
Class: Psych::Stream::Emitter

Do not use. This class is for internal use only.
Relationships & Source Files
Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance Descendants
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
Inherits: Psych::Emitter
Defined in: ext/psych/lib/psych/stream.rb

Constant Summary

::Psych::Handler - Inherited


Class Method Summary

::Psych::Emitter - Inherited


Create a new ::Psych::Emitter that writes to io.

Instance Attribute Summary

::Psych::Emitter - Inherited


Get the output style, canonical or not.


::Psych::Set the output style to canonical, or not.


Get the indentation level.


::Psych::Set the indentation level to level.


Get the preferred line width.


::Psych::Set the preferred line with to width.

::Psych::Handler - Inherited


Is this handler a streaming handler?

Instance Method Summary

::Psych::Emitter - Inherited


Emit an alias with anchor.


End a document emission with an implicit ending.


Emit the end of a mapping.


End sequence emission.


End a stream emission.


Emit a scalar with value, anchor, tag, and a plain or quoted string type with style.


Start a document emission with YAML version, tags, and an implicit start.


Start emitting a YAML map with anchor, tag, an implicit start and end, and style.


Start emitting a sequence with anchor, a tag, implicit sequence start and end, along with style.


Start a stream emission with encoding

::Psych::Handler - Inherited


Called when an alias is found to anchor.


Called when an empty event happens.


Called with the document ends.


Called when a map ends.


Called when a sequence ends.


Called when the YAML stream ends.


Called before each event with line/column information.


Called when a scalar value is found.


Called when the document starts with the declared version, tag_directives, if the document is implicit.


Called when a map starts.


Called when a sequence is started.


Called with encoding when the YAML stream starts.

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Psych::Emitter

Instance Attribute Details

#streaming?Boolean (readonly)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/psych/lib/psych/stream.rb', line 30

def streaming?

Instance Method Details

#end_document(implicit_end = !streaming?)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/psych/lib/psych/stream.rb', line 26

def end_document implicit_end = !streaming?