
Class: Gem::Commands::EnvironmentCommand

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
Inherits: Gem::Command
Defined in: lib/rubygems/commands/environment_command.rb

Constant Summary

::Gem::Command - Inherited


Class Attribute Summary

::Gem::Command - Inherited


Arguments used when building gems.

.build_args=, .extra_args, .extra_args=

Class Method Summary

::Gem::Command - Inherited


Add a list of extra arguments for the given command.


Initializes a generic gem command named command.


Return an array of extra arguments for the command.


Accessor for the specific extra args hash (self initializing).

Instance Attribute Summary

::Gem::Command - Inherited


The name of the command.


The default options for the command.


The options for the command.


The name of the command for command-line invocation.


A short description of the command.

::Gem::DefaultUserInteraction - Included

Instance Method Summary

::Gem::Command - Inherited


Adds extra args from ~/.gemrc.


Add a command-line option and handler to the command.


Override to provide details of the arguments a command takes.


True if long begins with the characters from short.


Override to display the default values of the command options.


Mark a command-line option as deprecated, and optionally specify a deprecation horizon.


Override to display a longer description of what this command does.


Override to provide command handling.


Get all gem names from the command line.


Get all [gem, version] from the command line.


Get a single gem name from the command line.


Get a single optional argument from the command line.


Handle the given list of arguments by parsing them and recording the results.


True if the command handles the given argument list.


Invoke the command with the given list of arguments.


Invoke the command with the given list of normal arguments and additional build arguments.


Merge a set of command options with the set of default options (without modifying the default option hash).


Remove previously defined command-line argument name.


Display the help message for the command.


Display to the user that a gem couldn’t be found and reasons why –.


Override to display the usage for an individual gem command.


Call the given block when invoked.


Adds a section with title and content to the parser help view.


Creates an option parser and fills it in with the help info for the command.


Create on demand parser.


Wraps text to width

#extract_gem_name_and_version, #add_parser_description, #add_parser_options, #add_parser_summary

::Gem::UserInteraction - Included


Displays an alert statement.


Displays an error statement to the error output location.


Displays a warning statement to the warning output location.


Asks a question and returns the answer.


Asks for a password with a prompt


Asks a yes or no question.


Asks the user to answer question with an answer from the given list.


Displays the given statement on the standard output (or equivalent).


Terminates the RubyGems process with the given exit_code


Calls say with msg or the results of the block if really_verbose is true.

::Gem::DefaultUserInteraction - Included

::Gem::Text - Included


Remove any non-printable characters and make the text suitable for printing.


Wraps text to wrap characters and optionally indents by indent characters.


Returns a value representing the “cost” of transforming str1 into str2 Vendored version of DidYouMean::Levenshtein.distance from the ruby/did_you_mean gem @ 1.4.0 github.com/ruby/did_you_mean/blob/2ddf39b874808685965dbc47d344cf6c7651807c/lib/did_you_mean/levenshtein.rb#L7-L37.

#truncate_text, #min3

Constructor Details


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/commands/environment_command.rb', line 6

def initialize
  super "environment", "Display information about the RubyGems environment"

Instance Method Details

#add_path(out, path)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/commands/environment_command.rb', line 103

def add_path(out, path)
  path.each do |component|
    out << "     - #{component}\n"


This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/commands/environment_command.rb', line 10

def arguments # :nodoc:
  args = <<-EOF
        home            display the path where gems are installed. Aliases: gemhome, gemdir, GEM_HOME
        path            display path used to search for gems. Aliases: gempath, GEM_PATH
        user_gemhome    display the path where gems are installed when `--user-install` is given. Aliases: user_gemdir
        version         display the gem format version
        remotesources   display the remote gem servers
        platform        display the supported gem platforms
        credentials     display the path where credentials are stored
        <omitted>       display everything
  args.gsub(/^\s+/, "")


This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/commands/environment_command.rb', line 24

def description # :nodoc:
The environment command lets you query rubygems for its configuration for
use in shell scripts or as a debugging aid.

The RubyGems environment can be controlled through command line arguments,
gemrc files, environment variables and built-in defaults.

Command line argument defaults and some RubyGems defaults can be set in a
~/.gemrc file for individual users and a gemrc in the SYSTEM CONFIGURATION
DIRECTORY for all users. These files are YAML files with the following YAML

:sources: A YAML array of remote gem repositories to install gems from
:verbose: Verbosity of the gem command. false, true, and :really are the
:update_sources: Enable/disable automatic updating of repository metadata
:backtrace: Print backtrace when RubyGems encounters an error
:gempath: The paths in which to look for gems
:disable_default_gem_server: Force specification of gem server host on push
<gem_command>: A string containing arguments for the specified gem command


:verbose: false
install: --no-wrappers
update: --no-wrappers
:disable_default_gem_server: true

RubyGems' default local repository can be overridden with the GEM_PATH and
GEM_HOME environment variables. GEM_HOME sets the default repository to
install into. GEM_PATH allows multiple local repositories to be searched for

If you are behind a proxy server, RubyGems uses the HTTP_PROXY,
HTTP_PROXY_USER and HTTP_PROXY_PASS environment variables to discover the
proxy server.

If you would like to push gems to a private gem server the RUBYGEMS_HOST
environment variable can be set to the URI for that server.

If you are packaging RubyGems all of RubyGems' defaults are in
lib/rubygems/defaults.rb.  You may override these in


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/commands/environment_command.rb', line 75

def execute
  out = String.new
  arg = options[:args][0]
  out <<
    case arg
    when /^version/ then
    when /^gemdir/, /^gemhome/, /^home/, /^GEM_HOME/ then
    when /^gempath/, /^path/, /^GEM_PATH/ then
    when /^user_gemdir/, /^user_gemhome/ then
    when /^remotesources/ then
    when /^platform/ then
    when /^credentials/, /^creds/ then
    when nil then
      raise Gem::CommandLineError, "Unknown environment option [#{arg}]"
  say out

#git_path (private)

Git binary path

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/commands/environment_command.rb', line 170

def git_path
  exts = ENV["PATHEXT"] ? ENV["PATHEXT"].split(";") : [""]
  ENV["PATH"].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).each do |path|
    exts.each do |ext|
      exe = File.join(path, "git#{ext}")
      return exe if File.executable?(exe) && !File.directory?(exe)



This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/commands/environment_command.rb', line 109

def show_environment # :nodoc:
  out = "RubyGems Environment:\n".dup

  out << "  - RUBYGEMS VERSION: #{Gem::VERSION}\n"


  out << "  - INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: #{Gem.dir}\n"

  out << "  - USER INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: #{Gem.user_dir}\n"

  out << "  - CREDENTIALS FILE: #{Gem.configuration.credentials_path}\n"

  out << "  - RUBYGEMS PREFIX: #{Gem.prefix}\n" unless Gem.prefix.nil?

  out << "  - RUBY EXECUTABLE: #{Gem.ruby}\n"

  out << "  - GIT EXECUTABLE: #{git_path}\n"

  out << "  - EXECUTABLE DIRECTORY: #{Gem.bindir}\n"

  out << "  - SPEC CACHE DIRECTORY: #{Gem.spec_cache_dir}\n"


  out << "  - RUBYGEMS PLATFORMS:\n"
  Gem.platforms.each do |platform|
    out << "     - #{platform}\n"

  out << "  - GEM PATHS:\n"
  out << "     - #{Gem.dir}\n"

  gem_path = Gem.path.dup
  gem_path.delete Gem.dir
  add_path out, gem_path

  out << "  - GEM CONFIGURATION:\n"
  Gem.configuration.each do |name, value|
    value = value.gsub(/./, "*") if name == "gemcutter_key"
    out << "     - #{name.inspect} => #{value.inspect}\n"

  out << "  - REMOTE SOURCES:\n"
  Gem.sources.each do |s|
    out << "     - #{s}\n"

  out << "  - SHELL PATH:\n"

  shell_path = ENV["PATH"].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)
  add_path out, shell_path



This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rubygems/commands/environment_command.rb', line 71

def usage # :nodoc:
  "#{program_name} [arg]"