Module: RBS::Test::Hook
Relationships & Source Files | |
Defined in: | lib/rbs/test/hook.rb |
Constant Summary
# File 'lib/rbs/test/hook.rb', line 9{ :[] => "indexlookup", :[]= => "indexset", :== => "eqeq", :=== => "eqeqeq", :!= => "noteq", :+ => "plus", :- => "minus", :* => "star", :/ => "slash", :> => "gt", :>= => "gteq", :< => "lt", :<= => "lteq", :<=> => "ufo", :& => "amp", :| => "vbar", :^ => "hat", :! => "not", :<< => "lshift", :>> => "rshift", :~ => "tilda", :=~ => "eqtilda", :% => "percent", :+@ => "unary_plus", :-@ => "unary_minus" }
Class Method Summary
Class Method Details
.alias_names(target, random)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rbs/test/hook.rb', line 36
def self.alias_names(target, random) suffix = "#{RBS::Test.suffix}_#{random}" case target when *OPERATORS.keys name = OPERATORS[target] [ "#{name}____with__#{suffix}", "#{name}____without__#{suffix}" ] else aliased_target, punctuation = target.to_s.sub(/([?!=])$/, ''), $1 [ "#{aliased_target}__with__#{suffix}#{punctuation}", "#{aliased_target}__without__#{suffix}#{punctuation}" ] end end
.hook_instance_method(klass, method, key:)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rbs/test/hook.rb', line 188
def self.hook_instance_method(klass, method, key:) random = SecureRandom.hex(4) params = klass.instance_method(method).parameters line, source = hook_method_source("#{klass}#", method, key, random: random, params: params) klass.module_eval(source, __FILE__, line) setup_alias_method_chain klass, method, random: random end
.hook_method_source(prefix, method_name, key, random:, params:)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rbs/test/hook.rb', line 76
def self.hook_method_source(prefix, method_name, key, random:, params:) with_name, without_name = alias_names(method_name, random) full_method_name = "#{prefix}#{method_name}" param_source = params.take_while {|param| param[0] == :req } .map.with_index {|pair, index| pair[1] || "__req__#{random}__#{index}" } param_source.push("*rest_args__#{random}") block_param = "block__#{random}" RBS.logger.debug { "Generating method definition: def #{with_name}(#{param_source.join(", ")}, &#{block_param}) ..." } [__LINE__ + 1, <<RUBY] def #{with_name}(#{param_source.join(", ")}, &#{block_param}) args = [#{param_source.join(", ")}] ::RBS.logger.debug { "#{full_method_name} with arguments: [" +", ") + "]" } begin return_from_call = false block_calls = [] if block_given? receiver = self block_receives_block = #{block_param}.parameters.last&.yield_self {|type, _| type == :block } wrapped_block = proc do |*block_args, &block2| return_from_block = false begin block_result = if receiver.equal?(self) if block_receives_block #{block_param}.call(*block_args, &block2) else yield(*block_args) end else instance_exec(*block_args, &#{block_param}) end return_from_block = true ensure exn = $! case when return_from_block # Returned from yield block_calls << ::RBS::Test::ArgumentsReturn.return( arguments: block_args, value: block_result ) when exn # Exception block_calls << ::RBS::Test::ArgumentsReturn.exception( arguments: block_args, exception: exn ) else # break? block_calls << ::RBS::Test::ArgumentsReturn.break( arguments: block_args ) end end block_result end.ruby2_keywords result = __send__(:"#{without_name}", *args, &wrapped_block) else result = __send__(:"#{without_name}", *args) end return_from_call = true result ensure exn = $! case when return_from_call ::RBS.logger.debug { "#{full_method_name} return with value: " + result.inspect } method_call = ::RBS::Test::ArgumentsReturn.return( arguments: args, value: result ) when exn ::RBS.logger.debug { "#{full_method_name} exit with exception: " + exn.inspect } method_call = ::RBS::Test::ArgumentsReturn.exception( arguments: args, exception: exn ) else ::RBS.logger.debug { "#{full_method_name} exit with jump" } method_call = ::RBS::Test::ArgumentsReturn.break(arguments: args) end trace = method_name: #{method_name.inspect}, method_call: method_call, block_calls: block_calls, block_given: block_given?, ) ::RBS::Test::Observer.notify(#{key.inspect}, self, trace) end result end ruby2_keywords :#{with_name} RUBY end
.hook_singleton_method(klass, method, key:)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rbs/test/hook.rb', line 197
def self.hook_singleton_method(klass, method, key:) random = SecureRandom.hex(4) params = klass.method(method).parameters line, source = hook_method_source("#{klass}.",method, key, random: random, params: params) klass.singleton_class.module_eval(source, __FILE__, line) setup_alias_method_chain klass.singleton_class, method, random: random end
.setup_alias_method_chain(klass, target, random:)
[ GitHub ]# File 'lib/rbs/test/hook.rb', line 56
def self.setup_alias_method_chain(klass, target, random:) with_method, without_method = alias_names(target, random) RBS.logger.debug "alias name: #{target}, #{with_method}, #{without_method}" klass.instance_eval do alias_method without_method, target alias_method target, with_method case when public_method_defined?(without_method) public target when protected_method_defined?(without_method) protected target when private_method_defined?(without_method) private target end end end