
Class: YARD::Server::Commands::StaticFileCommand

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
Inherits: YARD::Server::Commands::LibraryCommand
Defined in: lib/yard/server/commands/static_file_command.rb


Serves static content when no other router matches a request


  • 0.6.0

Constant Summary

::YARD::Server::HTTPUtils - Included


Class Method Summary

LibraryCommand - Inherited

Base - Inherited


Creates a new command object, setting attributes named by keys in the options hash.

Instance Attribute Summary

StaticFileHelpers - Included


Serves an empty favicon.


Attempts to route a path to a static template file.

LibraryCommand - Inherited

Base - Inherited

Instance Method Summary

StaticFileHelpers - Included

::YARD::Server::HTTPUtils - Included

#_escape, #_make_regex, #_make_regex!, #_unescape,

Removes quotes and escapes from str.


Escapes HTTP reserved and unwise characters in str.


Escapes 8 bit characters in str.


Escapes form reserved characters in str.


Escapes path str.


Loads Apache-compatible mime.types in file.


Returns the mime type of filename from the list in mime_tab.


Normalizes a request path.


Parses form data in io with the given boundary.


Parses an HTTP header raw into a hash of header fields with an ::Array of values.


Parses the query component of a URI in str.


Parses q values in value as used in Accept headers.


Parses a Range header value ranges_specifier.


Quotes and escapes quotes in str.


Splits a header value str according to HTTP specification.


Unescapes HTTP reserved and unwise characters in str.


Unescapes form reserved characters in str.

LibraryCommand - Inherited

#call, #call_with_fork, #call_without_fork,

Hack to load a custom fulldoc template object that does not do any rendering/generation.

#load_yardoc, #not_prepared, #restore_template_info, #save_default_template_info, #setup_library, #setup_yardopts

Base - Inherited


The main method called by a router with a request object.


Subclass this method to implement a custom command.


Add a conservative cache control policy to reduce load on requests served with "?1234567890" style timestamp query strings.

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from YARD::Server::Commands::LibraryCommand

Instance Method Details



  • 0.6.0

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/yard/server/commands/static_file_command.rb', line 17

def run
  static_template_file? || not_found