

With the ::Reline::Face class, you can modify the text color and text decorations in your terminal emulator. This is primarily used to customize the appearance of the method completion dialog in IRB.


ex: Change the background color of the completion dialog cyan to blue

Reline::Face.config(:completion_dialog) do |conf|
  conf.define :default, foreground: :white, background: :blue
  #                                                     ^^^^^ `:cyan` by default
  conf.define :enhanced, foreground: :white, background: :magenta
  conf.define :scrollbar, foreground: :white, background: :blue

If you provide the above code to an IRB session in some way, you can apply the configuration. It's generally done by writing it in .irbrc.

Regarding .irbrc, please refer to the following link: https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/master/IRB.html

Available parameters

::Reline::Face internally creates SGR (Select Graphic Rendition) code according to the block parameter of Reline::Face.config method.

Key Value SGR Code (numeric part following "\e[")
:foreground :black 30
:red 31
:green 32
:yellow 33
:blue 34
:magenta 35
:cyan 36
:white 37
:bright_black 90
:gray 90
:bright_red 91
:bright_green 92
:bright_yellow 93
:bright_blue 94
:bright_magenta 95
:bright_cyan 96
:bright_white 97
:background :black 40
:red 41
:green 42
:yellow 43
:blue 44
:magenta 45
:cyan 46
:white 47
:bright_black 100
:gray 100
:bright_red 101
:bright_green 102
:bright_yellow 103
:bright_blue 104
:bright_magenta 105
:bright_cyan 106
:bright_white 107
:style :reset 0
:bold 1
:faint 2
:italicized 3
:underlined 4
:slowly_blinking 5
:blinking 5
:rapidly_blinking 6
:negative 7
:concealed 8
:crossed_out 9


You can see the current Face configuration by Reline::Face.configs method


irb(main):001:0> Reline::Face.configs
  {:default=>{:style=>:reset, :escape_sequence=>"\e[0m"},
   :enhanced=>{:style=>:reset, :escape_sequence=>"\e[0m"},
   :scrollbar=>{:style=>:reset, :escape_sequence=>"\e[0m"}},
  {:default=>{:foreground=>:white, :background=>:cyan, :escape_sequence=>"\e[0m\e[37;46m"},
   :enhanced=>{:foreground=>:white, :background=>:magenta, :escape_sequence=>"\e[0m\e[37;45m"},
   :scrollbar=>{:foreground=>:white, :background=>:cyan, :escape_sequence=>"\e[0m\e[37;46m"}}}

256-Color and TrueColor

Reline will automatically detect if your terminal emulator supports truecolor with ENV['COLORTERM] in 'truecolor' | '24bit'. When this env is not set, Reline will fallback to 256-color. If your terminal emulator supports truecolor but does not set COLORTERM env, add this line to .irbrc.
