering a path.

Class Method Summary

::ActionController::Base - Inherited


Shortcut helper that returns all the modules included in ::ActionController::Base except the ones passed as arguments:

::ActionController::Metal - Inherited


Returns a Rack endpoint for the given action name.


Returns the last part of the controller’s name, underscored, without the ending Controller.


Direct dispatch to the controller.


The middleware stack used by this controller.


Pushes the given Rack middleware and its arguments to the bottom of the middleware stack.

::AbstractController::Base - Inherited


Define a controller as abstract.


A list of method names that should be considered actions.


action_methods are cached and there is sometimes a need to refresh them.


Returns the full controller name, underscored, without the ending Controller.


A list of all internal methods for a controller.


Refresh the cached action_methods when a new action_method is added.

::ActiveSupport::DescendantsTracker - Extended


See additional method definition at line 109.


Instance Attribute Summary

::ActionController::Instrumentation - Included

::ActionController::Rescue - Included

#rescue_handlers, #rescue_handlers?,

Override this method if you want to customize when detailed exceptions must be shown.

::ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection - Included

#_helper_methods, #_helper_methods?, #raise_on_missing_callback_actions,

Checks if any of the authenticity tokens from the request are valid.


If the verify_authenticity_token before_action ran, verify that JavaScript responses are only served to same-origin GET requests.


Check for cross-origin JavaScript responses.


Checks if the controller allows forgery protection.


Checks if the request originated from the same origin by looking at the Origin header.


Returns true or false if a request is verified.

::AbstractController::Callbacks - Included

::ActionController::StrongParameters - Included


Returns a new ::ActionController::Parameters object that has been instantiated with the request.parameters.


Assigns the given value to the params hash.

::ActionController::EtagWithFlash - Included

::ActionController::EtagWithTemplateDigest - Included

::ActionController::Renderers::All - Included

::ActionView::Layouts - Included


Controls whether an action should be rendered using a layout.

::ActionView::Rendering - Included

::ActionController::Redirecting - Included

::AbstractController::UrlFor - Included

::ActionController::Helpers - Included

::ActionView::ViewPaths - Included

::ActionController::Metal - Inherited

#content_type, #headers, #location, #media_type, #middleware_stack, #middleware_stack?, #params, #params=,

Tests if render or redirect has already happened.


:attr_reader: request.


:attr_reader: response.


Assign the response and mark it as committed.

#response_body=, #session, #status

::AbstractController::Base - Inherited


Returns the name of the action this controller is processing.


Returns the formats that can be processed by the controller.


Tests if a response body is set.


Returns the body of the HTTP response sent by the controller.

Instance Method Summary

::ActionController::Instrumentation - Included

#redirect_to, #render, #send_data, #send_file,

Every time after an action is processed, this method is invoked with the payload, so you can add more information.


A hook which allows you to clean up any time, wrongly taken into account in views, like database querying time.

::ActiveSupport::Rescuable - Included


Delegates to the class method, but uses the instance as the subject for rescue_from handlers (method calls, instance_exec blocks).

::ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Token::ControllerMethods - Included


Authenticate using an HTTP Bearer token, or otherwise render an HTTP header requesting the client to send a Bearer token.


Authenticate using an HTTP Bearer token.


Render an HTTP header requesting the client to send a Bearer token for authentication.

::ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Digest::ControllerMethods - Included


Authenticate using an HTTP Digest, or otherwise render an HTTP header requesting the client to send a Digest.


Authenticate using an HTTP Digest.


Render an HTTP header requesting the client to send a Digest for authentication.

::ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Basic::ControllerMethods - Included

::ActionController::DataStreaming - Included


Sends the given binary data to the browser.


Sends the file.

::ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection - Included

#commit_csrf_token, #initialize, #reset_csrf_token, #compare_with_global_token, #compare_with_real_token, #csrf_token_hmac,

The form’s authenticity parameter.


Creates the authenticity token for the current request.

#global_csrf_token, #handle_unverified_request,

GET requests are checked for cross-origin JavaScript after rendering.

#mask_token, #normalize_action_path, #per_form_csrf_token, #real_csrf_token,

Possible authenticity tokens sent in the request.


Checks the client’s masked token to see if it matches the session token.


The actual before_action that is used to verify the CSRF token.


If verify_authenticity_token was run (indicating that we have forgery protection enabled for this request) then also verify that we aren’t serving an unauthorized cross-origin response.


::ActiveSupport::Callbacks - Included


Runs the callbacks for the given event.

::ActionController::FormBuilder - Included


Default form builder for the controller.

::ActionController::MimeResponds - Included


Without web-service support, an action which collects the data for displaying a list of people might look something like this:

::ActionController::ConditionalGet - Included


Sets the Cache-Control header, overwriting existing directives.


Sets an HTTP 1.1 Cache-Control header of no-cache.


Sets the etag, last_modified, or both on the response, and renders a 304 Not Modified response if the request is already fresh.


Cache or yield the block.


Sets an HTTP 1.1 Cache-Control header of no-store.


Sets the etag and/or last_modified on the response and checks them against the request.

::ActionController::Head - Included


Returns a response that has no content (merely headers).

::ActionController::Renderers - Included


Called by render in ::AbstractController::Rendering which sets the return value as the response_body.

::ActionController::Rendering - Included


Renders a template and assigns the result to self.response_body.


Similar to #render, but only returns the rendered template as a string, instead of setting self.response_body.

::ActionView::Rendering - Included

::ActionController::Redirecting - Included


Soft deprecated alias for #redirect_back_or_to where the fallback_location location is supplied as a keyword argument instead of the first positional argument.


Redirects the browser to the page that issued the request (the referrer) if possible, otherwise redirects to the provided default fallback location.


Redirects the browser to the target specified in options.


Verifies the passed location is an internal URL that’s safe to redirect to and returns it, or nil if not.

::ActiveSupport::Benchmarkable - Included


Allows you to measure the execution time of a block in a template and records the result to the log.

::ActionController::UrlFor - Included

::AbstractController::UrlFor - Included

::ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor - Included


Allows calling direct or regular named route.


Generate a URL based on the options provided, default_url_options, and the routes defined in config/routes.rb.


Hook overridden in controller to add request information with default_url_options.

#_routes_context, #_with_routes

::ActionDispatch::Routing::PolymorphicRoutes - Included


Returns the path component of a URL for the given record.


Constructs a call to a named RESTful route for the given record and returns the resulting URL string.

::ActionController::Helpers - Included


Provides a proxy to access helper methods from outside the view.

::AbstractController::Helpers - Included

::AbstractController::Translation - Included


Delegates to I18n.localize.


Delegates to I18n.translate.

::AbstractController::Rendering - Included


Normalizes arguments and options, and then delegates to render_to_body and sticks the result in self.response_body.


Performs the actual template rendering.


Similar to #render, but only returns the rendered template as a string, instead of setting self.response_body.


Returns Content-Type of rendered content.


This method should return a hash with assigns.


Normalize args by converting render "foo" to render action: "foo" and render "foo/bar" to render file: "foo/bar".


Normalize options.


Process extra options.

::ActionView::ViewPaths - Included


Append a path to the list of view paths for the current LookupContext.


LookupContext is the object responsible for holding all information required for looking up templates, i.e. view paths and details.


Prepend a path to the list of view paths for the current LookupContext.


::ActionController::Metal - Inherited


Delegates to the class’s .controller_name.


Basic url_for that can be overridden for more robust functionality.

::AbstractController::Base - Inherited


Delegates to the class’s .action_methods.


Returns true if a method for the action is available and can be dispatched, false otherwise.


Delegates to the class’s .controller_path.


Calls the action going through the entire Action Dispatch stack.

::ActiveSupport::Configurable - Included


Reads and writes attributes from a configuration OrderedOptions.

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from ActionController::Metal

Instance Method Details


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# File 'railties/lib/rails/health_controller.rb', line 38

def show