
Class: Nokogiri::XML::Node


Class Node defines many methods and constants that are important for working with an XML document.

Node itself includes modules that add still more methods and constants:

Each of the following classes is a subclass of Node, and so inherits all the methods and constants mentioned above:


A Node may be treated similarly to a hash with regard to attributes. For example:

node = Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment.parse("<a href='#foo' id='link'>link</a>").at_css("a")
node.to_html # => "<a href=\"#foo\" id=\"link\">link</a>"
node['href'] # => "#foo"
node.keys # => ["href", "id"]
node.values # => ["#foo", "link"]
node['class'] = 'green' # => "green"
node.to_html # => "<a href=\"#foo\" id=\"link\" class=\"green\">link</a>"

See the method group entitled Node@Working+With+Node+Attributes for the full set of methods.


Node also has methods that let you move around your tree:

#parent, #children, #next, #previous

Navigate up, down, or through siblings.

See the method group entitled Node@Traversing+Document+Structure for the full set of methods.


When printing or otherwise emitting a document or a node (and its subtree), there are a few methods you might want to use:

#content, #text, #inner_text, #to_str

These methods will all **emit plaintext**, meaning that entities will be replaced (e.g., < will be replaced with <), meaning that any sanitizing will likely be un-done in the output.

#to_s, #to_xml, #to_html, #inner_html

These methods will all **emit properly-escaped markup**, meaning that it’s suitable for consumption by browsers, parsers, etc.

See the method group entitled Node@Serialization+and+Generating+Output for the full set of methods.


You may search this node’s subtree using methods like #xpath and #css.

See the method group entitled Node@Searching+via+XPath+or+CSS+Queries for the full set of methods.

Constant Summary

PP::Node - Included


Searchable - Included


::Nokogiri::ClassResolver - Included


Manipulating Document Structure

Working With Node Attributes

Serialization and Generating Output

Class Method Summary

  • .new(*args) constructor Internal use only

    documented in lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb.

Instance Attribute Summary

Instance Method Summary

::Nokogiri::ClassResolver - Included


Find a class constant within the.

Searchable - Included


Alias for Searchable#at.


Search this node’s immediate children using ::Nokogiri::CSS selector selector


Search this object for paths, and return only the first result.


Search this object for ::Nokogiri::CSS rules, and return only the first match.


Search this node for XPath paths, and return only the first match.


Search this object for ::Nokogiri::CSS rules.


Search this object for paths.


Search this node for XPath paths.

#css_internal, #css_rules_to_xpath, #xpath_impl, #xpath_internal, #xpath_query_from_css_rule, #extract_params

PP::Node - Included

Constructor Details


This method is for internal use only.

documented in lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 2078

static VALUE
rb_xml_node_new(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
  xmlNodePtr c_document_node;
  xmlNodePtr c_node;
  VALUE rb_name;
  VALUE rb_document_node;
  VALUE rest;
  VALUE rb_node;

  rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "2*", &rb_name, &rb_document_node, &rest);

  if (!rb_obj_is_kind_of(rb_document_node, cNokogiriXmlNode)) {
    rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "document must be a Nokogiri::XML::Node");
  if (!rb_obj_is_kind_of(rb_document_node, cNokogiriXmlDocument)) {
    NOKO_WARN_DEPRECATION("Passing a Node as the second parameter to Node.new is deprecated. Please pass a Document instead, or prefer an alternative constructor like Node#add_child. This will become an error in Nokogiri v1.17.0."); // TODO: deprecated in v1.13.0, remove in v1.17.0
  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(rb_document_node, xmlNode, c_document_node);

  c_node = xmlNewNode(NULL, (xmlChar *)StringValueCStr(rb_name));
  c_node->doc = c_document_node->doc;

  rb_node = noko_xml_node_wrap(
              klass == cNokogiriXmlNode ? (VALUE)NULL : klass,
  rb_obj_call_init(rb_node, argc, argv);

  if (rb_block_given_p()) { rb_yield(rb_node); }

  return rb_node;

#new(name, document) ⇒ Node #new(name, document) {|node| ... } ⇒ Node

Create a new node with #name that belongs to #document.

If you intend to add a node to a document tree, it’s likely that you will prefer one of the Node methods like #add_child, #add_next_sibling, #replace, etc. which will both create an element (or subtree) and place it in the document tree.

Another alternative, if you are concerned about performance, is Document#create_element which accepts additional arguments for contents or attributes but (like this method) avoids parsing markup.

  • #name (String)

  • #document (Nokogiri::XML::Document) The document to which the the returned node will belong.





[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 147

def initialize(name, document)
  # This is intentionally empty, and sets the method signature for subclasses.

Instance Attribute Details

#blank?(→ Boolean) (readonly)


true if the node is an empty or whitespace-only text or cdata node, else false.


Nokogiri("<root><child/></root>").root.child.blank? # => false
Nokogiri("<root>\t \n</root>").root.child.blank? # => true
Nokogiri("<root><![CDATA[\t \n]]></root>").root.child.blank? # => true
  .tap { |n| n.content = "" }.blank # => true
[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 666

static VALUE
rb_xml_node_blank_eh(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr node;
  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, node);
  return (1 == xmlIsBlankNode(node)) ? Qtrue : Qfalse ;

#cdata?Boolean (readonly)

Returns true if this is a CDATA

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1235

def cdata?

#children() → Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet) (rw)

:category: Traversing Document Structure


NodeSet containing this node’s children.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 708

static VALUE
rb_xml_node_children(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr node;
  xmlNodePtr child;
  xmlNodeSetPtr set;
  VALUE document;
  VALUE node_set;

  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, node);

  child = node->children;
  set = xmlXPathNodeSetCreate(child);

  document = DOC_RUBY_OBJECT(node->doc);

  if (!child) { return noko_xml_node_set_wrap(set, document); }

  child = child->next;
  while (NULL != child) {
    xmlXPathNodeSetAddUnique(set, child);
    child = child->next;

  node_set = noko_xml_node_set_wrap(set, document);

  return node_set;

#children=(node_or_tags) (rw)

Set the content for this Node node_or_tags

node_or_tags can be a Node, a DocumentFragment, or a String containing markup.

Also see related method #inner_html=

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 406

def children=(node_or_tags)
  node_or_tags = coerce(node_or_tags)
  if node_or_tags.is_a?(XML::NodeSet)
    node_or_tags.each { |n| add_child_node_and_reparent_attrs(n) }

#comment?Boolean (readonly)

Returns true if this is a Comment

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1230

def comment?
  type == COMMENT_NODE

#content() → String) (rw) #inner_text() → String) #text() → String) #to_str() → String) ⇒ ?
Also known as: #value, #to_s, #inner_text, #text, #to_str


Contents of all the text nodes in this node’s subtree, concatenated together into a single String.

⚠ Note that entities will always be expanded in the returned String.

See related: #inner_html

Example of how entities are handled:

Note that &lt; becomes < in the returned String.

doc = Nokogiri::XML.fragment("<child>a &lt; b</child>")
# => "a < b"

Example of how a subtree is handled:

Note that the <span> tags are omitted and only the text node contents are returned, concatenated into a single string.

doc = Nokogiri::XML.fragment("<child><span>first</span> <span>second</span></child>")
# => "first second"
[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 770

static VALUE
rb_xml_node_content(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr node;
  xmlChar *content;

  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, node);

  content = xmlNodeGetContent(node);
  if (content) {
    VALUE rval = NOKOGIRI_STR_NEW2(content);
    return rval;
  return Qnil;

#content=(input) (rw)

Set the content of this node to input.

  • input (String) The new content for this node. Input is considered to be raw content, and so will be entity-escaped in the final DOM string.


Note how entities are handled:

doc = Nokogiri::HTML::Document.parse(<<~HTML)
      <div id="first">asdf</div>
      <div id="second">asdf</div>

text_node = doc.at_css("div#first").children.first
div_node = doc.at_css("div#second")

value = "You &amp; Me"

text_node.content = value
div_node.content = value

# => "<div id=\"first\">You &amp;amp; Me</div>
#     <div id=\"second\">You &amp;amp; Me</div>"

For content that is already entity-escaped, use CGI.unescapeHTML to decode it:

text_node.content = CGI::unescapeHTML(value)
div_node.content = CGI::unescapeHTML(value)

# => "<div id=\"first\">You &amp; Me</div>
#     <div id=\"second\">You &amp; Me</div>"

See also: #native_content=

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 508

def content=(string)
  self.native_content = encode_special_chars(string.to_s)

#data_ptr?Boolean (readonly)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 2286

rb_xml_node_data_ptr_eh(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr c_node;
  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, c_node);
  return c_node ? Qtrue : Qfalse;

#default_namespace=(url) (writeonly)

Adds a default namespace supplied as a string url href, to self. The consequence is as an xmlns attribute with supplied argument were present in parsed ::Nokogiri::XML. A default namespace set with this method will now show up in #attributes, but when this node is serialized to ::Nokogiri::XML an “xmlns” attribute will appear. See also #namespace and #namespace=

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 524

def default_namespace=(url)
  add_namespace_definition(nil, url)

#document() → Nokogiri::XML::Document) (readonly)

:category: Traversing Document Structure


Parent Document for this node

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 795

static VALUE
rb_xml_node_document(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr node;
  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, node);
  return DOC_RUBY_OBJECT(node->doc);

#document?Boolean (readonly)

Returns true if this is a Document

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1250

def document?

#elem? (readonly)

Alias for #element?.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1290

alias_method :elem?, :element?

#element?Boolean (readonly) Also known as: #elem?

Returns true if this is an Element node

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1286

def element?
  type == ELEMENT_NODE

#fragment?Boolean (readonly)

Returns true if this is a DocumentFragment

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1265

def fragment?

#html?Boolean (readonly)

Returns true if this is an ::Nokogiri::HTML4::Document or ::Nokogiri::HTML5::Document node

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1245

def html?

#inner_html(*args) (rw)

Get the inner_html for this node’s #children

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1300

def inner_html(*args)
  children.map { |x| x.to_html(*args) }.join

#inner_html=(node_or_tags) (rw)

Set the content for this Node to node_or_tags.

node_or_tags can be a Node, a DocumentFragment, or a String containing markup.

⚠ Please note that despite the name, this method will not always parse a String argument as ::Nokogiri::HTML. A String argument will be parsed with the DocumentFragment parser related to this node’s document.

For example, if the document is an ::Nokogiri::HTML4::Document then the string will be parsed as ::Nokogiri::HTML4 using HTML4::DocumentFragment; but if the document is an Document then it will parse the string as ::Nokogiri::XML using DocumentFragment.

Also see related method #children=

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 395

def inner_html=(node_or_tags)
  self.children = node_or_tags

#inner_text (readonly)

Alias for #content.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 569

alias_method :inner_text, :content

#lang (rw)

Searches the language of a node, i.e. the values of the xml:lang attribute or the one carried by the nearest ancestor.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 1577

static VALUE
get_lang(VALUE self_rb)
  xmlNodePtr self ;
  xmlChar *lang ;
  VALUE lang_rb ;

  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self_rb, xmlNode, self);

  lang = xmlNodeGetLang(self);
  if (lang) {
    lang_rb = NOKOGIRI_STR_NEW2(lang);
    return lang_rb ;

  return Qnil ;

#lang= (rw)

Set the language of a node, i.e. the values of the xml:lang attribute.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 1556

static VALUE
set_lang(VALUE self_rb, VALUE lang_rb)
  xmlNodePtr self ;
  xmlChar *lang ;

  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self_rb, xmlNode, self);
  lang = (xmlChar *)StringValueCStr(lang_rb);

  xmlNodeSetLang(self, lang);

  return Qnil ;

#line() → Integer) (rw)


The line number of this Node.

⚠ The CRuby and JRuby implementations differ in important ways!

Semantic differences:

  • The CRuby method reflects the node’s line number in the parsed string

  • The JRuby method reflects the node’s line number in the final DOM structure after corrections have been applied

Performance differences:

  • The CRuby method is O(1) (constant time)

  • The JRuby method is O(n) (linear time, where n is the number of nodes before/above the element in the DOM)

If you’d like to help improve the JRuby implementation, please review these issues and reach out to the maintainers:

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 2040

static VALUE
rb_xml_node_line(VALUE rb_node)
  xmlNodePtr c_node;
  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(rb_node, xmlNode, c_node);

  return LONG2NUM(xmlGetLineNo(c_node));

#line=(num) (rw)

Sets the line for this Node. num must be less than 65535.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 2055

static VALUE
rb_xml_node_line_set(VALUE rb_node, VALUE rb_line_number)
  xmlNodePtr c_node;
  int line_number = NUM2INT(rb_line_number);

  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(rb_node, xmlNode, c_node);

  // libxml2 optionally uses xmlNode.psvi to store longer line numbers, but only for text nodes.
  // search for "psvi" in SAX2.c and tree.c to learn more.
  if (line_number < 65535) {
    c_node->line = (short unsigned)line_number;
  } else {
    c_node->line = 65535;
    if (c_node->type == XML_TEXT_NODE) {
      c_node->psvi = (void *)(ptrdiff_t)line_number;

  return rb_line_number;

#name (rw)

Alias for #node_name.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 572

alias_method :name, :node_name

#namespace() → Namespace) (rw)


The Namespace of the element or attribute node, or nil if there is no namespace.


doc = Nokogiri::XML(<<~EOF)
    <second xmlns="http://example.com/child"/>
    <foo:third xmlns:foo="http://example.com/foo"/>
# => nil
doc.at_xpath("//xmlns:second", "xmlns" => "http://example.com/child").namespace
# => #(Namespace:0x3c { href = "http://example.com/child" })
doc.at_xpath("//foo:third", "foo" => "http://example.com/foo").namespace
# => #(Namespace:0x50 { prefix = "foo", href = "http://example.com/foo" })
[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 1362

static VALUE
rb_xml_node_namespace(VALUE rb_node)
  xmlNodePtr c_node ;
  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(rb_node, xmlNode, c_node);

  if (c_node->ns) {
    return noko_xml_namespace_wrap(c_node->ns, c_node->doc);

  return Qnil ;

#namespace=(ns) (rw)

Set the default namespace on this node (as would be defined with an “xmlns=” attribute in ::Nokogiri::XML source), as a Namespace object ns. Note that a Namespace added this way will NOT be serialized as an xmlns attribute for this node. You probably want #default_namespace= instead, or perhaps #add_namespace_definition with a nil prefix argument.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 534

def namespace=(ns)
  return set_namespace(ns) unless ns

  unless Nokogiri::XML::Namespace === ns
    raise TypeError, "#{ns.class} can't be coerced into Nokogiri::XML::Namespace"
  if ns.document != document
    raise ArgumentError, "namespace must be declared on the same document"


#native_content=(input) (writeonly)

Set the content of this node to input.

  • input (String) The new content for this node.

⚠ This method behaves differently depending on the node type. For Text, CDATA, Comment, and ProcessingInstruction nodes, it treats the input as raw content, which means that the final DOM will contain the entity-escaped version of the input (see example below). For Element and Attr nodes, it treats the input as parsed content and expects it to be valid markup that is already entity-escaped.

💡 Use #content= for a more consistent API across node types.


Note the behavior differences of this method between Text and Element nodes:

doc = Nokogiri::HTML::Document.parse(<<~HTML)
      <div id="first">asdf</div>
      <div id="second">asdf</div>

text_node = doc.at_css("div#first").children.first
div_node = doc.at_css("div#second")

value = "You &amp; Me"

text_node.native_content = value
div_node.native_content = value

# => "<div id=\"first\">You &amp;amp; Me</div>
#     <div id=\"second\">You &amp; Me</div>"

See also: #content=

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 1532

static VALUE
set_native_content(VALUE self, VALUE content)
  xmlNodePtr node, child, next ;
  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, node);

  child = node->children;
  while (NULL != child) {
    next = child->next ;
    xmlUnlinkNode(child) ;
    child = next ;

  xmlNodeSetContent(node, (xmlChar *)StringValueCStr(content));
  return content;

#next (rw)

Alias for #next_sibling.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 559

alias_method :next, :next_sibling

#next=(node_or_tags) (rw)

Alias for #add_next_sibling.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 561

alias_method :next=, :add_next_sibling

#name (rw) Also known as: #name

Returns the name for this Node

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 1642

static VALUE
get_name(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr node;
  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, node);
  if (node->name) {
    return NOKOGIRI_STR_NEW2(node->name);
  return Qnil;

#name=(new_name) (rw) Also known as: #name=

Set the name for this Node

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 1627

static VALUE
set_name(VALUE self, VALUE new_name)
  xmlNodePtr node;
  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, node);
  xmlNodeSetName(node, (xmlChar *)StringValueCStr(new_name));
  return new_name;

#parent (rw)

Get the parent Node for this Node

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 1609

static VALUE
get_parent(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr node, parent;
  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, node);

  parent = node->parent;
  if (!parent) { return Qnil; }

  return noko_xml_node_wrap(Qnil, parent) ;

#parent=(parent_node) (rw)

Set the parent Node for this Node

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 514

def parent=(parent_node)

#prepend_newline?Boolean (readonly, private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 1862

static VALUE
rb_prepend_newline(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr node;
  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, node);
  return should_prepend_newline(node) ? Qtrue : Qfalse;

#previous (rw)

Alias for #previous_sibling.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 560

alias_method :previous, :previous_sibling

#previous=(node_or_tags) (rw)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 562

alias_method :previous=, :add_previous_sibling

#processing_instruction?Boolean (readonly)

Returns true if this is a ProcessingInstruction node

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1255

def processing_instruction?
  type == PI_NODE

#read_only?Boolean (readonly)

Is this a read only node?

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1280

def read_only?
  # According to gdome2, these are read-only node types

#text (readonly)

Alias for #content.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 570

alias_method :text, :content

#text?Boolean (readonly)

Returns true if this is a Text node

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1260

def text?
  type == TEXT_NODE

#to_str (readonly)

Alias for #content.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 571

alias_method :to_str, :content

#xml?Boolean (readonly)

Returns true if this is an Document node

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1240

def xml?

Instance Method Details


Add node_or_tags as a child of this Node.

node_or_tags can be a Node, a ::DocumentFragment, a ::NodeSet, or a String containing markup.

Returns self, to support chaining of calls (e.g., root << child1 << child2)

Also see related method #add_child.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 313

def <<(node_or_tags)


Compare two Node objects with respect to their Document. Nodes from different documents cannot be compared.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1361

def <=>(other)
  return unless other.is_a?(Nokogiri::XML::Node)
  return unless document == other.document



::Nokogiri::Test to see if this Node is equal to other

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1351

def ==(other)
  return false unless other
  return false unless other.respond_to?(:pointer_id)

  pointer_id == other.pointer_id

#[](name) → (String, nil) Also known as: #get_attribute, #attr

Fetch an attribute from this node.

⚠ Note that attributes with namespaces cannot be accessed with this method. To access namespaced attributes, use #attribute_with_ns.


(String, nil) value of the attribute #name, or nil if no matching attribute exists


doc = Nokogiri::XML("<root><child size='large' class='big wide tall'/></root>")
child = doc.at_css("child")
child["size"] # => "large"
child["class"] # => "big wide tall"

Example: Namespaced attributes will not be returned.

⚠ Note namespaced attributes may be accessed with #attribute or #attribute_with_ns

doc = Nokogiri::XML(<<~EOF)
  <root xmlns:width='http://example.com/widths'>
    <child width:size='broad'/>
doc.at_css("child")["size"] # => nil
doc.at_css("child").attribute("size").value # => "broad"
doc.at_css("child").attribute_with_ns("size", "http://example.com/widths").value
# => "broad"
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 608

def [](name)

#[]=(name, value) → value) Also known as: #set_attribute

Update the attribute #name to value, or create the attribute if it does not exist.

⚠ Note that attributes with namespaces cannot be accessed with this method. To access namespaced attributes for update, use #attribute_with_ns. To add a namespaced attribute, see the example below.




doc = Nokogiri::XML("<root><child/></root>")
child = doc.at_css("child")
child["size"] = "broad"
# => "<child size=\"broad\"></child>"

Example: Add a namespaced attribute.

doc = Nokogiri::XML(<<~EOF)
  <root xmlns:width='http://example.com/widths'>
child = doc.at_css("child")
child["size"] = "broad"
ns = doc.root.namespace_definitions.find { |ns| ns.prefix == "width" }
child.attribute("size").namespace = ns
# => "<root xmlns:width=\"http://example.com/widths\">\n" +
#    "  <child width:size=\"broad\"></child>\n" +
#    "</root>\n"
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 646

def []=(name, value)
  set(name.to_s, value.to_s)


This method is for internal use only.

Accept a visitor. This method calls “visit” on visitor with self.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1345

def accept(visitor)


Add node_or_tags as a child of this Node.

node_or_tags can be a Node, a ::DocumentFragment, a ::NodeSet, or a String containing markup.

Returns the reparented node (if node_or_tags is a Node), or NodeSet (if node_or_tags is a DocumentFragment, NodeSet, or String).

Also see related method #<<.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 205

def add_child(node_or_tags)
  node_or_tags = coerce(node_or_tags)
  if node_or_tags.is_a?(XML::NodeSet)
    node_or_tags.each { |n| add_child_node_and_reparent_attrs(n) }

#add_child_node(new_child) (private)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 1597

static VALUE
add_child(VALUE self, VALUE new_child)
  return reparent_node_with(self, new_child, xmlAddChild);

#add_child_node_and_reparent_attrs(node) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1660

def add_child_node_and_reparent_attrs(node)
  node.attribute_nodes.find_all { |a| a.name.include?(":") }.each do |attr_node|
    node[attr_node.name] = attr_node.value

#add_class(names) → self)

Ensure HTML ::Nokogiri::CSS classes are present on self. Any CSS classes in names that already exist in the “class” attribute are not added. Note that any existing duplicates in the “class” attribute are not removed. Compare with #append_class.

This is a convenience function and is equivalent to:

node.kwattr_add("class", names)

See related: #kwattr_add, #classes, #append_class, #remove_class

  • names (String, Array<String>)

    CSS class names to be added to the Node’s “class” attribute. May be a string containing whitespace-delimited names, or an Array of String names. Any class names already present will not be added. Any class names not present will be added. If no “class” attribute exists, one is created.


self (Node) for ease of chaining method calls.

Example: Ensure that the node has ::Nokogiri::CSS class “section”

node                      # => <div></div>
node.add_class("section") # => <div class="section"></div>
node.add_class("section") # => <div class="section"></div> # duplicate not added

Example: Ensure that the node has ::Nokogiri::CSS classes “section” and “header”, via a String argument

Note that the ::Nokogiri::CSS class “section” is not added because it is already present. Note also that the pre-existing duplicate ::Nokogiri::CSS class “section” is not removed.

node                             # => <div class="section section"></div>
node.add_class("section header") # => <div class="section section header"></div>

Example: Ensure that the node has ::Nokogiri::CSS classes “section” and “header”, via an Array argument

node                                  # => <div></div>
node.add_class(["section", "header"]) # => <div class="section header"></div>
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 811

def add_class(names)
  kwattr_add("class", names)

#add_namespace(rb_prefix, rb_href)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 565

alias_method :add_namespace, :add_namespace_definition

#add_namespace_definition(prefix, href) → Nokogiri::XML::Namespace) #add_namespace(prefix, href) → Nokogiri::XML::Namespace)
Also known as: #add_namespace

:category: Manipulating Document Structure

Adds a namespace definition to this node with prefix using href value, as if this node had included an attribute “xmlns:prefix=href”.

A default namespace definition for this node can be added by passing nil for prefix.


The new Namespace

Example: adding a non-default namespace definition

doc = Nokogiri::XML("<store><inventory></inventory></store>")
inventory = doc.at_css("inventory")
inventory.add_namespace_definition("automobile", "http://alices-autos.com/")
inventory.add_namespace_definition("bicycle", "http://bobs-bikes.com/")
inventory.add_child("<automobile:tire>Michelin model XGV, size 75R</automobile:tire>")
# => "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" +
#    "<store>\n" +
#    "  <inventory xmlns:automobile=\"http://alices-autos.com/\" xmlns:bicycle=\"http://bobs-bikes.com/\">\n" +
#    "    <automobile:tire>Michelin model XGV, size 75R</automobile:tire>\n" +
#    "  </inventory>\n" +
#    "</store>\n"

Example: adding a default namespace definition

doc = Nokogiri::XML("<store><inventory><tire>Michelin model XGV, size 75R</tire></inventory></store>")
doc.at_css("tire").add_namespace_definition(nil, "http://bobs-bikes.com/")
# => "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" +
#    "<store>\n" +
#    "  <inventory>\n" +
#    "    <tire xmlns=\"http://bobs-bikes.com/\">Michelin model XGV, size 75R</tire>\n" +
#    "  </inventory>\n" +
#    "</store>\n"
[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 466

static VALUE
rb_xml_node_add_namespace_definition(VALUE rb_node, VALUE rb_prefix, VALUE rb_href)
  xmlNodePtr c_node, element;
  xmlNsPtr c_namespace;
  const xmlChar *c_prefix = (const xmlChar *)(NIL_P(rb_prefix) ? NULL : StringValueCStr(rb_prefix));

  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(rb_node, xmlNode, c_node);
  element = c_node ;

  c_namespace = xmlSearchNs(c_node->doc, c_node, c_prefix);

  if (!c_namespace) {
    if (c_node->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
      element = c_node->parent;
    c_namespace = xmlNewNs(element, (const xmlChar *)StringValueCStr(rb_href), c_prefix);

  if (!c_namespace) {
    return Qnil ;

  if (NIL_P(rb_prefix) || c_node != element) {
    xmlSetNs(c_node, c_namespace);

  return noko_xml_namespace_wrap(c_namespace, c_node->doc);

#add_next_sibling(node_or_tags) Also known as: #next=

Insert node_or_tags after this Node (as a sibling).

node_or_tags can be a Node, a ::DocumentFragment, a ::NodeSet, or a String containing markup.

Returns the reparented node (if node_or_tags is a Node), or NodeSet (if node_or_tags is a DocumentFragment, NodeSet, or String).

Also see related method #after.


  • (ArgumentError)
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 345

def add_next_sibling(node_or_tags)
  raise ArgumentError,
    "A document may not have multiple root nodes." if parent&.document? && !(node_or_tags.comment? || node_or_tags.processing_instruction?)

  add_sibling(:next, node_or_tags)

#add_next_sibling_node(new_sibling) (private)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 1683

static VALUE
add_next_sibling(VALUE self, VALUE new_sibling)
  return reparent_node_with(self, new_sibling, xmlAddNextSibling) ;

#add_previous_sibling(node_or_tags) Also known as: #previous=

Insert node_or_tags before this Node (as a sibling).

node_or_tags can be a Node, a ::DocumentFragment, a ::NodeSet, or a String containing markup.

Returns the reparented node (if node_or_tags is a Node), or NodeSet (if node_or_tags is a DocumentFragment, NodeSet, or String).

Also see related method #before.


  • (ArgumentError)
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 328

def add_previous_sibling(node_or_tags)
  raise ArgumentError,
    "A document may not have multiple root nodes." if parent&.document? && !(node_or_tags.comment? || node_or_tags.processing_instruction?)

  add_sibling(:previous, node_or_tags)

#add_previous_sibling_node(new_sibling) (private)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 1690

static VALUE
add_previous_sibling(VALUE self, VALUE new_sibling)
  return reparent_node_with(self, new_sibling, xmlAddPrevSibling) ;

#add_sibling(next_or_previous, node_or_tags) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1622

def add_sibling(next_or_previous, node_or_tags)
  raise("Cannot add sibling to a node with no parent") unless parent

  impl = next_or_previous == :next ? :add_next_sibling_node : :add_previous_sibling_node
  iter = next_or_previous == :next ? :reverse_each : :each

  node_or_tags = parent.coerce(node_or_tags)
  if node_or_tags.is_a?(XML::NodeSet)
    if text?
      pivot = Nokogiri::XML::Node.new("dummy", document)
      send(impl, pivot)
      pivot = self
    node_or_tags.send(iter) { |n| pivot.send(impl, n) }
    pivot.unlink if text?
    send(impl, node_or_tags)


Insert node_or_tags after this node (as a sibling).

node_or_tags can be a Node, a DocumentFragment, or a String containing markup.

Returns self, to support chaining of calls.

Also see related method #add_next_sibling.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 375

def after(node_or_tags)

#ancestors(selector = nil)

Get a list of ancestor Node for this Node. If selector is given, the ancestors must match selector

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1314

def ancestors(selector = nil)
  return NodeSet.new(document) unless respond_to?(:parent)
  return NodeSet.new(document) unless parent

  parents = [parent]

  while parents.last.respond_to?(:parent)
    break unless (ctx_parent = parents.last.parent)

    parents << ctx_parent

  return NodeSet.new(document, parents) unless selector

  root = parents.last
  search_results = root.search(selector)

  NodeSet.new(document, parents.find_all do |parent|

#append_class(names) → self)

Add HTML ::Nokogiri::CSS classes to self, regardless of duplication. Compare with #add_class.

This is a convenience function and is equivalent to:

node.kwattr_append("class", names)

See related: #kwattr_append, #classes, #add_class, #remove_class

  • names (String, Array<String>)

    CSS class names to be appended to the Node’s “class” attribute. May be a string containing whitespace-delimited names, or an Array of String names. All class names passed in will be appended to the “class” attribute even if they are already present in the attribute value. If no “class” attribute exists, one is created.


self (Node) for ease of chaining method calls.

Example: Append “section” to the node’s ::Nokogiri::CSS “class” attribute

node                         # => <div></div>
node.append_class("section") # => <div class="section"></div>
node.append_class("section") # => <div class="section section"></div> # duplicate added!

Example: Append “section” and “header” to the noded’s ::Nokogiri::CSS “class” attribute, via a String argument

Note that the ::Nokogiri::CSS class “section” is appended even though it is already present

node                                # => <div class="section section"></div>
node.append_class("section header") # => <div class="section section section header"></div>

Example: Append “section” and “header” to the node’s ::Nokogiri::CSS “class” attribute, via an Array argument

node                                     # => <div></div>
node.append_class(["section", "header"]) # => <div class="section header"></div>
node.append_class(["section", "header"]) # => <div class="section header section header"></div>
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 855

def append_class(names)
  kwattr_append("class", names)


Alias for #[].

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1103

alias_method :attr, :[]

#attribute(name) → Nokogiri::XML::Attr)

:category: Working With Node Attributes


Attribute (Nokogiri::XML::Attr) belonging to this node with name #name.

⚠ Note that attribute namespaces are ignored and only the simple (non-namespace-prefixed) name is used to find a matching attribute. In case of a simple name collision, only one of the matching attributes will be returned. In this case, you will need to use #attribute_with_ns.


doc = Nokogiri::XML("<root><child size='large' class='big wide tall'/></root>")
child = doc.at_css("child")
child.attribute("size") # => #<Nokogiri::XML::Attr:0x550 name="size" value="large">
child.attribute("class") # => #<Nokogiri::XML::Attr:0x564 name="class" value="big wide tall">

Example showing that namespaced attributes will not be returned:

⚠ Note that only one of the two matching attributes is returned.

doc = Nokogiri::XML(<<~EOF)
  <root xmlns:width='http://example.com/widths'
    <child width:size='broad' height:size='tall'/>
# => #(Attr:0x550 {
#      name = "size",
#      namespace = #(Namespace:0x564 {
#        prefix = "width",
#        href = "http://example.com/widths"
#        }),
#      value = "broad"
#      })
[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 535

static VALUE
rb_xml_node_attribute(VALUE self, VALUE name)
  xmlNodePtr node;
  xmlAttrPtr prop;
  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, node);
  prop = xmlHasProp(node, (xmlChar *)StringValueCStr(name));

  if (! prop) { return Qnil; }
  return noko_xml_node_wrap(Qnil, (xmlNodePtr)prop);

#attribute_nodes() → Array<Nokogiri::XML::Attr>)

:category: Working With Node Attributes


Attributes (an Array of Attr) belonging to this node.

Note that this is the preferred alternative to #attributes when the simple (non-namespace-prefixed) attribute names may collide.


Contrast this with the colliding-name example from #attributes.

doc = Nokogiri::XML(<<~EOF)
  <root xmlns:width='http://example.com/widths'
    <child width:size='broad' height:size='tall'/>
# => [#(Attr:0x550 {
#       name = "size",
#       namespace = #(Namespace:0x564 {
#         prefix = "width",
#         href = "http://example.com/widths"
#         }),
#       value = "broad"
#       }),
#     #(Attr:0x578 {
#       name = "size",
#       namespace = #(Namespace:0x58c {
#         prefix = "height",
#         href = "http://example.com/heights"
#         }),
#       value = "tall"
#       })]
[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 586

static VALUE
rb_xml_node_attribute_nodes(VALUE rb_node)
  xmlNodePtr c_node;

  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(rb_node, xmlNode, c_node);

  return noko_xml_node_attrs(c_node);

#attribute_with_ns(name, namespace) → Nokogiri::XML::Attr)

:category: Working With Node Attributes


Attribute (Nokogiri::XML::Attr) belonging to this node with matching #name and #namespace.

  • #name (String): the simple (non-namespace-prefixed) name of the attribute

  • #namespace (String): the URI of the attribute’s namespace

See related: #attribute


doc = Nokogiri::XML(<<~EOF)
  <root xmlns:width='http://example.com/widths'
    <child width:size='broad' height:size='tall'/>
doc.at_css("child").attribute_with_ns("size", "http://example.com/widths")
# => #(Attr:0x550 {
#      name = "size",
#      namespace = #(Namespace:0x564 {
#        prefix = "width",
#        href = "http://example.com/widths"
#        }),
#      value = "broad"
#      })
doc.at_css("child").attribute_with_ns("size", "http://example.com/heights")
# => #(Attr:0x578 {
#      name = "size",
#      namespace = #(Namespace:0x58c {
#        prefix = "height",
#        href = "http://example.com/heights"
#        }),
#      value = "tall"
#      })
[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 638

static VALUE
rb_xml_node_attribute_with_ns(VALUE self, VALUE name, VALUE namespace)
  xmlNodePtr node;
  xmlAttrPtr prop;
  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, node);
  prop = xmlHasNsProp(node, (xmlChar *)StringValueCStr(name),
                      NIL_P(namespace) ? NULL : (xmlChar *)StringValueCStr(namespace));

  if (! prop) { return Qnil; }
  return noko_xml_node_wrap(Qnil, (xmlNodePtr)prop);

#attributes() → Hash<String ⇒ Nokogiri::XML::Attr>)

Fetch this node’s attributes.

⚠ Because the keys do not include any namespace information for the attribute, in case of a simple name collision, not all attributes will be returned. In this case, you will need to use #attribute_nodes.


Hash containing attributes belonging to self. The hash keys are String attribute names (without the namespace), and the hash values are Nokogiri::XML::Attr.

Example with no namespaces:

doc = Nokogiri::XML("<root><child size='large' class='big wide tall'/></root>")
# => {"size"=>#(Attr:0x550 { name = "size", value = "large" }),
#     "class"=>#(Attr:0x564 { name = "class", value = "big wide tall" })}

Example with a namespace:

doc = Nokogiri::XML("<root xmlns:desc='http://example.com/sizes'><child desc:size='large'/></root>")
# => {"size"=>
#      #(Attr:0x550 {
#        name = "size",
#        namespace = #(Namespace:0x564 {
#          prefix = "desc",
#          href = "http://example.com/sizes"
#          }),
#        value = "large"
#        })}

Example with an attribute name collision:

⚠ Note that only one of the attributes is returned in the Hash.

doc = Nokogiri::XML(<<~EOF)
  <root xmlns:width='http://example.com/widths'
    <child width:size='broad' height:size='tall'/>
# => {"size"=>
#      #(Attr:0x550 {
#        name = "size",
#        namespace = #(Namespace:0x564 {
#          prefix = "height",
#          href = "http://example.com/heights"
#          }),
#        value = "tall"
#        })}
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 705

def attributes
  attribute_nodes.each_with_object({}) do |node, hash|
    hash[node.node_name] = node


Insert node_or_tags before this node (as a sibling).

node_or_tags can be a Node, a ::DocumentFragment, a ::NodeSet, or a String containing markup.

Returns self, to support chaining of calls.

Also see related method #add_previous_sibling.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 361

def before(node_or_tags)

#canonicalize(mode = XML::XML_C14N_1_0, inclusive_namespaces = nil, with_comments = false)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1513

def canonicalize(mode = XML::XML_C14N_1_0, inclusive_namespaces = nil, with_comments = false)
  c14n_root = self
  document.canonicalize(mode, inclusive_namespaces, with_comments) do |node, parent|
    tn = node.is_a?(XML::Node) ? node : parent
    tn == c14n_root || tn.ancestors.include?(c14n_root)

#child() → Nokogiri::XML::Node)

:category: Traversing Document Structure


First of this node’s children, or nil if there are no children

This is a convenience method and is equivalent to:


See related: #children

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 688

static VALUE
rb_xml_node_child(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr node, child;
  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, node);

  child = node->children;
  if (!child) { return Qnil; }

  return noko_xml_node_wrap(Qnil, child);

#classes() → Array<String>)

Fetch CSS class names of a Node.

This is a convenience function and is equivalent to:


See related: #kwattr_values, #add_class, #append_class, #remove_class


The CSS classes (Array of String) present in the Node’s “class” attribute. If the attribute is empty or non-existent, the return value is an empty array.


node         # => <div class="section title header"></div>
node.classes # => ["section", "title", "header"]
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 765

def classes

#clone(→ Nokogiri::XML::Node) #clone(level) → Nokogiri::XML::Node) #clone(level, new_parent_doc) → Nokogiri::XML::Node)

Clone this node.

  • level (optional Integer). 0 is a shallow copy, 1 (the default) is a deep copy.

  • new_parent_doc The new node’s parent Document. Defaults to the the Document of the current node.


The new Node

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 183

def clone(level = 1, new_parent_doc = document)
  super().initialize_copy_with_args(self, level, new_parent_doc)

#compare(other) (private)

Compare this Node to other with respect to their Document

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 2141

static VALUE
compare(VALUE self, VALUE _other)
  xmlNodePtr node, other;
  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, node);
  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(_other, xmlNode, other);

  return INT2NUM(xmlXPathCmpNodes(other, node));

#create_external_subset(name, external_id, system_id)

Create an external subset

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 888

static VALUE
create_external_subset(VALUE self, VALUE name, VALUE external_id, VALUE system_id)
  xmlNodePtr node;
  xmlDocPtr doc;
  xmlDtdPtr dtd;

  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, node);

  doc = node->doc;

  if (doc->extSubset) {
    rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Document already has an external subset");

  dtd = xmlNewDtd(
          NIL_P(name)        ? NULL : (const xmlChar *)StringValueCStr(name),
          NIL_P(external_id) ? NULL : (const xmlChar *)StringValueCStr(external_id),
          NIL_P(system_id)   ? NULL : (const xmlChar *)StringValueCStr(system_id)

  if (!dtd) { return Qnil; }

  return noko_xml_node_wrap(Qnil, (xmlNodePtr)dtd);

#create_internal_subset(name, external_id, system_id)

Create the internal subset of a document.

doc.create_internal_subset("chapter", "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML//EN", "chapter.dtd")
# => <!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML//EN" "chapter.dtd">

doc.create_internal_subset("chapter", nil, "chapter.dtd")
# => <!DOCTYPE chapter SYSTEM "chapter.dtd">
[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 855

static VALUE
create_internal_subset(VALUE self, VALUE name, VALUE external_id, VALUE system_id)
  xmlNodePtr node;
  xmlDocPtr doc;
  xmlDtdPtr dtd;

  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, node);

  doc = node->doc;

  if (xmlGetIntSubset(doc)) {
    rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Document already has an internal subset");

  dtd = xmlCreateIntSubset(
          NIL_P(name)        ? NULL : (const xmlChar *)StringValueCStr(name),
          NIL_P(external_id) ? NULL : (const xmlChar *)StringValueCStr(external_id),
          NIL_P(system_id)   ? NULL : (const xmlChar *)StringValueCStr(system_id)

  if (!dtd) { return Qnil; }

  return noko_xml_node_wrap(Qnil, (xmlNodePtr)dtd);


Get the path to this node as a ::Nokogiri::CSS expression

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1305

def css_path
  path.split(%r{/}).filter_map do |part|
    part.empty? ? nil : part.gsub(/\[(\d+)\]/, ':nth-of-type(\1)')
  end.join(" > ")

#deconstruct_keys(array_of_names) → Hash)

Returns a hash describing the Node, to use in pattern matching.

Valid keys and their values:

  • #name → (String) The name of this node, or “text” if it is a Text node.

  • #namespace → (Namespace, nil) The namespace of this node, or nil if there is no namespace.

  • #attributes → (Array<Attr>) The attributes of this node.

  • #children → (Array<Node>) The children of this node. 💡 Note this includes text nodes.

  • #elements → (Array<Node>) The child elements of this node. 💡 Note this does not include text nodes.

  • #content → (String) The contents of all the text nodes in this node’s subtree. See #content.

  • #inner_html → (String) The inner markup for the children of this node. See #inner_html.


doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(<<~XML)
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <parent xmlns="http://nokogiri.org/ns/default" xmlns:noko="http://nokogiri.org/ns/noko">
    <child1 foo="abc" noko:bar="def">First</child1>
    <noko:child2 foo="qwe" noko:bar="rty">Second</noko:child2>

doc.root.deconstruct_keys([:name, :namespace])
# => {:name=>"parent",
#     :namespace=>
#      #(Namespace:0x35c { href = "http://nokogiri.org/ns/default" })}

doc.root.deconstruct_keys([:inner_html, :content])
# => {:content=>"\n" + "  First\n" + "  Second\n",
#     :inner_html=>
#      "\n" +
#      "  <child1 foo=\"abc\" noko:bar=\"def\">First</child1>\n" +
#      "  <noko:child2 foo=\"qwe\" noko:bar=\"rty\">Second</noko:child2>\n"}

# => {:attributes=>
#      [#(Attr:0x370 { name = "foo", value = "abc" }),
#       #(Attr:0x384 {
#         name = "bar",
#         namespace = #(Namespace:0x398 {
#           prefix = "noko",
#           href = "http://nokogiri.org/ns/noko"
#           }),
#         value = "def"
#         })]}

Since v1.14.0

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1574

def deconstruct_keys(keys)
  requested_keys = DECONSTRUCT_KEYS & keys
  {}.tap do |values|
    requested_keys.each do |key|
      method = DECONSTRUCT_METHODS[key] || key
      values[key] = send(method)


Decorate this node with the decorators set up in this node’s Document

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 189

def decorate!


Alias for #remove_attribute.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1101

alias_method :delete, :remove_attribute


Fetch the ::Nokogiri::HTML4::ElementDescription for this node. Returns nil on ::Nokogiri::XML documents and on unknown tags.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1272

def description
  return if document.xml?


#do_xinclude(options = XML::ParseOptions::DEFAULT_XML) {|options| ... }

Do xinclude substitution on the subtree below node. If given a block, a ParseOptions object initialized from options, will be passed to it, allowing more convenient modification of the parser options.


  • (options)
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 551

def do_xinclude(options = XML::ParseOptions::DEFAULT_XML)
  options = Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions.new(options) if Integer === options
  yield options if block_given?

  # call c extension

#dump_html (private)

Returns the Node as html.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 2119

static VALUE
dump_html(VALUE self)
  xmlBufferPtr buf ;
  xmlNodePtr node ;
  VALUE html;

  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, node);

  buf = xmlBufferCreate() ;
  htmlNodeDump(buf, node->doc, node);
  html = NOKOGIRI_STR_NEW2(xmlBufferContent(buf));
  return html ;

#dup(→ Nokogiri::XML::Node) #dup(level) → Nokogiri::XML::Node) #dup(level, new_parent_doc) → Nokogiri::XML::Node)

Duplicate this node.

  • level (optional Integer). 0 is a shallow copy, 1 (the default) is a deep copy.

  • new_parent_doc (optional Document) The new node’s parent Document. Defaults to the the Document of the current node.


The new Node

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 165

def dup(level = 1, new_parent_doc = document)
  super().initialize_copy_with_args(self, level, new_parent_doc)


Iterate over each attribute name and value pair for this Node.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 731

def each
  attribute_nodes.each do |node|
    yield [node.node_name, node.value]

#element_children() → NodeSet) #elements() → NodeSet)
Also known as: #elements


The node’s child elements as a NodeSet. Only children that are elements will be returned, which notably excludes Text nodes.


Note that #children returns the Text node “hello” while #element_children does not.

div = Nokogiri::HTML5("<div>hello<span>world</span>").at_css("div")
# => [#<Nokogiri::XML::Element:0x50 name="span" children=[#<Nokogiri::XML::Text:0x3c "world">]>]
# => [#<Nokogiri::XML::Text:0x64 "hello">,
#     #<Nokogiri::XML::Element:0x50 name="span" children=[#<Nokogiri::XML::Text:0x3c "world">]>]
[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 1113

static VALUE
rb_xml_node_element_children(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr node;
  xmlNodePtr child;
  xmlNodeSetPtr set;
  VALUE document;
  VALUE node_set;

  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, node);

  child = xmlFirstElementChild(node);
  set = xmlXPathNodeSetCreate(child);

  document = DOC_RUBY_OBJECT(node->doc);

  if (!child) { return noko_xml_node_set_wrap(set, document); }

  child = xmlNextElementSibling(child);
  while (NULL != child) {
    xmlXPathNodeSetAddUnique(set, child);
    child = xmlNextElementSibling(child);

  node_set = noko_xml_node_set_wrap(set, document);

  return node_set;


Alias for #element_children.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 574

alias_method :elements, :element_children

#encode_special_chars(string) → String)

Encode any special characters in string

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 824

static VALUE
encode_special_chars(VALUE self, VALUE string)
  xmlNodePtr node;
  xmlChar *encoded;
  VALUE encoded_str;

  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, node);
  encoded = xmlEncodeSpecialChars(
              (const xmlChar *)StringValueCStr(string)

  encoded_str = NOKOGIRI_STR_NEW2(encoded);

  return encoded_str;


Get the external subset

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 921

static VALUE
external_subset(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr node;
  xmlDocPtr doc;
  xmlDtdPtr dtd;

  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, node);

  if (!node->doc) { return Qnil; }

  doc = node->doc;
  dtd = doc->extSubset;

  if (!dtd) { return Qnil; }

  return noko_xml_node_wrap(Qnil, (xmlNodePtr)dtd);

#first_element_child() → Node)


The first child Node that is an element.


Note that the “hello” child, which is a Text node, is skipped and the <span> element is returned.

div = Nokogiri::HTML5("<div>hello<span>world</span>").at_css("div")
# => #(Element:0x3c { name = "span", children = [ #(Text "world")] })
[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 1157

static VALUE
rb_xml_node_first_element_child(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr node, child;
  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, node);

  child = xmlFirstElementChild(node);
  if (!child) { return Qnil; }

  return noko_xml_node_wrap(Qnil, child);

#fragment(tags) (readonly)

Create a DocumentFragment containing tags that is relative to this context node.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1118

def fragment(tags)
  document.related_class("DocumentFragment").new(document, tags, self)

#get(attribute) (private)

Get the value for #attribute

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 1275

static VALUE
get(VALUE self, VALUE rattribute)
  xmlNodePtr node;
  xmlChar *value = 0;
  VALUE rvalue;
  xmlChar *colon;
  xmlChar *attribute, *attr_name, *prefix;
  xmlNsPtr ns;

  if (NIL_P(rattribute)) { return Qnil; }

  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, node);
  attribute = xmlCharStrdup(StringValueCStr(rattribute));

  colon = DISCARD_CONST_QUAL_XMLCHAR(xmlStrchr(attribute, (const xmlChar)':'));
  if (colon) {
    /* split the attribute string into separate prefix and name by
     * null-terminating the prefix at the colon */
    prefix = attribute;
    attr_name = colon + 1;
    (*colon) = 0;

    ns = xmlSearchNs(node->doc, node, prefix);
    if (ns) {
      value = xmlGetNsProp(node, attr_name, ns->href);
    } else {
      value = xmlGetProp(node, (xmlChar *)StringValueCStr(rattribute));
  } else {
    value = xmlGetNoNsProp(node, attribute);

  xmlFree((void *)attribute);
  if (!value) { return Qnil; }

  rvalue = NOKOGIRI_STR_NEW2(value);
  xmlFree((void *)value);

  return rvalue ;


Alias for #[].

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1102

alias_method :get_attribute, :[]


Alias for #key?.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1105

alias_method :has_attribute?, :key?

#html_standard_serialize(preserve_newline) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 2000

static VALUE
  VALUE self,
  VALUE preserve_newline
  xmlNodePtr node;
  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, node);
  VALUE output = rb_str_buf_new(4096);
  output_node(output, node, RTEST(preserve_newline));
  return output;

#in_context(_str, _options) (private)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 2190

static VALUE
in_context(VALUE self, VALUE _str, VALUE _options)
  xmlNodePtr node, list = 0, tmp, child_iter, node_children, doc_children;
  xmlNodeSetPtr set;
  xmlParserErrors error;
  VALUE doc, err;
  int doc_is_empty;

  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, node);

  doc = DOC_RUBY_OBJECT(node->doc);
  err = rb_iv_get(doc, "@errors");
  doc_is_empty = (node->doc->children == NULL) ? 1 : 0;
  node_children = node->children;
  doc_children  = node->doc->children;

  xmlSetStructuredErrorFunc((void *)err, noko__error_array_pusher);

  /* This function adds a fake node to the child of node.  If the parser
   * does not exit cleanly with XML_ERR_OK, the list is freed.  This can
   * leave the child pointers in a bad state if they were originally empty.
   * http://git.gnome.org/browse/libxml2/tree/parser.c#n13177
   * */
  error = xmlParseInNodeContext(node, StringValuePtr(_str),
                                (int)NUM2INT(_options), &list);

  /* xmlParseInNodeContext should not mutate the original document or node,
   * so reassigning these pointers should be OK.  The reason we're reassigning
   * is because if there were errors, it's possible for the child pointers
   * to be manipulated. */
  if (error != XML_ERR_OK) {
    node->doc->children = doc_children;
    node->children = node_children;

  /* make sure parent/child pointers are coherent so an unlink will work
   * properly (#331)
  child_iter = node->doc->children ;
  while (child_iter) {
    child_iter->parent = (xmlNodePtr)node->doc;
    child_iter = child_iter->next;

  xmlSetStructuredErrorFunc(NULL, NULL);

   * Workaround for a libxml2 bug where a parsing error may leave a broken
   * node reference in node->doc->children.
   * https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=668155
   * This workaround is limited to when a parse error occurs, the document
   * went from having no children to having children, and the context node is
   * part of a document fragment.
   * TODO: This was fixed in libxml 2.8.0 by 71a243d
  if (error != XML_ERR_OK && doc_is_empty && node->doc->children != NULL) {
    child_iter = node;
    while (child_iter->parent) {
      child_iter = child_iter->parent;

    if (child_iter->type == XML_DOCUMENT_FRAG_NODE) {
      node->doc->children = NULL;

  /* FIXME: This probably needs to handle more constants... */
  switch (error) {
      rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "error parsing fragment (%d)", error);

  set = xmlXPathNodeSetCreate(NULL);

  while (list) {
    tmp = list->next;
    list->next = NULL;
    xmlXPathNodeSetAddUnique(set, list);
    list = tmp;

  return noko_xml_node_set_wrap(set, doc);

#inspect_attributes (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1654

def inspect_attributes
  [:name, :namespace, :attribute_nodes, :children]


Get the internal subset

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 946

static VALUE
internal_subset(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr node;
  xmlDocPtr doc;
  xmlDtdPtr dtd;

  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, node);

  if (!node->doc) { return Qnil; }

  doc = node->doc;
  dtd = xmlGetIntSubset(doc);

  if (!dtd) { return Qnil; }

  return noko_xml_node_wrap(Qnil, (xmlNodePtr)dtd);

#key?(attribute) Also known as: #has_attribute?

Returns true if #attribute is set

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 1202

static VALUE
key_eh(VALUE self, VALUE attribute)
  xmlNodePtr node;
  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, node);
  if (xmlHasProp(node, (xmlChar *)StringValueCStr(attribute))) {
    return Qtrue;
  return Qfalse;


Get the attribute names for this Node.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 725

def keys

#keywordify(keywords) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1610

def keywordify(keywords)
  case keywords
  when Enumerable
  when String
    raise ArgumentError,
      "Keyword attributes must be passed as either a String or an Enumerable, but received #{keywords.class}"

#kwattr_add(attribute_name, keywords) → self)

Ensure that values are present in a keyword attribute.

Any values in keywords that already exist in the Node’s attribute values are not added. Note that any existing duplicates in the attribute values are not removed. Compare with #kwattr_append.

A “keyword attribute” is a node attribute that contains a set of space-delimited values. Perhaps the most familiar example of this is the ::Nokogiri::HTML “class” attribute used to contain ::Nokogiri::CSS classes. But other keyword attributes exist, for instance the “rel” attribute.

See also #add_class, #kwattr_values, #kwattr_append, #kwattr_remove

  • attribute_name (String) The name of the keyword attribute to be modified.

  • keywords (String, Array<String>) Keywords to be added to the attribute named attribute_name. May be a string containing whitespace-delimited values, or an Array of String values. Any values already present will not be added. Any values not present will be added. If the named attribute does not exist, it is created.


self (Nokogiri::XML::Node) for ease of chaining method calls.

Example: Ensure that a Node has “nofollow” in its rel attribute.

Note that duplicates are not added.

node                               # => <a></a>
node.kwattr_add("rel", "nofollow") # => <a rel="nofollow"></a>
node.kwattr_add("rel", "nofollow") # => <a rel="nofollow"></a>

Example: Ensure that a Node has “nofollow” and “noreferrer” in its rel attribute, via a String argument.

Note that "nofollow" is not added because it is already present. Note also that the
pre-existing duplicate "nofollow" is not removed.

 node                                          # => <a rel="nofollow nofollow"></a>
 node.kwattr_add("rel", "nofollow noreferrer") # => <a rel="nofollow nofollow noreferrer"></a>

Example: Ensure that a Node has “nofollow” and “noreferrer” in its rel attribute, via an Array argument.

node                                               # => <a></a>
node.kwattr_add("rel", ["nofollow", "noreferrer"]) # => <a rel="nofollow noreferrer"></a>

Since v1.11.0

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 988

def kwattr_add(attribute_name, keywords)
  keywords = keywordify(keywords)
  current_kws = kwattr_values(attribute_name)
  new_kws = (current_kws + (keywords - current_kws)).join(" ")
  set_attribute(attribute_name, new_kws)

#kwattr_append(attribute_name, keywords) → self)

Add keywords to a Node’s keyword attribute, regardless of duplication. Compare with #kwattr_add.

A “keyword attribute” is a node attribute that contains a set of space-delimited values. Perhaps the most familiar example of this is the ::Nokogiri::HTML “class” attribute used to contain ::Nokogiri::CSS classes. But other keyword attributes exist, for instance the “rel” attribute.

See also #append_class, #kwattr_values, #kwattr_add, #kwattr_remove

  • attribute_name (String) The name of the keyword attribute to be modified.

  • keywords (String, Array<String>) Keywords to be added to the attribute named attribute_name. May be a string containing whitespace-delimited values, or an Array of String values. All values passed in will be appended to the named attribute even if they are already present in the attribute. If the named attribute does not exist, it is created.


self (Node) for ease of chaining method calls.

Example: Append “nofollow” to the rel attribute.

Note that duplicates are added.

node                                  # => <a></a>
node.kwattr_append("rel", "nofollow") # => <a rel="nofollow"></a>
node.kwattr_append("rel", "nofollow") # => <a rel="nofollow nofollow"></a>

Example: Append “nofollow” and “noreferrer” to the rel attribute, via a String argument.

Note that “nofollow” is appended even though it is already present.

node                                             # => <a rel="nofollow"></a>
node.kwattr_append("rel", "nofollow noreferrer") # => <a rel="nofollow nofollow noreferrer"></a>

Example: Append “nofollow” and “noreferrer” to the rel attribute, via an Array argument.

node                                                  # => <a></a>
node.kwattr_append("rel", ["nofollow", "noreferrer"]) # => <a rel="nofollow noreferrer"></a>

Since v1.11.0

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1041

def kwattr_append(attribute_name, keywords)
  keywords = keywordify(keywords)
  current_kws = kwattr_values(attribute_name)
  new_kws = (current_kws + keywords).join(" ")
  set_attribute(attribute_name, new_kws)

#kwattr_remove(attribute_name, keywords) → self)

Remove keywords from a keyword attribute. Any matching keywords that exist in the named attribute are removed, including any multiple entries.

If no keywords remain after this operation, or if keywords is nil, the attribute is deleted from the node.

A “keyword attribute” is a node attribute that contains a set of space-delimited values. Perhaps the most familiar example of this is the ::Nokogiri::HTML “class” attribute used to contain ::Nokogiri::CSS classes. But other keyword attributes exist, for instance the “rel” attribute.

See also #remove_class, #kwattr_values, #kwattr_add, #kwattr_append

  • attribute_name (String) The name of the keyword attribute to be modified.

  • keywords (String, Array<String>) Keywords to be removed from the attribute named attribute_name. May be a string containing whitespace-delimited values, or an Array of String values. Any keywords present in the named attribute will be removed. If no keywords remain, or if keywords is nil, the attribute is deleted.


self (Node) for ease of chaining method calls.


Note that the rel attribute is deleted when empty.

node                                    # => <a rel="nofollow noreferrer">link</a>
node.kwattr_remove("rel", "nofollow")   # => <a rel="noreferrer">link</a>
node.kwattr_remove("rel", "noreferrer") # => <a>link</a>

Since v1.11.0

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1084

def kwattr_remove(attribute_name, keywords)
  if keywords.nil?
    return self

  keywords = keywordify(keywords)
  current_kws = kwattr_values(attribute_name)
  new_kws = current_kws - keywords
  if new_kws.empty?
    set_attribute(attribute_name, new_kws.join(" "))

#kwattr_values(attribute_name) → Array<String>)

Fetch values from a keyword attribute of a Node.

A “keyword attribute” is a node attribute that contains a set of space-delimited values. Perhaps the most familiar example of this is the ::Nokogiri::HTML “class” attribute used to contain ::Nokogiri::CSS classes. But other keyword attributes exist, for instance the “rel” attribute.

See also #classes, #kwattr_add, #kwattr_append, #kwattr_remove

  • attribute_name (String) The name of the keyword attribute to be inspected.


(Array<String>) The values present in the Node’s attribute_name attribute. If the attribute is empty or non-existent, the return value is an empty array.


node                      # => <a rel="nofollow noopener external">link</a>
node.kwattr_values("rel") # => ["nofollow", "noopener", "external"]

Since v1.11.0

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 934

def kwattr_values(attribute_name)
  keywordify(get_attribute(attribute_name) || [])

#last_element_child() → Node)


The last child Node that is an element.


Note that the “hello” child, which is a Text node, is skipped and the <span>yes</span> element is returned.

div = Nokogiri::HTML5("<div><span>no</span><span>yes</span>skip</div>").at_css("div")
# => #(Element:0x3c { name = "span", children = [ #(Text "yes")] })
[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 1184

static VALUE
rb_xml_node_last_element_child(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr node, child;
  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, node);

  child = xmlLastElementChild(node);
  if (!child) { return Qnil; }

  return noko_xml_node_wrap(Qnil, child);

#matches?(selector) ⇒ Boolean

Returns true if this Node matches selector

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1111

def matches?(selector)

#namespace_definitions() → Array<Nokogiri::XML::Namespace>)


Namespaces that are defined directly on this node, as an Array of Namespace objects. The array will be empty if no namespaces are defined on this node.


doc = Nokogiri::XML(<<~EOF)
  <root xmlns="http://example.com/root">
    <second xmlns="http://example.com/child" xmlns:unused="http://example.com/unused"/>
    <foo:third xmlns:foo="http://example.com/foo"/>
doc.at_xpath("//root:first", "root" => "http://example.com/root").namespace_definitions
# => []
doc.at_xpath("//xmlns:second", "xmlns" => "http://example.com/child").namespace_definitions
# => [#(Namespace:0x3c { href = "http://example.com/child" }),
#     #(Namespace:0x50 {
#       prefix = "unused",
#       href = "http://example.com/unused"
#       })]
doc.at_xpath("//foo:third", "foo" => "http://example.com/foo").namespace_definitions
# => [#(Namespace:0x64 { prefix = "foo", href = "http://example.com/foo" })]
[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 1403

static VALUE
namespace_definitions(VALUE rb_node)
  /* this code in the mode of xmlHasProp() */
  xmlNodePtr c_node ;
  xmlNsPtr c_namespace;
  VALUE definitions = rb_ary_new();

  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(rb_node, xmlNode, c_node);

  c_namespace = c_node->nsDef;
  if (!c_namespace) {
    return definitions;

  while (c_namespace != NULL) {
    rb_ary_push(definitions, noko_xml_namespace_wrap(c_namespace, c_node->doc));
    c_namespace = c_namespace->next;

  return definitions;

#namespace_scopes() → Array<Nokogiri::XML::Namespace>)


Array of all the Namespaces on this node and its ancestors.

See also #namespaces


doc = Nokogiri::XML(<<~EOF)
  <root xmlns="http://example.com/root" xmlns:bar="http://example.com/bar">
    <second xmlns="http://example.com/child"/>
    <third xmlns:foo="http://example.com/foo"/>
doc.at_xpath("//root:first", "root" => "http://example.com/root").namespace_scopes
# => [#(Namespace:0x3c { href = "http://example.com/root" }),
#     #(Namespace:0x50 { prefix = "bar", href = "http://example.com/bar" })]
doc.at_xpath("//child:second", "child" => "http://example.com/child").namespace_scopes
# => [#(Namespace:0x64 { href = "http://example.com/child" }),
#     #(Namespace:0x50 { prefix = "bar", href = "http://example.com/bar" })]
doc.at_xpath("//root:third", "root" => "http://example.com/root").namespace_scopes
# => [#(Namespace:0x78 { prefix = "foo", href = "http://example.com/foo" }),
#     #(Namespace:0x3c { href = "http://example.com/root" }),
#     #(Namespace:0x50 { prefix = "bar", href = "http://example.com/bar" })]
[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 1454

static VALUE
rb_xml_node_namespace_scopes(VALUE rb_node)
  xmlNodePtr c_node ;
  xmlNsPtr *namespaces;
  VALUE scopes = rb_ary_new();
  int j;

  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(rb_node, xmlNode, c_node);

  namespaces = xmlGetNsList(c_node->doc, c_node);
  if (!namespaces) {
    return scopes;

  for (j = 0 ; namespaces[j] != NULL ; ++j) {
    rb_ary_push(scopes, noko_xml_namespace_wrap(namespaces[j], c_node->doc));

  return scopes;

#namespaced_key?(attribute, namespace)

Returns true if #attribute is set with #namespace

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 1219

static VALUE
namespaced_key_eh(VALUE self, VALUE attribute, VALUE namespace)
  xmlNodePtr node;
  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, node);
  if (xmlHasNsProp(node, (xmlChar *)StringValueCStr(attribute),
                   NIL_P(namespace) ? NULL : (xmlChar *)StringValueCStr(namespace))) {
    return Qtrue;
  return Qfalse;

#namespaces() → Hash<String(Namespace#prefix) ⇒ String(Namespace#href)>)

Fetch all the namespaces on this node and its ancestors.

Note that the keys in this hash ::Nokogiri::XML attributes that would be used to define this namespace, such as “xmlns:prefix”, not just the prefix.

The default namespace for this node will be included with key “xmlns”.

See also #namespace_scopes


Hash containing all the namespaces on this node and its ancestors. The hash keys are the namespace prefix, and the hash value for each key is the namespace URI.


doc = Nokogiri::XML(<<~EOF)
  <root xmlns="http://example.com/root" xmlns:in_scope="http://example.com/in_scope">
    <second xmlns="http://example.com/child"/>
    <third xmlns:foo="http://example.com/foo"/>
doc.at_xpath("//root:first", "root" => "http://example.com/root").namespaces
# => {"xmlns"=>"http://example.com/root",
#     "xmlns:in_scope"=>"http://example.com/in_scope"}
doc.at_xpath("//child:second", "child" => "http://example.com/child").namespaces
# => {"xmlns"=>"http://example.com/child",
#     "xmlns:in_scope"=>"http://example.com/in_scope"}
doc.at_xpath("//root:third", "root" => "http://example.com/root").namespaces
# => {"xmlns:foo"=>"http://example.com/foo",
#     "xmlns"=>"http://example.com/root",
#     "xmlns:in_scope"=>"http://example.com/in_scope"}
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1221

def namespaces
  namespace_scopes.each_with_object({}) do |ns, hash|
    prefix = ns.prefix
    key = prefix ? "xmlns:#{prefix}" : "xmlns"
    hash[key] = ns.href

#native_write_to(io, encoding, options) (private)

Write this Node to io with encoding and options

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 1702

static VALUE
  VALUE self,
  VALUE io,
  VALUE encoding,
  VALUE indent_string,
  VALUE options
  xmlNodePtr node;
  const char *before_indent;
  xmlSaveCtxtPtr savectx;

  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, node);

  xmlIndentTreeOutput = 1;

  before_indent = xmlTreeIndentString;

  xmlTreeIndentString = StringValueCStr(indent_string);

  savectx = xmlSaveToIO(
              (void *)io,
              RTEST(encoding) ? StringValueCStr(encoding) : NULL,

  xmlSaveTree(savectx, node);

  xmlTreeIndentString = before_indent;
  return io;


Returns the next Element type sibling node.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 1050

static VALUE
next_element(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr node, sibling;
  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, node);

  sibling = xmlNextElementSibling(node);
  if (!sibling) { return Qnil; }

  return noko_xml_node_wrap(Qnil, sibling);

#next_sibling Also known as: #next

Returns the next sibling node

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 1014

static VALUE
next_sibling(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr node, sibling;
  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, node);

  sibling = node->next;
  if (!sibling) { return Qnil; }

  return noko_xml_node_wrap(Qnil, sibling) ;

#node_type Also known as: #type

Get the type for this Node

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 1483

static VALUE
node_type(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr node;
  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, node);
  return INT2NUM(node->type);

#parse(string_or_io, options = nil) {|options| ... }

Parse string_or_io as a document fragment within the context of this node. Returns a NodeSet containing the nodes parsed from string_or_io.


  • (options)
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1126

def parse(string_or_io, options = nil)
  # When the current node is unparented and not an element node, use the
  # document as the parsing context instead. Otherwise, the in-context
  # parser cannot find an element or a document node.
  # Document Fragments are also not usable by the in-context parser.
  if !element? && !document? && (!parent || parent.fragment?)
    return document.parse(string_or_io, options)

  options ||= (document.html? ? ParseOptions::DEFAULT_HTML : ParseOptions::DEFAULT_XML)
  options = Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions.new(options) if Integer === options
  yield options if block_given?

  contents = if string_or_io.respond_to?(:read)

  return Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet.new(document) if contents.empty?

  error_count = document.errors.length
  node_set = in_context(contents, options.to_i)

  if document.errors.length > error_count
    raise document.errors[error_count] unless options.recover?

    # TODO: remove this block when libxml2 < 2.13 is no longer supported
    if node_set.empty?
      # libxml2 < 2.13 does not obey the recover option after encountering errors during
      # in_context parsing, and so this horrible hack is here to try to emulate recovery
      # behavior.
      # (Note that HTML4 fragment parsing seems to have been fixed in abd74186, and XML
      # fragment parsing is fixed in 1c106edf. Both are in 2.13.)
      # Unfortunately, this means we're no longer parsing "in context" and so namespaces that
      # would have been inherited from the context node won't be handled correctly. This hack
      # was written in 2010, and I regret it, because it's silently degrading functionality in
      # a way that's not easily prevented (or even detected).
      # I think preferable behavior would be to either:
      # a. add an error noting that we "fell back" and pointing the user to turning off the
      #    recover option
      # b. don't recover, but raise a sensible exception
      # For context and background:
      # - https://github.com/sparklemotion/nokogiri/issues/313
      # - https://github.com/sparklemotion/nokogiri/issues/2092
      fragment = document.related_class("DocumentFragment").parse(contents)
      node_set = fragment.children



Returns the path associated with this Node

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 1659

static VALUE
rb_xml_node_path(VALUE rb_node)
  xmlNodePtr c_node;
  xmlChar *c_path ;
  VALUE rval;

  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(rb_node, xmlNode, c_node);

  c_path = xmlGetNodePath(c_node);
  if (c_path == NULL) {
    // see https://github.com/sparklemotion/nokogiri/issues/2250
    // this behavior is clearly undesirable, but is what libxml <= 2.9.10 returned, and so we
    // do this for now to preserve the behavior across libxml2 versions.
    rval = NOKOGIRI_STR_NEW2("?");
  } else {
    rval = NOKOGIRI_STR_NEW2(c_path);

  return rval ;

#pointer_id() → Integer)


A unique id for this node based on the internal memory structures. This method is used by #== to determine node identity.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 810

static VALUE
rb_xml_node_pointer_id(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr node;
  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, node);

  return rb_uint2inum((uintptr_t)(node));


Add node_or_tags as the first child of this Node.

node_or_tags can be a Node, a ::DocumentFragment, a ::NodeSet, or a String containing markup.

Returns the reparented node (if node_or_tags is a Node), or NodeSet (if node_or_tags is a DocumentFragment, NodeSet, or String).

Also see related method #add_child.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 225

def prepend_child(node_or_tags)
  if (first = children.first)
    # Mimic the error add_child would raise.
    raise "Document already has a root node" if document? && !(node_or_tags.comment? || node_or_tags.processing_instruction?)

    first.__send__(:add_sibling, :previous, node_or_tags)


Returns the previous Element type sibling node.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 1068

static VALUE
previous_element(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr node, sibling;
  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, node);

  sibling = xmlPreviousElementSibling(node);
  if (!sibling) { return Qnil; }

  return noko_xml_node_wrap(Qnil, sibling);

#previous_sibling Also known as: #previous

Returns the previous sibling node

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 1032

static VALUE
previous_sibling(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr node, sibling;
  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, node);

  sibling = node->prev;
  if (!sibling) { return Qnil; }

  return noko_xml_node_wrap(Qnil, sibling);

#process_xincludes(flags) (private)

Loads and substitutes all xinclude elements below the node. The parser context will be initialized with flags.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 2159

static VALUE
noko_xml_node__process_xincludes(VALUE rb_node, VALUE rb_flags)
  int status ;
  xmlNodePtr c_node;
  VALUE rb_errors = rb_ary_new();
  libxmlStructuredErrorHandlerState handler_state;

  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(rb_node, xmlNode, c_node);

  noko__structured_error_func_save_and_set(&handler_state, (void *)rb_errors, noko__error_array_pusher);

  status = xmlXIncludeProcessTreeFlags(c_node, (int)NUM2INT(rb_flags));


  if (status < 0) {
    VALUE exception = rb_funcall(cNokogiriXmlSyntaxError, rb_intern("aggregate"), 1, rb_errors);

    if (RB_TEST(exception)) {
    } else {
      rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Could not perform xinclude substitution");

  return rb_node;


Alias for #unlink.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 563

alias_method :remove, :unlink

#remove_attribute(name) Also known as: #delete

Remove the attribute named #name

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 739

def remove_attribute(name)
  attr = attributes[name].remove if key?(name)
  clear_xpath_context if Nokogiri.jruby?

#remove_class(css_classes) → self)

Remove HTML ::Nokogiri::CSS classes from this node. Any CSS class names in css_classes that exist in this node’s “class” attribute are removed, including any multiple entries.

If no ::Nokogiri::CSS classes remain after this operation, or if css_classes is nil, the “class” attribute is deleted from the node.

This is a convenience function and is equivalent to:

node.kwattr_remove("class", css_classes)

Also see #kwattr_remove, #classes, #add_class, #append_class

  • css_classes (String, Array<String>)

    CSS class names to be removed from the Node’s “class” attribute. May be a string containing whitespace-delimited names, or an Array of String names. Any class names already present will be removed. If no CSS classes remain, the “class” attribute is deleted.


self (Nokogiri::XML::Node) for ease of chaining method calls.

Example: Deleting a ::Nokogiri::CSS class

Note that all instances of the class “section” are removed from the “class” attribute.

node                         # => <div class="section header section"></div>
node.remove_class("section") # => <div class="header"></div>

Example: Deleting the only remaining ::Nokogiri::CSS class

Note that the attribute is removed once there are no remaining classes.

node                         # => <div class="section"></div>
node.remove_class("section") # => <div></div>

Example: Deleting multiple ::Nokogiri::CSS classes

Note that the “class” attribute is deleted once it’s empty.

node                                    # => <div class="section header float"></div>
node.remove_class(["section", "float"]) # => <div class="header"></div>
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 905

def remove_class(names = nil)
  kwattr_remove("class", names)


Replace this Node with node_or_tags.

node_or_tags can be a Node, a ::DocumentFragment, a ::NodeSet, or a String containing markup.

Returns the reparented node (if node_or_tags is a Node), or NodeSet (if node_or_tags is a DocumentFragment, NodeSet, or String).

Also see related method #swap.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 426

def replace(node_or_tags)
  raise("Cannot replace a node with no parent") unless parent

  # We cannot replace a text node directly, otherwise libxml will return
  # an internal error at parser.c:13031, I don't know exactly why
  # libxml is trying to find a parent node that is an element or document
  # so I can't tell if this is bug in libxml or not. issue #775.
  if text?
    replacee = Nokogiri::XML::Node.new("dummy", document)
    return replacee.replace(node_or_tags)

  node_or_tags = parent.coerce(node_or_tags)

  if node_or_tags.is_a?(XML::NodeSet)
    node_or_tags.each { |n| add_previous_sibling(n) }

#replace_node(new_node) (private)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 1081

static VALUE
replace(VALUE self, VALUE new_node)
  VALUE reparent = reparent_node_with(self, new_node, xmlReplaceNodeWrapper);

  xmlNodePtr pivot;
  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, pivot);

  return reparent;

#serialize(*args, &block) Also known as: #to_xml

Serialize Node using options. Save options can also be set using a block.

See also Node::SaveOptions and Node@Serialization+and+Generating+Output.

These two statements are equivalent:

node.serialize(encoding: 'UTF-8', save_with: FORMAT | AS_XML)


node.serialize(encoding: 'UTF-8') do |config|
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1385

def serialize(*args, &block)
  # TODO: deprecate non-hash options, see 46c68ed 2009-06-20 for context
  options = if args.first.is_a?(Hash)
      encoding: args[0],
      save_with: args[1],

  options[:encoding] ||= document.encoding
  encoding = Encoding.find(options[:encoding] || "UTF-8")

  io = StringIO.new(String.new(encoding: encoding))

  write_to(io, options, &block)

#[]=(property, value) (private)

Set the property to value

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 1237

static VALUE
set(VALUE self, VALUE property, VALUE value)
  xmlNodePtr node, cur;
  xmlAttrPtr prop;
  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, node);

  /* If a matching attribute node already exists, then xmlSetProp will destroy
   * the existing node's children. However, if Nokogiri has a node object
   * pointing to one of those children, we are left with a broken reference.
   * We can avoid this by unlinking these nodes first.
  if (node->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
    return (Qnil);
  prop = xmlHasProp(node, (xmlChar *)StringValueCStr(property));
  if (prop && prop->children) {
    for (cur = prop->children; cur; cur = cur->next) {
      if (cur->_private) {

  xmlSetProp(node, (xmlChar *)StringValueCStr(property),
             (xmlChar *)StringValueCStr(value));

  return value;

#set_attribute(name, value)

Alias for #[]=.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1104

alias_method :set_attribute, :[]=

#set_namespace(namespace) (private)

Set the namespace to #namespace

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_node.c', line 1323

static VALUE
set_namespace(VALUE self, VALUE namespace)
  xmlNodePtr node;
  xmlNsPtr ns = NULL;

  Noko_Node_Get_Struct(self, xmlNode, node);

  if (!NIL_P(namespace)) {
    Noko_Namespace_Get_Struct(namespace, xmlNs, ns);

  xmlSetNs(node, ns);

  return self;


Swap this Node for node_or_tags

node_or_tags can be a Node, a ::DocumentFragment, a ::NodeSet, or a String Containing markup.

Returns self, to support chaining of calls.

Also see related method #replace.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 460

def swap(node_or_tags)

#to_format(save_option, options) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1644

def to_format(save_option, options)
  options[:save_with] = save_option unless options[:save_with]

#to_html(options = {})

Serialize this Node to ::Nokogiri::HTML


See #write_to for a list of options. For formatted output, use #to_xhtml instead.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1412

def to_html(options = {})
  to_format(SaveOptions::DEFAULT_HTML, options)


Turn this node in to a string. If the document is ::Nokogiri::HTML, this method returns html. If the document is ::Nokogiri::XML, this method returns ::Nokogiri::XML.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1295

def to_s
  document.xml? ? to_xml : to_html

#to_xhtml(options = {})

Serialize this Node to XHTML using options

doc.to_xhtml(indent: 5, encoding: 'UTF-8')

See #write_to for a list of options

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1433

def to_xhtml(options = {})
  to_format(SaveOptions::DEFAULT_XHTML, options)

#to_xml(options = {})

Serialize this Node to ::Nokogiri::XML using options

doc.to_xml(indent: 5, encoding: 'UTF-8')

See #write_to for a list of options

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1422

def to_xml(options = {})
  options[:save_with] ||= SaveOptions::DEFAULT_XML

#traverse {|_self| ... }

Yields self and all children to block recursively.


  • (_self)

Yield Parameters:

  • _self (Node)

    the object that the method was called on

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1338

def traverse(&block)
  children.each { |j| j.traverse(&block) }


Alias for #node_type.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 573

alias_method :type, :node_type

#value?(value) ⇒ Boolean

Does this Node’s attributes include <value>

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 719

def value?(value)


Get the attribute values for this Node.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 713

def values

#wrap(markup) ⇒ self #wrap(node) ⇒ self

Wrap this Node with the node parsed from markup or a dup of the node.

  • markup (String) Markup that is parsed and used as the wrapper. This node’s parent, if it exists, is used as the context node for parsing; otherwise the associated document is used. If the parsed fragment has multiple roots, the first root node is used as the wrapper.

  • node (Nokogiri::XML::Node) An element that is ‘#dup`ed and used as the wrapper.


self, to support chaining.

Also see NodeSet#wrap

Example with a String argument:

doc = Nokogiri::HTML5(<<~HTML)
# => <html><head></head><body>
#      <div><a>asdf</a></div>
#    </body></html>

Example with a Node argument:

doc = Nokogiri::HTML5(<<~HTML)
# <html><head></head><body>
#   <div><a>asdf</a></div>
# </body></html>
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 280

def wrap(node_or_tags)
  case node_or_tags
  when String
    context_node = parent || document
    new_parent = context_node.coerce(node_or_tags).first
    if new_parent.nil?
      raise "Failed to parse '#{node_or_tags}' in the context of a '#{context_node.name}' element"
  when Node
    new_parent = node_or_tags.dup
    raise ArgumentError, "Requires a String or Node argument, and cannot accept a #{node_or_tags.class}"

  if parent


#write_format_to(save_option, io, options) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1649

def write_format_to(save_option, io, options)
  options[:save_with] ||= save_option
  write_to(io, options)

#write_html_to(io, options = {})

Write Node as ::Nokogiri::HTML to io with options

See #write_to for a list of options

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1490

def write_html_to(io, options = {})
  write_format_to(SaveOptions::DEFAULT_HTML, io, options)

#write_to(io, *options)

Serialize this node or document to io.

  • io (IO) An IO-like object to which the serialized content will be written.

  • options (Hash) See below

  • :encoding (String or Encoding) specify the encoding of the output (defaults to document encoding)

  • :indent_text (String) the indentation text (defaults to " ")

  • :indent (Integer) the number of :indent_text to use (defaults to 2)

  • :save_with (Integer) a combination of Node::SaveOptions constants

To save with UTF-8 indented twice:

node.write_to(io, encoding: 'UTF-8', indent: 2)

To save indented with two dashes:

node.write_to(io, indent_text: '-', indent: 2)


  • (config)
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1461

def write_to(io, *options)
  options = options.first.is_a?(Hash) ? options.shift : {}
  encoding = options[:encoding] || options[0] || document.encoding
  if Nokogiri.jruby?
    save_options = options[:save_with] || options[1]
    indent_times = options[:indent] || 0
    save_options = options[:save_with] || options[1] || SaveOptions::FORMAT
    indent_times = options[:indent] || 2
  indent_text = options[:indent_text] || " "

  # Any string times 0 returns an empty string. Therefore, use the same
  # string instead of generating a new empty string for every node with
  # zero indentation.
  indentation = indent_times.zero? ? "" : (indent_text * indent_times)

  config = SaveOptions.new(save_options.to_i)
  yield config if block_given?

  encoding = encoding.is_a?(Encoding) ? encoding.name : encoding

  native_write_to(io, encoding, indentation, config.options)

#write_xhtml_to(io, options = {})

Write Node as XHTML to io with options

See #write_to for a list of options

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1498

def write_xhtml_to(io, options = {})
  write_format_to(SaveOptions::DEFAULT_XHTML, io, options)

#write_xml_to(io, options = {})

Write Node as ::Nokogiri::XML to io with options

doc.write_xml_to io, :encoding => 'UTF-8'

See #write_to for a list of options

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb', line 1508

def write_xml_to(io, options = {})
  options[:save_with] ||= SaveOptions::DEFAULT_XML
  write_to(io, options)