
Class: SimpleCov::Result

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, Forwardable
Inherits: Object
Defined in: lib/simplecov/result.rb


A simplecov code coverage result, initialized from the Hash Ruby’s built-in coverage library generates (Coverage.result).

Class Method Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

Instance Method Summary

  • #filenames

    Returns all filenames for source files contained in this result.

  • #format!

    Applies the configured SimpleCov.formatter on this result.

  • #groups

    Returns a Hash of groups for this result.

  • #to_hash

    Returns a hash representation of this Result that can be used for marshalling it into JSON.

  • #coverage private
  • #filter! private

    Applies all configured ::SimpleCov filters on this result’s source files.

Constructor Details

.new(original_result, command_name: nil, created_at: nil) ⇒ Result

Initialize a new Result from given Coverage.result (a Hash of filenames each containing an array of coverage data)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/simplecov/result.rb', line 28

def initialize(original_result, command_name: nil, created_at: nil)
  result = original_result
  @original_result = result.freeze
  @command_name = command_name
  @created_at = created_at
  @files = SimpleCov::FileList.new(result.map do |filename, coverage|
    SimpleCov::SourceFile.new(filename, JSON.parse(JSON.dump(coverage))) if File.file?(filename)

Class Method Details


Loads a #to_hash dump

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/simplecov/result.rb', line 76

def self.from_hash(hash)
  hash.map do |command_name, data|
    new(data.fetch("coverage"), command_name: command_name, created_at: Time.at(data["timestamp"]))

Instance Attribute Details

#command_name (rw)

The command name that launched this result. Delegated to SimpleCov.command_name if not set manually

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/simplecov/result.rb', line 61

def command_name
  @command_name ||= SimpleCov.command_name

#command_name=(value) (rw)

Explicitly set the command name that was used for this coverage result. Defaults to SimpleCov.command_name

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/simplecov/result.rb', line 21

attr_writer :command_name

#created_at (rw)

Defines when this result has been created. Defaults to Time.now

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/simplecov/result.rb', line 55

def created_at
  @created_at ||= Time.now

#created_at=(value) (rw)

Explicitly set the Time this result has been created

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/simplecov/result.rb', line 19

attr_writer :created_at

#files (readonly) Also known as: #source_files

Returns all files that are applicable to this result (sans filters!) as instances of SourceFile. Aliased as :source_files

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/simplecov/result.rb', line 16

attr_reader :files

#original_result (readonly)

Returns the original Coverage.result used for this instance of Result

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/simplecov/result.rb', line 14

attr_reader :original_result

#source_files (readonly)

Alias for #files.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/simplecov/result.rb', line 17

alias source_files files

Instance Method Details

#coverage (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/simplecov/result.rb', line 84

def coverage
  keys = original_result.keys & filenames


Returns all filenames for source files contained in this result

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/simplecov/result.rb', line 40

def filenames

#filter! (private)

Applies all configured ::SimpleCov filters on this result’s source files

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/simplecov/result.rb', line 90

def filter!
  @files = SimpleCov.filtered(files)


Applies the configured SimpleCov.formatter on this result

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/simplecov/result.rb', line 50

def format!


Returns a Hash of groups for this result. Define groups using SimpleCov.add_group ‘Models’, ‘app/models’

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/simplecov/result.rb', line 45

def groups
  @groups ||= SimpleCov.grouped(files)


Returns a hash representation of this Result that can be used for marshalling it into JSON

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/simplecov/result.rb', line 66

def to_hash
    command_name => {
      "coverage" => coverage,
      "timestamp" => created_at.to_i