
Module: Minitest::Guard

Relationships & Source Files
Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance Descendants
Extended In:
Included In:
Defined in: lib/minitest.rb


Provides a simple set of guards that you can use in your tests to skip execution if it is not applicable. These methods are mixed into Test as both instance and class methods so you can use them inside or outside of the test methods.

def test_something_for_mri
  skip "bug 1234"  if jruby?
  # ...

if windows? then
  # ... lots of test methods ...

Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Details

#jruby?(platform = RUBY_PLATFORM) ⇒ Boolean

Is this running on jruby?

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/minitest.rb', line 1124

def jruby? platform = RUBY_PLATFORM
  "java" == platform

#maglev?(platform = defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) && RUBY_ENGINE) ⇒ Boolean

Is this running on maglev?

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/minitest.rb', line 1131

def maglev? platform = defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) && RUBY_ENGINE
  where = Minitest.filter_backtrace(caller).first
  where = where.split(":in ", 2).first # clean up noise
  warn "DEPRECATED: `maglev?` called from #{where}. This will fail in Minitest 6."
  "maglev" == platform

#mri?(platform = RUBY_DESCRIPTION) ⇒ Boolean

Is this running on mri?

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/minitest.rb', line 1141

def mri? platform = RUBY_DESCRIPTION
  platform.start_with? "ruby"

#osx?(platform = RUBY_PLATFORM) ⇒ Boolean

Is this running on macOS?

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/minitest.rb', line 1148

def osx? platform = RUBY_PLATFORM
  platform.include? "darwin"

#rubinius?(platform = defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) && RUBY_ENGINE) ⇒ Boolean

Is this running on rubinius?

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/minitest.rb', line 1155

def rubinius? platform = defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) && RUBY_ENGINE
  where = Minitest.filter_backtrace(caller).first
  where = where.split(":in ", 2).first # clean up noise
  warn "DEPRECATED: `rubinius?` called from #{where}. This will fail in Minitest 6."
  "rbx" == platform

#windows?(platform = RUBY_PLATFORM) ⇒ Boolean

Is this running on windows?

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/minitest.rb', line 1165

def windows? platform = RUBY_PLATFORM
  /mswin|mingw/.match? platform