
Class: ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Instance Chain:
self, Comparable, ::DateAndTime::Compatibility
Inherits: Object
Defined in: activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb


A Time-like class that can represent a time in any time zone. Necessary because standard Ruby Time instances are limited to UTC and the system’s ENV['TZ'] zone.

You shouldn’t ever need to create a TimeWithZone instance directly via .new. Instead use methods local, parse, at, and now on TimeZone instances, and #in_time_zone on ::Time and ::DateTime instances.

Time.zone = 'Eastern Time (US & Canada)'        # => 'Eastern Time (US & Canada)'
Time.zone.local(2007, 2, 10, 15, 30, 45)        # => Sat, 10 Feb 2007 15:30:45.000000000 EST -05:00
Time.zone.parse('2007-02-10 15:30:45')          # => Sat, 10 Feb 2007 15:30:45.000000000 EST -05:00
Time.zone.at(1171139445)                        # => Sat, 10 Feb 2007 15:30:45.000000000 EST -05:00
Time.zone.now                                   # => Sun, 18 May 2008 13:07:55.754107581 EDT -04:00
Time.utc(2007, 2, 10, 20, 30, 45).in_time_zone  # => Sat, 10 Feb 2007 15:30:45.000000000 EST -05:00

See Time and TimeZone for further documentation of these methods.

TimeWithZone instances implement the same API as Ruby Time instances, so that ::Time and TimeWithZone instances are interchangeable.

t = Time.zone.now                     # => Sun, 18 May 2008 13:27:25.031505668 EDT -04:00
t.hour                                # => 13
t.dst?                                # => true
t.utc_offset                          # => -14400
t.zone                                # => "EDT"
t.to_fs(:rfc822)                      # => "Sun, 18 May 2008 13:27:25 -0400"
t + 1.day                             # => Mon, 19 May 2008 13:27:25.031505668 EDT -04:00
t.beginning_of_year                   # => Tue, 01 Jan 2008 00:00:00.000000000 EST -05:00
t > Time.utc(1999)                    # => true
t.is_a?(Time)                         # => true
t.is_a?(ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone)  # => true

Constant Summary

Class Method Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

::DateAndTime::Compatibility - Included

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Details

.new(utc_time, time_zone, local_time = nil, period = nil) ⇒ TimeWithZone

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# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 51

def initialize(utc_time, time_zone, local_time = nil, period = nil)
  @utc = utc_time ? transfer_time_values_to_utc_constructor(utc_time) : nil
  @time_zone, @time = time_zone, local_time
  @period = @utc ? period : get_period_and_ensure_valid_local_time(period)

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method


Send the missing method to #time instance, and wrap result in a new TimeWithZone with the existing #time_zone.

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# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 553

def method_missing(...)
  wrap_with_time_zone time.__send__(...)
rescue NoMethodError => e
  raise e, e.message.sub(time.inspect, inspect).sub("Time", "ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone"), e.backtrace

Instance Attribute Details

#acts_like_time?Boolean (readonly)

So that self acts_like?(:time).

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# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 504

def acts_like_time?

#blank?Boolean (readonly)

An instance of TimeWithZone is never blank

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# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 515

def blank?

#dst?Boolean (readonly) Also known as: #isdst

Returns true if the current time is within Daylight Savings Time for the specified time zone.

Time.zone = 'Eastern Time (US & Canada)'    # => 'Eastern Time (US & Canada)'
Time.zone.parse("2012-5-30").dst?           # => true
Time.zone.parse("2012-11-30").dst?          # => false
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# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 94

def dst?

#future?Boolean (readonly)

Returns true if the current object’s time is in the future.

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def future?

#gmt? (readonly)

Alias for #utc?.

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# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 108

alias_method :gmt?, :utc?

#isdst (readonly)

Alias for #dst?.

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# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 97

alias_method :isdst, :dst?

#next_day? (readonly)

Alias for #tomorrow?.

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# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 259

alias :next_day? :tomorrow?

#past?Boolean (readonly)

Returns true if the current object’s time is in the past.

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def past?

#prev_day? (readonly)

Alias for #yesterday?.

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alias :prev_day? :yesterday?

#time_zone (readonly)

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# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 49

attr_reader :time_zone

#today?Boolean (readonly)

Returns true if the current object’s time falls within the current day.

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# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 250

def today?

#tomorrow?Boolean (readonly) Also known as: #next_day?

Returns true if the current object’s time falls within the next day (tomorrow).

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# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 256

def tomorrow?

#utc (readonly) Also known as: #comparable_time, #getgm, #getutc, #gmtime

Returns a ::Time instance of the simultaneous time in the UTC timezone.

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# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 63

def utc
  @utc ||= incorporate_utc_offset(@time, -utc_offset)

#utc?Boolean (readonly) Also known as: #gmt?

Returns true if the current time zone is set to UTC.

Time.zone = 'UTC'                           # => 'UTC'
Time.zone.now.utc?                          # => true
Time.zone = 'Eastern Time (US & Canada)'    # => 'Eastern Time (US & Canada)'
Time.zone.now.utc?                          # => false
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# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 105

def utc?
  zone == "UTC" || zone == "UCT"

#yesterday?Boolean (readonly) Also known as: #prev_day?

Returns true if the current object’s time falls within the previous day (yesterday).

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# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 263

def yesterday?

Instance Method Details

#+(other) Also known as: #since, #in

Adds an interval of time to the current object’s time and returns that value as a new TimeWithZone object.

Time.zone = 'Eastern Time (US & Canada)' # => 'Eastern Time (US & Canada)'
now = Time.zone.now # => Sun, 02 Nov 2014 01:26:28.725182881 EDT -04:00
now + 1000          # => Sun, 02 Nov 2014 01:43:08.725182881 EDT -04:00

If we’re adding a Duration of variable length (i.e., years, months, days), move forward from #time, otherwise move forward from #utc, for accuracy when moving across DST boundaries.

For instance, a time + 24.hours will advance exactly 24 hours, while a time + 1.day will advance 23-25 hours, depending on the day.

now + 24.hours      # => Mon, 03 Nov 2014 00:26:28.725182881 EST -05:00
now + 1.day         # => Mon, 03 Nov 2014 01:26:28.725182881 EST -05:00
[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 298

def +(other)
  if duration_of_variable_length?(other)
    method_missing(:+, other)
      result = utc + other
    rescue TypeError
      result = utc.to_datetime.since(other)
        "Adding an instance of #{other.class} to an instance of #{self.class} is deprecated. This behavior will raise " \
        "a `TypeError` in Rails 8.1."


Subtracts an interval of time and returns a new TimeWithZone object unless the other value acts_like? time. In which case, it will subtract the other time and return the difference in seconds as a ::Float.

Time.zone = 'Eastern Time (US & Canada)' # => 'Eastern Time (US & Canada)'
now = Time.zone.now # => Mon, 03 Nov 2014 00:26:28.725182881 EST -05:00
now - 1000          # => Mon, 03 Nov 2014 00:09:48.725182881 EST -05:00

If subtracting a Duration of variable length (i.e., years, months, days), move backward from #time, otherwise move backward from #utc, for accuracy when moving across DST boundaries.

For instance, a time - 24.hours will go subtract exactly 24 hours, while a time - 1.day will subtract 23-25 hours, depending on the day.

now - 24.hours      # => Sun, 02 Nov 2014 01:26:28.725182881 EDT -04:00
now - 1.day         # => Sun, 02 Nov 2014 00:26:28.725182881 EDT -04:00

If both the TimeWithZone object and the other value act like ::Time, a ::Float will be returned.

Time.zone.now - 1.day.ago # => 86399.999967
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def -(other)
  if other.acts_like?(:time)
    getutc - other.getutc
  elsif duration_of_variable_length?(other)
    method_missing(:-, other)
    result = utc - other


Use the time in UTC for comparisons.

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# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 231

def <=>(other)
  utc <=> other


Uses Date to provide precise ::Time calculations for years, months, and days according to the proleptic Gregorian calendar. The result is returned as a new TimeWithZone object.

The options parameter takes a hash with any of these keys: :years, :months, :weeks, :days, :hours, :minutes, :seconds.

If advancing by a value of variable length (i.e., years, weeks, months, days), move forward from #time, otherwise move forward from #utc, for accuracy when moving across DST boundaries.

Time.zone = 'Eastern Time (US & Canada)' # => 'Eastern Time (US & Canada)'
now = Time.zone.now # => Sun, 02 Nov 2014 01:26:28.558049687 EDT -04:00
now.advance(seconds: 1) # => Sun, 02 Nov 2014 01:26:29.558049687 EDT -04:00
now.advance(minutes: 1) # => Sun, 02 Nov 2014 01:27:28.558049687 EDT -04:00
now.advance(hours: 1)   # => Sun, 02 Nov 2014 01:26:28.558049687 EST -05:00
now.advance(days: 1)    # => Mon, 03 Nov 2014 01:26:28.558049687 EST -05:00
now.advance(weeks: 1)   # => Sun, 09 Nov 2014 01:26:28.558049687 EST -05:00
now.advance(months: 1)  # => Tue, 02 Dec 2014 01:26:28.558049687 EST -05:00
now.advance(years: 1)   # => Mon, 02 Nov 2015 01:26:28.558049687 EST -05:00
[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 430

def advance(options)
  # If we're advancing a value of variable length (i.e., years, weeks, months, days), advance from #time,
  # otherwise advance from #utc, for accuracy when moving across DST boundaries
  if options.values_at(:years, :weeks, :months, :days).any?
    method_missing(:advance, options)


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alias_method :after?, :>


Subtracts an interval of time from the current object’s time and returns the result as a new TimeWithZone object.

Time.zone = 'Eastern Time (US & Canada)' # => 'Eastern Time (US & Canada)'
now = Time.zone.now # => Mon, 03 Nov 2014 00:26:28.725182881 EST -05:00
now.ago(1000)       # => Mon, 03 Nov 2014 00:09:48.725182881 EST -05:00

If we’re subtracting a Duration of variable length (i.e., years, months, days), move backward from #time, otherwise move backward from #utc, for accuracy when moving across DST boundaries.

For instance, time.ago(24.hours) will move back exactly 24 hours, while time.ago(1.day) will move back 23-25 hours, depending on the day.

now.ago(24.hours)   # => Sun, 02 Nov 2014 01:26:28.725182881 EDT -04:00
now.ago(1.day)      # => Sun, 02 Nov 2014 00:26:28.725182881 EDT -04:00
[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 369

def ago(other)

#as_json(options = nil)

Coerces time to a string for JSON encoding. The default format is ISO 8601. You can get %Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S +offset style by setting JSON::Encoding.use_standard_json_time_format to false.

# With ActiveSupport::JSON::Encoding.use_standard_json_time_format = true
# => "2005-02-01T05:15:10.000-10:00"

# With ActiveSupport::JSON::Encoding.use_standard_json_time_format = false
# => "2005/02/01 05:15:10 -1000"
[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 166

def as_json(options = nil)
  if ActiveSupport::JSON::Encoding.use_standard_json_time_format
    %(#{time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")} #{formatted_offset(false)})


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alias_method :before?, :<

#between?(min, max) ⇒ Boolean

Returns true if the current object’s time is within the specified min and max time.

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def between?(min, max)
  utc.between?(min, max)


Returns a new TimeWithZone where one or more of the elements have been changed according to the options parameter. The time options (:hour, :min, :sec, :usec, :nsec) reset cascadingly, so if only the hour is passed, then minute, sec, usec, and nsec is set to 0. If the hour and minute is passed, then sec, usec, and nsec is set to 0. The options parameter takes a hash with any of these keys: :year, :month, :day, :hour, :min, :sec, :usec, :nsec, :offset, :zone. Pass either :usec or :nsec, not both. Similarly, pass either :zone or :offset, not both.

t = Time.zone.now          # => Fri, 14 Apr 2017 11:45:15.116992711 EST -05:00
t.change(year: 2020)       # => Tue, 14 Apr 2020 11:45:15.116992711 EST -05:00
t.change(hour: 12)         # => Fri, 14 Apr 2017 12:00:00.000000000 EST -05:00
t.change(min: 30)          # => Fri, 14 Apr 2017 11:30:00.000000000 EST -05:00
t.change(offset: "-10:00") # => Fri, 14 Apr 2017 11:45:15.116992711 HST -10:00
t.change(zone: "Hawaii")   # => Fri, 14 Apr 2017 11:45:15.116992711 HST -10:00
[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 390

def change(options)
  if options[:zone] && options[:offset]
    raise ArgumentError, "Can't change both :offset and :zone at the same time: #{options.inspect}"

  new_time = time.change(options)

  if options[:zone]
    new_zone = ::Time.find_zone(options[:zone])
  elsif options[:offset]
    new_zone = ::Time.find_zone(new_time.utc_offset)

  new_zone ||= time_zone
  periods = new_zone.periods_for_local(new_time)

  self.class.new(nil, new_zone, new_time, periods.include?(period) ? period : nil)


Alias for #utc.

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# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 66

alias_method :comparable_time, :utc

#eql?(other) ⇒ Boolean

Returns true if other is equal to current object.

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# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 274

def eql?(other)

#formatted_offset(colon = true, alternate_utc_string = nil)

Returns a formatted string of the offset from UTC, or an alternative string if the time zone is already UTC.

Time.zone = 'Eastern Time (US & Canada)'   # => "Eastern Time (US & Canada)"
Time.zone.now.formatted_offset(true)       # => "-05:00"
Time.zone.now.formatted_offset(false)      # => "-0500"
Time.zone = 'UTC'                          # => "UTC"
Time.zone.now.formatted_offset(true, "0")  # => "0"
[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 125

def formatted_offset(colon = true, alternate_utc_string = nil)
  utc? && alternate_utc_string || TimeZone.seconds_to_utc_offset(utc_offset, colon)


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def freeze
  # preload instance variables before freezing
  period; utc; time; to_datetime; to_time


Alias for #utc.

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alias_method :getgm, :utc

#getlocal(utc_offset = nil)

Alias for #localtime.

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alias_method :getlocal, :localtime


Alias for #utc.

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# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 68

alias_method :getutc, :utc


Alias for #utc_offset.

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alias_method :gmt_offset, :utc_offset


Alias for #utc.

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# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 69

alias_method :gmtime, :utc


Alias for #utc_offset.

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# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 115

alias_method :gmtoff, :utc_offset


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def hash


Returns a string of the object’s date and time in the format used by HTTP requests.

Time.zone.now.httpdate  # => "Tue, 01 Jan 2013 04:39:43 GMT"
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# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 186

def httpdate


Alias for #+.

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alias_method :in, :+

#in_time_zone(new_zone = ::Time.zone)

Returns the simultaneous time in Time.zone, or the specified zone.

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def in_time_zone(new_zone = ::Time.zone)
  return self if time_zone == new_zone


Returns a string of the object’s date, time, zone, and offset from UTC.

Time.zone.now.inspect # => "2024-11-13 07:00:10.528054960 UTC +00:00"
[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 140

def inspect
  "#{time.strftime('%F %H:%M:%S.%9N')} #{zone} #{formatted_offset}"

#is_a?(klass) ⇒ Boolean Also known as: #kind_of?

Say we’re a ::Time to thwart type checking.

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def is_a?(klass)
  klass == ::Time || super

#iso8601(fraction_digits = 0)

Alias for #xmlschema.

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alias_method :iso8601, :xmlschema


Alias for #is_a?.

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alias_method :kind_of?, :is_a?

#localtime(utc_offset = nil) Also known as: #getlocal

Returns a ::Time instance of the simultaneous time in the system timezone.

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# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 83

def localtime(utc_offset = nil)


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def marshal_dump
  [utc, time_zone.name, time]


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# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 533

def marshal_load(variables)
  initialize(variables[0].utc, ::Time.find_zone(variables[1]), variables[2].utc)


Returns the underlying TZInfo::TimezonePeriod.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 72

def period
  @period ||= time_zone.period_for_utc(@utc)

#respond_to?(sym, include_priv = false) ⇒ Boolean

respond_to_missing? is not called in some cases, such as when type conversion is performed with Kernel.String

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def respond_to?(sym, include_priv = false)
  # ensure that we're not going to throw and rescue from NoMethodError in method_missing which is slow
  return false if sym.to_sym == :to_str

#respond_to_missing?(sym, include_priv) ⇒ Boolean

Ensure proxy class responds to all methods that underlying time instance responds to.

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# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 547

def respond_to_missing?(sym, include_priv)
  time.respond_to?(sym, include_priv)

#rfc2822 Also known as: #rfc822

Returns a string of the object’s date and time in the RFC 2822 standard format.

Time.zone.now.rfc2822  # => "Tue, 01 Jan 2013 04:51:39 +0000"
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def rfc2822

#rfc3339(fraction_digits = 0)

Alias for #xmlschema.

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alias_method :rfc3339, :xmlschema


Alias for #rfc2822.

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alias_method :rfc822, :rfc2822


Alias for #+.

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alias_method :since, :+


Replaces %Z directive with +zone before passing to Time#strftime, so that zone information is correct.

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# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 225

def strftime(format)
  format = format.gsub(/((?:\A|[^%])(?:%%)*)%Z/, "\\1#{zone}")


Returns a ::Time instance that represents the time in #time_zone.

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# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 58

def time
  @time ||= incorporate_utc_offset(@utc, utc_offset)


Returns Array of parts of ::Time in sequence of [seconds, minutes, hours, day, month, year, weekday, yearday, dst?, zone].

now = Time.zone.now     # => Tue, 18 Aug 2015 02:29:27.485278555 UTC +00:00
now.to_a                # => [27, 29, 2, 18, 8, 2015, 2, 230, false, "UTC"]
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# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 453

def to_a
  [time.sec, time.min, time.hour, time.day, time.mon, time.year, time.wday, time.yday, dst?, zone]


Returns an instance of ::DateTime with the timezone’s UTC offset

Time.zone.now.to_datetime                         # => Tue, 18 Aug 2015 02:32:20 +0000
Time.current.in_time_zone('Hawaii').to_datetime   # => Mon, 17 Aug 2015 16:32:20 -1000
[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 486

def to_datetime
  @to_datetime ||= utc.to_datetime.new_offset(Rational(utc_offset, 86_400))


Returns the object’s date and time as a floating-point number of seconds since the Epoch (January 1, 1970 00:00 UTC).

Time.zone.now.to_f # => 1417709320.285418
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# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 461

def to_f

#to_formatted_s(format = :default)

Alias for #to_fs.

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# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 221

alias_method :to_formatted_s, :to_fs

#to_fs(format = :default) Also known as: #to_formatted_s

Returns a string of the object’s date and time.

This method is aliased to #to_formatted_s.

Accepts an optional format:

  • :default - default value, mimics Ruby Time#to_s format.

  • :db - format outputs time in UTC :db time. See Time#to_fs(:db).

  • Any key in Time::DATE_FORMATS can be used. See active_support/core_ext/time/conversions.rb.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 212

def to_fs(format = :default)
  if format == :db
  elsif formatter = ::Time::DATE_FORMATS[format]
    formatter.respond_to?(:call) ? formatter.call(self).to_s : strftime(formatter)

#to_i Also known as: #tv_sec

Returns the object’s date and time as an integer number of seconds since the Epoch (January 1, 1970 00:00 UTC).

Time.zone.now.to_i # => 1417709320
[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 469

def to_i


Returns the object’s date and time as a rational number of seconds since the Epoch (January 1, 1970 00:00 UTC).

Time.zone.now.to_r # => (708854548642709/500000)
[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 478

def to_r


Returns a string of the object’s date and time.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 200

def to_s
  "#{time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")} #{formatted_offset(false, 'UTC')}" # mimicking Ruby Time#to_s format


Returns an instance of ::Time, either with the same timezone as self, with the same UTC offset as self or in the local system timezone depending on the setting of ActiveSupport.to_time_preserves_timezone.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 493

def to_time
  if preserve_timezone == :zone
    @to_time_with_timezone ||= getlocal(time_zone)
  elsif preserve_timezone
    @to_time_with_instance_offset ||= getlocal(utc_offset)
    @to_time_with_system_offset ||= getlocal


Alias for #to_i.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 472

alias_method :tv_sec, :to_i

#utc_offset Also known as: #gmt_offset, #gmtoff

Returns the offset from current time to UTC time in seconds.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 111

def utc_offset

#xmlschema(fraction_digits = 0) Also known as: #iso8601, #rfc3339

Returns a string of the object’s date and time in the ISO 8601 standard format.

Time.zone.now.xmlschema  # => "2014-12-04T11:02:37-05:00"
[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 148

def xmlschema(fraction_digits = 0)
  "#{time.strftime(PRECISIONS[fraction_digits.to_i])}#{formatted_offset(true, 'Z')}"


Returns the time zone abbreviation.

Time.zone = 'Eastern Time (US & Canada)'   # => "Eastern Time (US & Canada)"
Time.zone.now.zone # => "EST"
[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb', line 133

def zone