
Class: Mongoid::Fields::Encrypted

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, Standard, Forwardable
Instance Chain:
self, Standard
Inherits: Mongoid::Fields::Standard
Defined in: lib/mongoid/fields/encrypted.rb


Represents a field that should be encrypted.

Class Method Summary

Standard - Inherited


Create the new field with a name and optional additional options.

Instance Attribute Summary

Standard - Inherited


Defines the behavior for defined fields in the document.


Is this field a foreign key?


Defines the behavior for defined fields in the document.


Does this field do lazy default evaluation?


Is the localized field enforcing values to be present?


Is the field localized or not?


Defines the behavior for defined fields in the document.


Is the field a BSON::ObjectId?


Defines the behavior for defined fields in the document.


Does the field pre-process its default value?

Instance Method Summary

Standard - Inherited


Adds the atomic changes for this type of resizable field.


Get the metadata for the field if its a foreign key.


Evaluate the default value and return it.


Get the type of this field - inferred from the class name.


Get the name of the default method for this field.


Define the method for getting the default on the document.


Evaluate the default proc.


Get the evaluated default.


Is the field included in the fields that were returned from the database? We can apply the default if:


This is used when default values need to be serialized.

Constructor Details

.new(name, options = {}) ⇒ Encrypted

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/mongoid/fields/encrypted.rb', line 8

def initialize(name, options = {})
  @encryption_options = if options[:encrypt].is_a?(Hash)

Instance Attribute Details

#deterministic?true | false | nil (readonly)


  • (true | false | nil)

    Whether the field should be encrypted using a deterministic encryption algorithm; if not specified, nil is returned.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/mongoid/fields/encrypted.rb', line 19

def deterministic?

Instance Method Details

#key_idString | nil


  • (String | nil)

    The key id to use for encryption; if not specified, nil is returned.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/mongoid/fields/encrypted.rb', line 25

def key_id

#key_name_fieldString | nil


  • (String | nil)

    The name of the field that contains the key alt name to use for encryption; if not specified, nil is returned.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/mongoid/fields/encrypted.rb', line 31

def key_name_field


This method is for internal use only.

Override the key_id for the field.

This method is solely for testing purposes and should not be used in the application code. The schema_map is generated very early in the application lifecycle, and overriding the key_id after that will not have any effect.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/mongoid/fields/encrypted.rb', line 43

def set_key_id(key_id)
  @encryption_options[:key_id] = key_id