
Module: SimpleCov::SimulateCoverage

Relationships & Source Files
Defined in: lib/simplecov/simulate_coverage.rb


Responsible for producing file coverage metrics.

Class Method Summary

Class Method Details

.call(absolute_path) ⇒ Hash (mod_func)

Simulate normal file coverage report on ruby 2.5 and return similar hash with lines and branches keys

Happens when a file wasn’t required but still tracked.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/simplecov/simulate_coverage.rb', line 18

def call(absolute_path)
  lines = File.foreach(absolute_path)

    "lines" => LinesClassifier.new.classify(lines),
    # we don't want to parse branches ourselves...
    # requiring files can have side effects and we don't want to trigger that
    "branches" => {}