
Class: Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment

Relationships & Source Files
Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance Descendants
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, Node
Instance Chain:
Inherits: Nokogiri::XML::Node
Defined in: lib/nokogiri/xml/document_fragment.rb,


DocumentFragment represents a fragment of an XML document. It provides the same functionality exposed by Node and can be used to contain one or more XML subtrees.

Constant Summary

PP::Node - Included


Searchable - Included


::Nokogiri::ClassResolver - Included


Node - Inherited


Class Method Summary

Node - Inherited


documented in lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb.

Instance Attribute Summary

Node - Inherited


true if the node is an empty or whitespace-only text or cdata node, else false.


Returns true if this is a CDATA.


:category: Traversing Document Structure.


Set the content for this Node node_or_tags


Returns true if this is a Comment.




Set the content of this node to input.


Adds a default namespace supplied as a string url href, to self.


:category: Traversing Document Structure.


Returns true if this is a Document.


Alias for Node#element?.


Returns true if this is an Element node.


Returns true if this is a DocumentFragment.


Returns true if this is an ::Nokogiri::HTML4::Document or ::Nokogiri::HTML5::Document node.


Get the inner_html for this node’s Node#children


Set the content for this Node to node_or_tags.


Alias for Node#content.


Searches the language of a node, i.e.


Set the language of a node, i.e.


The line number of this Node.


Sets the line for this Node.


Alias for Node#node_name.


The Namespace of the element or attribute node, or nil if there is no namespace.


Set the default namespace on this node (as would be defined with an “xmlns=” attribute in ::Nokogiri::XML source), as a Namespace object ns.


Set the content of this node to input.


Returns the name for this Node.


Set the name for this Node.


Get the parent Node for this Node.


Set the parent Node for this Node.


Returns true if this is a ProcessingInstruction node.


Is this a read only node?


Alias for Node#content.


Returns true if this is a Text node.


Alias for Node#content.


Returns true if this is an Document node.

#prepend_newline?, #data_ptr?

Instance Method Summary

Node - Inherited


Add node_or_tags as a child of this Node.


Compare two Node objects with respect to their Document.


::Nokogiri::Test to see if this Node is equal to other


Fetch an attribute from this node.


Update the attribute #name to value, or create the attribute if it does not exist.


Add node_or_tags as a child of this Node.


Ensure HTML ::Nokogiri::CSS classes are present on self.


:category: Manipulating Document Structure.


Insert node_or_tags after this Node (as a sibling).


Insert node_or_tags before this Node (as a sibling).


Insert node_or_tags after this node (as a sibling).


Get a list of ancestor Node for this Node.


Add HTML ::Nokogiri::CSS classes to self, regardless of duplication.


Alias for Node#[].


:category: Working With Node Attributes.


:category: Working With Node Attributes.


:category: Working With Node Attributes.


Fetch this node’s attributes.


Insert node_or_tags before this node (as a sibling).


:category: Traversing Document Structure.


Fetch CSS class names of a Node.


Clone this node.


Create an external subset.


Create the internal subset of a document.


Get the path to this node as a ::Nokogiri::CSS expression.


Returns a hash describing the Node, to use in pattern matching.


Decorate this node with the decorators set up in this node’s Document.


Fetch the ::Nokogiri::HTML4::ElementDescription for this node.


Do xinclude substitution on the subtree below node.


Duplicate this node.


Iterate over each attribute name and value pair for this Node.




Encode any special characters in string


Get the external subset.


The first child Node that is an element.


Create a DocumentFragment containing tags that is relative to this context node.


Alias for Node#[].


Alias for Node#key?.


Create a new node with #name that belongs to document.


Get the internal subset.


Returns true if attribute is set.


Get the attribute names for this Node.


Ensure that values are present in a keyword attribute.


Add keywords to a Node’s keyword attribute, regardless of duplication.


Remove keywords from a keyword attribute.


Fetch values from a keyword attribute of a Node.


The last child Node that is an element.


Returns true if this Node matches selector




Array of all the Namespaces on this node and its ancestors.


Returns true if attribute is set with namespace


Fetch all the namespaces on this node and its ancestors.


Returns the next Element type sibling node.


Returns the next sibling node.


Get the type for this Node.


Parse string_or_io as a document fragment within the context of this node.


Returns the path associated with this Node.




Add node_or_tags as the first child of this Node.


Returns the previous Element type sibling node.


Returns the previous sibling node.


Alias for Node#unlink.


Remove the attribute named #name


Remove HTML ::Nokogiri::CSS classes from this node.


Replace this Node with node_or_tags.


Serialize Node using options.


Alias for Node#[]=.


Swap this Node for node_or_tags


Serialize this Node to ::Nokogiri::HTML.


Turn this node in to a string.


Serialize this Node to XHTML using options


Serialize this Node to ::Nokogiri::XML using options


Yields self and all children to block recursively.


Alias for Node#node_type.


Unlink this node from its current context.


Does this Node’s attributes include <value>.


Get the attribute values for this Node.


Wrap this Node with the node parsed from markup or a dup of the node.


Write Node as ::Nokogiri::HTML to io with options


Serialize this node or document to io.


Write Node as XHTML to io with options


Write Node as ::Nokogiri::XML to io with options

#add_child_node_and_reparent_attrs, #add_sibling,

Compare this Node to other with respect to their Document.


Returns the Node as html.


Get the value for attribute



#inspect_attributes, #keywordify,

Write this Node to io with encoding and options


Loads and substitutes all xinclude elements below the node.


Set the property to value


Set the namespace to namespace

#to_format, #write_format_to,

Accept a visitor.

#add_child_node, #add_next_sibling_node, #add_previous_sibling_node, #replace_node

::Nokogiri::ClassResolver - Included


Find a class constant within the.

Searchable - Included


Alias for Searchable#at.


Search this node’s immediate children using ::Nokogiri::CSS selector selector


Search this object for paths, and return only the first result.


Search this object for ::Nokogiri::CSS rules, and return only the first match.


Search this node for XPath paths, and return only the first match.


Search this object for ::Nokogiri::CSS rules.


Search this object for paths.


Search this node for XPath paths.

#css_internal, #css_rules_to_xpath, #xpath_impl, #xpath_internal, #xpath_query_from_css_rule, #extract_params

PP::Node - Included

Constructor Details

.new(document) ⇒ DocumentFragment

This method is for internal use only.

Wrapper method to separate the concerns of:

  • the native object allocator’s parameter (it only requires document)

  • the initializer’s parameters

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/document_fragment.rb', line 42

def new(document, ...) # :nodoc:
  instance = native_new(document)
  instance.send(:initialize, document, ...)

#new(document, input=nil) { |options| ... } → DocumentFragment) ⇒ DocumentFragment #new(document, input=nil, context:, options:) → DocumentFragment) ⇒ DocumentFragment

Parse XML fragment input from a String, and return a new DocumentFragment that is associated with the given document.

💡 It’s recommended to use either .parse or Node#parse rather than call this method directly.

Required Parameters
  • document (XML::Document) The parent document to associate the returned fragment with.

Optional Parameters
  • input (String) The content to be parsed.

Optional Keyword Arguments
  • context: (Nokogiri::XML::Node) The context node for the subtree created. See below for more information.

  • options: (Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions) Configuration object that determines some behaviors during parsing. See ParseOptions for more information. The default value is ParseOptions::DEFAULT_XML.


If a block is given, a Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions object is yielded to the block which can be configured before parsing. See ParseOptions for more information.



Context Node

If a context node is specified using context:, then the fragment will be created by calling Node#parse on that node, so the parser will behave as if that Node is the parent of the fragment subtree, and will resolve namespaces relative to that node.


  • (options)
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/document_fragment.rb', line 85

def initialize(
  document, tags = nil,
  context_ = nil, options_ = ParseOptions::DEFAULT_XML,
  context: context_, options: options_
) # rubocop:disable Lint/MissingSuper
  return self unless tags

  options = Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions.new(options) if Integer === options
  @parse_options = options
  yield options if block_given?

  children = if context
    # Fix for issue#490
    if Nokogiri.jruby?
      # fix for issue #770
      context.parse("<root #{namespace_declarations(context)}>#{tags}</root>", options).children
      context.parse(tags, options)
    wrapper_doc = XML::Document.parse("<root>#{tags}</root>", nil, nil, options)
    self.errors = wrapper_doc.errors
  children.each { |child| child.parent = self }

Class Method Details


This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_document_fragment.c', line 6

static VALUE
noko_xml_document_fragment_s_native_new(VALUE klass, VALUE rb_doc)
  xmlDocPtr c_doc;
  xmlNodePtr c_node;
  VALUE rb_node;

  c_doc = noko_xml_document_unwrap(rb_doc);
  c_node = xmlNewDocFragment(c_doc->doc);
  rb_node = noko_xml_node_wrap(klass, c_node);

  return rb_node;

.parse(input) { |options| ... } → XML::DocumentFragment) .parse(input, options:) → XML::DocumentFragment)

Parse XML fragment input from a String, and return a new DocumentFragment. This method creates a new, empty Document to contain the fragment.

Required Parameters
  • input (String) The content to be parsed.

Optional Keyword Arguments
  • options (Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions) Configuration object that determines some behaviors during parsing. See ParseOptions for more information. The default value is ParseOptions::DEFAULT_XML.


If a block is given, a Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions object is yielded to the block which can be configured before parsing. See Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions for more information.



[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/document_fragment.rb', line 35

def parse(tags, options_ = ParseOptions::DEFAULT_XML, options: options_, &block)
  new(XML::Document.new, tags, options: options, &block)

Instance Attribute Details

#errors (rw)

A list of SyntaxError found when parsing a document

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/document_fragment.rb', line 207

def errors

#errors=(things) (rw)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/document_fragment.rb', line 211

def errors=(things) # :nodoc:
  document.errors = things

#parse_options (readonly)

The options used to parse the document fragment. Returns the value of any options that were passed into the constructor as a parameter or set in a config block, else the default options for the specific subclass.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/document_fragment.rb', line 12

attr_reader :parse_options

Instance Method Details

#css(*rules, [namespace-bindings, custom-pseudo-class])

Search this fragment for ::Nokogiri::CSS rules. rules must be one or more ::Nokogiri::CSS selectors. For example:

For more information see Searchable#css

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/document_fragment.rb', line 173

def css(*args)
  if children.any?
    children.css(*args) # 'children' is a smell here

#deconstruct() → Array)

Returns the root nodes of this document fragment as an array, to use in pattern matching.

💡 Note that text nodes are returned as well as elements. If you wish to operate only on root elements, you should deconstruct the array returned by DocumentFragment#elements.


frag = Nokogiri::HTML5.fragment(<<~HTML)
  This is a <a href="#jump">shortcut</a> for you.

# => [#(Element:0x35c { name = "div", children = [ #(Text "Start")] }),
#     #(Text "\n" + "This is a "),
#     #(Element:0x370 {
#       name = "a",
#       attributes = [ #(Attr:0x384 { name = "href", value = "#jump" })],
#       children = [ #(Text "shortcut")]
#       }),
#     #(Text " for you.\n"),
#     #(Element:0x398 { name = "div", children = [ #(Text "End")] }),
#     #(Text "\n")]

Example only the elements, not the text nodes.

# => [#(Element:0x35c { name = "div", children = [ #(Text "Start")] }),
#     #(Element:0x370 {
#       name = "a",
#       attributes = [ #(Attr:0x384 { name = "href", value = "#jump" })],
#       children = [ #(Text "shortcut")]
#       }),
#     #(Element:0x398 { name = "div", children = [ #(Text "End")] })]

Since v1.14.0

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/document_fragment.rb', line 261

def deconstruct


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/document_fragment.rb', line 113

def dup
  new_document = document.dup
  new_fragment = self.class.new(new_document)
  children.each do |child|
    child.dup(1, new_document).parent = new_fragment


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/document_fragment.rb', line 215

def fragment(data)


return the name for DocumentFragment

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/document_fragment.rb', line 125

def name

#namespace_declarations(ctx) (private)

fix for issue 770

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/document_fragment.rb', line 268

def namespace_declarations(ctx)
  ctx.namespace_scopes.map do |namespace|
    prefix = namespace.prefix.nil? ? "" : ":#{namespace.prefix}"
  end.join(" ")

#search(*paths, [namespace-bindings, xpath-variable-bindings, custom-handler-class])

Search this fragment for paths. paths must be one or more XPath or ::Nokogiri::CSS queries.

For more information see Searchable#search

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/document_fragment.rb', line 192

def search(*rules)
  rules, handler, ns, binds = extract_params(rules)

  rules.inject(NodeSet.new(document)) do |set, rule|
    set + if Searchable::LOOKS_LIKE_XPATH.match?(rule)
      xpath(*[rule, ns, handler, binds].compact)
      children.css(*[rule, ns, handler].compact) # 'children' is a smell here


Alias for #to_s.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/document_fragment.rb', line 204

alias_method :serialize, :to_s


Convert this DocumentFragment to html See NodeSet#to_html

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/document_fragment.rb', line 138

def to_html(*args)
  if Nokogiri.jruby?
    options = args.first.is_a?(Hash) ? args.shift : {}
    options[:save_with] ||= Node::SaveOptions::DEFAULT_HTML
    args.insert(0, options)

#to_s Also known as: #serialize

Convert this DocumentFragment to a string

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/document_fragment.rb', line 131

def to_s


Convert this DocumentFragment to xhtml See NodeSet#to_xhtml

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/document_fragment.rb', line 150

def to_xhtml(*args)
  if Nokogiri.jruby?
    options = args.first.is_a?(Hash) ? args.shift : {}
    options[:save_with] ||= Node::SaveOptions::DEFAULT_XHTML
    args.insert(0, options)


Convert this DocumentFragment to xml See NodeSet#to_xml

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/document_fragment.rb', line 162

def to_xml(*args)