
Documentation Guide

The Ruby API docs was originally generated using a custom proprietary tool which loosely used RDoc syntax.

In 2016 they got migrated to use YARD as documentation engine, still using RDoc syntax.

The documentation is generated from our internal C++ source code. These stubs are generated automatically using a custom YARD template.

We accept improvements to the API documentations via Pull Requests to the https://github.com/SketchUp/ruby-api-stubs repository.

Upon a Pull Request we will review the changes and maybe request some tweaks. Once we're ready to merge this we will pull your development branch and run a tool which will back-port the documentation changes to our C++ source.

Then we'll regenerate the documentation and stubs - finally closing the Pull Request.

Syntax Style

This document will act as a guide for how we want the documentation to be formatted. We will expand upon it as we go along and questions arise. Feel free to contribute with suggestions.

One recent class to refer to for examples is ::UI::HtmlDialog.


Tag Descriptions

Tag descriptions should be full sentence (capitalized with proper punctuation.)


Not so good

- the entities search context, or {Model#entities} if none.


The entities context in which to search. (Defaults to the current model's entities.)

@param tags

@param tags should follow this format:

@param [types] name Full sentence (capitalized with proper punctuation.)

Example (imagine a search or find method):

Not so good

@param [Sketchup::Entities] entities - the {Sketchup::Entities} search context, or Model{Model#entities} if none.


# @param [Sketchup::Entities] entities The entities context in which to search. Defaults to the current model's entities.

@return tags

Often the @return tag doesn't need much more than the type returned as the method name and description is enough information:

# <method description>
# @return [Geom::Transformation]
def transformation

In the existing docs there will often be methods that return true or false to indicate success. In these cases there is no need to express that in the documentation comments. When a method return a boolean the convention is so common that there is no need to repeat it.

# @return [Boolean]
def add_observer
