Module: Rack::Utils
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Included In:
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Defined in: | lib/rack/utils.rb |
contains a grab-bag of useful methods for writing web applications adopted from all kinds of Ruby libraries.
Constant Summary
# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 25QueryParser::COMMON_SEP
# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 24QueryParser::DEFAULT_SEP
Every standard HTTP code mapped to the appropriate message. Generated with:
curl -s \ | ruby -rcsv -e "puts CSV.parse(STDIN, headers: true) \ .reject {|v| v['Description'] == 'Unassigned' or v['Description'].include? '(' } \ .map {|v| %Q/#{v['Value']} => '#{v['Description']}'/ }.join(','+?\n)"
{ 100 => 'Continue', 101 => 'Switching Protocols', 102 => 'Processing', 103 => 'Early Hints', 200 => 'OK', 201 => 'Created', 202 => 'Accepted', 203 => 'Non-Authoritative Information', 204 => 'No Content', 205 => 'Reset Content', 206 => 'Partial Content', 207 => 'Multi-Status', 208 => 'Already Reported', 226 => 'IM Used', 300 => 'Multiple Choices', 301 => 'Moved Permanently', 302 => 'Found', 303 => 'See Other', 304 => 'Not Modified', 305 => 'Use Proxy', 307 => 'Temporary Redirect', 308 => 'Permanent Redirect', 400 => 'Bad Request', 401 => 'Unauthorized', 402 => 'Payment Required', 403 => 'Forbidden', 404 => 'Not Found', 405 => 'Method Not Allowed', 406 => 'Not Acceptable', 407 => 'Proxy Authentication Required', 408 => 'Request Timeout', 409 => 'Conflict', 410 => 'Gone', 411 => 'Length Required', 412 => 'Precondition Failed', 413 => 'Content Too Large', 414 => 'URI Too Long', 415 => 'Unsupported Media Type', 416 => 'Range Not Satisfiable', 417 => 'Expectation Failed', 421 => 'Misdirected Request', 422 => 'Unprocessable Content', 423 => 'Locked', 424 => 'Failed Dependency', 425 => 'Too Early', 426 => 'Upgrade Required', 428 => 'Precondition Required', 429 => 'Too Many Requests', 431 => 'Request Header Fields Too Large', 451 => 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons', 500 => 'Internal Server Error', 501 => 'Not Implemented', 502 => 'Bad Gateway', 503 => 'Service Unavailable', 504 => 'Gateway Timeout', 505 => 'HTTP Version Not Supported', 506 => 'Variant Also Negotiates', 507 => 'Insufficient Storage', 508 => 'Loop Detected', 511 => 'Network Authentication Required' }
InvalidParameterError =
# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 22QueryParser::InvalidParameterError
KeySpaceConstrainedParams =
# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 26QueryParser::Params
# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 615"\0"
# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 568{ payload_too_large: 413, unprocessable_entity: 422, bandwidth_limit_exceeded: 509, not_extended: 510 }.freeze
# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 576{ payload_too_large: :content_too_large, unprocessable_entity: :unprocessable_content }.freeze
# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 598Regexp.union(*[::File::SEPARATOR, ::File::ALT_SEPARATOR].compact)
ParameterTypeError =
# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 21QueryParser::ParameterTypeError
ParamsTooDeepError =
# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 23QueryParser::ParamsTooDeepError
Responses with HTTP status codes that should not have an entity body
# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 564 -
# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 27defined?(::URI::RFC2396_PARSER) ? ::URI::RFC2396_PARSER : ::URI::DEFAULT_PARSER
A valid cookie key according to RFC6265 and RFC2616. A <cookie-name> can be any US-ASCII characters, except control characters, spaces, or tabs. It also must not contain a separator character like the following: ( ) < > @ , ; : \ “ / [ ] ? = { }.
Class Attribute Summary
- .default_query_parser rw
- .multipart_file_limit (also: .multipart_part_limit) rw
Alias for .multipart_file_limit.
- .multipart_total_part_limit rw
- .param_depth_limit rw
- .param_depth_limit=(v) rw
Class Method Summary
.best_q_match(q_value_header, available_mimes)
Return best accept value to use, based on the algorithm in RFC 2616 Section 14.
- .build_nested_query(value, prefix = nil) mod_func
- .build_query(params) mod_func
.byte_ranges(env, size)
Parses the “Range:” header, if present, into an array of Range objects.
- .clean_path_info(path_info) mod_func
- .delete_cookie_header!(headers, key, value = {}) mod_func
.delete_set_cookie_header(key, value = {}) ⇒ encoded string
Generate an encoded string based on the given
using set_cookie_header for the purpose of causing the specified cookie to be deleted. -
.delete_set_cookie_header!(header, key, value = {}) ⇒ header value
Set an expired cookie in the specified headers with the given cookie
using delete_set_cookie_header. -
URI escapes.
Escape ampersands, brackets and quotes to their HTML/XML entities.
Like URI escaping, but with %20 instead of +.
- .forwarded_values(forwarded_header) mod_func
- .get_byte_ranges(http_range, size) mod_func
.parse_cookies(env) ⇒ Hash
Parse cookies from the provided request environment using parse_cookies_header.
.parse_cookies_header(value) ⇒ Hash
Parse cookies from the provided header
according to RFC6265. - .parse_nested_query(qs, d = nil) mod_func
- .parse_query(qs, d = nil, &unescaper) mod_func
- .q_values(q_value_header) mod_func
- .rfc2822(time) mod_func
.secure_compare(a, b)
Constant time string comparison.
- .select_best_encoding(available_encodings, accept_encoding) mod_func
.set_cookie_header(key, value) ⇒ encoded string
Generate an encoded string using the provided
suitable for theset-cookie
header according to RFC6265. -
.set_cookie_header!(headers, key, value) ⇒ header value
Append a cookie in the specified headers with the given cookie
using set_cookie_header. - .status_code(status) mod_func
.unescape(s, encoding = Encoding::UTF_8)
Unescapes a URI escaped string with
. -
Unescapes the path component of a URI.
- .valid_path?(path) ⇒ Boolean mod_func
Class Attribute Details
.default_query_parser (rw)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 30
attr_accessor :default_query_parser
.multipart_file_limit (rw) Also known as: .multipart_part_limit
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 65
attr_accessor :multipart_file_limit
.multipart_part_limit (rw)
Alias for .multipart_file_limit.
# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 69
alias multipart_part_limit multipart_file_limit
.multipart_total_part_limit (rw)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 63
attr_accessor :multipart_total_part_limit
.param_depth_limit (rw)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 82
def self.param_depth_limit default_query_parser.param_depth_limit end
.param_depth_limit=(v) (rw)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 86
def self.param_depth_limit=(v) self.default_query_parser = self.default_query_parser.new_depth_limit(v) end
Class Method Details
.best_q_match(q_value_header, available_mimes) (mod_func)
Return best accept value to use, based on the algorithm in RFC 2616 Section 14. If there are multiple best matches (same specificity and quality), the value returned is arbitrary.
# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 167
def best_q_match(q_value_header, available_mimes) values = q_values(q_value_header) matches = do |req_mime, quality| match = available_mimes.find { |am| Rack::Mime.match?(am, req_mime) } next unless match [match, quality] end.compact.sort_by do |match, quality| (match.split('/', 2).count('*') * -10) + quality end.last matches&.first end
.build_nested_query(value, prefix = nil) (mod_func)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 120
def build_nested_query(value, prefix = nil) case value when Array { |v| build_nested_query(v, "#{prefix}[]") }.join("&") when Hash { |k, v| build_nested_query(v, prefix ? "#{prefix}[#{k}]" : k) }.delete_if(&:empty?).join('&') when nil escape(prefix) else raise ArgumentError, "value must be a Hash" if prefix.nil? "#{escape(prefix)}=#{escape(value)}" end end
.build_query(params) (mod_func)
[ GitHub ].byte_ranges(env, size) (mod_func)
Parses the “Range:” header, if present, into an array of Range objects. Returns nil if the header is missing or syntactically invalid. Returns an empty array if none of the ranges are satisfiable.
# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 402
def byte_ranges(env, size) get_byte_ranges env['HTTP_RANGE'], size end
.clean_path_info(path_info) (mod_func)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 600
def clean_path_info(path_info) parts = path_info.split PATH_SEPS clean = [] parts.each do |part| next if part.empty? || part == '.' part == '..' ? clean.pop : clean << part end clean_path = clean.join(::File::SEPARATOR) clean_path.prepend("/") if parts.empty? || parts.first.empty? clean_path end
.clock_time (mod_func)
# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 96
def clock_time Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) end
.delete_cookie_header!(headers, key, value = {}) (mod_func)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 360
def (headers, key, value = {}) headers[SET_COOKIE] = (headers[SET_COOKIE], key, value) return nil end
.delete_set_cookie_header(key, value = {}) ⇒ encoded
Generate an encoded string based on the given key
and value
using set_cookie_header for the purpose of causing the specified cookie to be deleted. The value
may be an instance of Hash
and can include attributes as outlined by set_cookie_header. The encoded cookie will have a max_age
of 0 seconds, an expires
date in the past and an empty value
. When used with the set-cookie
header, it will cause the client to remove any matching cookie.
# => "myname=; max-age=0; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT"
# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 356
def (key, value = {}) (key, value.merge(max_age: '0', expires:, value: '')) end
.delete_set_cookie_header!(header, key, value = {}) ⇒ header
Set an expired cookie in the specified headers with the given cookie key
and value
using delete_set_cookie_header. This causes the client to immediately delete the specified cookie.
nil, "mycookie")
# => "mycookie=; max-age=0; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT"
If the header is non-nil, it will be modified in place.
header = []
(header, "mycookie")
# => ["mycookie=; max-age=0; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT"]
# => ["mycookie=; max-age=0; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT"]
# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 384
def (header, key, value = {}) if header header = Array(header) header << (key, value) else header = (key, value) end return header end
.escape(s) (mod_func)
URI escapes. (CGI style space to +)
# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 40
def escape(s) URI.encode_www_form_component(s) end
.escape_html(string) (mod_func)
Escape ampersands, brackets and quotes to their HTML/XML entities.
# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 190
def escape_html(string) CGI.escapeHTML(string.to_s) end
.escape_path(s) (mod_func)
Like URI escaping, but with %20 instead of +. Strictly speaking this is true URI escaping.
# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 46
def escape_path(s) URI_PARSER.escape s end
.forwarded_values(forwarded_header) (mod_func)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 149
def forwarded_values(forwarded_header) return nil unless forwarded_header forwarded_header = forwarded_header.to_s.gsub("\n", ";") forwarded_header.split(';').each_with_object({}) do |field, values| field.split(',').each do |pair| pair = pair.split('=').map(&:strip).join('=') return nil unless pair =~ /\A(by|for|host|proto)="?([^"]+)"?\Z/i (values[$1.downcase.to_sym] ||= []) << $2 end end end
.get_byte_ranges(http_range, size) (mod_func)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 406
def get_byte_ranges(http_range, size) # See <> # Ignore Range when file size is 0 to avoid a 416 error. return nil if return nil unless http_range && http_range =~ /bytes=([^;]+)/ ranges = [] $1.split(/,[ \t]*/).each do |range_spec| return nil unless range_spec.include?('-') range = range_spec.split('-') r0, r1 = range[0], range[1] if r0.nil? || r0.empty? return nil if r1.nil? # suffix-byte-range-spec, represents trailing suffix of file r0 = size - r1.to_i r0 = 0 if r0 < 0 r1 = size - 1 else r0 = r0.to_i if r1.nil? r1 = size - 1 else r1 = r1.to_i return nil if r1 < r0 # backwards range is syntactically invalid r1 = size - 1 if r1 >= size end end ranges << (r0..r1) if r0 <= r1 end return [] if > size ranges end
.parse_cookies(env) ⇒ Hash
Parse cookies from the provided request environment using parse_cookies_header. Returns a map of cookie key
to cookie value
'HTTP_COOKIE' => 'myname=myvalue'})
# => {'myname' => 'myvalue'}
# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 257
def (env) env[HTTP_COOKIE] end
.parse_cookies_header(value) ⇒ Hash
Parse cookies from the provided header value
according to RFC6265. The syntax for cookie headers only supports semicolons. Returns a map of cookie key
to cookie value
'myname=myvalue; max-age=0')
# => {"myname"=>"myvalue", "max-age"=>"0"}
# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 238
def (value) return {} unless value value.split(/; */n).each_with_object({}) do |, | next if .empty? key, value = .split('=', 2) [key] = (unescape(value) rescue value) unless .key?(key) end end
.parse_nested_query(qs, d = nil) (mod_func)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 106
def parse_nested_query(qs, d = nil) Rack::Utils.default_query_parser.parse_nested_query(qs, d) end
.parse_query(qs, d = nil, &unescaper) (mod_func)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 102
def parse_query(qs, d = nil, &unescaper) Rack::Utils.default_query_parser.parse_query(qs, d, &unescaper) end
.q_values(q_value_header) (mod_func)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 138
def q_values(q_value_header) q_value_header.to_s.split(',').map do |part| value, parameters = part.split(';', 2).map(&:strip) quality = 1.0 if parameters && (md = /\Aq=([\d.]+)/.match(parameters)) quality = md[1].to_f end [value, quality] end end
.rfc2822(time) (mod_func)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 395
def rfc2822(time) time.rfc2822 end
.secure_compare(a, b) (mod_func)
Constant time string comparison.
NOTE: the values compared should be of fixed length, such as strings that have already been processed by HMAC. This should not be used on variable length plaintext strings because it could leak length info via timing attacks.
See additional method definition at line 448.
# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 455
def secure_compare(a, b) return false unless a.bytesize == b.bytesize OpenSSL.fixed_length_secure_compare(a, b) end
.select_best_encoding(available_encodings, accept_encoding) (mod_func)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 196
def select_best_encoding(available_encodings, accept_encoding) # = [] accept_encoding.each do |m, q| preference = available_encodings.index(m) || available_encodings.size if m == "*" (available_encodings - do |m2| << [m2, q, preference] end else << [m, q, preference] end end encoding_candidates = .sort_by { |_, q, p| [-q, p] } .map!(&:first) unless encoding_candidates.include?("identity") encoding_candidates.push("identity") end .each do |m, q| encoding_candidates.delete(m) if q == 0.0 end (encoding_candidates & available_encodings)[0] end
.set_cookie_header(key, value) ⇒ encoded
Generate an encoded string using the provided key
and value
suitable for the set-cookie
header according to RFC6265. The value
may be an instance of either String
or Hash
. If the cookie key is invalid (as defined by RFC6265), an ArgumentError
will be raised.
If the cookie value
is an instance of Hash
, it considers the following cookie attribute keys: domain
, max_age
, expires
(must be instance of Time
), secure
, http_only
, same_site
and value
. For more details about the interpretation of these fields, consult [RFC6265 Section 5.2](
"myname", "myvalue")
# => "myname=myvalue"
("myname", {value: "myvalue", max_age: 10})
# => "myname=myvalue; max-age=10"
# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 286
def (key, value) unless key =~ VALID_COOKIE_KEY raise ArgumentError, "invalid cookie key: #{key.inspect}" end case value when Hash domain = "; domain=#{value[:domain]}" if value[:domain] path = "; path=#{value[:path]}" if value[:path] max_age = "; max-age=#{value[:max_age]}" if value[:max_age] expires = "; expires=#{value[:expires].httpdate}" if value[:expires] secure = "; secure" if value[:secure] httponly = "; httponly" if (value.key?(:httponly) ? value[:httponly] : value[:http_only]) same_site = case value[:same_site] when false, nil nil when :none, 'None', :None '; samesite=none' when :lax, 'Lax', :Lax '; samesite=lax' when true, :strict, 'Strict', :Strict '; samesite=strict' else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid :same_site value: #{value[:same_site].inspect}" end partitioned = "; partitioned" if value[:partitioned] value = value[:value] end value = [value] unless Array === value return "#{key}=#{ { |v| escape v }.join('&')}#{domain}" \ "#{path}#{max_age}#{expires}#{secure}#{httponly}#{same_site}#{partitioned}" end
.set_cookie_header!(headers, key, value) ⇒ header
Append a cookie in the specified headers with the given cookie key
and value
using set_cookie_header.
If the headers already contains a set-cookie
key, it will be converted to an Array
if not already, and appended to.
# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 330
def (headers, key, value) if header = headers[SET_COOKIE] if header.is_a?(Array) header << (key, value) else headers[SET_COOKIE] = [header, (key, value)] end else headers[SET_COOKIE] = (key, value) end end
.status_code(status) (mod_func)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 582
def status_code(status) if status.is_a?(Symbol) SYMBOL_TO_STATUS_CODE.fetch(status) do fallback_code = OBSOLETE_SYMBOLS_TO_STATUS_CODES.fetch(status) { raise ArgumentError, "Unrecognized status code #{status.inspect}" } = "Status code #{status.inspect} is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Rack." if canonical_symbol = OBSOLETE_SYMBOL_MAPPINGS[status] = "#{} Please use #{canonical_symbol.inspect} instead." end warn , uplevel: 3 fallback_code end else status.to_i end end
.unescape(s, encoding = Encoding::UTF_8) (mod_func)
Unescapes a URI escaped string with encoding
. encoding
will be the target encoding of the string returned, and it defaults to UTF-8
# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 58
def unescape(s, encoding = Encoding::UTF_8) URI.decode_www_form_component(s, encoding) end
.unescape_path(s) (mod_func)
Unescapes the path component of a URI. See .unescape for unescaping query parameters or form components.
# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 52
def unescape_path(s) URI_PARSER.unescape s end
.valid_path?(path) ⇒ Boolean
# File 'lib/rack/utils.rb', line 617
def valid_path?(path) path.valid_encoding? && !path.include?(NULL_BYTE) end