
Class: String

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
Inherits: Object
Defined in: (unknown)


Ruby Core class mixins

Class Method Summary

::Mongoid::Extensions::String::ClassMethods - Extended


Turn the object from the ruby type we deal with to a Mongo friendly type.

Instance Attribute Summary

::Mongoid::Extensions::String - Included


Does the string end with _before_type_cast?


Is the string a valid value for a ::Mongoid id?


Is the string a number? The literals “NaN”, “Infinity”, and “-Infinity” are counted as numbers.

#unconvertable_to_bson, #unconvertable_to_bson If the document is unconvertable.,

Is the object not to be converted to bson on criteria creation?


Is this string a valid_method_name?


Is this string a writer?

Instance Method Summary

::Mongoid::Extensions::String - Included


Evolve the string into an object id if possible.


Mongoize the string into an object id if possible.


Mongoize the string for storage.


Convert the string to a collection friendly name.


Get the string as a getter string.


If the string is a legal object id, convert it.