
Class: Unicorn::CGIWrapper

Do not use. This class is for internal use only.
Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, CGI
Instance Chain:
self, CGI
Inherits: CGI
Defined in: lib/unicorn/cgi_wrapper.rb


The beginning of a complete wrapper around Unicorn’s internal HTTP processing system but maintaining the original Ruby CGI module. Use this only as a crutch to get existing CGI based systems working. It should handle everything, but please notify us if you see special warnings. This work is still very alpha so we need testers to help work out the various corner cases.

Constant Summary

Class Method Summary

  • .new(rack_env, *args) ⇒ CGIWrapper constructor

    Takes an a Rackable environment, plus any additional CGI.new arguments These are used internally to create a wrapper around the real CGI while maintaining Rack/Unicorn’s view of the world.

Instance Attribute Summary

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Details

.new(rack_env, *args) ⇒ CGIWrapper

Takes an a Rackable environment, plus any additional CGI.new arguments These are used internally to create a wrapper around the real CGI while maintaining Rack/Unicorn’s view of the world. This this will NOT deal well with large responses that take up a lot of memory, but neither does the CGI nor the original CGIWrapper from Mongrel…

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/unicorn/cgi_wrapper.rb', line 60

def initialize(rack_env, *args)
  @env_table = rack_env
  @status = nil
  @head = {}
  @headv = Hash.new { |hash,key| hash[key] = [] }
  @body = StringIO.new("")

Instance Attribute Details

#body (readonly)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/unicorn/cgi_wrapper.rb', line 26

attr_reader :body

#env_table (readonly)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/unicorn/cgi_wrapper.rb', line 25

attr_reader :env_table

Instance Method Details

#header(options = "text/html")

The header is typically called to send back the header. In our case we collect it into a hash for later usage. This can be called multiple times to set different cookies.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/unicorn/cgi_wrapper.rb', line 86

def header(options = "text/html")
  # if they pass in a string then just write the Content-Type
  if String === options
    @head[CONTENT_TYPE] ||= options
    HEADER_MAP.each_pair do |from, to|
      from = options.delete(from) or next
      @head[to] = from.to_s

    @head[CONTENT_TYPE] ||= "text/html"
    if charset = options.delete(CHARSET)
      @head[CONTENT_TYPE] << "; charset=#{charset}"

    # lots of ways to set cookies
    if cookie = options.delete(COOKIE)
      set_cookies = @headv[SET_COOKIE]
      case cookie
      when Array
        cookie.each { |c| set_cookies << c.to_s }
      when Hash
        cookie.each_value { |c| set_cookies << c.to_s }
        set_cookies << cookie.to_s
    @status ||= options.delete(STATUS) # all lower-case

    # drop the keys we don't want anymore

    # finally, set the rest of the headers as-is, allowing duplicates
    options.each_pair { |k,v| @headv[k] << v }

  # doing this fakes out the cgi library to think the headers are empty
  # we then do the real headers in the out function call later

#out(options = "text/html")

The dumb thing is people can call header or this or both and in any order. So, we just reuse header and then finalize the HttpResponse the right way. This will have no effect if called the second time if the first “outputted” anything.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/unicorn/cgi_wrapper.rb', line 132

def out(options = "text/html")
  @body.size == 0 or return
  @body << yield if block_given?


finalizes the response in a way Rack applications would expect

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/unicorn/cgi_wrapper.rb', line 70

def rack_response
  # @head[CONTENT_LENGTH] ||= @body.size
  @headv[SET_COOKIE].concat(@output_cookies) if @output_cookies
  @headv.each_pair do |key,value|
    @head[key] ||= value.join("\n") unless value.empty?

  # Capitalized "Status:", with human-readable status code (e.g. "200 OK")
  @status ||= @head.delete(Status)

  [ @status || 500, @head, [ @body.string ] ]


Used to wrap the normal stdinput variable used inside CGI.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/unicorn/cgi_wrapper.rb', line 139

def stdinput


return a pointer to the StringIO body since it’s STDOUT-like

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/unicorn/cgi_wrapper.rb', line 144

def stdoutput