
Class: YARD::CodeObjects::ConstantObject

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, Base
Instance Chain:
self, Base
Inherits: YARD::CodeObjects::Base
Defined in: lib/yard/code_objects/constant_object.rb


A ConstantObject represents a Ruby constant (not a module or class). To access the constant's (source code) value, use #value.

Class Method Summary

Base - Inherited


Compares the class with subclasses.


Allocates a new code object.

Instance Attribute Summary

Base - Inherited


The non-localized documentation string associated with the object.


Marks whether or not the method is conditionally defined at runtime.


Is the object defined conditionally at runtime?


The files the object was defined in.


The namespace the object is defined in.


Sets the namespace the object is defined in.


Alias for Base#namespace.


The one line signature representing an object.


The source code associated with the object.


Attaches source code to a code object with an optional file location.


Language of the source code associated with the object.

#visibility, #visibility=

Instance Method Summary

Base - Inherited


Alias for Base#equal?.


Accesses a custom attribute on the object.


Sets a custom attribute on the object.


Associates a file with a code object, optionally adding the line where it was defined.


Add tags to the #docstring


Copies all data in this object to another code object, except for uniquely identifying information (path, namespace, name, scope).


The documentation string associated with the object.


Attaches a docstring to a code object by parsing the comments attached to the statement and filling the #tags and #docstring methods with the parsed information.


Alias for Base#equal?.


Tests if another object is equal to this, including a proxy.


Returns the filename the object was first parsed at, taking definitions with docstrings first.


Renders the object using the templating system.


Tests if the #docstring has a tag.


Creates a new code object.


Inspects the object, returning the type and path.


Returns the line the object was first parsed at (or nil).


The name of the object.


Represents the unique path of the object.


Override this method with a custom component separator.


Gets a tag from the #docstring


Gets a list of tags from the #docstring

#title, #to_ary,

Alias for Base#path.


Default type is the lowercase class name without the "Object" suffix.


Formats source code by removing leading indentation.


Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from YARD::CodeObjects::Base

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class YARD::CodeObjects::Base

Instance Attribute Details

#valueString (rw)

The source code representing the constant's value


  • (String)

    the value the constant is set to

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/yard/code_objects/constant_object.rb', line 10

attr_reader :value

#value=(value) (rw)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/yard/code_objects/constant_object.rb', line 12

def value=(value)
  @value = format_source(value)