
Class: Net::IMAP::SASL::ScramAuthenticator

Relationships & Source Files
Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance Descendants
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Instance Chain:
Inherits: Object
Defined in: lib/net/imap/sasl/scram_authenticator.rb


Abstract base class for the “SCRAM-*” family of ::Net::IMAP::SASL mechanisms, defined in RFC5802. Use via Net::IMAP#authenticate.

Directly supported:

New SCRAM-* mechanisms can easily be added for any hash algorithm supported by OpenSSL::Digest. Subclasses need only set an appropriate DIGEST_NAME constant.

SCRAM algorithm

See the documentation and method definitions on ScramAlgorithm for an overview of the algorithm. The different mechanisms differ only by which hash function that is used (or by support for channel binding with -PLUS).

See also the methods on GS2Header.

Server messages

As server messages are received, they are validated and loaded into the various attributes, e.g: #snonce, #salt, #iterations, #verifier, #server_error, etc.

Unlike many other ::Net::IMAP::SASL mechanisms, the SCRAM-* family supports mutual authentication and can return server error data in the server messages. If #process raises an Error for the server-final-message, then server_error may contain error details.

TLS Channel binding

The SCRAM-*-PLUS mechanisms and channel binding are not supported yet.

Caching SCRAM secrets

Caching of salted_password, client_key, stored_key, and server_key is not supported yet.

Constant Summary

GS2Header - Included


Class Method Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

Instance Method Summary

ScramAlgorithm - Included

GS2Header - Included


The RFC5801 §4 gs2-authzid header, when #authzid is not empty.


The RFC5801 §4 gs2-cb-flag:


The RFC5801 §4 gs2-header, which prefixes the #initial_client_response.


Encodes str to match RFC5801_SASLNAME.

Constructor Details

.new(username, password, **options) ⇒ auth_ctx .new(username:, password:, **options) ⇒ auth_ctx .new(authcid:, password:, **options) ⇒ auth_ctx

Creates an authenticator for one of the “SCRAM-*::Net::IMAP::SASL mechanisms. Each subclass defines #digest to match a specific mechanism.

Called by Net::IMAP#authenticate and similar methods on other clients.


Any other keyword parameters are quietly ignored.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/sasl/scram_authenticator.rb', line 80

def initialize(username_arg = nil, password_arg = nil,
               authcid: nil, username: nil,
               authzid: nil,
               password: nil, secret: nil,
               min_iterations: 4096, # see both RFC5802 and RFC7677
               cnonce: nil, # must only be set in tests
  @username = username || username_arg || authcid or
    raise ArgumentError, "missing username (authcid)"
  @password = password || secret || password_arg or
    raise ArgumentError, "missing password"
  @authzid = authzid

  @min_iterations = Integer min_iterations
  @min_iterations.positive? or
    raise ArgumentError, "min_iterations must be positive"

  @cnonce = cnonce || SecureRandom.base64(32)

Instance Attribute Details

#authcid (readonly)

Alias for #username.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/sasl/scram_authenticator.rb', line 108

alias authcid username

#authzid (readonly)

Authorization identity: an identity to act as or on behalf of. The identity form is application protocol specific. If not provided or left blank, the server derives an authorization identity from the authentication identity. For example, an administrator or superuser might take on another role:

imap.authenticate "SCRAM-SHA-256", "root", passwd, authzid: "user"

The server is responsible for verifying the client’s credentials and verifying that the identity it associates with the client’s authentication identity is allowed to act as (or on behalf of) the authorization identity.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/sasl/scram_authenticator.rb', line 126

attr_reader :authzid

#cnonce (readonly)

The client nonce, generated by SecureRandom

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/sasl/scram_authenticator.rb', line 133

attr_reader :cnonce

#done?Boolean (readonly)

Is the authentication exchange complete?

If false, another server continuation is required.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/sasl/scram_authenticator.rb', line 185

def done?; @state == :done end

#iterations (readonly)

The iteration count for the selected hash function and user

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/sasl/scram_authenticator.rb', line 142

attr_reader :iterations

#min_iterations (readonly)

The minimal allowed iteration count. Lower #iterations will raise an Error.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/sasl/scram_authenticator.rb', line 130

attr_reader :min_iterations

#password (readonly) Also known as: #secret

A password or passphrase that matches the #username.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/sasl/scram_authenticator.rb', line 111

attr_reader :password

#salt (readonly)

The salt used by the server for this user

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/sasl/scram_authenticator.rb', line 139

attr_reader :salt

#secret (readonly)

Alias for #password.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/sasl/scram_authenticator.rb', line 112

alias secret password

#server_error (readonly)

An error reported by the server during the SASL exchange.

Does not include errors reported by the protocol, e.g. ::Net::IMAP::NoResponseError.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/sasl/scram_authenticator.rb', line 148

attr_reader :server_error

#server_first_message (readonly, private)

Need to store this for auth_message

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/sasl/scram_authenticator.rb', line 190

attr_reader :server_first_message

#snonce (readonly)

The server nonce, which must start with #cnonce

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/sasl/scram_authenticator.rb', line 136

attr_reader :snonce

#username (readonly) Also known as: #authcid

Authentication identity: the identity that matches the #password.

RFC-2831 uses the term username. “Authentication identity” is the generic term used by RFC-4422. RFC-4616 and many later RFCs abbreviate this to #authcid.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/sasl/scram_authenticator.rb', line 107

attr_reader :username

Instance Method Details

#cbind_input (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/sasl/scram_authenticator.rb', line 251

alias cbind_input gs2_header

#client_final_message_without_proof (private)

See RFC5802 §7 client-final-message-without-proof.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/sasl/scram_authenticator.rb', line 240

def client_final_message_without_proof
  @client_final_message_without_proof ||=
    format_message(c: [cbind_input].pack("m0"), # channel-binding
                   r: snonce)                   # nonce

#client_first_message_bare (private)

See RFC5802 §7 client-first-message-bare.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/sasl/scram_authenticator.rb', line 225

def client_first_message_bare
  @client_first_message_bare ||=
    format_message(n: gs2_saslname_encode(SASL.saslprep(username)),
                   r: cnonce)


Returns a new OpenSSL::Digest object, set to the appropriate hash function for the chosen mechanism.

The class’s DIGEST_NAME constant must be set to the name of an algorithm supported by OpenSSL::Digest.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/sasl/scram_authenticator.rb', line 155

def digest; OpenSSL::Digest.new self.class::DIGEST_NAME end

#final_message_with_proof (private)

See RFC5802 §7 client-final-message.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/sasl/scram_authenticator.rb', line 233

def final_message_with_proof
  proof = [client_proof].pack("m0")

#format_message(hash) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/sasl/scram_authenticator.rb', line 192

def format_message(hash) hash.map { _1.join("=") }.join(",") end


See RFC5802 §7 client-first-message.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/sasl/scram_authenticator.rb', line 159

def initial_client_response

#parse_challenge(challenge) (private)

RFC5802 specifies “that the order of attributes in client or server messages is fixed, with the exception of extension attributes”, but this parses it simply as a hash, without respect to order. Note that repeated keys (violating the spec) will use the last value.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/sasl/scram_authenticator.rb', line 257

def parse_challenge(challenge)
  challenge.split(/,/).to_h {|pair| pair.split(/=/, 2) }
rescue ArgumentError
  raise Error, "unparsable challenge: %p" % [challenge]


responds to the server’s challenges

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/sasl/scram_authenticator.rb', line 164

def process(challenge)
  case (@state ||= :initial_client_response)
  when :initial_client_response
    initial_client_response.tap { @state = :server_first_message }
  when :server_first_message
    recv_server_first_message challenge
    final_message_with_proof.tap { @state = :server_final_message }
  when :server_final_message
    recv_server_final_message challenge
    "".tap { @state = :done }
    raise Error, "server sent after complete, %p" % [challenge]
rescue Exception => ex
  @state = ex

#recv_server_final_message(server_final_message) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/sasl/scram_authenticator.rb', line 211

def recv_server_final_message(server_final_message)
  sparams = parse_challenge server_final_message
  @server_error = sparams["e"] and
    raise Error, "server error: %s" % [server_error]
  verifier = sparams["v"].unpack1("m") or
    raise Error, "server did not send verifier"
  verifier == server_signature or
    raise Error, "server verify failed: %p != %p" % [
      server_signature, verifier

#recv_server_first_message(server_first_message) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/net/imap/sasl/scram_authenticator.rb', line 194

def recv_server_first_message(server_first_message)
  @server_first_message = server_first_message
  sparams = parse_challenge server_first_message
  @snonce = sparams["r"] or
    raise Error, "server did not send nonce"
  @salt = sparams["s"]&.unpack1("m") or
    raise Error, "server did not send salt"
  @iterations = sparams["i"]&.then {|i| Integer i } or
    raise Error, "server did not send iteration count"
  min_iterations <= iterations or
    raise Error, "too few iterations: %d" % [iterations]
  mext = sparams["m"] and
    raise Error, "mandatory extension: %p" % [mext]
  snonce.start_with? cnonce or
    raise Error, "invalid server nonce"