Module: Rack::Request::Helpers
Relationships & Source Files | |
Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance Descendants | |
Included In:
| |
Defined in: | lib/rack/request.rb |
Constant Summary
# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 698/ \A (?<host> # Match IPv6 as a string of hex digits and colons in square brackets \[(?<address>#{ipv6})\] | # Match any other printable string (except square brackets) as a hostname (?<address>[[[:graph:]&&[^\[\]]]]*?) ) (:(?<port>\d+))? \z /x
Default ports depending on scheme. Used to decide whether or not to include the port in a generated URI.
{ 'http' => 80, 'https' => 443, 'coffee' => 80 }
The set of form-data media-types. Requests that do not indicate one of the media types present in this list will not be eligible for form-data / param parsing.
[ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'multipart/form-data' ]
# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 719{ proto: HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO, scheme: HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SCHEME }.freeze
# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 181'HTTP_FORWARDED'
The address of the client which connected to the proxy.
The contents of the host/:authority header sent to the proxy.
The port used to connect to the proxy.
The protocol used to connect to the proxy.
The value of the scheme sent to the proxy.
Another way for specifying https scheme was used.
The set of media-types. Requests that do not indicate one of the media types present in this list will not be eligible for param parsing like soap attachments or generic multiparts
[ 'multipart/related', 'multipart/mixed' ]
Instance Attribute Summary
#delete? ⇒ Boolean
Checks the HTTP request method (or verb) to see if it was of type DELETE.
#form_data? ⇒ Boolean
Determine whether the request body contains form-data by checking the request content-type for one of the media-types: “application/x-www-form-urlencoded” or “multipart/form-data”.
#get? ⇒ Boolean
Checks the HTTP request method (or verb) to see if it was of type #GET.
#head? ⇒ Boolean
Checks the HTTP request method (or verb) to see if it was of type HEAD.
#link? ⇒ Boolean
Checks the HTTP request method (or verb) to see if it was of type LINK.
#options? ⇒ Boolean
Checks the HTTP request method (or verb) to see if it was of type OPTIONS.
#parseable_data? ⇒ Boolean
Determine whether the request body contains data by checking the request media_type against registered parse-data media-types.
#patch? ⇒ Boolean
Checks the HTTP request method (or verb) to see if it was of type PATCH.
- #path_info rw
- #path_info=(s) rw
#post? ⇒ Boolean
Checks the HTTP request method (or verb) to see if it was of type #POST.
#put? ⇒ Boolean
Checks the HTTP request method (or verb) to see if it was of type PUT.
- #script_name rw
- #script_name=(s) rw
- #ssl? ⇒ Boolean readonly
#trace? ⇒ Boolean
Checks the HTTP request method (or verb) to see if it was of type TRACE.
#unlink? ⇒ Boolean
Checks the HTTP request method (or verb) to see if it was of type UNLINK.
- #xhr? ⇒ Boolean readonly
Instance Method Summary
- #accept_encoding
- #accept_language
The authority of the incoming request as defined by RFC3976.
- #base_url
- #body
The character set of the request body if a “charset” media type parameter was given, or nil if no “charset” was specified.
- #content_length
- #content_type
- #cookies
- #delete_param(k)
- #forwarded_authority
- #forwarded_for
- #forwarded_port
- #fullpath
Returns the data received in the query string.
Returns a formatted host, suitable for being used in a URI.
The HTTP_HOST header.
- #host_with_port(authority = self.authority)
Returns an address suitable for being to resolve to an address.
- #ip
- #logger
The media type (type/subtype) portion of the CONTENT_TYPE header without any media type parameters.
The media type parameters provided in CONTENT_TYPE as a Hash, or an empty Hash if no CONTENT_TYPE or media-type parameters were provided.
- #params
- #path
- #port
Returns the data received in the request body.
- #query_string
(also: #referrer)
the referer of the client.
Alias for #referer.
- #request_method
- #scheme
The authority as defined by the SERVER_NAME and SERVER_PORT variables.
- #server_name
- #server_port
- #session
- #session_options
- #trusted_proxy?(ip) ⇒ Boolean
- #update_param(k, v)
Tries to return a remake of the original request URL as a string.
- #user_agent
- #allowed_scheme(header) private
- #default_session private
- #expand_param_pairs(pairs, query_parser = query_parser()) private
- #forwarded_priority private
- #forwarded_scheme private
Get an array of values set in the RFC 7239
request header. - #parse_http_accept_header(header) private
- #parse_multipart private
- #parse_query(qs, d = '&') private
- #query_parser private
- #split_authority(authority) private
- #split_header(value) private
Assist with compatibility when processing
. - #x_forwarded_proto_priority private
Instance Attribute Details
#delete? ⇒ Boolean
Checks the HTTP request method (or verb) to see if it was of type DELETE
# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 225
def delete?; request_method == DELETE end
#form_data? ⇒ Boolean
Determine whether the request body contains form-data by checking the request content-type for one of the media-types: “application/x-www-form-urlencoded” or “multipart/form-data”. The list of form-data media types can be modified through the FORM_DATA_MEDIA_TYPES array.
A request body is also assumed to contain form-data when no content-type header is provided and the request_method is #POST.
# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 477
def form_data? type = media_type meth = get_header(RACK_METHODOVERRIDE_ORIGINAL_METHOD) || get_header(REQUEST_METHOD) (meth == POST && type.nil?) || FORM_DATA_MEDIA_TYPES.include?(type) end
#get? ⇒ Boolean
Checks the HTTP request method (or verb) to see if it was of type #GET
# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 228
def get?; request_method == GET end
#head? ⇒ Boolean
Checks the HTTP request method (or verb) to see if it was of type HEAD
# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 231
def head?; request_method == HEAD end
#link? ⇒ Boolean
Checks the HTTP request method (or verb) to see if it was of type LINK
# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 237
def link?; request_method == LINK end
#options? ⇒ Boolean
Checks the HTTP request method (or verb) to see if it was of type OPTIONS
# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 234
def ; request_method == OPTIONS end
#parseable_data? ⇒ Boolean
Determine whether the request body contains data by checking the request media_type against registered parse-data media-types
# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 486
def parseable_data? PARSEABLE_DATA_MEDIA_TYPES.include?(media_type) end
#patch? ⇒ Boolean
Checks the HTTP request method (or verb) to see if it was of type PATCH
# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 240
def patch?; request_method == PATCH end
#path_info (rw)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 199
def path_info; get_header(PATH_INFO).to_s end
#path_info=(s) (rw)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 200
def path_info=(s); set_header(PATH_INFO, s.to_s) end
#post? ⇒ Boolean
Checks the HTTP request method (or verb) to see if it was of type #POST
# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 243
def post?; request_method == POST end
#put? ⇒ Boolean
Checks the HTTP request method (or verb) to see if it was of type PUT
# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 246
def put?; request_method == PUT end
#script_name (rw)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 196
def script_name; get_header(SCRIPT_NAME).to_s end
#script_name=(s) (rw)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 197
def script_name=(s); set_header(SCRIPT_NAME, s.to_s) end
#ssl? ⇒ Boolean
[ GitHub ]
#trace? ⇒ Boolean
Checks the HTTP request method (or verb) to see if it was of type TRACE
# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 249
def trace?; request_method == TRACE end
#unlink? ⇒ Boolean
Checks the HTTP request method (or verb) to see if it was of type UNLINK
# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 252
def unlink?; request_method == UNLINK end
#xhr? ⇒ Boolean
[ GitHub ]
# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 318
def xhr? get_header("HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH") == "XMLHttpRequest" end
Instance Method Details
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 589
def accept_encoding parse_http_accept_header(get_header("HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING")) end
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 593
def accept_language parse_http_accept_header(get_header("HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE")) end
#allowed_scheme(header) (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 748
def allowed_scheme(header) header if ALLOWED_SCHEMES.include?(header) end
The authority of the incoming request as defined by RFC3976.
In HTTP/1, this is the #host header. In HTTP/2, this is the :authority
# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 271
def || || end
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 572
def base_url "#{scheme}://#{host_with_port}" end
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 195
def body; get_header(RACK_INPUT) end
The character set of the request body if a “charset” media type parameter was given, or nil if no “charset” was specified. Note that, per RFC2616, text/* media types that specify no explicit charset are to be considered ISO-8859-1.
# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 465
def content_charset media_type_params['charset'] end
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 204
def content_length; get_header('CONTENT_LENGTH') end
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 313
def content_type content_type = get_header('CONTENT_TYPE') content_type.nil? || content_type.empty? ? nil : content_type end
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 298
def hash = fetch_header(RACK_REQUEST_COOKIE_HASH) do |key| set_header(key, {}) end string = get_header(HTTP_COOKIE) unless string == get_header(RACK_REQUEST_COOKIE_STRING) hash.replace Utils. (string) set_header(RACK_REQUEST_COOKIE_STRING, string) end hash end
#default_session (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 603
def default_session; {}; end
#expand_param_pairs(pairs, query_parser = query_parser()) (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 660
def (pairs, query_parser = query_parser()) params = query_parser.make_params pairs.each do |k, v| query_parser.normalize_params(params, k, v) end params.to_params_hash end
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 398
def forwarded_priority.each do |type| case type when :forwarded if forwarded = get_http_forwarded(:host) return forwarded.last end when :x_forwarded if (value = get_header(HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST)) && (x_forwarded_host = split_header(value).last) return wrap_ipv6(x_forwarded_host) end end end nil end
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 358
def forwarded_for forwarded_priority.each do |type| case type when :forwarded if forwarded_for = get_http_forwarded(:for) return(! do || ( )[1] end) end when :x_forwarded if value = get_header(HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR) return(split_header(value).map do || (wrap_ipv6( ))[1] end) end end end nil end
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 379
def forwarded_port forwarded_priority.each do |type| case type when :forwarded if forwarded = get_http_forwarded(:for) return( do || ( )[2] end.compact) end when :x_forwarded if value = get_header(HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT) return split_header(value).map(&:to_i) end end end nil end
#forwarded_priority (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 752
def forwarded_priority Request.forwarded_priority end
#forwarded_scheme (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 724
def forwarded_scheme forwarded_priority.each do |type| case type when :forwarded if (forwarded_proto = get_http_forwarded(:proto)) && (scheme = allowed_scheme(forwarded_proto.last)) return scheme end when :x_forwarded x_forwarded_proto_priority.each do |x_type| if header = FORWARDED_SCHEME_HEADERS[x_type] split_header(get_header(header)).reverse_each do |scheme| if allowed_scheme(scheme) return scheme end end end end end end nil end
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 585
def fullpath query_string.empty? ? path : "#{path}?#{query_string}" end
Returns the data received in the query string.
# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 491
def GET get_header(RACK_REQUEST_QUERY_HASH) || set_header(RACK_REQUEST_QUERY_HASH, parse_query(query_string, '&')) end
#get_http_forwarded(token) (private)
Get an array of values set in the RFC 7239 Forwarded
request header.
# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 643
def get_http_forwarded(token) Utils.forwarded_values(get_header(HTTP_FORWARDED))&.[](token) end
Returns a formatted host, suitable for being used in a URI.
# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 338
def host (self. )[0] end
The HTTP_HOST header.
# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 323
def get_header(HTTP_HOST) end
#host_with_port(authority = self.authority)
[ GitHub ]#hostname
Returns an address suitable for being to resolve to an address. In the case of a domain name or IPv4 address, the result is the same as #host. In the case of IPv6 or future address formats, the square brackets are removed.
# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 346
def hostname (self. )[1] end
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 419
def ip remote_addresses = split_header(get_header('REMOTE_ADDR')) remote_addresses.reverse_each do |ip| return ip unless trusted_proxy?(ip) end if (forwarded_for = self.forwarded_for) && !forwarded_for.empty? # The forwarded for addresses are ordered: client, proxy1, proxy2. # So we reject all the trusted addresses (proxy*) and return the # last client. Or if we trust everyone, we just return the first # address. forwarded_for.reverse_each do |ip| return ip unless trusted_proxy?(ip) end return forwarded_for.first end # If all the addresses are trusted, and we aren't forwarded, just return # the first remote address, which represents the source of the request. remote_addresses.first end
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 205
def logger; get_header(RACK_LOGGER) end
The media type (type/subtype) portion of the CONTENT_TYPE header without any media type parameters. e.g., when CONTENT_TYPE is “text/plain;charset=utf-8”, the media-type is “text/plain”.
For more information on the use of media types in HTTP, see:
# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 448
def media_type MediaType.type(content_type) end
The media type parameters provided in CONTENT_TYPE as a Hash, or an empty Hash if no CONTENT_TYPE or media-type parameters were provided. e.g., when the CONTENT_TYPE is “text/plain;charset=utf-8”, this method responds with the following Hash:
{ 'charset' => 'utf-8' }
# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 457
def media_type_params MediaType.params(content_type) end
#parse_http_accept_header(header) (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 619
def parse_http_accept_header(header) # It would be nice to use filter_map here, but it's Ruby 2.7+ parts = header.to_s.split(',')! do |part| part.strip! next if part.empty? attribute, parameters = part.split(';', 2) attribute.strip! parameters&.strip! quality = 1.0 if parameters and /\Aq=([\d.]+)/ =~ parameters quality = $1.to_f end [attribute, quality] end parts.compact! parts end
#parse_multipart (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 655
def parse_multipart warn "Rack::Request#parse_multipart is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Rack.", uplevel: 1 Rack::Multipart.extract_multipart(self, query_parser) end
#parse_query(qs, d = '&') (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 651
def parse_query(qs, d = '&') query_parser.parse_nested_query(qs, d) end
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 581
def path script_name + path_info end
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 350
def port if = self. _, _, port = ( ) end port || forwarded_port&.last || DEFAULT_PORTS[scheme] || server_port end
Returns the data received in the request body.
This method support both application/x-www-form-urlencoded and multipart/form-data.
# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 499
def POST if form_hash = get_header(RACK_REQUEST_FORM_HASH) return form_hash elsif error = get_header(RACK_REQUEST_FORM_ERROR) raise error.class, error., cause: error.cause end begin rack_input = get_header(RACK_INPUT) # Otherwise, figure out how to parse the input: if rack_input.nil? set_header(RACK_REQUEST_FORM_HASH, {}) elsif form_data? || parseable_data? if pairs = Rack::Multipart.parse_multipart(env, Rack::Multipart::ParamList) set_header RACK_REQUEST_FORM_PAIRS, pairs set_header RACK_REQUEST_FORM_HASH, (pairs) else form_vars = get_header(RACK_INPUT).read # Fix for Safari Ajax postings that always append \0 # form_vars.sub!(/\0\z/, '') # performance replacement: form_vars.slice!(-1) if form_vars.end_with?("\0") set_header RACK_REQUEST_FORM_VARS, form_vars set_header RACK_REQUEST_FORM_HASH, parse_query(form_vars, '&') end else set_header(RACK_REQUEST_FORM_HASH, {}) end rescue => error set_header(RACK_REQUEST_FORM_ERROR, error) raise end end
#query_parser (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 647
def query_parser Utils.default_query_parser end
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 203
def query_string; get_header(QUERY_STRING).to_s end
#referer Also known as: #referrer
the referer of the client
# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 209
def referer; get_header('HTTP_REFERER') end
Alias for #referer.
# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 210
alias referrer referer
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 202
def request_method; get_header(REQUEST_METHOD) end
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 254
def scheme if get_header(HTTPS) == 'on' 'https' elsif get_header(HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL) == 'on' 'https' elsif forwarded_scheme forwarded_scheme else get_header(RACK_URL_SCHEME) end end
The authority as defined by the SERVER_NAME and SERVER_PORT variables.
# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 277
def host = self.server_name port = self.server_port if host if port "#{host}:#{port}" else host end end end
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 290
def server_name get_header(SERVER_NAME) end
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 294
def server_port get_header(SERVER_PORT) end
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 212
def session fetch_header(RACK_SESSION) do |k| set_header RACK_SESSION, default_session end end
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 218
def fetch_header(RACK_SESSION_OPTIONS) do |k| set_header RACK_SESSION_OPTIONS, {} end end
#split_authority(authority) (private)
[ GitHub ]#split_header(value) (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 670
def split_header(value) value ? value.strip.split(/[, \t]+/) : [] end
#trusted_proxy?(ip) ⇒ Boolean
#update_param(k, v)
Tries to return a remake of the original request URL as a string.
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 206
def user_agent; get_header('HTTP_USER_AGENT') end
#wrap_ipv6(host) (private)
Assist with compatibility when processing X-Forwarded-For
# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 606
def wrap_ipv6(host) # Even thought IPv6 addresses should be wrapped in square brackets, # sometimes this is not done in various legacy/underspecified headers. # So we try to fix this situation for compatibility reasons. # Try to detect IPv6 addresses which aren't escaped yet: if !host.start_with?('[') && host.count(':') > 1 "[#{host}]" else host end end
#x_forwarded_proto_priority (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/request.rb', line 756
def x_forwarded_proto_priority Request.x_forwarded_proto_priority end